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Iranian Journalist Arrested, on Trial on Spying Charges

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          Democracy Alert
          Iranian Journalist Arrested, on Trial on Spying Charges
          A prominent Iranian Jounalist, Siamak Pourzand was detained by the Office of the Public Morals
          Police on the evening of November 24, 2001 with no charges given. After four months with no clear
          charges leveled, he is now charged with espionage and threatening national security. His trial began
          on March 7. He has been held at the State Inspectorate, to which a number of other Iranian
          intellectuals, reformist writers, and journalists have recently been summoned. According to Human
          Rights Watch and Amnesty International, Pourzand has been denied his right to a fair trial and has
          had no access to lawyers during his incommunicado detention. In addition, although he has been in
          ill health, he has had no access to needed medicine.
          The 73-year old journalist runs the Tehran Cultural Centre, and has worked as a cultural
          commentator for reformist newspapers, most of which have been shut down in an ongoing press
          crackdown by the hard-line judiciary in Iran in response to the reformists' sweep of parliamentary
          elections in February 2000. Pourzand is the husband of a human rights lawyer and women's rights
          activist in Iran, Mehrangiz Kar. She was herself imprisoned for charges in connection with her
          participation in a social and cultural conference in Berlin in April 2000. She is currently in the United
          States for medical treatment.
          Starting with Pourzand's arrest, the Iranian judicial authority has recently increased its pressure on
          reformist intellectuals in Iran. Over 20 journalists and writers have been investigated by the OLice of
          the Public Morals Police without any specific charges. They have also been intimidated and
          threatened with physical violence by interrogators in that office. These summonses and abductions
          have led to protests by reformers, including the Culture Minister Ahmad Masged Jamei and a
          number of pro-reform legislators.
          For more information about Pourzand's case and ongoing repression of intellectuals in Iran, see the
          . Amnesty Internationals Report of Pourzands Arrest
          . “Iran: Pourazand's Trial a Mockery of the Law”
          . “Iran: Reformists Targeted by Unknown Agents in New Hard-Line Crackdown”
          . “Iran: Journalist's Trial Indicates Hard-Line Crackdown
          . “Hard-Liners Put Iranian Journalist on Trial on Spying Charges ,“ New York Times, March 14,
          2002, A13
          . ‘Tell Me, Where is My Father? by Azadeh Pourzand, Washington Post, December 30, 2001,
          A number of international human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human
          Rights Watch, have called for actions to urge that Pourzand be treated fairly. If you wish to send
          appeals seeking clarification on his arrest and the charges against him and urging a fair trial, please
          write to the following:
          Leader of the Islamic Republic
          His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Au Khamenei
          The Presidency, Patestine Avenue
 html 4/10/2002
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          Aze.rb.aijan Inte.rseoti•.on Tehran.,'ls :Lamic Republic of Iran
          Telegrams: Ayatottati KharT enei, 1 Teh ran, Iran
          S.aiu4ta tiorl: Your E:xceIIency
          Email: w bmaster' wUayah org; (on the subject line write: For the attention of the office of His
          Excellency, Ayatollah al LJdhnra Kha'rn n i, iQom)
          His Excellency Hojjatolesiam val Moslemin Sayed Mohammad Khatami
          The Presidency, Palestine Avenue
          Az.erf aijan Intersection, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
          TeIe rans: President Khatami, Tehran, Iran
          SalutaOEion: Your ExeeI!lency
          Head of the Judiciary
          His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahrudi
          Ministry of Justice
          Park-e Shahr
          Islamic Republic of Iran
          Telegrams: Head of Judiciary, Tehran, Iran
          Fa es: +98-2 1 -879-6671 (number may be unreliable; please mark care of Director of International
          ALair.s, Judiciary)
          Salutation: Your Excellency
          Minister of intelligence
          His Excellency Hojjatoleslam Ali Younesi
          Second Negarestan Street
          Pasdaran Avenue
          Tehran, Isiamic Republic of Iran
          Teleg rams: Intelli:genc.e Minister, Tehran Iran
          Salutation: Your Excellency
          COPIES TO:
          Minister of Foreign Affairs
          His Excellency Kamal Kharrazi
          Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Abdolmajid Keshk-e Mesri Av
          Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
          Telegram: Foreign Affairs Minister, Tehran, Iran
          Fax: +98-21-390-1999 (number may be unreliable; please mark care of the Human Rights
          Department, Foreign Ministry)
          Salutation: Your Excellency
          Parliamentary Committee
          Mohsen Mirdamadi Najafabadi
          Article 90 Commission (Komisyon-e AsI-e Navad), Majles -e Shura-ye Eslami, Imam Khomeini
          Avenue, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
          Telegrams: Majles, Tehran, Iran
          Telex: +98-21-42-32 ICAI IA
          Faxes: +98-21 -646-1746 (Can be difficult to reach, please be patient)
          Salutation: Dear Sir
          Parliament of Iran
          Speaker Mehdi Karubi
          Fax: +98-2 1 -646-4745
          Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran
          do Embassy of Pakistan
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          2209 Wisconsin Avenue
          Washington, DC 20007
          Fax: +1-202-965-1073
          E-mail: requestsf dakar.o.rg
          Ambassador and Permanent Represeentative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations
          His Excellency Mr. Haddi Nejad Hasseinian
          Fax: +1-21 2- 687 -7086
          For further information:
          II World Movement for Dewnocsacy IINationai1Endowmertt:tc' Democraq II 1101 15th 5W 4,.NWSui eSGY0 l4WaShiflqkMi.
          D.C. ?0lX)5UfSA .Llwodd n&t oig I I vc ?hmasterCII rJ.nrq II Last Modified 2002-04-10 12:03:58
          hU //*WW *tiic1 .oig/aIcrt/apr4O2.htmI 10/2002

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