Aadel Collection

Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women

          U INI rED
          d S €i I
          G ERA L
          3M li23J4
          Item 12 (a)&flrsic 1 enth
          Rt ortoftI
          i fs cal es am! t eque ' es,VaIth'Erflirk
          — U
          Coumumkatio ' to am! horn Covenna ts*
          * T} mma1y I fith rerQt — t} ojth±thal uffoimalict — @ e arTerre are
          e g drulaed in all ofliñal h mges 1 lerc ti&]ThoJrdS dtht1 amex to the
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P 2
          Mt fi -ri itc t} OrautctctHmuanPigrd in fts ie tlict
          33I eno magedt1 Srec PagoltelmtolesTctdeflècliwIyb ieliak irthbnrahjn
          utcon s efoie her.Itrecr stedallGJwnurerdstococTer&e vdthathaitttt}
          rffomiare&rernmd&edSk c tc b 11 1yall
          andtolesTcthb theSrec Pcsththcc mran±alic TheOjrrauitct
          fiatmioie litht HleSreñaIPagc Ftocctthu b oJcTemtevdthoflrnsTeñal
          mgcteu.srepltau rerc rdeqeltthc}laurr &t1 nIth
          gl &the s ec xett &the Ojrrauitc ç ir]1x1ñs v1 ie aRr}ae,
          m ltaIth jJfrdrá rr jofrdreroS erd pi athcc mrañcathrs.
          Asbdard rc ±blnis±b thrdxmuer aflegedii tairc of
          doIei agS t nuen@ eagerdEO. hiflthccnSr its}iou1dbeer atedth*
          ñi coid vdthrernmda±e t1 Sreth R Tc tFEtharthffctcdyb pJc
          c s&allegethdobrce cd1ueatsof doIerce ectedagS en ecaD &t} fr
          fi mt} rech nctt1 Hr mlict&VioIeno
          1 SrePcv s} stouffoimt1 Omátctt}uttthV1 re±d
          mderr ,iwsre fr thdcnum±alic sto t} Gj rnrauerdsof M oIa . A erthm .
          A ±eiM PengI c* cath r noMath PePHC &t} Oc E M* acec JMa.
          Jn±tes Jnn(Jslanüc Pepih]± cc Isme] M doj, Nera Ri SiiJ ni .
          Sah 4 Svdtefla4 Thailard. TmI ç Ur &± Fnfra±c and Ur Jnad±hjn
          EgMZGrcec Imn(ThIami
          Pepikdic o± Isi ] . xic Sii arc. Srei4 Svdtethni. Tufl yandUr w
          1 r d±dt} SrethalR c dthieiIiesctc& sthrerclnthttddmii the
          e&mderie dther st1 Gruers&Au6frali cath Ir a xic
          Nera P nd ad IresTe d to c& s lnthttdth
          v — — s.
          T I ojrdair a comift 3 kqo nratianc &gereral and
          all€ ahcm as eli ui erd agea]s fimmatt to Gjwiiauerd — their
          rira}JIe. Thenaires& offldchirsv 1o c sale vcs rdedthflthrerc t
          rcir ztr T} thlln u &all dcthnsrawb nvcwi±db theGj enurerd
          c c e me ci
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          F e 3
          WOI N rm CAU S AM) C(t4 WErC S VAIUN ERWRX:
          P e
          1 - 9
          &gerthm nil
          Au 6fi 1 12- 14
          15- 16
          Pe i Idc h l7jJ
          D moMalicPepflc&t} O 0 57
          Eg qi SL J
          Grcece 6 1 -68
          — . L72
          hdc esia
          Imn(Islamic Th ptIic of) 97 - 102
          Jsmel 1G3-105
          Mt 1 %
          Ne  124130
          rket 131
          Faids R 13 2 -133
          Fern 131 -135
          Sfr aro lM l37
          Sra l3 l39
          SüLa iil l U-l45
          SffJau l4S l5l
          Swflaid 1 52- 153
          151 155
          Tmkey 1S159
          Utht &ahE ithmS l J-l6l
          Urn aay 162-163
          Age rib VioIerE ain6t rmen frthb nrahn foim
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p 4
          Aj uh
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          Bylefterthedli Jay JJ3 rdlflydththeSreS1R cFctblbae,
          the Sreñal Pagc ath the Ckwenauent tint s} radieceiwduffoimalict ctt1
          ±bIbv i üic dc i 1 C
          2. JJ
          JJl aidtakentooreoftl mi ofthem±taw
          biiga± WeiN ctfl ytotl a±r&Yenn(Thmccralic Pep±dicoftl
          Ojr o). It s} v sieIe& dctthe
          thIbv thy.
          3. A then oIa u es(FAP )ieroit mredLT. (± aged52 ,
          ct8 M JJ2. It rc thatsi t cther vtot1 C,flDliCNb6ñl
          4 I (L (
          J t TroPeftaIidetadi bt1 N 6E*i1ltl dflage &Sthanbdo.Hernother,
          LSW aged45 ,
          5. T}nee Hfnufl mitsali C(±
          P ercaikaciIt sallegedthat
          ebn b the hjrd ±br flie r r ctoftl Ctxh EnClaw (FLEC .
          6. T.PW l4rc1yr thbyl5nulikyc4lio athaThgecMyrad
          I BeIS.
          7. Sl FAP soIthersrerQtcMymred ML aged and tC (± aged ct
          bwr er2O32ont1 ñifliepie I
          Iflienlililict l
          rergei a1c ga i .
          8. ByIefted2J y JGndj frdIyht1 SreiaIPc teFct
          (± ag 14 fit
          anFjH rct J Oer2OJ vthens} y toe 1ren e.
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          P e 5
          thsen thi
          9. T} Srec R Qteun u1d]teto ieftemteherüierc tiiuecSztgarer
          fi mt} Gruerdthrc Wtot1 aThgah rs trdfted
          Couun*n db iIa a! Cd, n.
          ID. Pc c ita± ± chaI7± irnte ± JG hEel aEqecia]Jmitamerdecct
          eIEeIatc EqeMateIatc tn
          — G.S
          qCtma± th s±bmi detc tnao n ksthbs.HII ± csto± JJI htiasidj
          fltharr vbrc r&sid go eithe throreIrr rentrc üo.
          Uraagene (c rcSxef frth&baIcsReIatolesFsTeciabs)llerámmpileta±I
          tc deSaiithdy nre i5 enellaIacakern laGS. HtiasicboHigaa±n a
          fimi&niibnresmókcsenIcscrae cc Th±adeI Iesic scr }i±iIa
          enofroc oJr u 1 n
          goIrS1dJh.Lafrdemar&thn lithamlexa1renpicofithcoenelcr
          r&thagrnftacbmuf5 aaeneIcgo. Lar fero acfriaIac mik±Ir pitaiuenb
          ±IaG.S.aothmithdy±bnrotcb h
          oJne corr erde denmria renal.
          lln*I s r&biI deICob n.
          csto± JDI
          oügenda eniehci6ncctIaG.S.Fstafi irarethatamerdecc ñrithaIaSeoñ6nde
          nthdrarararercnnoka.La±eradah± aann ocrae r&thacuus o
          ellarosmaIasbsic cp 1 nrdaMis &rer siea1m*e.
          c m ctsm±jnuelas.r Iabncic s nranas
          rth sro ±sperchieIemenbscr renthtanñtirIarcsil ththd± ahiufr
          Ai h Ih
          F0IIM%q topraiiusbr fra 'n fttd coumunat '
          12. adD Se 1 ierr er2OBt} GrauerdofAlialeri dtoaj*bFgerd
          Teal rft 5 t1 Srec Eagoftem dtheSrecialEagoiteimont1 sale &crdthe4
          Eagoire ieththrcctceni±o t1 ner hdcmc ffctjleno —
          ale fr edthAu6fraliaandle± nedtot1 sTecfrca ofagiflchHv 1o
          - l erol yreffim torertht} ;thoradallegecMyahurer @ e
          FJcNAI]JcEnSIMrrh rar . 1-2).
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P 6
          13. T} ie 1 1y&t1
          the ca1 .
          14 Pegaar±i theIafte;t1 cb nurerdroirdedoutflutftisrottl — &tl
          ± ±l GJwrauerdb ñq±e irdo tl oJrthdca g nuerd±rersc rolio
          rñes.Theachjrsofstae gownanent ±ptierds ale k edtotl mlirq&
          nd l i rerc rftthS.Othc crddvot h JnniQacersIandcanbe
          — totl arbahuailscftliceinflutst&e.T} Ill rIcrddissfffl e±b 'e tl
          ojmt. Fc flth le&Jr theGwnauerd ges tlutthenuftmcsta 11 ñaWy
          ±dth 5 t1 Eth jak mec}mthirs. Pr arc±i t1 generalsThnthn&
          ojurth 3 çt1 Gjwnarerd
          lc9sFairdyraw pe±bnuActisflutcrdthen
          s}ouH iectw qme — }rcTer rerel± — th& ralerds slot — c 6ilJi]liy
          ±brtl cu eIf&ead wIpuerd&crddlenexce}inlcirc nrstaresv 1 le fit is
          rotintl crdd bc tfrdeiest.T} Gnauerdr finflnuffomialicaictchJd
          }rr crddcctkct rno ecrat 3 fte±bletheIavc ±ralicaiandie±bnuoffl
          rñciai c cefl fl Iega temandIc ahit stare.
          Coumumkatio, — b the Coverineut
          15. ByIefterda±ed8JuIy JG mtjoirdIyvdththeSrec Pe}nrdaliw &fl
          Sec -acaithesnthncauanngrds±± rdersandt1 Sretha1R TcatF
          caitcatae t1 Srec Pago acdt1 ckwenauentfluts} radiecs,
          i raliiacojr±i tov 1icharontherof rare 4 ü1c]1x±1 thecrafroffl EThra
          the su er FJC (±) ele } menñi
          cpacIoflm ct J — JJl v 1ib 3Jto U en naththflereccadu asibrd
          sft*n±nrtahjnina aarereartheSt&e Hi 1umic cbthHñigñiBakuñi
          rStaga strelio doIerce. Scane of fl verelu ele l erolt i1yi1 mec1 Ah e
          gio ofroliceoWrercysto dreSndredT} He offl S±ail
          flsftidPolio r raare* vdo sgcs rd at the demc thlio4 is rercatedto h ,e
          st&edth&tl lir ±rd s tl nuen son 1 r calic .
          Coumumral,ous r&efred from the Cover,m ut
          16. ByIeftertht 23Sep JJ tl Gnauentfr omi theSrec
          Ragoiteurth ±tl mutd 1 kethinnanged tl EMr Sotyto
          oflie vdflouttl r &fc c fflc aI
          ffca . TheGwnauerdfiatr l eroltedflutnoccauh1Sl ormahtatemerdsMd
          eenr eiwdfnF.K.
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          P e 7
          B ai hdes h
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          17. ByIeftertht lOJanm 2O3 mtjoirdIyht1 Sretha1PagcFctt1
          ughtofewlwretothehgrestathJmhle bd&dcq dn rdal}l flbt1
          tovdichNB. (f) aged24
          ri]n Pe* c h
          Nahor Pait (B W) id s±r dn thca1care. Itrc dtHflmeemaleB W
          nn&er(vthco raresale Iaontot} SrecialPagoftem) thrthbierflrron
          ctl7Ser&er2O32.NB.ieroiySi tereii mic dmii theathckath
          stakentot1 E mOerei Hcqftahta mdnutgrd.Hovew; ftisaThgedt}ut
          ofliñakr d dotnot to afterd to her. He rerc ñi jIted
          &oere k mge.Sre rerc ecMyt1 ntaimb theEaumN thcaIO flege Hcqital
          &thc 2anrc i I X Seperther JJ2athIthdont} flo of mdll.At±o 4pm ,
          NB. rolt i1ylillnlrthnatthehcqiWaldradnot tlecSedpcTern thc
          fleahuent Aoor±i b ñ±nuir eflienwkeflroito rfndfluts}
          radb n rare± It is rerQtd tint fit iri±rd ±bflo ed an earner atem 1 i to mre NB.
          ctt1 ewth of2Septeir&er JG2v 1 ns} rerc Myttded 5 Sianued
          nerofB Wandtaimtotl Slice &theTonr ferce Pait (lDP) &SkñGiat.
          reg}±eu aths} e ire±al4Se} r&er JG N.B.ffledaccmithrdvdtht1 chef
          m r cSrsck4)athlcK2)oftheWc ren
          andca&henPeiniF ewr&tAct JJO.T} omtc ±iedafres alictoft1
          n nao B dint1 sddGrar±rd.Ho ew;itisaflegedflutfl c sbb c4licial
          iethb mdeflaketl ii esffgah nathflutre flueaenedNB.ifs} thdrotvdththaw
          tl cha e. ail7Se 1 ierr er2OJ tl c4lic E idtoh ,einda}rc statemerd
          i flutNB.radffleda±ib ch&ge ithecouita thflere sro ,H eto
          — tl allegedathm}Eflare i2Se 1 tr er JJ2.
          IX. ByIefterthl7Sepeirb I rdjofrdIyht1 Sretha1Pagc eurct
          tc bF the Sreñal Pagc en&t3 the ckwenauent tint s} radieceiwduffoimalion
          coidñigbv 1±hRT. (f) aged4 ST. ( aged 15. aid I a (f). flute Jmrara
          mer ele mred agi upc yrenueIc toti Mt]leiyE tEictof
          the GuñuaraZnc f±hh allci 1yrth±dtl in lhge , B&acaiantha Ka*aü Par
          liim aS * ct2l M 1 y2OJI. all eaten
          tth ksithdP.T. s
          19. ai5Ncweir&er Ja theSreciaIPagoltemdajofragealvdthti
          Srec R oiteurcttc tae DJrcer RB. ( agedlX 1rn sierc tecMymredon
          l6atther JaIt sieronedfluts}
          stalioninHa angoram.BB. was
          allegecMytaimtotl rcqftal v1 'e the relio ale dtoh ,erc iser rerasa
          gcthbate. Nocrm c rne lerol yffledag rera]k edmiisttiie rer
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P 8
          v1 ie s} sallegecMy±b edtotai uepd smredagainbyb
          orstSt1 thc e-meiliore m istatht &rathes.BB sSjthera]k
          ce ,edt}m itsasre ieroi y±iMaca añistthe alleged ethtc s.T} b
          ±b e butnotcra edin
          ojrai hjnvdthflthc& . Theothert}nee n nverererQt ych&gedvdthmre b
          t} thctth&B.B. ieg steiedasagcthb e allegecflynu± t} craagair tthem
          ± .It fmtherieroit t}utt1 ro]±e oWio rouginallyincr rge I l ls
          m esfigafict s fim fer b caurg}ut c±sbict. Cc rems ere Sie that — new
          rolicec4licersnuyths utallomghffgah ninoiderb flee thScolle s
          fl mt} aoSrsbi w}itagaJi tthem.
          thsen thi
          20. rerirderesti1uecSztgarer
          fl mt} GrnierdiiuegarJtot} aSrs tuftt .
          Coumumral'ous r&efred from the Cover 'm ut
          21. hiaojrratutalictthedló Jm 2O3 theckwenauerd IBrotn 1 r d±d
          thlict irthbnraffctiegarJ fliee±yctBn l i iflieieroitoft} SreñaI
          Pagc ple±cc Jr (RCaQ42JCBIAddl. s. 93 1-935 ). In ptula it not
          th&in thhjnb thePare AdIl9 athseri
          Jgere —. Wonrn
          c}ünathgen±rins&eliurcdsmi rt1 crrdNththF ,e-Y irF1an
          ( JJ2JJJ7). S elifli nto rsiftze theretheJaige cbdo teachersand
          t} m m ntocbn sft ath raahdoIerce flu ughetnatha renEir .
          Broakn is a SipUtOIytO t} SAP S Cc wethct on F ewi± — O rð
          TraflicIth thWc renathcaa en±brF cthbtca
          thsen thi
          22. T} Srec PcTc ldMetot}mil t1 GjwrauentofBr kn±br
          1 rñh fr omiathnctitsnkb e tbrceagS t meR
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          23. ByIefterth8Ju 2O ntjoirdIyht} SpñaIPagoiteurcttc tne,
          t} Srec Pagc theckwenauentlluts} radiecSeduffomialictctt}
          24 LX (f) rercyanestedinJaimy JOJbyrothe c4licersfluuthe
          /thuntonrethe skhJ4vtheres} flege y keptfcwi mcA1flowh
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          P e 9
          - rerQtecflyftfe rndhs piegnant — eqechi b — s ieroit ily
          w e&en t1 Othfoft} relio rthrathldckecl She
          rercI dju6ftefoie s} g Teblandafiersheh raH5 OJOynR
          25. a ( agepmd nusleroltecMyarc edinJa1my JOJandtakenb
          Hcrntl rtheres ged Tere e&eR Asaie 4
          s} ieroit yradar athage athherreaIthaThged ±eliomedtotherefrdv 1ne
          s} erth yreba dadherpfli±rhou anest.
          26. LV. 0) roiyiJan2OB ec i shea]k 1y
          ncdFaImlGJsthtaim acktoher}me tov Fer crer ci Aonc±iVo
          t} ñ±nrahnrecrnwc sgc rathechef&theFengcrer cityrolice
          27. LM ( arS±nt&Siilman }r re, - rerQkMyarc tedinFtua,
          JJO.T} rolio Thge ysage rerathher d grderatthethre &anest.
