Site icon Iran Human Rights Documentation Center

Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences.

          Economic and Social Disk
          EICN.4/2006/6 1 iAdd.3
          27 January2006
          Original: ENGUSH
          Sixty econd nion
          Item 12(a) of the provisional agenda
          Report of tie & iai Rapporteur on vibir e against women, its
          cawn and coi uencn, ValdnErtlirlc
          (29 January to 6 February 2005)
          * The summaryof this mission rerort is being cirtulated in all official languages. The IepMt
          it ]f is contained in the annex to the sununaiyand isbeing circulated in the language of
          submission only
          GE.06- 10476 (E) 030206
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 2
          &mmlar y
          The Fesent rereflcontair — flndingsofthe nü ionofthe SrecialRarTefleuron
          tolence agafr twomerc its causes andcor cjuence to — Islamic P public ofiran. wrdrh
          took place from 29 Januaiyto 6 Febnary2005. It staits with a retewofthe recent rdstoiyof
          the Islamic Th public ofiran. — governance sthacture, human iights obligaffor ofthe State and
          the statusofwomerç thenconffnueswithanexanünaffonofthe incidentsoftolence agafr t
          womenandthe liuractofth thnatolylawsandjudicialyFocedures rnrandem women 's
          acce tojustice. The rereficoncludes witha reflecifononthe Fosrects foracomFeher Te
          judicialrefonuandidenffflcaffonofkeymea iresandfrdtiathes neededto er Jre the Fotecifon
          and Fomoffon ofthe iights of men and the eliminaffon oftolence agair t women.
          Violence agair 6t men in — Islamic Th pub]ic oflran is fr rained in gender inequalit c
          wrdrhis uplleldandrelretuatedbyb o intenelatedfactors: (a) ra iarchah lues andatiftudes
          ba donmale suFemacy , andOj) State-Fomotedir tiffitional stncthresba don
          gender-bia d. hard-line inteipetaffor ofreligiouspinciples. While — fonuerisa unrsal
          andrdstoncallyrooted p llenomenorcthelafter i ssTecifictothegenderremicsinthe
          contemreraiylslamic Th public oflran. BothfactorsreFe ntmale-emrewethlg v alues, la s
          and Factice mahir it difficult for men to e are public and piivate tolence.
          In recent pars, some resithe sters have been taken to el nte women's status and
          e]iminatetolence agath6t men. Addiffonally, — pinciple ofecjualityis containedinthe
          ConstiffitionandIranisrait to the p cirel internaffonalhumaniights instniments. However,
          there are won some garsinguaranteeing genderecjuality D i scthunato,Fo sior inboththe
          Ci landPenalCode andflaws inthe admirdsfrationofjusffce di mrewerwomenand
          aggravate theinminerability. FmThenuore, the domestic arTdicaffonofthe standards inplace
          fa]]s shoflofer urir thatwomenenjoyde jure andde facto equality.
          Intewofthe exisffngchallenges, — SrecialRarTefleurrecommendsthatthe
          Goveniment ofthe Islamic Th public oflran take acifonunder fourbroad categoiies: (a) adopt
          and ob ive international human iights standards; (13) erthance men's access to jusfice through
          a frar rarentlegalandjudicial refonu; (c) pioiihze — eirninaffonoftolence agair twomen
          asa public relicyis ae to Fevent ir te s tigate andpmiishallacts oftolence agath6t merç
          whether relrefratedbyrSate indMdua]s or State actors; — (d) Fomote — surTefl the
          emrewenuent ofwomen in all sT leres oflife.
