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Iran warns of crackdown on any opposition protest

          11/1/2009 AFP: Iran warns of crackdown on any
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          Iran warns of crackdown on any opposition protest
          (AFP) — 3 hours ago
          TEHRAN — lran police warned on Sunday of a crackdown if opposition supporters stage
          protests this week when the Islamic republic marks the 30th anniversary of the US embassy
          seizure by radical students.
          ‘The police will act against any illegal gathering on the 13th of Aban,” deputy police chief Ahmad
          Reza Radan told the Mehr news agency, referring to the November 4 anniversary.
          Several reformist websites are urging opposition supporters to gather on Wednesday and protest
          “peacefully' and not to resort to “violence even if they are attacked.”
          Main opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, in a statement on his website Kaleme.com, has
          also hinted at a possible protest rally on Wednesday.
          Iranian opposition supporters
          The 13th of Aban is a... rendezvous so we would remember anew that among us it is the people k +
          who are the leaders,” Mousavi said. c an s ogans insuppo 0 ir
          Hossein Mousavi in Tehran
          Radan said the police has the “obligation to prevent any disturbance of order in society.”
          November 4 has emerged as an anti-American day in Iran, with thousands of Iranians, mostly Map
          students, gathering annually outside the US embassy building to shout slogans against the
          United States and Israel.
          The event marks the capture of the embassy on November 4, 1979 - - just months after the
          Islamic revolution toppled the US-backed shah — by radical Islamist students who took American
          diplomats hostage for 444 days.
          This year the event could be marked by street protests against Ahmadinejad, whose re-election
          on June 12 triggered the worst political crisis in the 30-year history of the Islamic republic.
          On September 18, opposition supporters turned an annual pro-Palestinian rally into a similar
          anti-Ahmadinejad protest.
          In the unrest that followed the June election, security forces arrested some 4,000 protesters,
          reformists and joumalists, and dozens of people were killed in the clashes. ___________________________
          Most of those detained have since been released, but around 140 are being prosecuted, among
          them some senior reformist politicians, in what opposition leaders have labelled “show trials.”
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