          ADOIdÜIgb theirthbnualictieceiwc onther htofl9 JJJ rtemenfi m
          bc rolio stalicflokrerfi mrer}me tot} rolicesalic cv 1 ie rerrmds ere
          thge suc±d eraeeadrerno h aIedvdthtare ±bragoIctgedreiio
          tot} rofrdv1 le ercIot} s ecame ei dvdthrernukSre rc t keiiat
          t} ±ethcto ±e fc l5th thrñ±hs}ie notallo edtobie ff dher
          28. W.S(f) andrer}uteth erererQtcMyanesedonl5 brn 2OJJ aflert1 y
          1y erdbBe ñ
          takentotheSrekournt ic ±e.W a ngSracnordrsgegmrdath s
          thge y tottrnc ±rton rer±ethctIc allrn.Ac c±iVot1
          WS. yes
          rthctr erthjnc Srer*rc çG i dc rthio .
          29. WX(f) reroitecMyanestedct 19 F±rniy2OJJ ñiPthj gafiers}
          roit 1yb itendmii
          rc aSn&t1 Llifr cityrolio skhjR a fl thllovS th cs} sierQtecMy
          p r s}
          s}oksandieroit ily
          nor tv ra she rolkJ]flimb ktotheLlifr c rethe stalic y1 ie s}
          iecS,ec ore nordhafiersre ass}
          1yrethtog e Fa1mtcb .
          30. £G(±
          toeIec s}ocbafrrjoutht HnampinFtuaiy JOJ. To flqicI ere
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p I D
          k nmderrerth enm . Sre esa] allegecMy±bb mrcwerrer
          bd ffifnctecelitoaiotherand hm t± cbnmirnrerthcebme
          d dere sbag .
          31. VJ (Os rcivh2OJJ 1 ns} n entto
          Pe uvoageak&erdfofFabmcb . Sre egec qgnardatt1 thueofrer
          Sre reroiyñ±ally± Ji datt}
          32. W.O)
          D atbast22relio men.Sre lerQtecfly±ThFmct gnant&t1 — .
          Aooidñ totheuffomialictieceiwc ore mnthlae; anoflierfi mt1 O ±urolio
          lionc ±iedherb eserdtothe lD2MlitawnrndaIro Jfta1toraw an±c hJRIt
          c }lo ew; th&t1 thrc theiffc if fledathflut tenbaallygawblit.
          ai8F±maw JDl, s} andrerh erererQtecMyaresedagaiR rbth the
          til allci ijned the h id a i d legs.
          33. BJ. Ca(nd B.(OMdrercy een±tS datflnuen IathF
          jrnSri c mi OJ.Aco ±iVot} frthbnrah niect i.
          tii f±ht1 y me 1yp }tedfnugoii outc tenuth fl toibt
          s} sallegecMysIagedont} thcevdthas}oe. C.S.iercythn nunyn
          t r i fl mdfcne) erc drelio ofthue.
          34 IXJ. (f) erdb Peijiivoageal
          cer fofFamiGidttntoPeE}ianriilictc ±e thUuñuntov
          v1 ie s} 1c i1y±bb Icadrea ybiicb ali}owh s} piegnant
          ADrnhVO theuffoimalionieceiwc flutrc liedinar athage.
          35. L.N Waid WX( brdthother± maleFüaiG 1 nhhc r vele
          rolst and rdb Jñ di Omr&tCenfrethHthei 1 r reatt1
          roliorn ntgedallfemale
          t} mtoebcthcs}iotWX. rerc ecMyg teneIetc s}oksto}ierno haid
          m.Po]±en na]k ecMyagIiedebcbic s}oI to LN. bieasts tpfte t} thct tint
          s} st]flad &sfiuuanoremthntolenow abauornsre a] Jlerolt
          k ecedtoel tc s}oonrergen a]nidreth mu.
          36. LV. roit yanestedñiOtther2OJDandtakentotl Yiiflc 5 nn
          — &herarc t s} sieroitecMy wrelybea±en
          5 t1 ±p chef&fllerolicesaSr 1o abJsbñèdc &eftesfrdoher
          rct aidldckedrenack
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          Page I l
          37. VJ.(O rccflyanestedct octt&er2OIç henshe erdbBe ñ b
          thesaifr c relio stalica Sre yes
          rcer I±kec shgth ctt1 thce athpull byt} rcoidnigtofl
          md.Arethenunaflege y 1igedrerrnussad l cedrertoebcft i
          s}ot.HererQkMyt}m 1tenedb 1drerbcc tththThi ±erathtoc ±rmeiib
          mreher.She odeiedto m cffrercIofl ad saaflyahuv 1 ns}
          le fu ci
          38. LS (0 rcyedon3JNcweir&er JOJathtaimb theHailan
          bimrhoft} Be rolice. ItEaThgedfluttherolicetrTedoffrercIoflthg c }i
          thrhermi±r e&andpflerinacellv 1 ie s} sieroitecMy wieI b iten oflrn
          ñuratc all ii ffgat byarethe oflierHerrthn aThgecMypLdathrer
          ho ked agali ta da b el lied &om d t}n & urfi s} Icst
          o bness. Her lid f e e athchest eie Thg y}ie edvdthaballrofrd
          rer Sre Thged k ecedto eIec i sho.L.S.leroly erdctahm er
          — b r ag flthfrrerd.Accc chVot1 irthbnualict iectwc s}
          thra ear/ ns}
          reIe& dore e&Iatei s} srerc tcMyum} IetoThrck
          ljfldtoeI tc s}ocl ieaflyv&der JOJ. Henrnthm1re±WlerQtecMyce& d
          as a ie j1t.
          c. RQ( srerc teyrest ct2Oreceir&er JOJ. sre erdtoriamrauen
          Scrnie ni Pthjñig to a p 1c eMIf&Fabmcb athvesttntoarolio skhjn
          t.acoudli tot1 fr& rah nr eherthce h st gethta]sathoflrnrefls&
          rerthc rne
          miojroño aie ali of t} wie eahi s. Sre v sroitecMytoIdthats} uH
          c @ e ieI difsre eedtosta flutfl bm heen ]ifrdhed
          41. LX (f) rerc mmb aIakeurcm inHStc ç r€jS
          }rr thr er er2OJJ afier s} verd to Peiji b ethbr Falmi Gjr . Sre yes
          rewi d thdth ilth erfcn th athrelio alleg cmredctrenack.
          sre rerc htere c tedtoa±tenhjncenfie ñiChbitoy çy1 ie s} was
          eI vdtoraeenheIdfc J noStthr 1ichs} aflegecMy k ededto
          ¶-fieaftuerd.Acojr±i b the Lomiali ire ssrewrallo eda± irdr sit
          c a flail ra rfl sleep; sre ieIy eaten and ldcked a i d foited to Imeel ct the
          gi mdfc l2rou . aic oc b4s flegecMytaimtot1 rcq± vthere s}
          rthb cdtha kreth&cnieimThbec±i .Sre -
          rc st]l
          clo lymc tc&ron andieroitecMyanested thnorceherreamiMdnirni
          42. IX (f) was leroft yanest ctflr r&er JOJthPe ijsv 1 ie s} Md
          gctetoagealctbe} f&Falmicb aidtakentot} F gs}uo ur rolicestalict
          rnsraaangccHtheipicwure.Sre esaflege ely eaenctva±
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P 12
          43. GE ( i y s dth
          Jan1 ly JJl ñiPthjñ thrage ] ct er ]fofFaImiOor .Sre lerolt ly
          rea ycb electic shot. Her h d rerc i 1y rd to a I±our camp
          ñi&a . kcoid tofl ffomialictr & —
          taimtoamenWros 1 ita]. v1 ie s} thugst}utrada
          nrndafly±bilikthig eflèct.
          theirv ctfl frcelldx et een lXanflJ Jm JJl.C.Y. vesab rerc ecMy
          lj ct b elecrncshot. A nrd sierctoraw ± edheñ 5 therh stath
          b ra sho ed&oerthesatrerTo pi est S tflthfieaftue*s} degecMy erdct
          a 3?-thyron er sute.
          45. WX(Osrerc tecMyedon7Jmie JOflnotheofficersfnuLar 1ou
          UthwStyrolio stalic
          FaImicb .Sre rol rdtot} Tacs}miig±tenlictce±e ñiLar kuci
          v1 ie s} aflegecMymder erdahm sthi to}r estagS ther±tenlioRShe s
          iercpegnantatth&hire and±b edb mdergoanakethct therethe.
          5 T}
          >br tov Sic}miprMir inI&e Ju JJl. Nflowhsre srorii a
          nmd oId &t} mc s} go enurerd
          bthth v1 ie she h kept Ao c chVo t}
          rmdc edv i andb 1teR
          47. WV (f) yes ieroi yanest byOAji ubnrolice Slicers ±brhan up
          FaImlGJrersthAwu6t JJl.Sre aThgecMygc rardatthehire ofherarc t
          sre rerc y wieIyb n theoffice dallegecMy fferedarni ñage as
          a ie j1t.
          2. VJX(f) ath J.(f) eie rcyr ceir&erlc99athtaim the
          S uii Sech n&t} FommNhcr yCcmraqtoadeter&tce±e v 1 ie they
          aThgecfly ed to tc e a i d ot}rn l b of il eathientbefc e beir ‘eIe
          l5d Iaer.c cers&t} YDurthceslictrerQtay±tS dt} mfc aiother
          l5th dnJkT JOJ. hlOthJJl flw erererQt yanestedagainaiddetaJi d
          &t} Yubikurethe skhJRYD. rc1y ± fl tosIeepdepth lictathoflrn
          sofM-fieard.Aco tothir& rahjiueceiwc aflereightrndhsof
          ± lS4sres rdercedtocte e& ñithe o rdbüga± &t} Sra m Iakeur
          mplbrallegecflyiethsñigtogiw t1 nte &Fuaicktg.Int1 cm s} was
          allegecflyfovedtonklbrlctgror. Itrolt Hlatshesfiel rdIylb edtosit
          ctsiuojrt} ethie
          thgrds. Sre M-
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 13
          fieaftuerd.She allegecMystaitdaron sthi topttandasare iItshe s
          allegecMyfove-fedThreightmctflis&detethc cs} srerc mteno dtoore
          e&rnathiv hmcamprnJmie JG ath mttot1 thr e&flieSra m
          rc te&rerath
          thdrotallowrertosIeepait} thys eI c agToup&inraSrerQtd
          cIofl v 1ichm eherthce ellandbIe .ZJ. rerc tcMytaimtotheSh }üre-
          etcihjncenfreon3l at&er2o32.c nordhl&e; s} rerc ecMy±tS dina
          fimIer b t} Wunie-ec ralionceS v1 ie s} aThgecMy ± ededtothily
          ¶-fieaftuerft foFfraraS thr&I st J da .
          49. aill Jm JJ t} SrethalPcTc t rdajJñ u erdageaIvdththe
          Srec R oiteurcttc tae oJrcer W.X (±Xasentv 1rn sierQtecMyanested
          ctll 2O Uátersiw
          and cathia So Ur th wof Politharcierce a i d Law. They vere lerQtecMy
          dfc ara aidbaIIx s oniemonthig 13 ç the araáter y&
          fliei± affct&Famicb .Aooidn bfr omiahc i iwc ct l3Miya
          rolio r eM rer to a cell nip ±ter&t ce±e in Sraii*a c±sbict aid
          ±brc femab fraratestos }ier.a &fliembnredrolicen iueroit y
          pis} drertot} giomidaidmreTher t} ot}rnfrauatv tehec1Policerercy
          thtreda doIerdafterttofc -±rerv 1 ns} entctroaigersS iio Iy
          s} lerQtecflyfr fer tot1 SjuthveiOor ci çbfler
          ojrthfii snotIarn n&thethre &v ihiV1 m erdageai
          50. ail7 b rber2OB t1 SreñaIPagcrdajofrbFgerdag ht1
          theWonGmpctMblfrawrr ctaidt1 Sreth R c tFontc bFe
          o rcen L.Q (tho rercyaken yfituherrcmeinSrm rthon
          Srmaci Sireflrn rer 1r kc sraw s
          rced l i icc uffcdthrerallci ncliceofFabmGng.
          51. ail4No mr&era t}
          SrecSR cmonfieetu&owncther ic ct} SrelaIPagofteurct
          tceaidflieSr ia1R Fturctfl rdtot1 hg} staftSSjIestaidird&
          dn realihcc reSi thn eFamG 1 nthc ai
          27Septer&er JGflr(O roitecflytakenb > ilu±ilionc ± v1 ie
          ThgekT it a roaigers te. She afleg n'c rat bbo aid Icst
          oiouvufrr fc -th±Itsrerc tedflutt1 6l0c€io
          c ±rflr to be s reflyfi ed to S M imr cli3c b rer v 1 ieakc s ere
          allege monY.F.aidI r Ir-oIddai*erradallegecMy eenarc tedaid
          k ecedtotc tne andoflrnfoims&M-fiea rentint} r .T.L.WwrQtd
          eaten thehead&t} 6l0c celiiWeththc aidthurot}rnoflie ctflNhy
          JJ2. Sre rerQtdto —
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P 14
          — . Asarc uIt s} dege y cc iousi ndb aire rai 1pec1She s
          ieroltekT i}x crnflyreba c1 C V. 0) rtd dct8AwuflJEBby
          J di c rotheathmmtoabcth ethctce±e ctl3 Septeir&er2OB v 1 ie
          s} erdctahm sthi .She
          tgr yb ba edai 5 Se}ier JJ s} rc tcMy rdtot1 ZhHSig
          }rrce pi nros 1 iW ±brfmther ±brce-fe li . It s a]k edt}ut a rc iilt —
          ethc ccithpds}nmdedbbo±Itsiercflutv 1 ns}
          uthedfitufliebec she stoj ikto * rerf e w,reIe herrmds
          d± etvereio coIaeranrs eie ethn dbrt dathrerbbo couHrot
          cinlite Irrelly N es ere yim itedfrdorerbmi s. Srevesrerc ecMy
          aiedctbailonl3 Ctt&er JCB.
          Coumumral'ous r&efred from the Cover 'm ut
          52. Bybtterthed29JuIy JG flieGiauentrcdflutthere sro ch
          re csW.X nflrnauc V}ierenrmrndroranmgt1 emrcn,rS±rds&
          Dr cit3c atht}utro sbrhitvdthth& rare - ieg ster at Camgcp
          thefrau&es&Pej1 hi±tenlict
          c rSrairdrn±sthct.
          F0IIM%q topraiiusbr fra 'n fttd coumunat '
          53. ByIethrthl9vh G t} GTarerd&cathulesTctcb ba
          o mron±alict mtjoir yvdtht1 Ouar Pagoite oftheWoflth G ct
          Mthfir tenlictthed22JuIy2O32 (FEN42JJr5IAdH rai s. 27-33). The
          Gj erauerd ftedñ±nralictrc aid g the foflo á re Jrs:
          (a) fl Do ' Iuil(± aged3 &cachmici Jillii 1 rthrev c tedto
          r,efluee ears&I±ourre alictfc caEi apiHicc±sbatere t1 meno
          rFth fiuu25 Noer JJOb24Njwr&erflB;
          cthü ±ethjnon2 No erber JJl ±brcu apllic c±sbj±ere. at 19 Apil
          JJ t} 1 iltarLakcFPerthilftalionO mthftce ercedrertobe&s I±oF
          re- tcuffca 01 3J Ppn]. smD s}
          rderce sairen±dto erthle rerto iw rertenuot± t} thci]liy The
          Gj rnnuentsktedflutsre rad een rdrore , anditisnotflna thather
          v1 ietheu are milmov
          (C) r& mder
          awM inherrc re cSe 1 ier±er2OJl cbn&r ,th orax ttdthe
          offeno & ±ek ñu*rerdalictoft} h athon2No er&eroft} me
          s} ta nrdocmumahiete±ca 1thcacmer4 ñt rcc ;
          rdercedto fluee Apfl132to22 JJ5 fc
          c 1nr apthlicdrbatere;
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 15
          (e) LuGi ' (f) aged55, erd&Xi chengtht 3 cLi& thg 1 rthr -
          rnterc toflmce s Iaken-ec rathnfi m23 Apfl132to22 P, ñ2OJ5±br
          c 1nr apthlicdrbatere;
          (0 ZI Vthm(± 4 ieth±ntofXtgchei S 3 çL c rthre
          rdercedto fluee Apil2O32to P, ñ2OJ5±br
          c 1nr apthlicdrbatere;
          ® Wa ' G,ñzfrn(± rS±rd&Jiairojthc ç Heilc iang rthr
          rdercedto fluee Apfl132to21 fl5 fc
          cu apflc c±sbatere. / e r,ir rertenuofI±orne-ec ralicak Wang
          s}o ed}ier IfahIe to ojrthbnub thef il sraesandie alic athiectwd
          24ck&itct&rerreiio of±ethca kcoidñ b ñ±nralict 1 rtth byt}
          WeITbi In(f),
          njredñit1 o Sr t1 cathcs pkdicnüwagercSathjxfrial
          ralm }JIetoIoateflthre J4ath
          iecr sedmoie ±tail fr oimahn.
