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Police in frontier clash with Iranian Kurds

          Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Jul 20, 1979; Section: None; Page: 7
          Police in frontier
          clash with
          Iranian Kurcis
          Front UPI in Tchran
          ArniecL Kurds f o u g h t
          national pn licv uu ' I ( Th'aV tin'
          /Vcst lrnnian frontier town or
          Serow vcsu'rday as Uhr (;overn-
          ]nentp fl aR altenipt to UFLI l
          tjvc months of 1Curd h unrest.
          nanicu a new Gyvernur-Geper i1
          flu is a native 0! the area.
          Pre;s repGrts frifin Set-ow
          said the cl.ishes ha d LiegLin on
          /Vednesd;iy when he u;itionul
          police tricri to move reinforce-
          men s into the area 1 1r t SUES
          mi]es of ironti r hava l i'en ihe
          scene ut sporadic violence
          &nce the L”ebrttary revolution.
          It wa; not iInnlediRfoly cle ir
          1! tlir Kurds fighting the
          natior:a! pulluc In Screw
          belonged to the iucrvement
          which seeks Ku rdish utvnoiiiy.
          The S:ate rad Io dtscribed them
          as “counter-rcvo1utionarje . t 1
          The EttelaaL newspaper,
          r ir tirig offidals saul a
          national police official had
          been wounded and several
          Rurd killed and wour.ded in
          . LJt÷grly 20 hours of fighting.
          KurdEsh NourCes in Teliran
          arrt1ITr Jeatli loll was much
          higher but cou ld not give any
          T)ii iqood fl(j(J% The
          Iranian (‘alnnel. held a special
          •w si u n y('s( cnF y to consider
          what were believed to luive
          been eni ic 4 l dec [ sions taken un
          /Wdne day a L talks in Qmu
          w th Ayatollah Khoniein i 1 the
          dr cido Head of Slate.
          T :e Qorn inceling caine amid
          ,res5 reports of a sweeping
          Cabinet reshuffle. Little
          merged, though. e cce9t an
          ann oun cement thaL the coMro-
          ver5ial chief of nii1 ary poliee
          Generei! Azizollab Arnir
          B- l1i]iti had finally been ths-
          The Interior Minister. Mr
          Sadeq F Stb confirmed
          GL'TL c'.ral flah ;.mi'S d L3In1s Ia1
          ufter a Iu' Le between the Gov
          ernmen and the rel!giou
          le ider }i p.
          The General, who had been
          dismissed 10 days ago by the
          Defence Minister. Mr Tag u
          Iliahi, a44 promptly reinstated
          by the ayatollah, had proved to
          lie a highly ciubarrassing thorn
          in 11w sick of an already weak.
          eneil Government.
          According to a report /cstcr-
          day jn Baindad 1 e r ie o1 Teh.
          razVs more reliable daiUes, a
          Cabinet reshuthe was expected
          within a week. Contrary 10
          widespread rumour, the Prime
          Min:stor was rith expected o
          Jeave h s post, the newspaper
          saLd .
          Meanwhile, In the south-
          wesiern port of Khorramsbahr.
          an Arab ulUmatum, threaten-
          ing new vio1 nce if their spin-
          tu l leader was rot released 1
          expLi-ed peacefully fl 9 a n i.
          yesterday. The eiderly Shi'a
          leader GE Ii-an'z estiiuazed Iwo
          million Arab , Aya lollah Rhag-
          Inni was repDrted to l iive
          arrive d i Qom where 1w W i ' S
          e pece l to meit AyaloflaL
          Khom&rii to discuss the recent
          po J it al uphe vals and Arab
          demands for autonomy. Esarhier
          his supporters had feared lie
          had been kidnapped
          Early yesterday in the north-
          western town of Kboy. five
          former officials (if the Sha 1's
          regime were rxeeutc& as Was
          the former police chief n Qaz-
          yin, west of Tehran 1
          archive.guardian.co.uk/.../getFiles.asp?. - .
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          © Guardian News and Media Limited
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