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Iranian Court Shuts Down 3 Pro-Reform Newspapers as Dissent Continues to Simmer

          Iranian Court Shuts Down 3 Pro-Reform Newspapers as Dissert Continues... 1ttp://www.r 'tlnies.coni'2OO9/1O/O7/wor1d/n'ddd1eeast/O7iran.1tm1?pag...
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          October 7, 2009
          By NAZILA FATHI
          Iranian Court Shuts Down 3 Pro-Reform Newspapers as
          Dissent Continues to Simmer
          TORONTO — Inn's judiciary has shut down three pro-reform newspapers, opposition Web sites reported
          Tuesday, in what appears to be a new effort to prevent protests against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad .
          The closures came several days after the appointment of two hard-line military veterans to security-related
          positions. Together, analysts said, the moves reflected the government's continued determination to
          suppress the dissent that has risen in the wake of the disputed June 12 presidential election.
          Iran's supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Mi Khamenei , appointed Mohammad Reza Naqdi to lead the
          Basij militia force. The volunteer militia played a central role, along with the Revolutionary Guards , in the
          crackdown against protesters after the election. The former commander of the Basij militia, Hussein Taeb,
          was moved to a position in the intelligence section of the Revolutionary Guards.
          The timing of the developments appears to reflect the government's concerns about potential student
          protests as the new school year begins. Students staged at least two protests at two universities in Tehran
          last week, forcing Mr. Ahmadinejad to cancel his visit to one of them.
          Analysts say they believe that the government's moves are aimed at putting further pressure on activists
          and limiting the information that newspapers can report. “The appointments all suggest that they are
          increasing the pressure,” said Fatemeh Haghighatjoo, a former member of Parliament and a visiting scholar
          at the Boston campus of the University of Massachusetts . “But they are implementing their plans step by
          step so that the pressure would not appear too shocking. They feel they have to control the crisis.”
          Opposition leaders have accused the government of using violence to suppress the unrest that followed the
          election, which they say was rigged by Mr. Ahmadinejad. The clashes have led to the deaths of at least 72
          The appointments of Mr. Taeb and Mr. Naqdi are likely to heighten the concerns of the opposition. Human
          Rights Watch wrote to the Iranian judiciary in August calling for an investigation into the role of Mr. Taeb
          and others in the killings.
          Reformist politicians have accused Mr. Naqdi, a former chief of the intelligence section of the security
          forces, of being involved in the arrest and torture of reformist figures in the 19905 and later in a brutal
          crackdown against students in 1999. A court in Tehran sentenced him to eight months in prison, but he
          never served the sentence.
          11/2/2009 11:30 AM
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          Iranian Court Shuts Down 3 Pro-Reform Newspapers as Dissert Continues ,.. 1ttp://www .r tlnies .con i '2OO9/1O/O7/wor1d /n 'ddd1eeast /O7iran1tm1?pag...
          He was also named in a United Nations Security Council resolution passed in 2008 as one of the figures
          linked to the country's clandestine nuclear program.
          The three newspapers that were closed on Monday were shut down by the Iranian court that deals with the
          press, opposition Web sites reported. They are Arman (Goal), Farhang Ashti (Culture of Reconciliation) and
          an influential daily in the southern city of Shiraz, Tahlil-e-Rooz (Analysis of the Day). The authorities
          closed another opposition newspaper, Etemad Melli, last month.
          On Monday, the president of Shiraz University told the semiofficial Mehr news agency that students had
          been chanting “God is great” since the opening of Iranian universities last week. The chant has become a
          ritual in Tehran and around the country since the election as a way to protest the results and the
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          2of2 11/2/2009 11:30AM

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