          54 T} Ownurerd &Cr m dit aftac}i eatliurc t to i dñigt}
          hvahigrdsathfrdeies of nuen.Jnoiderb fcv dt1 üghtsof nuenin
          rolitc ñit1 c or ç ñiec ralictathinoflrntuS cathu}i I sand
          athrsfbrthepi ecffctof meilsugrdsaidt1 rnolictof nuen
          Offb±jn&t} P ri&sRe thc&
          cathuathitsn inccmrctentist} Lawctt}e cSn&theP rdsandJneiests&
          WonnAtt} samehm the ckwerauerd &Othu thc gle& ilçQtare b
          andr sstegedupt} I ,eIoferthbivenrnd&theIawint}thaie ethmredt}
          effecfrteress&piewthw n sathlirr dt1 wiityofacffctb ojr±at
          mila faandc iacthzthes 1±hfraget1 renialand}rrefiyügrds&
          nuen.T} Gj enurerdstaedflutt} ±o e-lrer& drenIstaimirth c jsb ç
          li thr c;t1 rre& nes
          dtaiminaontre ttht} I andt} chrot
          iepie rdii tares&tbrce S enc ofathith detethcaT} Gj rnmerd
          t. Ta
          mqcsr fl s ar fl G nurerdra rSiexfielreIycIco aftenlictbt1 nuraierath
          i 1ichitvoe *adftacis itaoorhno vdtht} hw.Itogct sath
          the of tc thre a i d ot}rn cr n or ±gnhig fleahuerd aid
          ± edarange &eflècffw n sto 1 mIaieandpnthht1 relrefralion ,Skte
          ofliñaiarmeir&fliejafrS 3 cofads&toibae c oflrncn$iiil nran
          c dc m± fleaftuerd c pmth}mient
          55. ByIethrda±ed24Nhy2OB t} Gwrauerd.ct±dtoanurgerdarTeaI rd
          j üiflyvdtht} SpñalPagQtelmctblbae aidt1 SrecialPagoiteimonfltecbm&
          Co 1m O4Imr(0. The
          cb nurerdn±nredt} Srec Pagc teFt}utNk cairimleflcathuct24jaima,
          JJ2andt}utt} aII€ ahc &bibae andrn-fieaftuerdaie FthbmrM
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P 16
          56. T} Sreñal Pagoiteur ad rn t thaith t} Gjwnauent of Cathu ±br i
          le or . The Srec l ParTc teur is pI d to rote tint tl Gjwrauerd athres
          to t l p te &t l n rds of venn Ho ew ; in the &the
          nero allc ahjrs vd±h on 1me b e lec T I ilLfieaftuerd I Falmi Gjr
          ncthc in ±tenlio4 tl Sreñal Pagoiteim awieciae iece th me
          ± JM irthbnrahjn ake tl ie-ec ralict le me ri d b piafflicters I Faban Ga
          — tl me& nes a± to gew* u stgate — pumosh any acts I doIerce S t
          n(en rn ±tct. The Srecial PagQtelm roes th ± tl Ckwenauent thd rot ‘esrord
          b all tl ±tailed allc ahjrs tuftt in tl cc mran±ahc . Wiflo cc rthg b arq
          ojrcbjsbrs as to tl — I tl aflegalicn tl Sreñal Pagoiteur ad rn t reipjth
          the Ckwenarerd th& ft — a to pewrd toIeno agaJn6t rer in esffgae the
          allegalic pict c e therelrefrab athpm± oer licttothe dcthns.
          &mocra& Rcwth& of fl Co ' u
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          57. PamieIetethtéedu 5 1 ier±ie IaPagol sróñab cc4irdement
          ,ecIe Pagol éthFhtc tne etla PagQteD sTéci* Fhthbnffctdc
          th±I inieenPápllic nomli aetCc o auffoiiré Gjweimment
          crfefle cutrer gren rIctIe ]sG.K (± aStS 24 jiflJJl ,
          nmtété frar fêi e tarcliwn ntdeIapi n± IaE t ffctn&ftáe ±s th,i sar
          rabie(DFMAP) oüelleétht eroaeversmiec] ±p afmcrfefle p±t yr etrIes
          eimuenéele 3o±bie
          JJl ilich aeNgaliemaeti éedansm crmrhe Ia n eMai ±d jx
          tlitSesdeIaDFMAP.Les abiités± liDE ilamtherdrasaoe}ié crfelle tht
          rcs 1 i ]Jth i1 tot m lgi I thgresalle sd miacorenrndgore.Lesauthit
          ± li JnbñaFtherd 'efiD lav i siteW lnlé±ththtadetilaFthentacce}ié crie
          ojr jItalict
          mi ñrdert ndo ± nité nülitafre. D p naneskffc elle mftété
          qctire ± nnn ftenrndsteIscr pi ahJn±nomeetdethS bStcr
          ±snrnacc et±sththlic s.Jftes± ifamifle bñaFtherdé irderclis.
          thsen thi
          58. T} SreñaIPagoite uHrn b
          fi mtl Grunt i n &dtoflgath tuftt ±
          F wt
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          59. al9ApUJG tl Srecia1R Tc tnrdajofrbFgerdageuIttht1
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 17
          tc bne aththeSrecSPagQtelmont1 m±rerc rce cgesandInsiegaath
          t} d±tethctofrondieW&ar var±norsfrSj v 1o flrdi
          mhsreIdCaet een Jath25 vh JEB.T} y eiereroitecMyacc d
          nü Itroit Hi&t1 bWroa eradbcuffct&thedetaii nurqofvdom
          rc tdto e ±kñ
          are ac st ( hmI Alma! Mi ta& Kl li! (0 hv er Zial 4J,del Itmi! al
          flSmtM,iiAlm I ue b ot}rnIav e C u IAbdaIAñzandVassk
          Fan fo rre — ers of Par]ime * MoI um d Fan! H samb Ihundem
          Sthaht AJIdd Ann at I hmb land HSan B Ma! — a ron&er &sbxie*
          Minn Fanq u* Fu* Malniil bzat u*ath Nounlnn lIdi c4
          /emarq&the} nrh ofrecrie y± J1 dralreIe& itErerQted
          th&atbast68recT raw eenndvdth±tethcrc ±eb een4l5th &
          Se (t}ue&redvdthr e) ,or
          ra cedtotheu ofexce 6iw foite ctdetethctcmiW±b es.
          Peroi c le wn ±t s e er b the State S m 1W
          d±rqflhttoagesaccicanoiily e ,eflm d an
          odercfl} F th±rd&fl PepcthrsciMlikCJ emc .
          Coumumral'ous n&efred from the Coven 'm ut
          60. al22ApJJ t} C ruerdlerli tot1 Spi Pagc tfsjjñ
          m erdagealof9ApUJcB. TheGjwrauerdskt th&itvesrotth tHflousmW
          &ci ers ele pewrdedfitu±northathigaga stt1 Jn 1 .T} oiilyre rie
          anested eie thco v 1obieach thepthlic niityathp±dic oiderjc examrie thco
          — ±sfrc 5 edpthlicorpi'a±e rreiyT}o rer eie c sffc d 5 the
          r r trerd&Thflc F cthreleaoire the frc ahct ccmriete. The
          Gj enurerdfiatercIañuedth&roore Ecrr4thS reHthdeter n ec B I
          the demoiIsfralic thr 6tt} rmImq.
          Gne e
          Coumumkatioi — b the Covenineut
          61. ByIefterthed4Ju 2O3 ltjofr4ithfl SrePcTc tFonthe} man
          iig}i oftgmrd t1 Sretha1Pagoiteurrolifrdt} Ckwenauentt}uts} radiecei
          ñ±nraffctcctornthig t} c i I a(f) , aged 19, aulaañtindcthu Ifi flicIth
          1osaThgecMyr thbyaretheofficernilc98.
          62. ct23 Nhy JG acomtaqthftedthe
          rolicec4licer c d Ir ±
          t c b e gcs rdatt} rc thr s.T} ie ele allege yb amroro sindto
          rads} giwnittot} rc.Shea] ierc 1ycISu th&in JJl ,shegaw rer
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P I X
          cordadthe tot1 ojmtathflutt} rthceIu wrerass} raddcte jn
          frhi nkfcd1 m.hithetrnce 111 dc m&t} ftia thecomtierc tcMy
          ojrdai th&s} radcc rd b iterojnvdtht1 rolice oflier The ot}rn
          tc sv1o MdSfffiedctreneMIfatthegehnim }i iiir sab verenot
          amroredathcc crndIy ele rotpie rd&t} bid Therelio c4licerieceiwda
          b Ir rerdrderce thrdeiethffct&c asre Imwfluh±thrs&frailicIth
          ere eu held m u d ie met Olgaje thd rot rerQt cmu and Md
          er agedfrde ou vdthrer He saccrAfted&flierare. T} oner&the
          s rdercedtoflee &sinp n±brthWicIdi athflnee other ±± rdards rne
          ven nc &‘&thi int1 fraflicktg
          & men.Ho ever t}
          e y(I OJeFcspe&).T}leM1thter&Jusffo oyasI dt1
          hj ubroft} S ren Ojmt to tai all recc yacliors to cme t} ff11 accrAttal
          &t} roliceoWrerT} F t fibdamohjn±brc&sihjnct J Jm Jctt1
          leg mdflutthewdit keds efficathdetailede) 1amlict .Acojr±1 b the
          fr nuir eiwc t1 F tr1ud jto I5th e±bie thereathvoflb
          iralictiectwc Olgaddrotieceiw
          anyfoim&eflècthe gotecffctdmtg t} 1 rc ec±i dc pfte t} thct tint s} Md
          Fmtenro. it w a s th& Olga thced lengthyand eqerSte ojmt h no
          refi mt1 Gwnurerd.Shea] JMdroi±nlityrarersathwasthci1
          ±roththRT} Uthncc t Mdrercthbiit aeherarewraisroit
          rerfomlerra1srolreenoJreBa },u oner&tl armIc98.
          63. Bylethrtht I7Ob er JG rdjofrdlyht1 Sreth R Tc tFont1
          Pagoitemrofffi t1 GrauerdflntsheMd i ecSed thlior lfrthbnrahjnin
          re 11 ontl ca a11egekTagammrertrnce
          ierc c ilyleand&tl reathVlmowhanatleintl loalre carer The
          cD dwas i eroltecMyge nt.Fmtnuc. O sccm 1 1añitflbdthPafi sct
          II ierber2O S e athffi hoallegflklyclSuedth&t1 yMd
          eda amrorsonreratanathie vd ie s} rewr]radrerQtecMynot etbeen
          thr md tl Pav ct totheccmreterd i api ntc Tha
          cor±i tot1 fr omialictieceiwc ro Sffgt lfrdothecthth rc corsbthW&
          fl e ibThh stfl±
          64 Bylefterthedll J y JJ3 tl Sreñal PagQte j lflyttht1 SrecEl
          Pagoft on tc bFe a the Sreñal PagQteur on cc derr aa w±bnns of mcisl4
          oflie ctfliemomtg&8JaJJ2vd nroliceaThgecMyrth±dt1 fflement
          Aon± totl fr nu oW ' a} the
          fflemerddthtl fr 1rorsthan 1 rolice rne ccmpiü byajafriak4lic
          b aThg thdrotpiubre anyarc tc&c}id.Itfli&tl yor r
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 19
          allt} Pduao &t} irsranlie thfc dflo 1le4Tou i± tolie fre cbnct
          the g md T}
          c+ eflsthflthenrndthrthug v 1 et1 Prm ait rnbbdou i±iea]k ecMy
          sond mad k ecedton±tii Th. ItErerdfl&fleroFof
          therethe ±]keaathfrderc dtofugrdenathronrd te. c rolio c4lio r
          allc ecMyroir dr s aiata 13- r-oIdgiflandanoflrnrolio ofli r rc t
          so&ac±sthledthy&the me etosd dtheng ±edr m t1 ems
          tomil hmstan±
          hck fl ackandImcck b thegiOmusre saThgecMyb athararnor s
          gc rard at the me a ids to} edT} ±bllo árhys} taimb rcqita
          v1 ie s} th Iatei
          s} ierc eredanijnñ e. Sre Ebejiewdtoraw ffl accuiSitvqtht}
          ItEa] Jalleg th&tthV1
          miSk ,eraIoflrnPnuaveie y-fr 1tedbyro]±e c4lice .
          Coumumk aS r&ei, ed from tI Cover 'm ut
          65. ByIefterthed6AIBt} Gnrerdfransithftedt} foIbvü
          ñ±nrafficc rer thec& &OIga.OIgaMdeneiedt} oyMegaflyct Jc
          (EliaXthrakeflterJrd}ral26Ftuawlc9 at l2Oa.nr spicked &t1
          thgrdcbJh arolicec4lio ; NB.T}
          aho Ivtherethec4liceradfc a jcmfcnfuc}ire thdrotrayec he snot
          thedto. Therc re ad frde o dthOIgd&4am.thnedtot1
          cIuhv 1 ie t} oflio rIefireraid ita y.(T} ov rnoft} duhD dtoIokOIga.
          re) bthecIthaidfoivedthemtogcwi± maI
          ±b ufl c jsbn . ) 1 rethtor O merdbt1 ro jftaEiiAmali *
          allege yb aD s} bI d gtetot1
          dub ccmraiiedrer 1 dot cc mrerd th&s} aythr ita] b t1 veier
          thdrotallowrertost .HetoIdhers} radtoray3JpJOth rauasathyifshe rded
          tskyrn}icspta]. — re Othacrau toerflerfiuut1 oner&
          aIIOt}nthgMclth niK iiSks.Asrerh ipi*IemrersEtec s} tai r vdthrer
          ai9No er±er lc9 OIgnenttot} Amali arethe snaidrerc edflutt1
          rthceoWrerN.B.}i flaredreron 5 Fe yl 8.She idflutshe}i rot
          ±romredr u ecaB s} ids} uIdbeanest .T} onercflieclth -
          keerthgrerrercixmue* 1uc}lrerefiD dtoiebnlmile re vespidUS OJO
          bcmrersuffc r.T} rolio c4lio rN.B.aidthe thgMibov rnV.B. eiethth
          med 1 ThiblicF c atrcUar nthhoug}dacharge S tt1 roliceman
          thrmread t crndIythr±relicffctofc c and S tt} cIthonerfcqim 1 ii
          pnement exrlcathct a id mpiahct&±cmtrnds. The — cd cerv s
          hOWMt bialbefole t} Pafrdjmai4afieraraer& oe 6iw
          auerd ct23Nhy JJ re accrafttedoft} mre aid mteno dt b ea
          ñjrauntfc ±ff u&d T} ofl era 1 p i b ada±e ±brt} biaI}i rot
          etb n t.AFcAthüthfraliw h ligaffct}i beenoider &t1 meoft}
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p J
          ütdenth 5 the Nhth yofThkdic ct±ratht} H iciju iters &t} Hellethc Pthc and
          ct22rr±er lc9 therethe ofl er dthrcte &.T} Fc
          AthüthththeIl esffgalictiewaIedflut coidñig to t} n thct 5 t1
          riWct9Se 1 ierberl99 thybefc cuu
          5 raaI frde ou . T}th - cc ffiuiuedbyacbctcnáo thdrot 1 rc edharq
          fiatrn dexairàahdfl ttudHnotierc ttHs} radfteenmreclNo
          gethW alenere fomdbyt} cbctc s vthj Ji dOIga.It
          not 1 ro ed v 1 ther Olga M d e rgaged in ri Urderojn t i l t a man ot}rn
          t}unt} ro]±e c4licerafiert} afterlefiher.It snotgo edvthethert} rolice Slicer
          raid t} ov r& the cith l it c ±r to 1 ick Olga. T} charges air t
          rcdnunerepihbs} dlitt}ne care athothermeth g th S b t ,our±le
          Duerds anIstrdmaththerethe ±b eingenerd Thc e eie roi dto thc
          ner&therelio ±b x andit s±cthHtatN.B.shoudbebmg}fte±bie t}
          Ffrst regice fltrku,Bcead T} &eri JsTerc d fitm d ±br s E c nmflis —
          c tedtHhebefrans± ned 1sce s ldbyt} Seojrdr iee
          E thrku,&ead.T} rolice ofl er cc tder b — edthe rdercev 1üb
          c tensbnfnu29rr±er lc98mtt13Um lc99.Un±ranor rda±ed3OMiy
          JJR the relio c4licer fr ir tot} OeneralPothe E ectc &e &AthId.
          66. me
          c i t} Gjwnarerd gcwi±d t} foiL vü Mth irthbmtalica Cthr ml
          rc ec±1 s ele liiliaS nrn arethe oflierathath,±arçvdimeie
          c}t&gedvdthrareathdereliclionc c (t} rolio Slio i) and±brprnenrn
          fraflicIth athe ioitathn& rcs ± r athrnegal cc alict &domuen (the
          rrfti The±bret1
          NThcedSntOjmt&Pafi s.T} comtaccrAftedt} relio c4licercftareath±bmd
          ñtpi n.T} re]±e
          c4licerffl aneabutthec hsrot efteenret& ccthmstance. Thepthlic
          rt cO1
          lare ctt1 gi midth&t} ±dsictdcesrotraw t} recr±edsTeñahthdetaibd
          jiciffca 1 ag t±brrebefo'e t} S ren Ojmt ct7 Otther
          oJrrauSn ntvdththeSrec R Qtelmctbflne atht1 SrecialParTc teur
          ctcc der em foims&mcthrçmcitthalic xercrltthiaathrelaed
          ]rdolerare rc ar±1 Erma. Itstat iluton3 Jaramy JJ arethe cTeralictbok
          ri e ñtaRcma thenrndtht} N iar i&hpr osttgv 1ic}t±burrenis
          ereanested a lFe ua çY.T.ffledaccm 1 1thrdht} idftomc afle
          th&s} &dck dmli therethe cTemSnle Jlh1 litarrñ e. 1 c±sbict
          a±tc mIs office liiff&edacthuñtal gct culictaga A anmilarn nrer nand
          oider ath&esffflrerr±i .