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 3
          (29 Jaimary toö F e bruary 2005)
          Paragraphs Page
          INTRODUC I ION . 1-6 4
          GENDERAGENDA . 7 -31 5
          A. HistoñcaThackground 7 -Il 5
          B. The sthEthre ofgowniance 12-19 6
          C. Intemaffonal human iights obIigatior 20-24 7
          D. Status ofwomen 25-31 8
          A. Manifestaffor oftoIence agair 6t men 34 -43 ID
          B. The fr muffonaIbasis oftolence agair t men 4 -6l 13
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 4
          Atthe fr ,itationofthe Gjwnmient, — Srecial RarTefleurontolence agar twomerc
          its causes andcor cjuence undeflookanofficialnii iorç to — Islamic P public ofiran
          from 29 Januaiyto 6 Febmaiy2005. Cverall, — m i sthon swellrecStedbythe Govenmient
          andthe MirdstiyofForeignAfrairs sho edfullcoorerationinfaciitaffng her rnk.
          2. InTer anthe SrecialRarTefleurmetvdthgownuuentofficia* womentctims of
          tolence andhmuanrightsdefenders inorderto gatherflrst-handfr&onuaffononallegaffor of
          exter iw hmuanrightstolafford inthe countiyandencjrnre about gownmientplar to put
          in place or sfrengthen mechardsrns forthe Fewnifon oftolence agair t women and —
          Fotecton oftheir iights. The Srecial RarTefleurtthted E n   Jn ard inteewed a number
          ofdetainees. She abjtthtedthe familycomtwhere she obseiwdanongofr trial. InTer an
          she a]so met vdthreFe ntathes ofthe UrdtedNatior sremandmerthersof r ious
          ass le
          3. TheSrecialRarTefleurtravelledtollaminthe estofIrantoir tesffgaterereit
          conceniing — rdghrate offemale self-iimuolatior . Daring — t -day sit , meetfr s ere
          heldwithdiwrse ci lsocietygrours , includir hmuanrightsacthtts andfami]ies of jicide
          tcffrns, as ell as with — local authoijifes.
          4. Durir meetfr s vdth officials the Srecial RarTefleur a]so followed upon a nmther of
          allegaffonletters thatshe hadsent to — Gjwnmient and, where ressil le, met vdththe tctlir
          concerned to hear their account ofthe siffiation. Since — rnissiorç she has sent a nmther of
          conmiurdcatior to — Gjwnmient to followuponcases — leaniedabout durir — rnissiorç
          including anmtherofcases offemale detaineesinE thi  n. 2
          5. TheSrecialRarTefleurvdshestoconmlendthe Gjwnmientofthelslamic Th public of
          Iran for issuing a standing ir ,itaffon to all thematic mechardsrns ofthe Commission on
          HmuanPights (2002) andto thard itforfacthtatir hertsit. She wouldtj like to extendher
          graiftude to the orgardzatior and inditduals who Fotded luable ir&onuation and to —
          tcffrns oftolence who courageouslysharedthefrexreiiences withher. Finally, — uldlike
          toil ktheUrdtedNaffor resithntcoordinatorandrdsstafffortheirlogisffcalsurTefl a s w ell
          as the UrdtedNaffor Coun Team for orgarJzir ameetir wr hallowed fora fnjifful
          6. In order to contexffialize — cmient state of men 's iights in Irarç at the outset, abiief
          owitewofthe recentrdstoiyofthe countl3 — governance stncthre, hmuaniights obligaffor
          ofthe State andthe statusofwomenis Fotded. The rerUn thenexamines incidents oftolence
          agair twomenandrdg}uights — thscthuinatoiylaws andfla s inthe admirdstraffonofjusffce
          that reireffiatetolence agair twomenandrdnderwomen 'sacce tojusfice. The conclusion
          reflects on mea res takento Fotect women's iights and cor iders — pl sTects for a more
          comFeher iwjudicialrefonu. Inthe lightofthe majorflnding the rerUn ends vdth
          recornmendatior for erthancir women's iights and endir tolence agair t women in —
          Islamic P public oflran.
