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Iran: Twelve women’s rights activists arrested for planned new years visit

          Iran: Twelve Women's Rights Activists...
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          Iran: Twelve Women's Rights Activists Arrested for
          Planned New Years Visit
          Source: Change for Equality
          Ten of those arrested are members of the One Million Signatures Campaign. The
          activists were arrested on 26 March 2009, on Sohrevardi Avenue in Tehran, while
          meeting up to go for New Years visits of families of imprisoned social and political
          The Campaign members arrested are: DelaramAli, Leila Nazari, Khadijeh Moghaddam,
          Farkhondeh Ehtesabian, Mahboubeh Karami, Baharah Behravan, Ali Abdi, Amir Rashidi,
          Mohammad Shourab, and Arash Nasiri Eghbali. Also Soraya Yousefi and Shah la
          Forouzanfar were also arrested.
          According to reports from family members of those arrested, these women's rights
          activists were first transferred to Niloofar Police Station, then some were taken to
          Galoobandak Police Station, and later all were transferred to Evin Prison. Currently all
          these women's rights activists are being detained at Evin prison's general ward for
          female inmates.
          According to reports from family members who were present outside the police stations
          and who had a few minutes to talk to those arrested, these women's rights activists are
          facing two charges, including: disruption of public opinion and disruption of public order.
          Additionally a bail order for a third party guarantee by a government employee has been
          issued for these women's rights activists in the amount of 50 million Tomans (roughly
          $50,000). It should be noted that while a third party guarantee bail amount is a lighter
          bail amount than bail orders which require the posting of a bail amount, stipulating that
          the guarantee must be provided by a government employee makes it difficult to post
          bail and as such the detention of these activists may be extended unnecessarily.
          One women's rights activist at the scene of the arrest explained that: “we had set up a
          time to meet on Sohrevardi Avenue so that we could go to visit some of the families of
          imprisoned social and political activists on the occasion of the New Year. When we
          arrived at our meeting place, we were faced with police and plain-clothes security
          officers who were taking pictures and video taping us and taking note of the license
          plate numbers of ourvehicles. We started out toward our destination before the others,
          but on our way to the home of one imprisoned social activist our friends contacted us by
          phone to report that they were being arrested by security officials.”
          It is customary that on the occasion of the Iranian New Year, which coincides with the
          first day of Spring, friends and family members visit one another. Women's rights
          activists have long made it a habit to visit the families of imprisoned social and political
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          Iran: Twelve Women's Rights Activists...
          activists as a demonstration of solidarity and support for those imprisoned and for their
          27 March 2009
          Source: Change for Equality
          Related info/URL5:
          Iranian authorities should immediately release a dozen women's rights activists
          detained arbitrarily in Tehran today, the International Campaign for Human Rights in
          Iran said.
          “The paranoia and intolerance of the intelligence agencies have reached unbelievable
          proportions. There is no justification whatsoeverto deny activists their rights to visit
          each other during New Year celebrations,” said Hadi Ghaemi, the Campaign's
          “We are seriously concerned about the fate of detainees and the absolute lack of
          transparency and due process demonstrated by this case. For what crime are they
          being held? Is observing New Year traditions now a crime in Iran? The Iranian leaders
          should step forward and explain why intelligence agents are given free reign to deprive
          citizens of their most basic rights,” Ghaemi said.
          Submitted on 03/27/2009
          in State control [ fund] persecution of opposition Iran
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