Aadel Collection
KnaufIran Letter
Registered Under No.25296 Capital: 30,473,712,000 (RLS.) iRAN To all employees of Knauf Iran, Knauf Gatch and Iran Gatch for Distribution by the General Managers Dear Colleagues 21.07.2009 Due to recent occurrences I find it necessary to remind all of you, that Knauf is a company that is strictly apolitical. We do not approve any acts against the current government. We would like to remind all of our employees to remember that they are not only representing their private opinion when being politically active, but that their actions could fall back negatively on our Knauf companies in Iran. Therefore, from now on, if anybody from against the current government, he or she Best regards, Knauf / our company gets caught demonstrating will be immediately dismissed. DATE: NO: ENCLOSURES: (PJ.S. Cj NO.31, Naghdi St, North Mofaneh Ave. Tehran 1576647411 Tel: 021- 8751680—84 Fax: 021 —8742046