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage s
          A. HistorkalbacI Tolmd
          7. Pñortothe l979P volufforcthemoden zaffonFoces irdffatedunderthe Perdet
          rile, led to cent legal refonns intended to benefit women in Iran. Pai*ularlynote flhy
          are: — 1932 C & Code that increased the nürthumu age ofmaniage to 15 for gir]s and I X for
          bo ; — infroducifon ofco.educaffon in Ter an Urdwrsityin 1936; the 1937 decree for
          compu]so ur teilfr ;the l9 C Cñminal Code (althoughit retaineda man'sñght to murder
          anadulteroussreuseandotherfemale relathtes);theñghttovotefr ffffitedinl963;andthe
          1967 and 1975 FamilyProtecifon Law that cmtailed rel amyand the unilateral iight to divorce
          formen. These refonns, howewr, inractedordyasmall rninoñtyofelite merç remairdng
          inelevant for ma es ofnral and working.class women. at the other hand . — encroacranerd of
          cenfral relicies erodedthe rewerofthe clergy, threatenedthe autonomyof ibalgrours —
          undenuinedthe interests of the Fo tthalmerchants. While cmtailfr — rewerofthe
          fradiffonal enifties, it a]so failed to oren democratic srace for new — Fogre e voices to
          8. The estentedandorFee nathre oftheShah'sregime,andtheconcernof
          women as well as men that — coun as a wbj]e s losing its moral standard Fovoked
          abacidash in — coun . In this context, vdiile a loose coalition oforTesiffon from d ,er
          ithological grours did emerge, it was — cleñcal orTesifforc tholi2ed in — rerson of
          A tollahRuhollahKhomefrd. wbj was inexile from 1964to 1979. thatcommandedthe
          lo altyofthe ma es. This Focess ewnffiallyled to — 1979 P voluffon. 4
          9. Womenwere atthe forefrontofthe up sfr agair tthe Shah. Millior of merç
          from all walks oflire, took to the streets weath — chador as a mtbol ofsolidañtywith
          — revolution and orTesition to the Shah. Ho ewr, for manyvdthin and outside Iran .
          — enthusiasm sshofl.l ,ed. T da before — conmtemoraffonofthe Internaffonal
          Women's E y(8 Nhrch 1979), Khomeirdstanedaratouncir measures vdiichwere indicath,e
          ofarolftjackinwomen's iight including adecree dismissing all menjudges andbai*
          female students from attendir lawschools and — imresiffon ofthe wil (h ab), among
          o — rs.
          ID. Hmuanñghts ingeneralbecame areintofd tergence beb eenthe regime andthe
          international conuuurdt ç on the one hand, and the more liljeral.nünded Irardar on the other.
          The newnh]ers ofthe Islamic P public oflranadheredto aculthralrelathttresiffonand
          djstancedthernselws from urdwmil human iights standards as Western in nathre. The
          follovdng editoiial from — Ter an 7i s (6 Febnaiy 1996), in coratecifon vdth — sit ofthe
          Srecial P FesentathTe on — situaffon ofhmuan iights in — Islamic P public oflrarç is
          reFe ntaTe ofthe generalsentiments ofthe time: ‘Siiteiia forhmuaniights are resTectedby
          evelyJne; howewr anyjudgnent on the siffiaffon ofhmuan iights in a countiyshouldbe
          hanuordous vdththe naffon'sculthre, religionandtraditior . The srecial er toyshouldnot
          smienderto dirctandindirectFessures frcm — UrdtedStates andotherWesternre ers
          wk Sus are to use hmuan iights as l rage agair t Iran.” 6
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 6
          II. The reiffcalrarathgm ofthe 1979 P voluffon spimañlyareactionto Western
          imreñalism, vdiich was seen as advancir not ordynii]itarisffcally, but a]so through religion and
          culthre. In this context womerç rerce ted asbearers ofculthre, became cenfral to — reitical
          di our that sto share — ciety. A l984weeIdywomen 'sjounialpublishedinTer an
          argued that colordalism cor iders women as — best tool for subjugaffon ofthe natior :
          men selve as the uncc scious accomrdices ofthe rewers-to-be li i — desthaction of
          indigenous culthre ... womanis thebest mear of± s tro & — indigenousculthre to —
          benefit ofimreñalistf.' Cor ecjuently, wrdie — revoluffona1ypuñficationFoce djscarded
          secularwomenas renmants ofthe oldregime, womenins mrathyvdthandsurTeflers ofthe
          Th public ereplacedinkeyresifford vthe,e theycouldFomotethe newgenderagendaand
          Fove to — cñtics ofthe regime thatthe newsremhas infactaccordedwomenaFominent
          place insocietyandthatthe Islamic revoluffonhas deliwredwomenfromthe conupifonand
          exploitationofcardtalistimreñahsm. Intrds regard. wrdle s ictcontrolowrwomen sbeir
          ir tiffited. women public reniciraffon sbeir Fomotedas asafeguardofthe regime?
