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KDPI: Ahmadinejad Directly Involved in Ghassemlou Assassination

 http://www.kurdrnedia.comlnews.asp?id=71 92

date accessed: July 7,2005

KDPI: Ahmadinejad directly involved in Ghassemlou assassination05/07/2005 KurdishMedia.com London (KurdishMedia.com) 5 July, 2005: An officialof the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) told the news agency AFP thatIran’s recently relected president Mahmood Ahmadinejad was directly involved inplotting the 1989 assassination of the Kurdish leader Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou inVienna.The party offical Hassan Ashrafi told AFP “According to our information, the Iraniangovernment formed three committees for the assassination […I the first one plannedit, the second one which was led by Ahmadinejad was tasked with facilitating it andthe third one executed it.”Ghassemlou was the leader of the KDPI when he was assassinated on July 13, 1989,along with two colleagues, in a meeting with Iranian secret services.The Austrian authorities said on Saturday that they had documents implicatingAhmadinejad in the murders.Iran has denied Ahmadinejad’s involvement in the killings and has warned Europeancountries not to be duped by “the Zionist propaganda” campaign.n Ahmadinejad has also been accused of involvement in the 1979 hostage-taking atthe US embassy in Tehran.

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