Aadel Collection

Remarks – House No trade with Iran until persecution of Baha’is ceases (July 11, 1983)

          Monday. July 11, 1983
          • Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, Just 3
          weeks ago the Iranian Government
          took yet another step In their attempt-
          ed “genocide” of the Bahal people—lO
          Bahals in Shiraz, Iran, 10 of which
          were female including 3 teenagers,
          were executed because they would not
          recant their religious faith.
          In February, Ayatollah Khomeini
          sentenced another 22 Sh lraz prisoners
          to death. President Reagan wrote a
          plea of clemency for the prisoners, but
          his appeal was Ignored. The Iranian
          Government carried out its Inhumane
          slaughter of 18 Shiraz prisoners of the
          Bahat faith.
          This Bahai bloodbath was not an
          unusual event for the Iranians. The
          July 11, 198S
          Bahais of Iran have been persecuted
          for over 100 years, but this terroriza-
          tion was intensified after the revolu-
          tion in 1978-79. Hundreds of Bahais
          have been jailed unjustly, dismissed
          from public and private employment,
          have had their schools closed, homes,
          businesses, crops and animals de-
          stroyed, and their bank accounts con-
          Some 150 Bahais have been execut-
          ed since 1979, because they would not
          recant their religious faith. Numerous
          secret killings have taken place along
          with many mob beatings. An article in
          the September 19, 1982, Los Angeles
          Times described how two of these inci-
          dents were carried out.
          In the first:
          Fifteen masked men attacked a couple In
          their home at night, poured kerosene on the
          husband and set him on fire before forcing
          him to run a few yards. Finafly. they
          heaped wood upon hint, burning him to
          death. His wife, subjected to similar treat-
          ment. died a few days later.
          The second event was just as barbar-
          ic as the first:
          A mob after destroying the local Bahal
          center, fell upon a man and his son, dragged
          their bodies through the street and chopped
          them up Into little pieces that were finally
          consigned to flames.
          The Iranian Government not only terror-
          izes the living, but also tortures the dead
          Bahals. Many Bahala cemeteries have been
          destroyed, graves disinterred, and bodies
          defecated upon. Ayatollah Khomeini has
          cast aside all human rights and decency
          when dealing with the Bahal people.
          In contrast to the violent actions of
          the Ira 1an Shilte Islams, the Bahal
          followers abide by a very peaceful reli-
          gion. It teaches and strives for the
          unity of mankind, the equality of
          races, the equality of sexes, universal
          education, and the maintenance of
          world peace through collective securi-
          ty. Although they are enjoined to obey
          the laws of their respective countries,
          the Bahal religion does not allow its
          people to affiliate with any political
          party. However they may vote, but
          without regard for political affiliation,
          The Bahal people work to foster good
          characteristics among their people
          such as honesty, compassion, trust-
          worthiness, and justice. A basic Bahal
          principle Is the eradication of preju-
          dices based on race, creed, class, na-
          tionality, and sex.
          The Bahals believe that religious
          truth is not absolute, but relative. The
          divine revelation is therefore a contin-
          uous and progressive process. For that
          reason, the Bahai religion Is able to
          adapt Itself to modern times such as
          believing In the equality of males and
          females. Yet, the Bahals have stand-
          ards which are not relative, but fixed.
          For instance, they still prohibit the
          consumption of alcohol and drugs, as
          well as premarital sex. The Bahal
          faith has 300,000 to 400,000 members
          in Iran, 100,000 members in the United
          States, and followers In many other
          According to the Iranian Govern-
          ment. the Bahal people have commit-
          ted a few major crimes for which they
          deserve to be treated more harshly
          than any other minority in Iran. The
          Islamic religion believes in the Old
          and New Testament, as well as the
          Koran, the writings of Muhamnied.
          The Bahais also believe in these writ-
          ings. Islam believes that the last and
          fInal prophet was Muhammed. Since
          the Bahal people believe in Btha'u'-
          flab, a prophet subsequent to Mu-
          hammed, Islam considers the Bahals
          to be heretics. The Moslems accuse
          these heretics of “corruption on Earth
          and warring against God,” because of
          their belief in Baha'u'fiah.
          The Shilte Islamic people also
          accuse the Bahais of being Zionists,
          because they send money to Israel.
          The Bahai world headquarters and
          one of its largest shrines, is located in
          Haifa, Israel. The Iranian Bahals used
          to send money to the shrine in Haifa
          to help support it. The Iranian Gov-
          ernnient accused the Bahals of being
          Zionist on account of these “contribu-
          tions to Israel.” The Government Ig-
          nores the fact that the shrine was
          placed in the Holy Land almost 50
