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Newsweek reporter released in Iran, arrives in London

          Newsweek reporter released in Iran, arrives in London http://www ,abs-cbimews ,com'print/75269
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          Newsweek reporter released in Iran, arrives in London
          Agence France-Presse 11012012009 10:05 PM
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          WASHINGTON - Newsweek reporter Maziar Bahari, who has been detained in Iran since June, has been freed and has arrived in London,
          the magazine announced on Tuesday.
          “We are delighted to announce that Newsweek journalist Maziar Bahari has arrived in London in time to witness the upcoming birth of his
          first child,” Newsweek said in a statement.
          “The editors of Newsweek, Maziar, and his bride Paola Gourley would like to thank the thousands of friends, colleagues and well-wishers
          around the world whose support over the last few months has helped to make this moment possible,” it said.
          Scores of journalists and reformist politicians were arrested following President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election, which
          triggered mass protests in Iran and charges of voter fraud.
          In addition to detaining Canadian-Iranian Bahari, the Iranian authorities expelled BBC correspondent Jon Leyne and detained Greek-British
          journalist Jason Fowden, who was working for The Washington Times.
          as of 10/20/2009 10:05 PM
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