          B. The sfructure of governance' 0
          12. The 1979 Cor fftuffondefines — stncthre ofre erthat goven — Islamic P public of
          Irarç vdiichcombinesbothrepularsowreignty(ait 6)andthe r ile ofthe SuFeme
          Juri or ilate (ait 15). Withinthis context — rdhestState authoñtyiswstedinthe SuFeme
          Leader, vtho iselectedbythe A emblyofExreits. ‘ Asthe headofthe State, the Supieme
          Leaderdorninates — dMsionofreweramong — legislafiw, execufiw andjudicialbranches.
          His rewers andresrer il iiffes range from — dehneaffonofthe general relicies ofthe Islamic
          Th public oflran — suresion over their oper execuffon” to ar oinffng and djsrnissir
          mer ersofthe GuardianCouncil, exercisir dir ctorindirectcontrolowr keyir fftuffor ,
          including — anuedforces, — P voluffonaiyGuard. — judiciaiyandcord5nuir candidatesfor
          the Fesidency, among others.
          13. The execuffwbranchis headedbythe Presithnt v,k is electedforafour. artenuby
          urdwrsal suffrage. The legislathte branch is comresed ofa repularlyelected 290 .seat Islamic
          Cor ultathe As r ly(Majhs Shurae Islami), anunelected l2.mer erCouncil ofGuardiar .
          The Majlis d lors and res s legislaffon and rete s — raiffies freaffes. In accordance with
          athcle 90 ofthe Cor fftufforç itabj examines andir te s tigates v iftencomplaintsbythe pubic
          agair t its on work and the work ofthe executhe and — judiciaiy. The Council ofGuardiar ,
          Mffofwho members are arTeintedbythe SuFeme Leaderfrom among thefi1qaha (cleiical
          erne) andthe remairdng halfbythe Majlis fromalistofnon.cleiicaljuthts recommendedbythe
          headofthe judiciary(who is arTeintedbythe Leader), retews all legislaffonres dbythe
          Maj]is to a ess compliance with Islamic andconstiffitional p ciples anderdorses Majlis
          candidates fortheireligibi]ity.' 2 The Council ±brthe Discenanent ofExrediencyforthe Interest
          ofthe S tem (or ExrediencyCouncil), wr h is comresed of3l mer ers arTeintedbythe
          SuFeme Leader, isemre rnedto resoWe legislathte deadlocksbeb eenthe Ma iLs andthe
          CouncilofGuardiar . Althoughthe Council ofGuardiar andthe ExrediencyCouncil are not
          electedbodies, theyare entnistedwithexfremelywide comretences andrewers overthe
          repularlyelectedMajhs. While authoiities have as fledthatsuchsituaffor existinother
          coun ie other obseivers idenfffytrds as a source ofretenifal fiicffon li i governance and a
          cor traint on democrafic Foce es.
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 7
          14. While thejuthcialbrancrc accordir to the Cor fftufforç isaninderendentbody, — head
          ofthe judiciaryis arTeinted from among — Mojtah ds (doctors in religious ]aw) d i r cilyby,
          andisaro erable to, — SuFeme Leader. Trds Fotdes — Leaderwithrewerowrmatters
          relatedto — admirdsfrationofjusffce. The headofthejudiciaiyis mandatedto ir ffffite —
          neces iiyorgardzaffonalsthacthre forthe admirJsfraffonofjustice, drawupbfflsrelatedto the
          juthciai 3 andarTeint djsniiss andtrar ferjudges. Jnrathcular, the headofthejudiciaiy
          arTeints — Presithntofthe SuFeme Comt — — F osecutorGeneralfromamong —
          Moflah ds, among other tasks.
