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Iran: Overturn Death Sentences, Other Unfair Convictions

          Iran: Overturn Death Sentnes, Other Uiiair Convictions Human Rigits. . http://wwwhrw.org/es/rcws/2009/1O/26/iran-overturn-death-sentences-o...
          HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH http://www.hrw.org
          Iran: Overturn Death Sentences, Other Unfair Convictions
          (NewYork) - The Iranian Judiciary should immediately quash the convictions that have been
          handed down by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran since the end of September against
          defendants accused of inciting post-election unrest, Human Rights Watch said today. The
          convictions all stem from unfair trials in which the accused were denied access to lawyers.
          The authorities repeatedly denied the prisoners' requests for access to lawyers during pre-trial
          detention that in many cases lasted months, and their requests at their trials for lawyers of their
          choice were refused, Human Rights Watch said. The wife of one of the sentenced prisoners told
          Human Rights Watch that her husband was told he would not leave the prison any time soon if
          he did not agree to write a confession.
          “Death sentences following unfair trials expose the mockery of Iran's judicial system,”
          said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch.
          “Those responsible need to quash these verdicts and sentences, and ensure that everyone detained, or put on trial, has free and regular
          access to a lawyer of their choosing.”
          Scores of prominent reformist pollticians, intellectuals, journalists, clerics, student leaders, and others have been put on trial before
          courts that do not meet international fair trial standards following the nationwide protests against the disputed results of Iran's elections
          on June 12, 2009.
          Human Rights Watch also said today that it is especially concerned about the condition of the Iranian-Canadian blogger Hossein
          Derakhshan who was arrested in October 2008 and has been in prison ever since.
          With regard to the trials, on September 30, Alireza Avaie, head of the Tehran Justice Department, told reporters that the Revolutionary
          Court had issued preliminary verdicts against 20 political prisoners arrested after the presidential elections. He did not give names or the
          length of the sentences. Since then, authorities have announced more than 10 additional sentences - four death sentences and others
          ranging from five to 12 years.
          All 30 of the prisoners had been held for months without access to lawyers, much of that time in solitary confinement. The authorities
          assigned them lawyers at their trials, but there was no time to prepare their defense and the court-appointed lawyers have not
          represented them properly. This was the experience in all of the cases noted below, which are among the 10 most recent sentences and
          include those that were sentenced to death.
          On October 20, the Revolutionary Court sentenced Kian Tajbakhsh, an Iranian-American scholar, to more than 12 years in prison.
          Authorities arrested Tajbakhsh, 47, on July 9 and later charged him with acting against national security for participating in Gulf 2000,
          Post-Election Protesters Were Denied Access to Lawyers
          Octubre 26, 2009
          Otros documentos:
          More Human Rights Watch
          reporting on Iran
          Death sentences following unfair
          trials expose the mockery of Iran's
          judicial system. Those responsible
          need to quash these verdicts and
          sentences, and ensure that
          everyone detained, or put on trial,
          has free and regular access to a
          lawyer of their choosing.
          Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North
          Africa director at Human Rights Watch
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          11/23/2009 3:27 PM
          Iran: Overturn Death Sentextes, Other Urfair Convictions HtunanRiglts ,.. http://www ,hrw ,org/es/xews/2009/1O/26/iran-overturn-death-sentences-o ,..
          an internet forum housed at Columbia University, and for working for the Open Society Institute. At Tajbakhsh's trial, the appointed
          lawyer simply called the accusations against his client “untenable,” but did nothing else to challenge the accusations
          On October 17, the court sentenced Shahab Tabatabai, a senior member of Mir Hossein Mousavi's campaign, to five years in prison for
          “acting against national security.” He was arrested on June 18.
          On October 17, Hedayat Aghaei, a prominent politician from the reformist political party Kargozaran who was arrested on June 18, was
          sentenced to five years in prison for “disrupting the public order by provoking people to riot” and “acting against national security.”
          On October18, the Revolutionary Court sentenced Masoud Bastani, ajournãlist arrested on June 25, to six years in prison for
          “propaganda against the government” and his alleged role in the post election unrest.
          On October 17, the Revolutionary Court sentenced Saeed Ha jarian, 55, a prominent reformist who had been disabled in an
          assassination attempt in 2000, to a five-year suspended sentence for allegedily inciting post-election unrest. He was held without charge
          for more than 100 days and released on September 30. He did not receive adequate medical care throughout his detention and trial.
          On October10, the Judiciary announced that two men identified only by their initials, M.Z. and A.P., had been sentenced to death. Both
          were members of the KinddamAssemblyoflran, agroupthatwants to restore the monarchy. “M.Z.” isbelievedtobe MohamadAll
          Zamani who was arrested before the June 12 election. His name is included in the group indictment of post-election arrests. Another
          man, with the initials N.A., was sentenced to death for being a member of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), a dissident
          group largely operating from exile.
          Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified by Iran in 1975, requires all persons facing a criminal
          charge be given the right to defend themselves through legal assistance of their own choosing. Human Rights Watch opposes the death
          penalty in all circumstances due to its inherently cruelty and irreversible nature.
          With regard to Denkhshan, the Iranian-Canadian blogger, a source close to his family told Human Rights Watch that he has been in
          solitary confinement for more than nine months and has been allowed to meet his family just twice. The source said that Derakhshan
          had been tortured and put under enormous pressure to write false confessions that might be used against him and others in trial.
          Derakhshan's family has been threatened that if they speak out it will harm their son's case.
          Other sources told Human Rights Watch that the authorities have accused him of spying and that he was coerced into a confession that
          implicated prominent reformists and activists arrested after the presidential election for purported “soft revolution” activities. They said
          that the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps intelligence service is holding him in solitary confinement in a section of Evin prison under
          their control.
          Tajbakhsh, Tabatabai, Aghaei, Bastani, and Hajjarian were put on trial on August 26. After being held in solitary confinement for weeks,
          denied access to their lawyers throughout their detention and trial, and permitted very limited access to their families, they testified
          against themselves and their colleagues.
          Four post-election trials have been held at Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran. Authorities have allowed only reporters
          from pro-government media to cover the proceedings, which were presided over by Judge Abolqasem Salavati. Local and foreign
          reporters, families of detainees, and their lawyers were not permitted to attend the trials.
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          Iran: Overturn Death Sentextes, Other Urfair Convictions HtunanRiglts ,.. http://www ,hrw ,org/es/xews/2009/1O/26/iran-overturn-death-sentences-o ,..
          Under Iranian law, individuals may appeal their sentences, which must be upheld by both the appeals court and the Supreme Court
          before they are carried out.
          On October 20, Abbas Jaffari, Tehran's general prosecutor, said that the investigation of 12 other prominent political prisoners allegedily
          involved in post-election unrest has concluded and that their indictment has been sent to the Revolutionary Court.
          También disponible en
          http://www.hrw.org/es/news/2oo9/ 1 o/26/iran-overturn-death-sentenoes-other-unfair-oonv lotions
          © Copyright 2008, Human Rights Watch
          3 of3 11/23/2009 3:27 PM

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