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          P age 21
          thsen thi
          68. T} Srecial Pagoiteur th gs t} Ckwenarerd of Grcece ±br t} frthbnraffct
          tuftt — i dthigm to oJcTeme tilt fl nmthte. T} Srec l PagQtelm
          u1daw ña±e eñflibnredctiln& s&OIgaandYT
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          69. adO Thrh JG t1 SrethalPagc jofrdIyht1 SpñaIPagoite
          cte)tha]acnamra orathlfra exectcm rdanm erdageaItot1
          (Oath 1 eun(± Sr thand
          row thdththeniiw
          thives).Srmueemasrercym dtoher± mi aflerilmce th but
          erega± siedt1 ± milyrcmeathilneaten rerthilrnilutre adbeshotifle
          ug}da Sauce fi mt1 rolice to uie the reba &Shvtho sieroitecMy
          reIdc jliw ±brt}mce noraid±brc dto] e asthevd± &cteoft} euci eCa
          }t .J ttd-Bs}terercyeedtorerfaird rcme.
          atthethgM&23Ftuai 3 cil eregaw vthoreldsr ac tteaThg caire to
          t} fairdyron vdth t
          Sr th il]tgIyiebm dto them they uHbmndont} hoD , thtS}t ,thath
          Sueema Sd}tanuA.RD.A.RDre aa±dt1 nbIethur ,e meb
          ierc1yIefithe± mily}me d r±Intginther&rcmes.HEvd± audfluee
          wmtgerc}iJtheuiemS dñt the ron , boIth afierthe ± irdIs — athcaffle. Itwas
          ierc tdilutt1 ± irdIsIa erffl arethctint1 JarniroaaidK }nrdrH hOjmt
          ct28Ftuaiy JG 3 Ith recli ithrthefarni butilutrod&e adeeu tfc
          F0IIM%q topraiiusbr fra 'n fttd coumunati
          orcaIethr rdctl0A jst2OJl ttht} SpñalPagQtelmctblbae
          o rcen Ri.aaMAhrthFJcaQ4QO32flMdl rai s. 27-39).Itst&edthatau
          liyMd waMilt&ilnueneiecc Wi dint} bck&theGhkram
          oArcstt}n ug}outt} thg}d&3Fe uaJOJads± ectedtorm merd.An thcaI
          ieroflcouH rot cc fnilut radseri frderojn b üithc&edilutboth
          ereilLfieaec1 acc crnce t} GTaueutliiffaedder trerdal}n ec±1 s
          añistt} iesrorsil Ie oflb dserd MsEtardSth-Irqectc Bi 1 iuKai ty&
          Ghkram o4cst.
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P 22
          71. Byletterda±ed3O Jaimy JG t} ckweimrerd 1 r,icb uffoiirahjn
          oJrcen gt}uJmtu erdwaI mtonlO P t JJl ht1 Sreth R c teim
          cttc bnecctornth .M hnaid .MercyKthiil(FEN.42JGfl3IAddl,
          ran. 3-3?).R NkMs}nt} ckwenarerdradfomidt} ojISd ei Ic as
          t} ie Mdb na±Iay&b neeb.NoacSn stakeRRcflc±1 Nk
          the Ckweimrerd ierc ted th ± t} im ±galicm ñrIa±i DNA anaI Md ±bmd no
          HJ weri1ndewoft} dkT
          iecoid st&enrndsoft} ccmrithnant t} n thco gal±iMsofsth gIeaithx&ch
          nuctflec oft} dch14 theclim d±rceathufi mstaemen of
          the ccm 1 i 1s and thflrn-ñFh as ell as sktenrnds I ot}rn Ioa l
          tcfmterliffgalictEthpicve .
          thsen thi
          72. T} Srec l PcTc tF uH M b t}mil t} Gj erauerd of Jxb ±br the ie 1y
          b rer cc mramrafl — M to e ke 1 i frthbnu I t} rc jIts I the
          m estgahca The SrecEl Pagoiteur ad rn to ieceiw ñ±nrahjn li i iegari b the
          Ii iIoi s ia
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          73. ail7 cttther 103 flue Sreñal Pagoiteurac t dt1 Gjwrauerdth&
          coidbfr onualiur ej . OtJ(± t} — ItI.D.(nO acorranather lthe
          F eAceh kwenrnd(GMsfldchm I a nethbrc c±sigeaimre.Itisafleged
          th& t} Ird r iarurdftaiyis iesTc dJIe. Acor±i to frthbnrahjniec ,4 cat
          21 Ser2OC.RI.andrerb crdchelbaa eeIdthyatha rndheId
          ere anesedinthefr}tcaue. Itisiercat flt&n±kysTeI sm1n(v&seneis
          Iaontot} SreialPagcatem)aththtt th&t1 hst t1 mb
          cISedflutfl yMd eenreIedflutflueyMd eentaimtot1 rcaueofher
          rarerds-it-hwñtt1 dflage ITer nJath K h Ho ew; acoJr±1 to uffoimalicat
          ieceiwc T1.D. dces rot Iuowt} 1 ake scflds eandchkher 1 ue jn of
          t} ñ±nualicatallegesthatt}
          kctc It}
          74 aug b mr&er JCB t} 3 re PcTcat j frdIyht1 Srec l
          PagolteFcaublbF nta m erdageahci arc±1 ñ±nrahjnflutanetrated
          lOJ nuenMdfteenmredáre nmff aw d IaredinAothonl9Nhyfla ItE
          ierctHnostoft} dchirsaie fügderedtotai IegahcSrccaily2lca s I
          lare c x ].Mi mentaie fluee
          ±Ao h eie o ithcedofmre andaflegecMycailygus}ratjailtenrs a
          rdycomt.Inc fl thllovic caies erethrsiththd
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 2 3
          75. Aonckgb ñ f tc cthwc ct l6AA Baflr crsithcb athM-
          fr&edflilage ofOSenihi] MnmPab E ±tNc&Ao K LtW,
          ed5ls rc tolbF ath I rda uersnllya} u ddnii fl ithcl
          76. Aox c±iVoirthbnralictiecSt4 ct8 P JJ at9.l5anr ,amiySrec
          roDe &MJL (f),aged
          31, ni Pthah Bukeh &hge , Sa c±sftitNc&AcehSre it thevd±
          &a rndlimei*er
          t}n wht} Thge aflegecMy
          flueaeredflutflerroj±eththdnot nerc ; s} urne IdlbcL
          77. Aooidñ b fr omiathniec ,4 ct27 J y JGuyo sromd upthe
          vlflagers of Pul,ii Pan) am! IPte JtvIflag Nhtang l rbict Biieirni
          c±sbict. Nbstoft} rmelu ele aflegekn saallytha c1
          78. ADOIdÜIgb ñ ctieceiwc ñiJuIy2O3 N(± 14 fi mBtt
          nn&e &themthilebiiga± rcstedatKeaieTitsIthPa euk (m rare &oreof
          t} allegedrelrethto isIuonb theSreciarnagoiteim.) It dflutthsca s
          rotieroftedtot} rolio lirauec her rdy fluea±eredflut
          there ukfte p th rc t t1 iri±rd.T} famiy±th±dnotb lerc tit
          dy}i mo edtoaiotherc±sftitin
          Aceh.Narrerc tecMy ffersfiuurost-fr nrath sfie llo t1 iri±rd.
          79. It iercth&ct23Jm
          Nc&AcehZW , ed35 ,A( 3l ,N(± aged24NW ,aged2l , f) ,aged25 ,F
          rerthe &fi crs ofAnuyPafttnYc f4llI Paith Sa1aftga. T} y eie a]k
          ±b edb rnhmo enrnd.
          80. ai2l Jm JJ A(± aged2l ,fnuN1 Uiok1hge ,Pa aBakc
          l Ebict Nc thAce}ThgecMyr edbyns&AnuyPatJictYc f4llI
          Paxh Sa1aftga(t} allegedrelrefrab ' ramcnle luont t} Srec PagQtem).
          St cpn4s}
          mred me , a i d t}m ite red rot to t i l t repS s if site toH anyne.
          Xl. h 21 Jm JJ HWaidN(± both l9 ,fnuAh thok &hge ,Pa a
          Peimg l Ebict , Nc thAce} ere aThgecMyr edbyrerthers &Amty Pathiict
          Yc f4llIPaid Sahffga(tl aflegedrelrefrab 'na1resale Iaontotl Srecial
          PagQtem). It rtedthatN'shnd s e&enasre rnedtode± rdrds e.
          They ere fluea±eredvdthrepSi iftheytoIdar ore.
          82. at JJm JG at6pm, S(± agedfl ,fitntN1 L}ohdflag Pa aPektg
          lx±tct NJlthAcersrerQtecMyr efleemer±e &rqBftalictYcaf
          41 I l Panth Sali l iga ll re lrefrabJ ' names are Li o n to t1 S recial
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P 24
          Pagol m).ShesleroltekTflmlledhre}s s} toIdar ore.Aco idñig
          toirthbnualictiectwc fl edrelefrs erecolthct byacomtm Thhth
          to I I ee to fo ea impi rauent
          83. It ierc tedflutct l9Jmie2O3 &ópnr, M(± aged fnuLm±a±uk
          biiga± (Bthuth) fi mt} PetnB trolio
          allc ±brc d totp — s a]k ecMydetañ at Jsk thar Mrh rc bn tlik
          84 Itisrerc edth&ctl8Jm JJ S(O(thcImireXag l5 ajnicn gh ro I
          pBfre 4AcehJemup athrersSnele cu 1 tned t}nee Bthuth nnbe
          fiuuNctsmratem;thesEtermamgedtoenre.S sle itecfl taimtoanem
          rou ac jfleBthuthstalionv 1 ie s} smred ±bur nrnthe .
          Aoor±i c& ageaiedthflienlictaIm iiaaththe
          relrefrab ele comt mafl llec1
          85. Aooidñ b fr omiathniec ,4 ctE Jm 2O3 r crsierc t 1y
          in kpiuaiy rooIatht1 st&e
          WestAo h 1 men rc t nmugedto
          ure tot} ±biest.T} ficrsa]k ecMyfoivedt} nuentoiemcwet} frcIot} s.
          86. al3JmG amlyuoTsoft} Kcm}iDYornJlba±allbnSreciaIFoives
          se fnuPak E r BanthBan &hge inJ ngThfl PentPamsMsbict
          F ±t.
          87. ai2Jmie2o3 anr c fiuut1 Kc mitaflegeknJthdt} }loD
          I 4J- ir-crntR ( nO inKp r n i]ligc Peus3ngan lx±sbict Bfreuerç —
          tc t dI .E S S aflegecflytrTeda S tc n t i l t a awret
          Iüfe. Thenameoft} allegedrelefrEE 1ildLe aTaffikIsm1il.
          88. It rc tedfl Lmrn]1 Ra a t thictBirendEbict SW,
          edl4 aken yct3l JJ atll am howrdb uycampathr e
          5 melr&e ofthe l44Kcsthdba±talict.
          89. atuvha Wt ),aged3fnua dflagenTrnrct MthictSouth
          Ao } gai -rd lO nn e It} Lat Pii±araftaiyttfnu
          theSliupi TigaThaoPa arcst. Sre rc tcMys ers fi mrcst-framuath sfress
          90. Itisrerdflutct 5Nhy JJ at3 pnr,afiergFfue exchanged
          etttheBiuth dGM4BiuthccthredasveepcTemhJninA aeGa t
          &hge ,Samroliiet t sbict We ker ret} yrerc yerderedthe}loD IL
          (f),aged4 d ecflymredrerathshotrernithe stcmach Sre - kkentot}
          krlienro jftaI ñï
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 25
          91. ADOIdÜIgb fr omialictiectwdct23 Nhy JJ3ina &hge ñiFbi an
          l Ebict Bliemi ictfornuerc E(± agedfl , L(f),aged4 T(±
          andomofl rwI.sen imIoijwi vereaflege ytged xmflyaisiufl
          — a d by — — stahc d at Peu6ar an — Bireuen sbid.
          92. ainMiy2oThna i1hge ñiBnc±tctBthuthnnbe afleg
          mrthflweewomenagedl lóandl4
          93. ai2l Miy2O3 ñia dflagethPea th t tBiieirnic±sftit M W ,
          ed l ajnthrr hsro Isba±iit R (f), aged2 andV(f), ed 19, ere afleg
          mredbyBthrth nn e vño ele temrcy dtht} m dflage.Ot b the
          *brce &t} ftack t1 frgethta]s eie rc t bnr Aonc±iVofr bnrah n
          iwc t1 NalicHnranPigh OambnbimrhinAceh}i cirmerdedthe
          94 c i 19 Nhy I ira±e Ke c& e, Be i t sftit EastA* K
          (alleg i1ymred rqfrxTsfi mt1 Kc ± BiandSeu ii trcsts.
          Her d rerc te cfly IdThd in fnit of
          r re,Peahth lx±sbict Blieirnic&titti 1ic}it} yaflegecMymp K
          (f), agedl ajtcdigh }o I p iL
          thsen thi
          96. T} Srei Pagoitein uHrn b
          fi mt} Gruerdthrc Wtot1 aThgah rs trdfted
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          97. ai3JaniyflB,t1 SreñaIPagolteur rdacnutcalicttot1
          cc&tero & doIerce
          Uami PepllicofhaR Aco r±iVo
          ñ±nralic ijynuenf e _ ju6fte emathale
          to s}nrer rh as s 1 flalict a dbIlith vdich
          amourdb bibae,foivedmath hghle of nc doIeno id x hdoIerce
          & t} rmi ofgai s andoi tedcthre th s. Fmtnroie, uffomialict s
          frththd&allhc ofvbrceagSten np Jre athrolitha1
          cw rnds tint rerQt toJk i e pthrmi tir tl — tl A abllth Earmeiji
          thre erandirba±dt1 alle mre,tc bFeath tctofnmq nreR The
          Srec Pagoi me d piffcuhr oJrcem akc the rer td ement of rac
          S db c4litha]sñithcs cth dtofccu dtc bFe
          d riaItha & nuenp Jre .
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p : 5
          98. aill Thrh JG t1 Sreth Pagc ujoirdIyht1 SpñaIPagoite
          GJ erauerd&Ii n
          (0 a id Famlunz VouI( tho ere rerc tcMyarni d &Idfl ui an and ere
          ±bur ea in il. The exec ors
          rc tcMytook}1alGacrs&nJn hJnR Itsrercflmtthed ith
          mteno s ele caiiido mder aIawv1±hprwHc tint any nuanvño k Js aman
          e exec e d iJe a nun do I s dil rotbe ec m i t the t1 oiy
          Ono n eie cqiea d
          ±Oth1 iüuto a 1 iculictofthmñ pts}mierd vdth nuenbS
          rderc b r herrer tesflunmenthrthe mecthue rmueIyrn±r.
          99. c Seierr er JG theSretharn Qte joi*vdththeSreciaI
          Pagofteurctcflajrta ammc Sfrawexec alirdgerdwaItot1
          Gj enurerd&Imniegaadmgt1 s nthn&Atmhrtng4 tho a]k ecMyat
          lirardSkofexectctafiera±ath nterce S tre ; rercy H
          A$ llah 3d Pdi Elamenei. s allc ecMytl c ilyat thIe to giant —
          cbmercyatflutstage.She - o yanestedñi lc97 afrrs} alleg Idfledthe
          H id&ThliceIrdeI] eno ñiKs} mImge yin If-±± rceinor rto
          mredafiertl ra Mmilth offic erdeiedrerrotebn
          vd1eherdsa y.Atrerftii] herhv erciedaiffcb 61 oftl Jslan±
          Cthtthial La vdichst&es:
          lirauecmth rd gie 6ic c e nsanaclictvd±hisanoflèrc
          1 r±dflutallTh thllov ojrdthc saae n tc rot e n c
          — p_} ci
          Xa) 1 ±fen is gcTcàc ute b
          O ) 1 aclictisrotexce ,e;
          ) c llnigt1 g nurerHfoivc isnotrctdb ñmretha±eI çorciflui
          Aorn±i torerca
          rouijanc Mstath Jthangi . *gecMyomriS dto Mlicb arathamerdaly
          oJrmrctvdnecifrendccmriSdsandgü rcnle exairoi c akc tl
          I Da ai24No rnrbernB
          3re R Tc tF on fleetu &c mnn and c l aid t l SreMaI Pagc teur
          tc tne rc añ gaieroitintl Tehnre carerThyh i&l5 Na ei*er JJ vd±h
          gcwi±c ere nerced
          b'J Iasreseac}lbyag ler comSrthralls}ov dErc çet(h2nm 1t
          Xfc t1 roIyrndh&PmrathRT}
          &omdfl&Sru ]isethVoIoudr si andtrñfl w}±b vd±h s
          cfrdelreted l± ±u]iiVko ± sth gt1 rndhofPmrathR T} fr
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 2 7
          rour idtoraw
          ttheyallege ycc a daith ere mteiic b Jl heseachItisrotIuon
          1 nfl rderce was omied out or v 1 t}rn an arTeaI h een bc .