          15. The Cor tiffition Fotdes for the estabhsrauent ofthe Conmion Judicial Authoñffes, —
          SrecialJuthcialA hoñffesandthe Admirjsfrath,e ComtofJustice. Aside firnuthese,thereare
          abj the follovdng comts: P voluffonaiyComts, — the Srecial Cleñcal Comt, vdiich handles
          ca sir ,oWir cleñcs andis underthe authoñtyofthe SuFeme Leader.
          16. While govenmient officia]s argue that menand menhave — same orTeltardffesand
          thataccess to esiffor isba donmeñtorvofl the topdecision-making rests at all lew]s of
          — governance sthacture are cmientlyheldbymenwiththe SuFeme Leaderconmiarding —
          highest authoñty According to anicle 115 ofthe Cor tiffitiorç no womanmay lve as
          Fesithnt ofthe counfryand although rot sTecifled in — cor tiffition a woman carthot 5cr /c as
          SuFeme Leader. A]so, no manhas rbeenarTeintedto — Council ofGuardiar orthe
          topdecision-making resitior ofthe ExrediencyCouncil.
          17. The ordyfemale memberofthe newcabinetthatwasfonuedaflertheJune200 s
          electior , 1ienNhrauoudArauadinejad s electedPresithnt is — headofthe Er ,iromuental
          ProtecifonAgency, vtho selvesas — cabinet's Vice-President.
          I X. Women canbecome judge but theyare qualified to occupyordyceflainjudicial
          resiffor . These include, inter alia, Assistant F osecutor Genera], a& ,i jr to — Comt of
          ArTeal, examiring judge, a& ,i jr to — legal offices, a& ,i jr to — FamilyCous judge ofthe
          Office ofGuardiar hipforMinors andthe InterdictedPersor& Affairs. The SrecialRarTefleur
          was ir&onuedata meefing withFonlinentjudges ( andfemale) that granfing menfull
          authoñtyasjudges is an issue wr h is cmienilybeir debatedbythe authoñties.
          19. Inshoit — gcwernance sthacbFe oflranis male-dorninatedwithashong cor en ith,e
          inclinaffon. Wrdleflusisincor&onthtyvdththe generalfrendinthe rld ,inIranithasnot
          been i ntifiedbythe authoñties as a Foblem on their agenda. On — other hand, the charthe]s
          for women's agencyfor change seem to be limited. Popular accountabiityand women's
          reiticiraffon are feathres ofgownunce ordyat the lo erl ls ofthe State hierarchy.
          C. Internathnalhuunnr hts obligathus
          20. Iran raiffled three ofthe main internaffonal human iights ir tnjments pior to 1979,
          namely. — International Cor ,enffononthe E]iminationofAllFonns ofRacial rli thrdnaffon
          (in 1968),” the InteniationalCownantonEcononüc, SocialandCulthralBights(ICESCB.
          in 1975), and — International Covenant on C zil and Political Bights (ICCPB. in 1975).
          In 1994, the new regime al j raiffled — Cor ,enffon on — Bjghts ofthe Child (CRC), reseng
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          the iight not to anlyanyFotthor or athcles ofthe Cor ,enffon that are incomraffble with
          Islamic laws.N More recently, in 2002, Iran raiffled 1W Cor ,enffon No. 182 conceniing —
          Prordbiffon and Immediate Mifon for — RUmination ofthe Worst Fonns ofCrdld IAjour
          of 1999. Tn the domestic arTdicaffon ofthis Cor ,ention it is imreflant to er ure that it covers
          tasksthatare p cirellyassignedto gfr]s.
