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Iran slams ‘behind the scene’ Western interference

          Iran slams ‘behird the scen& Western irterferer e littp://www.presstv.lr/detailaspx?id—103025
          Tue Aug 11,2009116:03
          overthrow the Islamic Republic.
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          Iran slams ‘behind the scene' Western interference
          Mon, 10 Aug 2009 10:09:43 GMT
          Iran has slammed West's double standards in dealing
          with terrorism a day after the US and France admitted
          their role in Iran's post vote unrest.
          “We expect officials of Western couitries to adopt an
          honest approach to terrorism and condemn activities of
          anti-Iran terrorists including members of the Monarchy
          Organization of Iran and the Mujahedin Khalq
          Organization (MKO),” Iranian Foreign Ministry
          Spokesman Hassan Qashqavi told reporters on
          Muhammad-Reza Ali-Zamani, a member of an
          anti-revolutionary group known as Monarchy
          Organization of Iran confessed, in Iran's Revolutionary
          Court prosecuting Iran's post-vote rioters, to contacting
          US intelligence agents in Iraq and then attempting to
          Qashqavi also criticized the UK for harboring key terrorists, including members of the Monarchy Organization of
          Iran last 24 hours last week
          The trials of the local British Embassy staff, Hossein Rassam, and Nazak Afshar, a French Embassy employee Iran
          and a female French lecturer charged with ‘acting against Iran's national security', Clotilde Reiss, were held in
          Tehran on Saturday. sermon
          Rassam admitted to having been ordered by his superiors to take part in Iran's post-election protests.
          Reiss, 24, who was working in Iran as a lecturer at the Isfahan Technical University, admitted to the court that
          she had written about Iran's nuclear power program as well as the post-vote developments for the French
          Embassy and asked for clemency.
          Afshar also admitted on Saturday that she had taken part in post-election demonstrations, sent emails containing
          information on the riots, and let rioters into the embassy based on orders given by her employers.
          The developments come as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Sunday that the US was trying ‘behind
          the scenes' to empower protesters disputing Iran's presidential election.
          French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner also told the Le ParisierifAujourd'hui en France newspapers on
          Monday that the country's embassy in Tehran was ready to give refuge to Iranian rioters fleeing police.
          ‘What was said Saturday was true. If protestors, who were being chased had sought refuge in the French
          Embassy, the instruction was to open the door,” he said.
          In lis Monday address to reporters, Qashqavi reiterated that Teiran has no plan to cut its relations with
          countries that have tried to interfere with its post-election events particularly with Britain.
          He, however, said that other options, including expelling diplomats, could be put on the table.
          Qashqavi also lit back at an “illegal and sLrprising” statement by the European Union's Swedish presidency
          calling for an immediate release of employees of the British and French embassies.
          ‘Why do European countries interfere in Iran's domestic affairs? Why don't they leave our nation alone? We have
          never interfered in their internal affairs,” said the spokesman.
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          8/11/2009 12:00PM

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