          Coumumral'ous r&efred from the Cover 'm ut
          101. a 23 O± er JJ fl ckwenarerd I t} Jslaithc Repthlic of — fr ithfted
          fts lesTor to the jofrd ui erd ageal of 3JSe 1 ier er JJ3 cctornthig t} sibnhjn of
          Atmh rtno,i. T} Gjwnurent staed tint rer Wath mtence was iit aed — later
          1ieId by tl S4ren Ojmt b tint the E I tl Jafriaiy c ±ied tint the call3
          thsen thi
          102 Tl Srecial Pagoiteur th s tl Gj enurerd of tl Ishmi Repthlic I —
          tbr its ies c — uH aw iate bS I pt irthbmied thou — c i of M h
          Nomojñ. The Srecial Pagoiteim ad rn to reiteme — irderc t li i a ie 1y
          fiuutheGjwrauerd±o tl oflrnca s amratth±o e.
          I sr ael
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          103 a 21 Ju 103 fl Srecial Pagofteu joirdly vdth tl Srec l R Tc tF C t
          tc bF rd a cc mtutcalict legar±1 fl thbaalict I ren pi ners li i New Tin
          pi n ñï Pmuaflah. Acor±i to tl frthbnrahjn iectwc a gro of tmen
          ele athcked tilt vere dolerce v 1 n they lefB d to — tbr rolkal It is
          leroited that — gas was m ed — — — cro r d ce]]s — rarq of tl ren
          p ners rne ij ur ± c pDjre; Aiij A f S iaM Idni . was ierQtecMy n
          toil floJrathbnc tilackbtl erdth &sl cou ldrot w affivcTefly
          afler m* Anotirn pr, Ktra Thaalt abj ojuld rot — — sl lerolt ly
          radabthenanu tda thnn ±
          104 atloNcweir&ernB fl SrecPagc tnrdacnutc1hnjtflyh
          the SrethalR TC teurct tc thre lt ar±1 AM ( afemab ± atRanileh p jn
          andthcoilrnfemab ±hn ‘A I h ‘Abe)th W, ‘Uun) hDaum (O, Ra'e.Ia
          JaIathI(f WehAu'Ajai4eI( unrBt(Oand SfaI (O.T}
          c 1 IA.Mrada y eenlirh±dlit gerdarTearft,t1 Srec l
          Pagoiteurcttc tae WEN.42JG3I68IAddl ram.73RaidFJcaQ4QO32fl@Achl ,
          ram.8l3).Tl Gnuerdr dcb friralictcttEsc bylefterthedl4
          FWJG2(FJcaQ42JG3I6SIAd±l. F a a 7 ).Acojr±i ton 'irthbnraffct
          iecthwc AM iedtoan lictcellofPmrJehp non25ctto er2OB.
          c rourlae;sl sallegecMyor r b tpinc ±rto e aavred ItErerc
          ilntsre ieth dasthere erem1eg adsntfltecell.Sre isabj ieroitedtoh teref
          btpv 1 nt1 nleglefithero nasthey res i elthdt1 c llcix .
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p 3
          Laterflutda c ofliergo &gdscmietoherra edrervdthteargasand
          ±brc dherb sft .Sre
          e]ivdb raw eengi± edbyt} flu &athsfrai Ied M arctoft} fleaftuerd
          iectwc srererc t yb bIcec±i fi mt1 no dtaft toIco
          ojroñousi .T}mce roFs lite; sre rerQtcMyfr1nedtoa1otheri JIalictcell
          nrWand 1 ntin
          jIalict±br wnth .Sre ierc ystaitedanorer erc droaigersftt ct
          th çshe
          - rerc i1yfim1enedto aioflrni jIahjncell. Itis aThg tH — — rotrectwd
          n thc aftuerd ±br I I jthes a ie jIt I the b t s she
          It alleged tint her realih cctcr h de t e aed. Ojrceni teen
          fc her isre dces rot iecS,e and a±crnte methc
          re.Accoidtothefr& raSnr eiwc Uoflrnfen e ±tañtec sbt a
          ron erstetopJeagflterercfreahnentofA.Mhtrept] t1 rer etha,
          athoiiffc ieroi r& the thc nnenn akew ni jIalic ç cc &aed
          thsen thi
          105. T} Sre Pagoitein uHrn b
          fi mtl Grnerdiiuegaadtotl aSrs tnftt .
          Coumuji*atin seut b tI Cover'neut
          106 at6Ncweir&erflBtl Sreth Pagctem bgetl rht1 Srecial
          Pagolteurctfieetn Icnnctand cpe 6lc atht1 SrecialPeple rdaliw Itl
          thbaalict IIieneFermnde (f). Accoidli to tl fr bnrahjiueceiwd . ñï cttther
          JJ — Ka Lmn 1 nr nug stht&s comt ierc ojithct Jvk Fenmi z I
          rr4qthr}m ±& rinccn cffctha 1c95 ierc tth&cixmnent
          s ±B aIdliu±cria±e frdth±eth ncantpfc nügndnke . E r
          - e& il nerce rol eenta e rerr±1 WaL at4Nowr er tl
          nufra±e comtleroltekTrHecedheranhicalict±brt1 E reofap1 rolt
          ± itererc ecMycc re±Vluts} notli ytofre.It roit th&t1 ±r a1
          DIme &t1 iecraestoftl gct ct; thoraduit1 ojmtto ±rqheriecraestontl
          gi mdsflutsl ukfte M Iyb kmñtflteiirage Itl DJutft 3 Pifallo edbsTeIk
          fldth&rndh.Nk i zhe ifrc dedtoathrdt ojr iercesc d nran
          ugfl Ur edSktesaidciu± irIa±i acc1ererceonronrani rds
          ±± rdersthfl sreHntMardactll and 12 Ncweir&erflB. NkFenmdezis
          ierc tcMyagea]nVl ±osica
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 2 ?
          ‘imki s dk iI a! Cob mo
          107. 0 l. ±jufr±2OIiIaPeIaEqethairolific6 G±ienocraer&tha
          ±iecrc J1oscr rthiian
          SegtIauffoml ±luecilJid% c1s e l99
          mitot de2?0m erc r&nsidj aenaah J*ezyCr±nhm.
          Fa ties±
          rue hac dcthe rthaueronaniercsciroc so uI
          nthmascaradethffcas.Se caluh cp cercade Sm ut rthiiaudcsirerethdo. La
          nuw adeIa±hm sr&sid rHeresj&teresde IS a25aibscr akgau±
          thgar a C Jiiez ran fr± ar en mu de I a macri1a± pthx]m s a Ia
          fimdencctIcsEst ±sUracbs± Mreiica. Ofi s r&nsidj c ffithanScp
          frtjtnajc mthr via reraragar isc ffithcs. Fn ate eruffoime te li
          de I a nc reIacuora±so n I m eies en C d Ju ez 1 rcs rdadj
          aIaO pjsi5nhtmue±aiu± r rosHjm ios(± hero± JG3) eIGjbienode
          xojr cto '5 45 c js±}n±itho± umilles cr esñansiend im ffga±sror
          hFaFsTec r&aIcsQtlenc ± M erc yl3l c s± rmdththcscctnfr&
          xenIcs c k Ics iesrorsthIc h±iti —. ccm ign cs o rdenthat rala
          I D a Pc cafla de fecha 23 ± —— ± 199, Ia Pei&on Fiçecial ±le li
          qoIercia oJ±a Ia rro er pBJ en cc ornmenb WI G±ieno cr Mn r il±o fr omic
          e a W Ia pieenthth ej ri6n doIeth W rHe les en Ciahd 3*ez. Pc cafla W
          ± cha 24± raw ± JJJ , ci Gjbieno plcTo ±rá a ia Relatn FsTec nijbnracn€
          — ml —o c s ci ± C&Ih Gu Iabe de Ia &1r e±e — Ics i Mcs ra
          109. Lcs aojrdethr rdos ± Ciahd Ju ez fnt ±oida±s ardtc rde ra ia
          Pehtcn Eqecial jbie Hec acbres e± xfriab auaiias 0 athftrth cp tt6
          N dco ±1 12 24 ± ju]i de l9 9 (FJCNAI]IUSIAd±3) y rae 1 Reit Fiçecial
          — ia m rerc rcla de ics ma sfr cs y akegach c fle a — urn r si5n de
          ththenbenNkdojdei 13a123± nuw± JJl (FEN42JJfl2IAchI).
          ha La Relaton Eqec ±le epcu±res e jñc e nraiias 0 athifrañ
          itai6 cr Js 1xsJs ± Ciah 3*ez n ci ±o ejemrio de ±lito xEk
          ±br idj rc ia iirthd La ojrr rta anc ane ± a mrs finrbr ±s  thos y
          nmnfrsta in±ferentha anes ests dejitcs renr en cc rithr crae rrnrrcs ± ellcs
          finct ±then amerde rasI±s ror aflo ra Ia mera — ± cp Ias ±uas cr611
          roñmch comerdes rc 1 ° ta s ro cr611 ojrth±nd urn — réidHa
          WflQ4QOJJ Thd± —. 89).
          Ill. H Pelt &çecial jbie ü1±Fn±rcn ± Ics m sthdjs y akccs itai6
          cr — 1c98 ro ncthjth a urn plo F on c çec rem th es & e s cthrere
          ±p s ± cp Ia OjrSion Nathctal ± r iecrcs Hmuancs cl*cara cct fimie Ia falia
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p 3J
          ± rc p sta ± las autiid es. Pam P htc Eqecial ie jlt6 evi±rde cp estcs
          no in esffgan ± ±bmia efraz th exluu6th . si cr luke algun ifro ±
          li es ath6n (RUQ42JGfl2IAddI, —. 161). H Relatc Eqecial r cmerd5 cp
          a ±brdj Ics ca at io scl&eci s i l ñi n Ics — ± 189
          c miaks de m eles omiit en Cialad Ji z V cp pi c a sus at es.
          Peojnrnd5 crie Us iljmiales aoileren li rcsjbton ± Ics jfrics renthenes. Jnhó
          i ithrerde cr ± e c,6ffithar Ia emthc i6n de las pthclicas dEcthpjmtoiias oJ±a Ia
          nj r en el bagar de fr± c cp ± en aiffcular vcvamas ran mcflomr el ce j
          hs njlles ala ju6thi cp Ia rethia y Ics fho lc ran ± r iljfr ±bnraci5n — Ia
          ±bnra ± fr&ar a las ±thuas de Ia tjbrcia ri l V cr ± e examñiar Ia rcsil i]frhd
          ± establecer mucliWs es eñals q oc 4en de Ics delits de dolertha cctfra Ia
          n r(FJcaQ4QO32I72IMdLrar. l9 1 p intsi)yu)).
          112 En frthbmie libt o iba i6n ± Ics — — ± Ia rHer en C ñid Ju iez: el
          teclo a ro r o geto ± qolema y cnth i6i ± ma1 de JJ Ia Pelta
          Fiçeñal ±le Us r iecrcs de Ia M er ± Ia CcmEion hdeimre±am de Dllechcs
          Hmuanc Nktlu Altola te , expe J mraracrres rereciWs. En rethula iUo
          cr la gimi nuy ± Ics ai tutcs s n ñpn s; a 1 rxñuuene el J% ran
          ckb her a pioe rderdcs y cct±r s. Pc ofra rUne. [ .] al 2alcs fi toraiics
          encurga±s ± li im ligaci6n de js recrcs y el 1 rc itherdo ± Us relrefr oles
          oJrer rct a er*ar ml c± u j q1 en ±thifrt cartha ala tua rc el ±rno.
          S€ t ±chmc s p3 lic ± ±tenthu±s atiith±s ± alt mr hs ——
          tbz±an nthi±UcM lian de ailc dm1 Tkil& 0 picthbas. Hay frthbmic acna de
          crae Ia respxfl ± l atiitht rethlrndes fiente a Ics ± ir ]iarc ± l dchm
          c0]b enfre inii± iercia y hcthlid f (ráir 4 La Pelta Eqecial i b bthién hs
          men&z s y tcs ± rcdjithd oJ±a Us ±± ro es de der ros hmuancs crae r&than
          piffthra o en e s c J farniliaies ± —— cr rethan el e tecñierdo ± Ics
          rechc y reiioiSas cr cUan c rda de Ics ±litcs y de Ia btth ± li ju±tha
          ( T. 65). La Pel&om Eqecial iecc oci5 Ics esfiaei s ±*gacbs rem mHomr Ia
          ‘eaccion fierde a cs cilmenes a fra s ± li F a]ia Eiçecial ran Ics Ciimenes de
          M eie esta}tñth en lccs J) . rero seiUó cp la iesta del Est o
          n dcaio fierde a Us & Siutcs H ra — y si 2ae siercb gnwmene li jficierde
          113 S€ t Ia fr omi i5n ieciljid ojrdñuniia h±rndj ücs rthlem s gr Tc en
          l ufigacrresloscthueresdeCmthdJ*ez.Estcsurbmtbe±e ofi s:
          • AB rcia ± cbres rem Ia bta y loal ci6n ± hs njlles cr ran —
          ±rmrn±sccmo± iraiecri .
          • Petarcb ii uslifradj y aD rcn ± las dil encias reccsiSs ran Ia a±a
          • Fa}thcathon ± }n es ±iJs rem ± zS laim ligaci6rc
          • Petarcbinjislifracbenlaenfiega± Usc aeircs;
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          P age 31
          • Pebdo iiPffficich aD rtha y oiilbtherdo de lis pes reücia1c
          • Fa&±
          • ACibXI c± thütia For — ± I atüd en li a±erción ± Us cthueres
          encctth ± njeres.
          114 Enesteccxtc IaPeIs mFsreciahcmraite peftemIapieo ath6n± Ia
          PeItaEqeciaI ±ie Icsr iechcs± IaNh rdeIaOjnthi6nIrdeimreiicam±
          rrosHim iosraIanupnnthdcr J±aIanuy ra1tedeIcsadcsdetJbrcia
          esI±s enelgérero p stcs ardenc rerde , crae c dH v agcmo r
          relrebnci5rr(rar.69).I aPeIabJmFsrecia1 staa1Gtenoabn tosI m H
          rec afindeu g.pioe ire ñurorerIas ric sa±cm±sacuàjther
          raorsthIedeIas qoIacrresabgacM c àjtheracr a rnr o orotóR
          LaPeabmFsreclalbrhénIeuflacr tcme me
          ir nan Wes rechcs ccmrersIra so a s ± ir ]iar gt U
          JIecdoenI nomlasrnenmctaIesrelt1rndes.
          115. Hl3derderte ± IaPeIaaEq ñaIeith6millamamienbu erde
          yrdamene o nIaPegcs rdarde FsTeñaldelsecletth S i sc&eIathbaath6n± Ics
          ±olesdelcsderechcs}lmuancscctresTecb alasibaación± E ,a ' ernaAne
          nuthe ±Stht ± irmeththenlc98enc± 1m yW Mar eh OthzRi,era.
          terb nrb deIacNG Nu€ fi s HThs±
          nyacth senh airØtareraIawrhdyhju±thaenIcsc s±Iasnjerc
          m 1 iad ya1 m enQah Ju e F — ± O b1a}l] ycrlrnes r&nnr ±adj
          amer s. Seg fnS eIll ±obte± JG aIasl5Ocmirortecrn
          rthiia pie nkd cc no nthrt de Iaofithu WI F alesTecial Fern Ia m esi6n
          amudeIasr as
          ±btosWStht.Hhc te
          thr e)thm e Aenr& thcbcctfr&acbraIacfrliuWIFi aI ThldicoWI
          Fskcb r thficarbs sdeochom eres 5 r
          rthiiairdenkcb pesictarala henimuW Sar aaef aiWthficireIcrnro
          W taaIaoficimWIFi aI. reeIFi a1 rth anc or&erel! tdo
          ie)rc nkrde a mo acasiW B ethiaAx . ScfliIasirthbnnathctc recil id& mics
          thasardesW c,6te r j miofic W hrthchjc WIFor&eskcb
          &sen thohc aW E m ehm&ceenmiojche. F ar&Wronri oeIiriWrde ,
          Fe J
          Henli to c iaIW Ia t h a i WIFst ± . S egün Us uffoimc e124
          W obih.eIo c}ieeneIcj hathPitera tj±ahtiasid scvAcbrorcbs
          w±so desrthi ner djcctmakfla aeflay a± ithlia th
          ojrth a h±hncb . Se teme c e es as amer s es leI Mc ud cct Ia I±c de
          Btange]taAro y IaahzPiwmaf ,c deIcsderechcsW I far JksW I
          aj es W r cdQah J*ez.
