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Note verbale dated 14 September 1981 from the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office and the other international organizations at Geneva addressed to the Secretary-General

          UNiTED NATIONS DIStT. _________
          t C C N 0 N/ I C E/ CN.4/l5 16
          E/CN 4/Sub. 2/475
          A N D 22' September 1981
          5 ENGLISH
          JL AL. COUKCIL Origina1 FEENCH
          CONNISSION ON Htfl”i NRIGHTh
          Thirty—eighth session */
          Item 12 of the draft provisional agenda —‘
          Sub—Commission on Prevention of
          Discrimination and Protection
          of Minorities.
          Thirty—fourth session
          Item 6 of the agenda
          Note verbale dated 14 September 1981 from the Permanent Mission of
          the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office and the
          other international organizations at Geneva addressed
          to the Secretary—General
          The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Office of the
          United Nations and other international organizations at Geneva presents its
          compliments to the United Nations Secreta.ria.t and, further to its no.ite No. 442/1/678'
          of 10 June 1981, and in connection with the work of the thirty—fourth session of the
          Sub—Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities,
          concerning human rights, has the honour to inform it, on instni.ctions from the
          Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a,s fol1ows
          The human rights and fundamental freedoms of the individual are enshrined in
          the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, including, in particular,
          articles 13, 14 and 23.
          Article 13 provides that “Zoroastrian, Jewish and Christian Iranians shall be
          the sole recognized religious minorities which shall be free, within the limits of
          the law, to perform their religious rites and to act, as far as their personal status
          .nc1 religious teachings are concerned, according to their liturgy”.
          According to article 14, “In conforming to the holy verse of the Koran, ‘the
          Almighty never forbids you to act kindly and fairly towards those who do not war
          against you on account of your religion, and do not expel you from your homeland.
          God loves the just . The Government of the I sla.mic Republic of Iran and Muslims
          shall act with Islamic morality, justice and equity towards non—Muslims and respect
          their human rights. This principle shall be valid for those who do not engage in
          any activities or plot against Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
          1G81 126021
          !/ E/198l/25, chapter XXVI.
          E/CN.4/15 16
          ; /cn 4/sui 1 :2/475
          page 2
          Under article 23 “The control of. dpiniono shall be prohibited nc1 no one may
          be ati,aok d Or Oensurdd for his opinions?t.
          The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran is authorized to guote
          statementemade by two of the highest aut2orities of th Isls.mto Republic.
          According to Ayatdlld .h Moussavi rdebili President of the Supreme Cbu±t of
          the Islamic Republic of Iran, “The courts of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the
          procedures hich they apply are governed by Islamic standards and laws., as:: well, as.
          the Constitution and the country s official laws and regulations. Under those
          same laws, no one is t be molested., prosecuted or persecuted on account of hi
          religious beliefs. Anyone who is brought •to tria.:L is to be ju .gdd by the lawful
          judicial bodies regardless of his faith and shall he entitled to all the fa ilities
          he needs fo:r his defence. In no circumstances may he be denied those rightelt.
          According to Aya.tcLlah Mahdavi Kani, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of
          Iran, “The rights of non—Muslim Iranians are protected in the same way as those of
          Muslim Iranians and the law d .bes not toleretp any. discrimination towards them. If
          non—Muslim Iranians are brought to trial before the judicial bodies, ii is in no way
          because of their faith, bu solely on a.cbouut of the ‘acts of which they are accused.
          It goes without saying that an Iranian Baha i who has been ‘the subject of a. judicial
          measure may not be absolved from resppnsibili y for an indictable offence merely
          by virtue of belonging ‘to' the. Bahat i sect, It should ‘be hoted. ‘that” thOre a 'e numerous
          Iranian Baha”i liirinig ‘in complete security in Ira,r ,,', with nothing whatsoever to fear.
          The only ones who are prosecuted and sentenced “are those who “have' been ‘involved in
          acts of espionage and other activities contrary to ‘the higher interests of the
          Islamic Republic of Iran. Mention may also be. made of the propaganda campaign
          mounted by the enemies of the Islamic. Repuhlic “61 ' Iran to discredit the Islamic
          Revolutiop But all that in no way tallies with the true facts and. is therefore
          tots.lly unfounded.”

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