          years before Israel ever became a
          state. Also, the Iranian Moslems them-
          selves, as do many peoples around the
          world, contribute to their respective
          houses of worship in Israel.
          Ayatollah Khomeini also accuses the
          Bahals of being spies for Israel.
          Russia, and the United States. This
          charge Is ridiculous since the Bahai re-
          ligion forbids political affiliation and
          repudiates rebellions against any duly
          constituted government such as the
          present Government of-4ran.
          Ayatollah Khomeini also considers
          the Bahal women to be prostitutes.
          There Is no civil marriage in Iran, yet
          the Iranian Government does not rec-
          ognize Babal marriages. Therefore any
          Bahai woman that ever consummates
          her marriage is considered to be a
          prostitute. The Shilte Interpretation
          of the Koran places women in a sub-
          servient position to men, but the
          Bahais believe In the equality of the
          sexes. Bahal women do not wear the
          head to toe veil, they sit together with
          their husbands in religious services,
          they hold administrative positions,
          and their opinions are considered just
          as important as those of the Bahal
          men. The Moslems consider these ac-
          tions as proof of the Balm! women's
          Since the Bahais are considered her-
          etics, unlike the other minority reli-
          gions, they are not protected under
          the Iranian Constitution. The Bahal
          people cannot complain to the clergy
          about the Government, because the
          clergy is the authority.
          Many Bahal people have tried to
          leave Iran. The majority of those who
          have escaped this persecution fled
          Iran ifiegafly, because those who at-
          tempt to do so legally, usually fail In
          their endeavor. On the emigration
          form, there is a space left for the ap-
          plicant to fill in his religion. If the
          Bahal member writes any religion
          other than Baha!, he has recanted his
          religion. It is written In the Bahal
          scriptures that it is better for one to
          die than to deny his membership to
          the Bahai faith, even for a fleeting
          The Bahals believe that the present
          life is preparation for the more impor-
          tant afterlife. Therefore few Bahals
          would fill in the name of another reli-
          gion causing them to jeopardize their
          afterlives. If the Balm! member leaves
          the space blank, or draws a line
          through It, then the applicant's reli-
          gion is open for questioning. Once the
          Government knows that the applicant
          is a Bahal, the Bahal member is
          charged with belonging to an obscene
          violent group that wars against God,
          corrupts Earth, and wishes to over-
          throw the Iranian Government. Per-
          mission to leave Is denied and the ap-
          plicants are often punished. The
          Bahal people are left in a catch-22 sit-
          The Iranian Government continu-
          ously preys upon these trapped
          people; 20,000 Bahais have been exe-
          cuted in the last 100 years. Hundreds
          of other Bahal followers have been im-
          prisoned by their oppressors. This fe-
          rocity and persecution forces the
          Bahal people to live a life full of fear
          and sorrow.
          As fellow human beings, It Is our
          duty to help answer the cry for help of
          this oppressed people.
          The Iranian Government must know
          that the United States will not toler-
          ate terrorist governments that deprive
          people of their basic human rights.
          Ayatollah Khomeini has Ignored Con-
          gress' resolution calling for an end to
          the Bahal bloodbath. Although. letter
          writing and public statements deplor-
          ing this terrorization need to continue,
          we must resort to more forceful ac..
          tions in our condemnation of Kho-
          meini's genocide of the Bahai people.
          I have introduced a bill, HR. 2778,
          which will show our serious commit-
          ment to this cause. The bill states that
          no article which Is the growth or prod-
          uct of Iran may be imported into the
          United States until the President de-
          termines, and certifies to the Con-
          gress, that the Government of Iran
          has ceased Its persecution of the
          Bahais in Iran.
          Of our Imports from Iran, oil as-
          counts for approxImately 97 percent.
          The United States buys only 1 percent
          of its oil from Iran. And, oil of the
          same or higher grade can be pur-
          chased from several other countries at
          comparable prices with no time delays.
          From their point of view, Iran sells 2
          to 3 percent of its oil to the United
          States. Losing our business now would
          have an Impact on the Iranian econo-
          my. Iran would have less money to
          fund Its present war with Iraq and
          would have to look for a new buyer
          during an oil glut. That could be diffi-
          The United States should go on
          record as a country who condemns the
          pogrom of the Bahal people. I there-
          fore urge all Members to join In work-
          Ing for early passage of this bill. The
          faster we act, the more Bahal lives we
          may be able to save.•
          r”. —-

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