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          P 32
          Couumkaciones red,iI del Cd, rm
          116 Pc caiS± ± cr l dejulioy6± rcw r±iede2O3 G±ienorc çQd6
          eniehci5ncctlasibm6n±las±rnc y}macithcs± rro elescr han
          r ±cbdcs l993enCiahdJ*ezyCro1unim.HG±ienouffoim6 ±ie l
          en Ciuthd 3*ez yCr 1mahm. Las ieccmenthcbres fcch±s For
          c çeMabstas ± djslirdcs 6 aios irdenuthctales cr ranrcb sftas n, 71 ransido
          bien i±s cenlam dadelorcthbb ,& isft,nerdath6nE ala
          gnwthddelcshohaiimtthoencr laF o iaOereial± liPepita
          Ilarc çQsthle ± fr gflo to rorlan esth ±cp edstan
          m esfigacrrescr c rdencctlos sroauarsyrencSesrec€s ins.Se ra
          fl ac±omipioe ± nothfic ic s lc Elath s mgmrth rcp b±shs
          esc ténbt rorlcripcs±noc±1nru1aMcty± Th jm*ae±e
          elrorheyhro* Fnakd± JJ3 6hL Fet &aF tethryF1lithm
          ± rro1j ralhdormurement& ren enlcsca s±}macuthocIlificIdJ
          qol M6r yha esth ñdj la dolentha — ± ithliar 03rD ±i 2na deJicth atrma.
          Talténir]1v aoic s tr amHc &hvomaci5n± laju6fftha lcs
          ie jlt cs± Ia g ic lasgiáscctd&cs te a mlo ± las
          li esffgacbresylas rdercSdida±s.
          117. Bylefterdat 8 D3er erflB t} Nalic1HmuanP rdsCniitct
          frmftsretctthesnthn&o s&hcmri± andc±sigeaimres& nuen
          dJu ez.T} li aSrso rthct } t1 hSr HmuanPi rds
          O mátctaie cte &the legahcffc sma± 5 J sftc s idtheirrc çeffw team
          oJrrauS6ict fc ahrcst a 1r to im ±g&e — ±enpJi t} rom an iigrds —
          relretht }pHicc4lic ]sles orSJle thrflgaffc oft} ca s.T} y
          ojrcba±dflutt} loal athoiiffc h e thr snot J hd dthgerc —
          il kofsIdLathflutregrestakc aidor brsraw ox aiedv 1ic}i
          annttoatb tac± ithifcd1 ugrds&II dC dthS± n±€ rot
          ojrr Iic vdth the at s &t} cthuc . The Nalictal Omátctrqx teda
          c4lithd 1 n ab &t1
          St&e &Cr±aa1ma±brt} c ásñit} galirelaedtot} hc thci —
          gearescn nmCmthdJmreas elias±brt1 rerc tpi d±dtoit.
          The Nalic Cc rapjshi rerc r ligerce tth t} im ±galicm — —
          olZor mboeo 1B t} Tthrs rne hg}ily terahle: aflcfl} mveie
          ro rathofienwiywm vere4 nI r sbx rdsc emric 5 ees&w,no±st
          oJrthflcre* itkfloveroravcoe ñi jcie
          gubn uto de umki s pratu ute
          ll& Pc o itadef ra l4derdeSxe± JG elG±ienoplcTelvic mS
          ñ±nrath6n ±ie ValerP C*c jf o eto± millamaithenb
          m enteel! tcb rc hPel aEqecia]JmlkuentecctelPelabFsTeñal Jble Ia
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 3 3
          l4dem j± JJ2(FJCaQ4Q0Bt75IAdH2. rr.7l).HG bieno cctest6ac te
          fldou erderaca1tadef ra± 14± raw ±2032 (FEN42JG3I6SIAth.l,
          rás.27y 8).Fa o tutcith6rceIG±ienoiMo5 crnnthsmbie ±
          JJ Ia im ±gath6n a±Iardath r Cc r si6n Nathctal ± reiecrcs Hmuancs afmrá
          *to± miaagiS6n r rorpit ± elemerdcs±I4rcito. Lahrnatia
          h±chic s±IngyIafr± a±n Jtha1deIros}iU±kflIdeIcs
          Ltc . S ttak VaknthiaRco rdj ctharonrah±iiarechoie± rentha
          ago o oIaci6n apite de th mu rer a. HG±ieno tairbiénfrthbnrá de crae
          r mndthgerci ± cc mdaci5nrmeIleoJroi1therdofisioJde3JfrdegTantes
          ± h e ± cTer ic s Pic Ia c aTh ercctfraka cTemncb ci 16 de f ±ie j ± JJ2.
          Asñisrn 31 fotc ±I eniairthlikr efrdegi aIab& ± cTemcbres
          Henii± f ir ip s saIavSa± Iathuasincpn rojhics iecc ocidj a
          th 2alo ± eths omo aglen H G±ieno taSjién uffoimó ± cr Ststesthcs
          n en Ia o miencia ± Ics recrcs. Fimliue eIGj}àmo ñijbnrá de cr al
          r tb ± p3tho
          c i5nrer a mu.
          thsen thi
          119. T} Srecial R Tc tF thaiil t} Gj enurerd I )dco ±br i detaibd
          lesTor rn legair to the thbaalict li i Ciah 3*e; Ca*iahm Stae — vdfllip to
          oJcTer&e — the nmthte. T} Srec l PagQtelm a iec te e g ke 1 i
          ñ±nred li i legair to t} im ±galict — t} allc ed regligero I pliic c4licia li i
          ieIaliontot} c s.
          F0IIM%q bprwioi4r fra ' mifled coumun*ath '
          12a Bylefterthed 13 Jaimy JJ t} Gjwnauerd gcwi±dirthbnrah niegaar±i
          theu erd itjordiy flht1 SrethalPagcmct thajac ] amra,or
          ex utc atht1 SreciaiPagQtFctthecr shJn IblbFeonl cttther
          J32i i±hjnbt1
          D3elr&er203 o rdflegedliri rscxdoIerceagSen n the
          nn&e cfl1 &auarAnu Foves.(RcaQ42JG375IAd± rai s.73-l47).It
          rc t th&t1 NalicJiiethgeno B iuoft} UthctofN arauarradcathedout
          fat1 rii esligalic — the aflegalic ñï Taiirth E ,Ehi aid in P o E sica In
          Ebn2S2ct4r cer&er20JJ
          merc hutoflneerndr&u 1 auentvdthrmdi±onarthbt ptt. 1
          other ca1 s ele idto e ± hiicatec1
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p 34
          121. ByIefterthed24F±rniy JG fl cb nurerd 1 r,th fmflrnirthbnrahjnin
          Srec Pagc teur.
          The flw c sinKa ahStae all eie ±bmIdtO e gi micMess. Ascc renis wn
          allc alic thT& E sñ t} ixrA, abj ±bmd t} aflegalic tote
          mt .Itfomidth&on2A jstlcW there sas}ojth iri±ntata i] e
          ±marcaed ro-man -k4 andth&anm4hercrddathcten ele Idliedinthe
          irilent Theiiqth,fomidflutthereh rofteenanymre c& stth flliri±rd.As
          fomdtheaThgaSrsb eg mrt .
          t r frevdthnprds&Am CaunThaini] e. Dith t1 ÜICi±*
          MaItM ut. aged g anTher ra e Ith r u , aged 14 ele IdThd
          122 Bylefterthefl5 Thrh JG t1 Grauent 1 r±dfint}rnñ±nralictin
          iegañb t} Nalior Irdefli erce B iuMdexaith dthe
          aI galic sinKa hSt&e and NhiSkt fl Ecc ç th ga tirth all
          71 all degah rsinK äStat
          theixrthy±bmdfiw &t} mto egict .T} A fomdflutdmii Nkvh
          1c97, OmrarqNo2 &LIB J5, csflni Tm Mv Am ±bmid t d id o S
          & n nnrNaw nthIs eeIroatfanul rdenfl astofEautKll e.The
          menele Henlifieda tvVeAye ageaandrtv MuI] yK) aged .T}
          relrefrtsraw nofteeni±thfiecl Itlerdflutb t±thThdn nmred
          o LahA thMaO.WiiFthniy JG2cIco bt} ] e cflvhe ThiPaw
          nlvh J32.hlJmG araftawoJhmlathwdatSetKaWeh Thge. The
          obnraisk edt1 ie ±brt ck dIefltoMP}uLhge.Akct9J ]ligers
          r4thtouoimronuliidfo ±brfl ojbnra and ere uHbh ,e een
          rau±brft.rtvI v C yis iHb — th ofarabath athinO± er JG2. As
          iegaar aflegalic li i Nhi St&e, t} foIhá uffoimalict was r ±d 1 light
          fry aftttNo.5Manest N v flth' I aid U1] tHa'th b inten gate t} m
          ti fl rc alictath
          ere I dad dtot1 in ]lige afler md .T} iitrii,rercthatNaw
          Eat alle ojro rd to sleep Se eard K n ±br thee rdgrds. As
          iegaadsfiw c theiiqth fomdt1
          *oft} cthre aidt} comtto kacuiagaJi trSi cor±i k
          thsen thi
          123 T} SrecPcc teurt}mil t}leGwrarerdcTh arauarfcdts±taibd
          le çor andv flu ress to oJcTera±e hthemanthte.
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 35
          r4 aI
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          124 ai6Jaauaw JJ t1 SreS1R Tc enrdanm erdage*ofrdIyvdththe
          Sn&blbFeon er fofT.M (f), agedl4hercou6inT
          (O agedl athhermrb, I fl( (mXagJ.Aooidbuffomiahcceiwc ct
          24rece2OJuyre ra Ivuedt1 rcmeofTathTMand±brc ff mto
          lethctinflrnd&W camera t} frallegalic sofmre andthv 1±hlerolt
          oedindu6to yatcat1ra1i amiy mprearNereI n , Peiil e c±sbict They Md
          ierQt thatthe fo kge — sñice eenhca±astflmee thres ct ralictal teb sict.
          ADOIdÜIgb bnralictieethon3l rte J TM tc eflrnvdthrernother
          andmrIc ere±btoathrdapihth iree ofIoth&ba± athjommbstsñi
          the oWre &t} cathfflsrnd c€ierin reI i4 Peiil c±sbict At fit ireehi . it
          ±rqthe snrndsrc añr t1
          allegaliors&rareandtc bF vdich theythci kcc c±iVoIonccerieroit t1
          cc den &t} lree 1r ele
          125. adO Se er theSrec Pagofteuratht1 Sretha1Pc bFctt1
          cr sfict&tc tae &flGTarerdflutfl yradr ew mc e]ffolmahcton
          ca1 of rnt He srercyedct27Ftuaiy JJ2 ire 3Jamiy
          do m mi dad redrs rcme at NeraI i4 Bathe
          c±sbict.Scme nn&e oft} fairdyvdo thedtbrt} ifcdhe arhaie alleged
          toraw eenIdckedathpmrred
          vd ie re reIdfc akc c nortItEaThgedthflsleIaliws rne rotallo edto
          thtrSi.Acor r tot1 ñ±nrahjnieceiwc re erthI dafierr s
          lest&the n4 re
          fledtolnt cl3Apil2O32j sthwrde;TM. l8 andr sthec tM agedl4
          ere rerc ecMyarc ted Mrqrenu IrerQtaytoIdt} t irdyflut the b gir
          ad e They&ebothrerQtdtohawbeen
          ieceiwc tMs bIcedñig w 'eIyatht1 tve gi s eie mmtoNe  aij
          e ar.ait} thllovtgth cTM rerQtcMymmtoacbctorT} b co]J
          eaThge yt}m iten ith±athb pewrdt1 mfitmfih accmrithrd. ItE
          elic ,dflutáre flthliri±*tMilg lioñyfnuamerdallyc±n±r
          126 F(t aged3 ov r&asualleas}rioftSdE it aThgecMy
          ra olicemenfiuufl cathmmask 2FcmipAco r±i bt1 irthbmialict
          iece ,4 ctló Ju J3 F sasbepat}icmevdth}ier3e&.eH nvd nflwAPF
          rr lic zdtobefiuut} cailtaiani taMFcair btheirdot} rom
          ga ged}ierandc n rercffaithefoIbvtgth c s} veslerolkMythmd
          t 7OJmefres toft} B}mns}iBñc e.She
          allege yradbrsctrerthceadbd eIthiga mdhergethWan Sre
          - rerQtekTtaim to Jamiqn rctpnal tbr ccamjmlict and fleahuent It is
          alleged tint cbcto ected she hadileen rarth and refened her tbr examñta l ion a
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p 35
          reuroIc fls} flèiir fi m r& s.Sheis elieMdtoMw ienuñrni-
          ojroño ±brlO th . a u A jst2O32 s} athuftt bt1 ThTe r Hos 1 iU
          ñu nKaflnrmd thrfrre* hereses edfc l6th . at 15 Aw116t
          JJ rern cfralrerc v saflegedy 1 rcs rdedbyrerreIaffwsb t} NMothñflsbict
          rolio c4lio adafomtalccm 1 lthrd sIo gedctherbe}uaffmi rt1 Toibie
          OurersahonAct.Ho ew;
          etderc rd(v 1o ne Iaonbt1 Sreth R rtu )iiithllyiefito
          ce 1 it1 omrith* c± failme to oj ly dth the 35 thy±acMii .AThrpieae
          fi mIoilre*t1 rolio degd we toffle accomtfc g -r eand
          afterØdrn±r Hj ew;to throcamonto}t teb rnffledincomtagaJi t
          t} aom c1
          irthbmt Ms.Ffluts} adbetaimtot} cailthumr staamtedrolicefc campto
          i±r flteaccD d Ath ro
          I±±fica&t ram± — taimriace t.
          127. SC W fi mPakVrC Kactrc tcMybIlidthI±dath
          mred ne oft} PFonlOSeier er2O32dmii a &chcTemhJninthe
          lige At I I ne h her d ge y wieIy eaen a i d h craenfly
          s}otde . SKD.(± fl fr J- ear.eHnthgtho 1rn saThgecMyirc€nantatflut
          thues rc t takenb Sftac usroD v 1 le s} isa o e]ivdtoh ,e
          aj eenr ed
          l2& chd7Se 1 iertherflBfl SrethaiPagolteur mtaononiculictj±dIyh
          the SrePagc tFont}nJnuoSnand}reclictofthel httofitecbm&o}iiict
          rc aad gt1 ca1
          &XWasbx rdaged2l fnuK ne c±sftitsbatE t}nuantaidmer erofan
          oSnafli&edtot1 O mumthtPait &Ne (cPN) (N1oisO.She s
          andb t} BtjuartnacI (±ot9J kuroith t&Kflurmd vtheiesre
          EaThgedb rawb rnreHmroa±acb±br25thtasir4c±i chupmn.
          uiilitherd±b androtoiletththlilic .
          Jk ededto ealir ctflJbs&t1 feetvdthaltJer}ire ahucstew d rer
          rebangedagaii tt1 rercre rokedaidpiea Feawliedtoherreck J
          t}uts} ±Mts} efraffoat ±ItEa] Jrerc edfluts sronrP±don
          5 a Jre ctt}mce oc rakeutr rome hh She e]i tto —
          kededtowthaIa}JD ía s rabne tdraaSr She sallci i1yrot
          ñ±nualictrectwc s}
          the Hamuanjkh c±sftit rte office on3 Se ierther2O32, v1 ie s} - held
          thr2O d d t} n rd to O r JaU. Ka idu A h± co lp reblict
          it.SherQtdtoh TebeenleI don
          F0IIM%q topraiiusbr fra 'n fttd coumunat '
          129. T} SreiaiR Qt sraw dfint}rnirthbnualictrcnc±i MG (f)and
          St W meir&e &t} All rhffcJit±±rdSbx rddUthct
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 3 7
          W hSrai .T} y eie ierc anest } t1 roliceonl7 JuIy2O32.T} frc& s
          Sretha1PagcFont} cp slict&
          blbF t} SrethlR Qtelmonthe}rcmohJnd}rt hJn&thel rdb fiee±m&
          Rilict aid cqr 6rnl aid t1 c ar c teim&fl Wc Ith Gi uponM ifi iy
          r ethjnaidtov 1icht} cb nurerdorc d bthr±±ed3JSe 1 ierther JG2
          @ e RcaQ42JJ368IAddl rer IG 5-lG37 adRUQ42IBk57IMdl rai s4ll —
          J).Inflthbth; theGiauentiid aedflutSaT}uraMdrofteenanest
          and tint Nik Cbtu s — ±ethct atCenfral Jail inKafimianch kcoidli to
          fiateruffomialiir S,* ctarc*N.G. tai nbt1 WañFbthestahjnñi
          BjS v1 ie s} keptfc ±o tlmce roFs.Itisleroltedflntshe sbrndthHed
          irero ns}n 4aidtakentotl rdmThliceCbjhñiE tlmiath v 1 .sfffl
          M±c s} aflci 1ym tolieonfl g mdaidbiwi rethen n
          i ±nsth onreruig}dshoukfc akeutfttenthdes.Sre E idtoraw
          eenuredorkedinthef e andthea ibSlj ct b eIec i
          s}ocb. It ja]k ed tint a she denid acc js flc s of ei i a the rolice fled
          rerrmddbgstc etherthat rths4b Itrerctfl tligl aidin itda
          ensflckñtt ren g in.Sre
          eb eenrerfledIedkirerthth&rthflct±brflnthc thght SheaThgecflylcst
          ojroñonc aid s giwna rSildThr. Thee d later, sl - rerQtecflybmgld to
          theW&dPolio c ceinTiiil at 1 sltesalleg fluea±eredhbS
          sre slerolyfenedtoHaEauanDrokarolio c4liceaidheHmderthe
          Te1x aid flsiu 1 Acth,iths Act( [ ADA). S ro lt y}nrded to
          Janm JC d ienmd fc a fintirn reiiod it S alleged tint lav e vdrntfted
          c eMallythenacdbhste onrertinglndth&sl couldrotstathpicpfly
          ra Thl.Follov fltefrder ethctoftl li e int1 c ,sl sierc tcMytaimt
          BfrrcE tlnrmr act2l Fe miy JJ3.She sewrthnllyiele& don
          SthjninBjuav1 ie sl
          Itisa]ki th&sl sma± the
          t o nsflcb.iAerctth&th ç sl rerQtecMyhowrdt theNUrndmPte
          caththKaflumduAcojr±i toti fr nu ir ejjerlc sve 'e thdtc etlrn
          andonreruigrs.ItE tintashep test rerira1oerc tl ythdrerrmdsand
          rernilyrherb dtha ±nsflckaida elt.Sre aIIc dcst
          oJrolon aidntoaroU.She]s elit raeenkeptat rdm
          Polio 0th thrfleed andtoraw eenj t t aáea rerd te d
          e±brebS fr ir totl WañPte StahjnatTñtatevtheretl rolio allegecfly
          flueaeredto rdrkts&herñtthena torerfr eiraidtorcflem in
          pl hc es.Itislerc tintv 1 nhettedrerthdu6tc sl o r*ii d&
          roarh trerf t ilmc rStherj üi aidthgthraies.She uHtoh te
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p 3
          iecS, roniethcaIaittthce. Sre srerc pie rdedtot1 Eidojmton
          27J l2OBtoe erdherreüo oflenndandewrthnflyrebact 5 Nhch
          allegaSrs&blFe}l& ncallidoi
          13a T} Srei Pagoitein uHrn b
          fi mt} GruerdiiuegarJtot} allc aSrs tuftt ±
          F0IIM%q topraiiusbr fra 'n fttd coumunat '
          131. ai hch2O32anflJA JJ t} Sreth R Tc tnmtjofrbFgerd
          andt1 SrecialR r turctt1 crx ffctoftc tne c&er f&AninL vaI
          (FJCNAIIUSfl5IMrflpazs. l gl49). Aco r±iVoirthbnrathiriwc ct
          25Sepener JGnIskrdccomtofwaEnKa inaSt&e ñftedMàaL
          crarges &ac jTh i It is leroited tint US comf s ±dsictE f5mi
          F0IIM%q topraiiusbr fra 'n fttd coumunat '
          132 ByIeftersthted3
          ñ±nrafficc renthigaIefter rft tl Srec PcTc teurctl2JkT2O32akeuttl
          ca1 s ofMu]dtranMaiBj4 keh Idipr — NakaNtM Ik
          c& & ThdamnNhBilji.
