Aadel Collection
Iranian Kurds Say Army Has Joined Drive Against Them
Ir nLm K rds S rirn H s Joined Dri e g ünsl Them B/Vdin9ri u Vvi l ci tF ciSc c J Oe iVo h o eP 104- u,, eefie 0 c_S. P 4- uc 1 o c /Sa i ir o i iS -i gA O Iranian Kiwds Say Army Has Joined 1 Drive Agamst Tnem By William Branigin Washington Pont Foreffin Service TEHRAN, April 25 The Kurdistan Democratic Pai ty said today that fierce fighting has resumed in northwestern Iran, with the Iranian Army joining T ukish speaking Aierbaijanis and Islamic militia men against the region's Kurdish tribesmen, - Tehran based spokesman for the party told a has thy convened news conference tonight that the op posing forces broke a cease fire agreed to Monday. “The Tunk , Ma uheds Elsiamic militiamen] and Army forces violated the cease4ire and are advanc ing into Kurdish terutory, provoking the population and worsening the situation beyond all control,” the spokesman, Jalil Gadarn, said He said 500 people have been killed in and around the West Azerbaijan provincial town of Naqadeh since fighting broke out there Friday He said the Army was using tanks and helicopter gunships to help the Turks and Islamic militiamen attack Kurd ish villages “What we foresee is that the government, the Army, the Majahecls and the Turks are going to uflote uitu uu fui ce and wage war on the Kurcis,” Gadani said Gadani's statement corroborated the impi essions a foreign correspondents who visited the area that the Arms units sent to Naqadeh were decidedly pro Turk and were working closely with the Azerbaijani residents aga nst the Kurds. The troops at Naqadeh seemed to be predominately Azerbaijani Turks themselves, the correspondents said Gadani's other allegations—that the Army used tanks and helicopter gunships against Kurd'sh vil- lages—could not be independently confirmed, how- ever, although visitors did see flames and smoke ris- ing from wnat were said to he burning Kurdish homes. Gadani said Kurdish homes were looted as well as buriied, and he charged that the Army and the Turks were holding nundreds of Kurds hostage He said helicopters today attacked the village of Aliahad near Oshnavieh, lulling six Kurdish civil- ians and wounding tour He charged that Turks kidnaped four Kurdish families from the village of Dalmeth Iran's state-run radio said food shortages and epi- demics were feared in the predominately Kurdish city of Mahabad 35 miles south of Naqadeh because of a large influx of Kurdish refugees driven out of their homes by the Turks Earlier the radio had re- ported that the water of a river flowing through Naqadeh was polluted and should not be used for drinking. Theie was speculation that victims of the Naqadeh fighting had been dumped into the river A doctor who arrived in Tehran from Mahabad today was quoted as saying an entire Kurdish vii lage was wiped out in the recent fighting and that the border between Iran's Kurdistan and West Azer baijan provinces is “very tense” “Mahabad is normal but arms are in wide circula- tion” he told reporters. “Every Kurd above the age of 14 is armed everybody” The doctor added, “Every Kurd seems to be in shape for battle any time of the day or night People are selling then carpets, pots and pans to buy aimS,” lie said Soviet made Kalashnikov auto- matic rifles were going for a little more than $100 apiece. 0 cr00 ed vi F perriss r of he opyighi o r F 4 pro I pr ed oil u oerrri