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Iranian election should be test for women’s rights

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          Iranian election could be test for
          women's rights
          June 11,2009--UpdatedO224GMT( IO24HKT)
          - VIDEO
          • Candidat&s wife has broken barriers by appearing on campaign trail
          • She ows that women's vote will count if her husband wins
          • Most Iranian unKersitystudents are women, but they are second-class citizens
          • Cleric running for president has also promised to boostwomen's rights
          Nest Article in Wor lde
          TBIRAN, Iran (CNN)-- There's no doubt that Iran's election will be a major test for incumbent President
          Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But many Iranian women hope the results will also shake the current status of
          women in the Islamic republic.
          r e -
          zahra Rahnavard, wife of Iranian candidate Mir Ho in
          Mou vi, haatalwn a vidble role in the campaign.
          nearly 12,000 others to hear Rahna mrd speak in March.
          ‘Thirty-four million women demand to have female
          Cabinet ministers; 34 million women demand to
          be eligible to run for president,” Zahra Rahnavmrd,
          wife of reformist candidate Mir Hossein MoussaM,
          told CNN's Christiane 4manpour.
          “Thirty-four million women want the cMI law to be
          revised; 34 million women want the family law
          Whether her husband wins or loses Friday,
          Rahnavmrd has broken barriers for women just by
          appearing on the campaign trail with her husband,
          a rarityfor political wives in Iran.
          “We look at her, and we say, ‘We wantto be like
          her in the future,' “said Shakiba Shakerhosseie,
          an Iranian woman who packed into Tehran's
          indoor Azadi (Freedom) sports stadium along with
          Rahnavmrd isa motherofthree, as well as an accomplished artistand academic. She has been compared
          to trst ladies in the United States, including Michelle Obama, for her visible role in her husband's questfor
          the presidency.
          “I am here to saythat men and women are equal,” Rahnavard said.
          Iran became an Islamic republic in 1979 after the ruling monarchywas overthrown and Shah Moham mad
          Reza Pahlavi was forced into exile. The revolution also ended the ceremonial role of first ladythat the last
          queen, Farah, enjoyed.
          More women than men have voted in the past few elections, and
          Rahnavard has made a promise to her female supporters that their
          vote will count this time if Moussavi wins.
          ‘We have made this promise to the women, and we will stand byit,”
          she said.
          Iranian women remain second-class citizans in criminal matters,
          Commentary: Iranians favor divorce, child custodyand inheritance cases, despite making up 65
          U.S. peace deal percent of unkersity students. Ahmadinejad's fundamentalist
          government has tried to make it easier for men to take more than one
          wife while restricting public sector careers for women.
          This war, forthe firsttime, the Guardian Council announced thata woman could legallybe among the final
          candidate list Outof the 42 women who registered, however, none was ultimatelyallowed to stand.
          Even Zahra Eshraghi, granddaughter of revolutionary leader Awtollah Khomeini, was banned from running
          for parliament as a reformist
          “For Ahmadinejad's government, women are just living things,” Eshraghi said. “A woman is there to fill her
          husband's stomach and raise children.” Watch one analyst talk about women inAhmadinejad's Iran x
          Moussavi is not the only candidate calling for a stronger role for women in Iran. Mehdi Karroubi, the only
          cleric in the presidental race, has promised to campaign for women's rights. Hard-line cons ervafive
          candidate Mohsen Rezaie also said he would have female ministers if he wins the election.
          Political science professor Mohammad Marandi downpIa d Rahnavard's impact on the outcome of
          Frida ys election. He said she maywin over reformists and women, but what will win the election is a
          solution to the floundering economyand a strong performance in the debates. iReport.com: Iranians rally
          in large numbers
          Don't Miss
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          Iranian vote
          • Comm entary: Ah m adinejad's
          problem with women
          • Political drama unfolds as
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