          tl cb nurerdstat Jjiatt1 OüefJu±o dfrfldtl rn comttofin 2eUthca as
          atc pncfly. The ckwenor&Thn ± oider ñmred e im ±gaffca Itstat th& a
          o ert1 cc ffb±jn
          &MlPamthcat(comriof ±eIeHers)thr nea&ja ±clict.MoUrnrolice
          aff t pt .T}
          OJmt r s a mr d t l Wath rderce to md g &rare. aid
          hghcomt.Ascc ren
          Gj eraueiit ft
          lerQtdUnttl stc y&mre srcnWNaimNathaN silbtheGJwnurent
          gaw thefr& raSnUntsheh cc rntedtoUaiuaidmathed&rerfite vdfl.T}
          Nb a1ComtBj&dmi±rtl oiders&tl EkhOmtradim ffgaedaid±bmdUnt
          s} srotaràc . I ghomtradieroftecflyo fc rerto e rdbaThr-
          ui-A ( fehou ) ±branurdethureño± Theco* ro ever&e idtoh teastay
          oidflie±cEhioftl HighComtaidtl giflr saco yb rnaflo ed b
          her idii eid&goii totl flz? il hm1n.
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 3 ?
          thsen thi
          133 T}
          ‘imki s dk iI a! Cob mo
          134 Pc c ita± ± cra l7de 1 ñerrhe ± JJ IaPehtcnEqec jmikuenecct
          PeIaEqec eIac sb5n±Iablbano 6arntenocraer&thaiechdJ
          ñuath6ntIacKKt(± iecbisideIapSi6ndeSardaLnda eneI
          p 6nauercs soasbres± ]rdenmurndo.La Ithra± €s sagiesict€
          rthiiaera Iw&en±&ie de JOl. eIgah± afrderd o doIafla
          HtiaIrdadJmu±r ta± ±u jdeatüthdcctfrafiesfmrhmbsdeIa
          1 si6n.Tho an t6ii± ±iechc J1oscr Iarpie rdah±iiafr&acbdeamri r
          h±rmr ramirbiireI±hb ± bibaa.r aeIarecIu i±rmri5 c,6tcs
          ütdeneO±iiasidj & eb ± iepe ks rorpite ± Us dS± Ia pisión. Se
          rth a± ito muir ffgaci5njak IenreIaci5no nese c J.
          thsen thi
          135. T} Srec l PagQtelm ]te b eier&e rer ñler€,6t li i lec p4r a ie 1y
          fi mt} GrauerdiiuegarJtot} allc aSrs tuftt .
          FoIIM%q totI &hIR port 'sit ort
          136 Bylefterthed3l
          t} rolt&theSreth Pagoltem'sv e Jr(FJca42JJr5IAddl ral s. 1173-
          1176). Itst&edt} ±t} thflovrm shou1diello s:inramgi hll7
          Sliee ecamearai tot1 O wenlict ñï ctt&erlc9S ithie r ffc to
          aitbs 9 , II , l6adP ir mhll75 ffct3As ±dbt1 Cthtthial
          rh* Gisr erdycieat r
          thsen thi
          137. thrt} ]ffolmatct
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p U
          F0IIM%q torc orSof edaIRapport
          l54l6 ath
          RcaQ42JGY75IAddl rai s. l786l1 2).Aso rcen fl alic sregar±i men
          ±Sedthfliecorecinu strelio cTeralicm t} Gjwnurerdst&edt}utETA
          ènuB — een sthrt to temalicallyffle ccmriSi ofrn-fieaftuerd n
          ±tS c1 I Gwrauerdabjstat J.fli&t1 3tlonSrt1 rerc t
          RcaQ42JBt75IAchl cc dSthcb en .
          thsen thi
          139. T} Srei Par c t biovdgestherc çc &theckwenauent bflotes
          flutno±t Js erepm±dliuegañb theeinsma± ñlthererQt andrnthsojrde
          s} veuld]te to ieceiw fiatrñ±nrahJR
          i —
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          l O ci24Se 1 ter JJ t} Sr iaIPagc tnrdajofrdoJrraTutc1hJn h
          ande re 6rnatht1 Srec PagQtelmonfl craeslion&tc bne iegrc±i theca
          &SK(± agedfleHñidetenlictinBalt*asü 23 Ju 2OJ2.She sarc ed
          i24No erther JJlby±burnub rolio oflie fi mflN flth 3 arethestalict
          ctfleS& eii ameir&er&t} L emSnTige &TardEeIauLllb and
          ierc taim to t} office of the C 1I l! esffga l ict repilmerd (CID ) in
          PoIcnAt±oflithigr s} akte inac ] thereitEaThgedflut
          oflk fnuflieN flthigii arolicestalionatht1 PoIctarnCflneaten b t
          reriagm p chlirovderallcwerherbcc c erc drerfi mt1 ceilui
          sI threriereaecM c
          c aaetS.Sre st} na]k ecMymred l2roliceofficersv 1ib indu6tc ofcaD.
          Qi 5rb,eir&er2oJl SI ieroiteyfimIenedtot1 K mu ellarelio stalict
          v1 ie s} sheH±brc r l.It e]ivdth&s} s 1 nrdedtoanug sfra±e ct
          2? Njwr er JOl , athreroitecMyreman dto — Anmathpma F j jnv1rne — s
          reHthranotIrnnore±biebs fr nedtoWeIil thpi n±brore nordlisre
          - rerc fimIenedto Btc*a p non23 JuIy JJ2 athgmrd ailct
          19 Septerrber JG2. It isrerc tedtH — — ñèr ute merdaifranandtlut tI
          Path lcajak a1calio r(ThiD) v 1o rc kTexa1th dhercJAt
          JJ2 or roftI HghOJmt&B ake r thdalerc ttot1 E temHigh
          Ojmtct l8Se}ieJBth 1ichitE oJrarerc dflutcomt flli and
          ierthilitalictshot e 1 r d±db S.R. Aooidñ totheirthbimalictieceiwc the
          EastenlHighOJmt — ros c dtI ixrthyct fith ca1 .
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 41
          141. ai24Sep JJ t1 Sreth R Tc tltajJfrdcnutcIlicth
          the SreialPagc Fonfi ac ctoftc bFelegarc±1 La(f) ao anestedon
          25 Seperther JJ2at I lJJ am. 5 t} rethe athtakento V nt apS abr tilt
          thurofl ruitccnt licdththemmr r&rerroj±et cht1 thy&rer
          anests} ypaicre±k and eaenvdthsffcb.It ab allegedflutb
          roliceofficersflneaen to sft jrerrak ifs} thdrottellt} thT}utewth s}
          Septeir&er JG s}rc t
          ttohcqita b s} allege ythdrotr eiwpnthcaIfieaftuerd.It lerc td
          flutteto}terrnymess} smt±b to now c e &herrmi picTerly. T} rmres&
          th refiato oft1 akew-nrn& dads&bibae c M-fr ithtentareImon
          tothsreialPagQtF. SR(f) aged39 imtot1 Waü weIa
          ard±ew akrnrv_flyke rnroli Eb erb J th tth
          F0IIM%q topraiiusbr fra 'n fttd coumunat '
          142 at8JkT JG t1 Grauerdcth toa tcnutcathn mth 5 d
          cr sffctoftc bFed&ed
          l6Septerther2OJ2iegarc±i flue ca1 &Ms.VogaTh am/ iIaNk V ifluves
          Sre rcylidct mdertheF ewr&t&Ten SiuActint1 HighOJmt&
          vesmredv 1 ein
          ±erthRSflLmil sS reme Ojmtraw reant} ca onafiattrerdahigrds
          rfraliandj4edinrerf n I OmrjIedt} ±reri smi ratIc II
          andl3, ramgnrk I and oft} CcffbtnMd eeindoIaedatha r±d
          oei ahca Iueomtha rol ydfrededtheAftc m Serei b pJr t}
          rct il il & thiràal r tct agt6t tko iesrcn±Ie fc t} qoIahct liter
          fiattrerrs.Thowht1 pie larliffc rnthSüLaiil aisrotiecr±edto
          fib afi uergrsa 1 licuflueS ien Ojmt mderSñLmilnI tl
          rolio lecr±e asaementfltufl dc mtoliithtet1 rolio ii esligah nfrdoa
          act. I Cb,enauent it h ex to iecc d flue TthT u
          statement T}rnefc e tl Afton erei d±dflutit notrct il Ie b 1 rc ed
          hfmflrnim ffgaliors and in6thrt flue rethe b enmme li es ahc milc
          V iflunu± afoimahtatementtotherothe.
          ojmi liu rdctl6Se 1 r&er JJ2ht1 SpñalPagolteurcte)thajakia].
          amra athifryexathrsatht1 SreciaIPagQteFctt1 cri€ fict ltc tae.It
          ieroitedfluttl rolio SIUii esffgaedt1
          allc alic tlutMs. SUundat sttcec mredathriedonl2seiierrber
          JJl.SIUcc rIa dfluttl roliceradduIyieo rHtl odathcct rt
          tl rte oflio ro cen d.ItrerQtdfluatSIUabJ ii esffgatedtl c& of
          Nb. Je IV }mflegedtoMw eenr thandIdThdct l7Ftua T2OJJ
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p n
          11ethc to atSanasifiar ftcair a Itçcth Hi&s}ie sarc tedbyamiy
          ath srmdedcwerb t} 211 fieHreacir trs±brfinflrn
          m es ahca Sre n dtoraw takenac mi± 1 rj1eaith stakenb rctpfta
          v1 ie s} th ±SIUdHrotthdanye d±rcetHs} r edorj tedtotc tae
          ih fcd1 ie 1y.
          l 4 ByIefterth24D3er erflBt} GJwrauentrc çQt dtoajofrd
          oran±lict rdctl6Se 1 ierther JG2vdtht1
          &tc tae. M i m gah n or iedirdo t} allegalic th& &rathNarila'il
          hIIn s j t b xthu — tc thre inrelio du6tcck ai2l Jm a
          t} Aft reraIc ±iedt1 CthraaIJn es ahctr raauentto m cwerthe
          th esligaffca 1 Athn Oerem rh exa ji dthema±eiia ±ci±dto
          lidctflcD dro]±e c4licersmdert} TolbFeAct.Ir cnere rft 5 the
          Aft myOerei tot} HighComtofKn gaatht} o 1 tai n ct
          5Na ier JJ3.T} bia retbdfc l6Ft'n 2OM.T} Polio r ratient
          — taken ffctto isrerd the JsTecedrelice c4lice . Inrc ardto aThgaffc sth&
          VehAnhi mp &acreckordrnOJIc r&eon24Jm JJl eliornrn
          ni 6tcdflthi rou oft} lirilerd. ait} ac ñe &theAftyiera] t1
          rteilib edrcamrmyvothsliiflfra±esOJmt a stt1 re*
          tve rthcecc} Iesathflmce amiyre ra I.T} NhgEfraie ojrrardftedt} cD dth
          standbiaIint1 hghcomt.Asaie iItoft} thfta] t1 cD damiyrenu I
          ele ren±d
          II (üg}dtofiee±mfi m
          tc bne)athaitIe l remgi hl (üghtto e fieefnuathith deethctXoft} Sü
          LtanCc ffb±JRT} S remeOjmtreId±brthe±istthre th&mre amourd to
          thbFe. An mdeitith giwnbyt} State to t} Ojmtbir lib ecthtthiaI
          gothr sagai1 tflJsTects.Pegañi1 Pou uy abr retedamiy
          t} JaffraNhg sthtesO mt.
          They ere chargedincomt±brmre, arein
          rgie . Pr arc±i t} 33 - ir-oId nothe — - rerc tai n — to y
          ca ofCIDct27 Jm JJJ athM-fieaec flffomialict 1 r d±d im ffiSrd
          too rauerceiligalictathm finflrnaclioRT} Giiaentrq st fmter
          iraliictt1 HeIili &t} dC In 1Gweinrerdab rq sedmoie
          frualictakethhe i±r oft} moflrn&t crdthenvdo s
          aSTFoJrau ldJatCreci±rh muthP&t*ac±sbidct5FJJrnly2OJl.
          thsen thi
          145. T} Gwrauerd&SñLmil ri rc çc —
          i v lir m tooJcTer&e ttht} nmda±e.
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          S t
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          l 6 air Miy2OB 14-
          rdenc d t lOJ I }ies. Sre s rcyed 5 t1 Pliic F t c (aIs o a
          d a th$X1ich idto e aniircvil&rolio — t byt} ntigpi to
          2aaldt} pihth ±c dthernty&t} rafii.N t1 charges ere
          allefli&fl flcCc mthftee Ithe re gthom flerc tedt1 ñ±nralicflt}
          Ft Folio vño c tcMyarc tedt1
          ieceiwc s} rned thecth comt&Ni hinacco 'd vdthathle 1451
          the l 9l Fer Ov 1±hr iWas±bllo s:
          / icewrcc mthts t} offence ofa± e @na) s} llbe pts} dtt}r
          (a Exe alit c vthent1 offen±rEmanied@ 1hsa,);
          O ) c ronrh hs} s 1fl1ipvthentheoflrderEnotnuhlid(rct-
          147. id E dto
          rawage Mbfl comturerpmdoJrththRItr s eenallci t}utrn
          1 rcardercesMw eenpittathcaofltthe me th c g th the
          ±± nthrdro crmre b agea1.In dew 1fl* h ,ebeene rea dfluts} nuybe
          ñmthrn4 *edto colroi pnth}nrerd.
          l 2 Srecial
          Pege rdathe 1t1 Sec erei ont} sibnlioncflmranüghtsdefen±
          thedalnFgerdageabJrceS1 aflegalic t}utthteoffice 1t} Sahncs
          NalictareAgercy(SA) ed3Owome ' melr&e 1t1 NthaNbFdSt
          Won s& xnfic athflueemenvthmeie aocmrar themctt} in ytoa
          nuei sojr bierce ±br reao athdewlcprerd. Aoor to their raft ir e ,4
          KaIai liathbokt} mb theNSAc4lic.v 1 ie t} y eie h inana]ki i1y
          ankgor slic mar e; im aliedw±e — i rderc at on their mo emen , the pnro
          Sxk F jr1& Lkemthn
          uerd.It rercflmteightcc teno ±Iega s erethenfram rQtdtothe
          NSAoflio sthathmranv 1rnet1 y eie ±b edto gna±chmftrrSñigth&
          th veu1drotI iw Fa tmudt}o t} rr itct 1NSA.Aron±erofreniaI
          ften eie ierc ycc&edfiuut1 gl ü1c]1x±1 nthile ht€ oJrpaer
          qthpue*domrerdthSescctklithu* ±e ±sofccct anell a au
          1aip xñu&eYniiIliotSaremW.T} deIegaes ereaflegecMynu± bsit
          FoIhá fl t} Pn Wc sctg tlictliiMAvd the liilihmlict l
          ±br the delegahJ4 s roit i1ycIodonbyNSA.
