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Khomeini ‘will bury’ Kurd rebels

          Article - Untitled Article
          lining wbat appeared to be the
          armed forces' lnereasin'g reluc-
          tancvto.entçr, Mihabad,, said:
          “if the Army ,is unable to in-
          iervene because of weakness,
          the.eatire nation wllLi march to
          Maliabad,”: -the ICurds he
          added,' were r eivüigwtt*om
          “the -.- North- (the Soviet
          UniigO, aa i sla m ic nation
          (tbouSit' to be Iraq ), I srael
          ,and4bose rtrnaway. thieves “—a
          teférence to the former. Shah's
          .Sdes,' ho; ‘have been accused
          of financing the revolt.
          ° Wetilthll'not ‘allow Iran to
          become a playground for'4nter-
          .national”trloksteit,” he -warned
          thev Xurdsirwbose revolt was
          -â$r-$rS ted: ‘by do-
          mands for autonomy and has
          ii itdened' to Include what
          ‘Eon&I±atliS iS as a demo-
          S 4 eSt”4he Qogn
          IeS erhip. . ' j: ' i ' .‘.
          u QoiQAMóS& flónWnl
          threatened on - Thursday' to
          “bury '..ths.X*ud&unIe€s they.
          suirendered. ‘T ) ie Küidis
          Democratic Party wanted L u Jar
          DOSO ‘Communism ‘on the pray-.
          rn6e he - saick ‘repeating ‘Ifs
          orders for- Kurdish religious
          leaders-to - k '4 .6 Lract down.
          the' KDP leaders, Sheith Las-,
          rudin- Rosseini and .Dr Abdur
          Ralünan Ghassemt'u,
          •Thé rebel stronghold of
          Mahabad was reportei quiet
          yesterday. ‘ The armyls not as
          close,as It .clalm.C' * iKurdish
          spohesmansaid the,.. L1 . . t3Ll :
          radio reported 7 that. -armOurecF
          units wert . -less .tban qtlrree
          miles'fnin the town. -
          • The execution of 12 iranian
          Left-wing. disiid!nts has . . en
          deiayed pending ‘ a tot i laL
          acustding..to an ad:boc,cmnniit-
          the -formed. to ,-defeit.iranian
          SocialIsts. - Mr.-; tjhq A l l, &
          member bf the. .coinmitte e, said
          in• -London: -yesterday that
          Tehran had agreed to a retrial
          ConsUtndon..shock, page. 4
          © Guardian News and Media Limited
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Sep 1,1979; Section: Front page; Page: 1
          ich ineii* ‘v.dU “b'ti y1 ', Kurci - rebels
          Front Liz?thurgood The firlpg as- followed yes'
          in ?ehran' :- .-.- teSt Y by an unprecedented
          The crisis In the. troublet attiik.on the Ku*.by Ayatol-
          western province of ‘ Kurdestab TaP . W!hw0ud . i ni. who
          appeared to deterloraLc LilIJC . threateled tO,.orgamse ,-a m ss.
          yesterday with a barrage of marçl to crus1i the., rebels.
          hardline statements from Iran's DestribIflt :tht, .revolt,as a
          relitous leaden who LL C L - black marx on the face of The
          onea to “bury” the rebels as Kui'dlsh peop!e,” ‘the,Ayatah
          the'Kurdsilred on. Government - amid 114 “Iran would not sur-
          belicopter:gunships with renderjo a-tndful of selfish
          ‘aircraft guns, people. . . - . ., -
          -According to renorts reach- The AyatolLah's attaft, made
          trig Tehrtt,Y rebeb - fired . ut'Ing:. Fny psayes,-, lat
          three ‘-‘pvernment helicopters, ze inn U,n1ve 3 $t . came..as a
          ofle- 0f: whfcfr.' carried lire reamrmMiop; of, the.: recent
          rvep*.c'prlie'.:Mitjster;( Mes. stand taken by Ihe. Moslem
          wt:ch m 1-a who -ilso -‘do w leaderS i. oa- ,.the -Kurdlsh
          ‘bles ar head ot.:tbe' sünWs crisit. . al fl.a.nu,, a
          nbtlonal' securit) ppsja tjs, children; arj )bIhqvS still
          .Thë4eticopts”*e '; ort j a eIp!. e w underground
          to hpve hee rJ flyjiag over ojep4Ø4 Jj Jq guerç la
          *h l&cpt Ma1 hady ” jqei .Wpq 1 utC. C
          rr wcstin 45w
          doWn- their jrujø snd - 3ur t Ay tsilal ,based In. Q° 'r-
          n°der. :, ‘ ‘ -:‘L : : ‘: - - .-$yitoIIaltt.Taleflenfr nder.
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
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