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p 44
          149. alllJkT JG t1 SpñalPcitaonon±alictjoi*vdththe
          Sretha1Pagolteurctfliecp slion&tolbae
          WesemEffour.A.SA iaadtoaseetwrdr ]Xr t iintheWerthc±sbict
          &N h kcoidñ b fr onu ir eiwc the Polio thrOmrE Sectty(Am
          AI-Mt m1)rest AS.A.ont1 sfieetvtheie s} snIth thrrot eaiir jcb.
          Pe tfic recrneau± mab seehmi± r ffflorno andea b
          e& xI to
          fluts coWdrotaffc dtobuy xI . a u Jm A.SA s mercedto3J I res
          5 t1 E dCemt(M 1h rnk 1tA)Muh 1frn)& NpIathrrot eath sotT}
          me thy.
          Coumumiatious r&efred from fl Coveinut
          I Sa ByIeftertht 3 Jay JJ t1 GJwrauentrQt dtot} jJfrbFgerdage
          rdctfl Nhy JcBflutfrden niigrdsstantr aie liroiremt flut1 rer l
          —. Its&edflutaIegrad nu uisrotedtoexectctexc }iafierare±dof
          tve e&sraw pit dárethede e &t} crdc adnnun sfi ec±i a thy
          fl]_ thrct flb afierbfi ec±i .
          thsen thi
          151. T} SrenalPagc uId]tetoreiter&e rerfrth arer
          iràt uctflEof x nn ed±o e.
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          152 au9JaEn a gerdage utjofr4n itht1 SreciaIPagQtF
          ctt1 — &crdthe 4 Cr HpicthbtctathchHreiiognriw. The Srecial Pagoiteurs
          ere ojrceimdakcflue skalictofchffl £(m) andchfflM(±)hot}rnandsSer,
          vñraeie goto e rthiafi mSdtflthtoAfl iaath&tgredtot1
          c isto y&thStht} ; ± theac liors&±D } chJdM aga strerfaflrn.
          FoI L t}th c lic tl noflrn&thecMthen}u ilbgflytalmtl mfnu
          Auth l andhowrdthemto Sflan±
          Coumumral'ous r&efred from the Cover 'm ut
          153 au24Jaimy JJ t} G wrauentofS terkdrepliedth& t} d ±bnb
          lerabiate theb crdth n sm nthccmItuo vdththelavç ñffc trvdthtl
          H eOr jncttl aAiçects&huenuSr IcdAbhh 3 n&l9 J.T}
          Gj rnnuent stated tint Svterland s not ccmreent to li sliga±e the renal aiçects I
          tl asfl edcthuñualfads eie reirefiatedt adTheG wnurentfmter
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          rc edth&itradtaimawtten stothciXtatet1 ieban&thecrdthenand
          t} fr not} r
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          154 ByIeftertht lXSe 1 t er JG t1 SreS1R TcFjofrdIyvdtht1
          Sreth Pcwfteurctthecp slict&tc tae atht1 Sreth R Tc tFctt1 roanan
          ugrs&nurdflthbmi t} Gj enurerdth&s} ra wdn±nraSnctt1
          ca1 of Sit (f) aged4afrub tltnInfi m aa 1rn sallci 1y
          mredandIdfled treemeiiniNheSotctt1 1ththr rvdthN ararar. a oft}
          thee rel eft n slerol yi±thThdast1 thcto ty arc aT} iraffc.
          rolio .S.H.rad
          EaFomidIutt frtoiyñiNheSotfc moie thanfoF
          notothil .kcoidtoirthbnraffctrectwc s} fD datfirstbth&eraccept i.
          me thcbsb noie rren
          ctaiothermotothil bfivdthfli butc @flnüty nrdvesi±thfi .Mer
          tint SH. rc tcMyc±s Teaaec1 It sieroitedflntctthemcn r &lSepeir&er
          JJ rerbccsthmidabr tl NheSotP}opP}maHighvay. Henthy smmto
          tl Nhe SOt&S 1 ItaIaIdtI aedflntS.H.radb naisiuItec raredath
          ± edto±ath.Acojñr toirthbnraffctieceiwc afrrh ith tflemmderct
          themor 12 err er JG akeutl JJ N aupnI fnufl KiFomd
          roiy ec i they
          thdrotth tt1 ±tl rethe euUin est a±e flleca faya1dbth rSltoju6the.T}
          &d sieroitecMyiendbyt1 nmngerandr o ertotl ro]±e ±br
          ffc .Hererc t ycISu tobeinioent It rerc edflnthe sslillbeir
          reIdattl rolicesaliorthowhfl rnctrethecheftoIdtl iI tlntt1 y
          adth est a±e tl c i t1mowrJ c otlrnrerc gestedflntflth vesnotflna .
          Fmt ro.ithiahjrs eie ierc fll&re Jr Iwdtht1 ca eie taIth
          rtdflntflo y&fl±thtu scrAcIdyciennt
          ctt1 urcg ernierdalo aih rs
          tofrre.It sa]kgedflntt1 thctc ymaingementthsthrtedtl accc &t1
          oi tah rsb fi ±thu sf rolec 1D &tl freThbitsb rafl thc
          rd±brarneflomghaub by±bierthc terce ec.PeroicatI stc
          l i i fit c eh ecu ti m itereci It s reroited tint cte I tl timee vd a s
          2Se}ierb 1dhererctcMysbgedsTeathdthoflrn rnI rsafrrherebm d.
          Nhy2O3 tlne sathr±rüith±rdñi
          IdfledñiNheSotbflec @
          allegedflnttl ie ele
          l i i fit iegict ho cc sq rces ±br the re lrethtc s.
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p 45
          thsen thi
          155. T} Srei Pagc teF u1dliketoleiter&e rerfrderc tiiuecSth therer
          &t} G rauent&1dñirc Wb flegt lnththd
          CmumHthi — b the Coverineut
          Pagol on t} q Sn& thbFe c l GG (f an exec fr ,e nnber
          ñuahctiec ,4 ct 14 Jm 20 at9anr. G.G. ±c rt fnu the sfieeth
          reta er nont1 sfieetellrert±rto toIeaw rerabre atht} menlesTct±d
          tantoadark jcmv 1 ie s} rendbIli1oI±dv 1 es}ie sfrden gaedath
          tc bnec1
          th4ts ec 1B s} a nu dflutflth uId e aIe nb rerT} r(en
          ro l y eat her I a steel ro beb e irer Jc e the s heñacl a i d
          outcigftesctrercreel allrn,mes rt i } t1 dxtc&slerolt.It]s
          ierc tdflutore lt} n nrfrdorermo rTTerorl&e;G.G.
          roi nñi fiuuamcwu rofl dot1 seetn irGmr arait l
          LItrieroit Hiatrelre &ecuer yden th&flthewrdonr .
          ADOIdÜIgb fl fr nth i lyrmat d 5 d rolio li i
          o racdthrerrolitha1athziliesbac±ir b vh IrdenulictalWonsray.
          It rerc tedflutt1 rolio — aj±thedinenrndinflutirHent
          157. all6se}i r&er JJ t} srePcTcrdacnutcalictjcthlflyvdth
          theSreSPagoftmcfrirla smrau cfr ,exec tdt1 Srelal
          Pagoiteimont1 crx li lltolbFercflc±1 the ca1 INS. (f) aged2 v1o
          rolyh r eiwdd1thflme&ershelo gedccmriairdsflutsre radbtho een
          ± redad1-fr elio c4licersiiu emTufl y. ai5Noer JJ N.B.
          s rQtec gitedfiuube}thd — s}o edfrdo a circc dañth ag J Ifiw
          rer — s} im rnt1 Js rak&ea IJnrar. Sreroit ily±brc to
          dcnw Sre
          ±t.A1thowht} nsthcc rne hWfl ycathedde4Jidc aidn th red
          thenamesof me dair flutthrolieh ItE
          die edflutthe men ere mer±ers Ithe Ar Tenu Bianch It} loal rethe ±brce
          andaccmrithrdake t1
          fl bwrber2032.Mfr esalict sthenlamrredai22rb,er&er203 NB.
          ro it ily flue byan ñd n cbfl s in the Yam iil& alea of
          Jnthrv 1otc her: Yourawn tl md Jur k n?Srhflth scouHragentowu
          fll& r Oe r uld e ±le bud yJ]Fbc P. kcor±iVofrmlictr eiwdct
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 4 7
          dsh ,itoflck&acr coIocainv 1±ht1 c wr s ith .She
          bhdthH idc &thenien itonrerto 1 r itherfitue . % nshe
          asI dvthere wu thrb
          y udH rot bsterç u 1s r,e ewi th tint tllha en b yju . 1 rrelu ele
          saskedake t1 1 akeu &anaccaSibre.ShestoIdtHshe ad fler
          ro if agie to reip t l nr She sthen ik timon the giom4
          tedr nllyaisiufledathflmea±eredvdthd iflr Mer m& s}ie s
          let ii bariac cb tov1 ie sheheent .ItsrerQt Hlatfc elüc
          n thcerc sfitmt1 rc 1 W r do mrerthi NB. limies w the
          thgalic &rn-freahuent altl EofaoJr iairdbc edakcflthinth±*ac&
          r sbiorered theIrrdrstae }r atc agaJn6ttve rthceoffice fiuuthe
          TenuBimrhoftl Jnrdrrolice — . Th raw eencrm edvdthtc tae aththefl t
          reathig&theirbiaEstetotai ri e ctló cttther JJ3.Sino D3erber JJ NB.
          r s ceeniec wu reinthc frrdl-rlierd&arcI1U.She s
          uethyathtoId Wellbw re .thF e narStt 5 notIdIth yjir
          Coumumral'ous r&efred from the Cover 'm ut
          i5& hiaIefterth3lOb erflGrauerdcth bthejofrd
          oucahct rditl SrethalPagc Fctfl acctoftc bae ct
          p er JJ3 l ega NB. A ccm d Io dth Thjkdic hjnbfs
          c ceinIrufrctt1 gi mdsth&s} ttdedathileaedbyroliceoffice ct
          5thl7D3erbelJJ2adffgalict scTered S±thfifl rethe
          and±athtlmeats. Ah tsffledagaJi tt1
          — F '° c4licers andtl fl e iv sreHctl6 cttther JJ3.
          thsen thi
          159. T} Gnuerd&T keythri rc çc
          legadn NB.ad ada} 1 mnaei1 keptn±nredoft1 o xmeoftl c .
          UuiH ArSi Emkates
          Coumumkatioi — b the Coverineut
          ba ai3l Nhch JJ t1 Srec Pagofteur rdanm erdagethegath
          Falbin Hau I HL,I MKmvait a nalic &tl Utht Ar± Frdmes. Accoidñig to
          ñ±nralict lecj. Ftra Ham HJal MKTh ili nnthed Mtñi NhjH M
          Har licl&S xjiAat ÜE jtc Ob er JOl aththecourieh a
          nmiige cei icite üm } tl E Mliana loüths. It E rerc td tint Fa maHam
          HJ H rot aoe} the m thage T a fith cctext Fahira flewb k
          bPJ-AuieUthtedAathEirmSvdthrerfaflrnathmrIeontl mderstanth
          fl&afrtcmath ece l emcty ukfte reId±brtheco -AiRHo ew;
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          rdyrcneathrefD db
          letrerleaw c cctkctanyn. Itroiflutherdyh Wcid tomanyherto
          Sre idto}i e afterØdtocc mtht
          tW id athrdft b TovmnHo tlMAiRShemamgedtoeeath
          dbEnkthdthMiM idN-Has ini It allegedth&at22Ja.nron
          l7vh2O32 v 1 etre oj ie attheNhthoftHotelinEnljFathna thtre;
          fi mtre rcdi folvedtrefr vfrdot1 reel
          Afton yO iIt1c edtHFahn s
          ththene&rervdib treotrern nreldito 1 re erdhmfnnnierteithg.She
          Mtin sieroitecMytakenb p Jr
          Therehe sallegecMyflneaeredflutifre thdnotdino Fa inaje uHrawto
          nipSi.Itroitedfluthesc @iel dafierre frthbnnedtre thoiiffes
          thattre Fr&eofSanJia sa eoftresibnhRAccoldli touffolmalict
          wc FathnadyMacbm dthoflerccd.Fimll çmNhvh JJ
          &rerrelaliw a
          UthedAr±Emfr&esralictal.ItisaThgedfluttpfte roane jusoañit t1
          at1r itesraw rettaimarqach ntoim ffgatet1 ca1 .
          thsen thi
          161. TreSrei PagolteF uHrn b ftentererfrde lr Sztgarer
          fi mtre Grnerdiiuegantotre ahrs tnftt ±
          ‘imki s dk iI a! CoI, mo
          162 H 5de± heroW2O3 laPelatc aEqeña jFthcctelPelabrEqecial ±ie
          herc rciadelcsnug sth±syakega± ei iemillamanthrdom eneen
          hSugemaCc t W Ju6ffc W hj z
          rLL.(f)an W l±oI iLajaezLnnarthliap1ffthradJ en 1 rgmm de
          mc n en Wiecrcs I i s ran j es yr& afracb ojrolitherdcs en Ia
          nuteñaen fmrictc jafriaIes.UnoW sca s iiaeIW h doIaci5nW urn
          rere; ccon e ihp mó licfta±src hjn }i±iia
          ntenthad acmfroj&enc .
          Ofl W Jtharth arerbra aIciercircerWbs ib)eitadsinr&er
          ie cidj IacctWrnthla rdentha. La Ojite rer&ia ththeqJ acictc rc redoa
          UWdthóR H9W raT r±le W2O3 hj zLnnarthiiatht oeIc ielalinla
          thbñWIG±ienodeE ranh cfr iith6ndeunthxh anoW raE eIires
          thene IaS remaCc te rth aWthHofitaIaj zamus eIakei iEsk
          Wdthónhtlasicb r Haccmomiam HaW gcs ]iayc ffgoenccaW Ia
          ma ror l ir ci5n en Ics c Js aiit menthcm±s no mia m Ha W
          de lta a ofi s rtherrhcs WI ro r jñc i no 1 roSta h j z Lñna htia 1 rcs rdacb
          FJCN .412JE41E&Add. I
          Page 4
          lln*I s r&biI deICoI, n.
          163 decc ran± i6n±
          irath6nenreI ñ6nccteIllamaithenb m erdecp hRelatcnEqec4jFdooJnel
          Pehtc Eqec bteIaüi±ren±rc ± Ics nugisth±sy±c a±s, eIth6eI 5±
          ± hero±2OB en Iath6nccteI p stofisIacbraraitedeIaS ienuO ite ±
          Ju6ftrndeIar zrenaI Ai.am ±Iakaal.Se G±iemc Iad ñsi6n lesTecto
          Ici alithdy± mimHc
          io±athüththth6n±ju 6 lic sñJsiroeIG±ienoirthbnrá ±aeIad Ei6n
          roterda cathcerdesnynor&iare 1 nkcbIamofficici5n±sucutc oa.
          im oore ilJuth64 thtaicoo deIIwar± tgmci5n±Iasfiaric s.HG± no
          bténuffoimó± cr
          rothasñicp rte acaaIa daojrdencicojaimhtc mtherermu
          rer i6ndeIcsdaficscrae r&ncaBIdJccthc cisEnaththth6frt .
          FJCN.4t23J4IE IAdd.l
          p J
          mFOR m: d dd fp /g ? b g th ]dI —
          à id. PI ty f dth i f
          N ©f r ©il© g ff©
          Add :
          F dThbE - a:
          VIC11 S): b a tl I I dn gftII
          r h' d d/ th ItI I t d w tl dI g d I I i n d y tl
          ( th ? t I iQy PI th
          h tl tl tIInwf tl fr
          Add :
          D t ©fb
          N u© J
          Et1ü b&&g i ]; d 1g p (4 O: __________________
          ThE mCIDu T: I h dn g pI th 4 U d w b
          I p II tl tl, I I ? t tl I ] pdI
          th 4 O t fIt &th l igl .
          j thd I # b t tl IId ? : tl fr y d hIp th
          t th I tI d/ wtl pI fth
          th th ??t . tht by
          rn th th r p ( l th Y Ith) hth # , thn ] hIth
          gl tl t th a ,,tf II d w th w r ? t
          t k& by tl I tI th I f iI t bt dI
          h th g I I t flIed ] Ith th tl ffl Ith, flght
          U? I n t flI d ] hy
          I I d Ic _ j b t n p t by ffI Id w I flIg th II g d Id i >
          wr t II t n I n tl b flI d
          d th •c _ j th th th fth t tl
          th I th t d i/ th Jt q th
          D : ______ _______ _______________________
          FJCN .412JC41E&Add. I
          Page 51
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          — th & lipttht1 1 *) ifl© ?,li ±i$ th b] ©fth
          ! Iá© lip?
          rupk ©fth s thL O) (li hd wid bk ± a ):
          DSCRWflON OF ThE mCIDmT:
          t th th dyt 1b ©fg d& _______
          i f
          H th ____
          H t1 th üff W w ff© fl&t1 li il t?
          Th t i?
          Th '?
          A TNSSES: W fl y ,ib &
          NI h k Sth dd
          b gw tl ftl ? i# ] l th
          pI ib th id Rn
          l iglt b q t y d& d h
          ti ] hith pI d tl dh
          (F : 141 22 9I7fl4 & thI:

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