          21. Iran has not signed or raiffled the O iional F otocols to ICCPP. — C tional F otocols to
          CRC on — ir ,oWement ofcrdldren in aimed cordlict and on — sale ofcrdldrerç crdld
          Fosffffiffonandcrdldremograr c the Cor tention agair t Tofime and Other Cne]. Jithmuanor
          Degiadir TreathientorPupjsrauent andthe OpifonaiProtocol thereto orthe Cor ,enffononthe
          EliminationofAll FonusofDisciinünaffonagafr tWomenandthe OpffonalProtocol thereto.
          22. With regard to the Cor ,ention on — Eliminaffon ofAll Fonus ofDisciiminaffon agair t
          Womerç in Januaiyof2002 — cabinet Fe nted a bifi to — Nhjli F 0 F° 51 acce lon to —
          Cor ,enffon. Thebilwas adoptedbythe Maj]is,butrejectedbythe CouncilofGuardiar . It is
          cmientlybefore the RxrediencyCouncil forretew. Durir meetfr s vdththe female
          rarliamentaiiar ofthe S nthNhjlisand irious gownmientofficia]s, includir — headof
          the Committee onWomerç YouthandFamilyofthe RxrethencyCounci]. concen erevoiced
          about — incomraffbthtyofthe Cor ,enffon on — RUmination ofAll Fonns ofDiscrimination
          agair tWomenvdthIslairdc nom andthatthe equamyFo sior ofthe Cor tenffonmayin
          fact take a y Jme ofthe rS&eges women cmienilyenjo c such as not havir to con ibute to
          family istenance as this is cmientlythe resrer il iityofthe husband.
          23. At the national lew]. anicle 20 ofthe Cor tiffition states that all cihzer ofthe coun 3
          bothmenand merç equallyenjoythe Fotecffonofthe lawandenjoyallhuman. reifica].
          economic, social — culthral iight in cor&onrdtywith Islamic criteria”. Athcle 3,
          raragrar l 14, states thatthe Gjwnmient is obligedto secure ihe multifarious iights ofall
          ciffzer , both women and men” and to Fotde legal Fotecifon for all, as ell as the equalityof
          ailbefore — laW'.
          24. Wrale — Cor ffffiffonincludes — pinciple ofequalityandIranisrait to the main
          intemaffonalhmuaniights fr thjments, there are ni jme gaps in aaranteefr equality
          Women and all religious minoiiffes are not included in anicle 19 ofthe Cor tiffition (Fordbiffng
          discththnaffonbased on colour, race or lar uage) and it has been argued that the resen ition in
          athcle 20 recju± ig cor&onui 7 with Islamic criteria” have been used as a legalbasis of
          discthrdnaffonagair t men. FmThenuore, tre domestic arTdicaffonofthe standardsinplace
          fa]]s shofi ofer uring that women in Iran enjoyde jure — de facto equality Trds siffiation
          sustair unequal rower relatior beb een men and merç thus rendeth women mlnerthle to
          0. atus ofwomen
          25. The status ofwomen in Iran since — Islamic revoluffon is raradoxical. Women in
          Iran- comraredto otherdewlopir andneigMouring counties - have acce to healthand
          education and to Jme extent emplo mient and roitical reiticiraffon. However, men's
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          a&,ancementinthese splierestakes place understrict nveUlance andwit}ünell-defined
          boundaries, frar gression ofwr h couldbe fatar'. Byurdwrsal standards men are
          cor&ronted with economic, social and legal baniers to — full enjo mient oftheir human
          iightsandare excludedfromecjualrennersrdpindetenuiring the rarameters of jcial
          relaffor }iirs in — public as well as rState spheres oflire. Cor&onuitywith mach a gender
          order is er red through — i ological and legal foundaffor ofthe Irardan State, as well as
          throughthe use ofd ,er fonns oftolence agair twomenvdt}thithe family, commurdtyand
          State ]r fiffitlor .
          26. Desrà — confinuing rerUns oftolaffor ofwomen'shmuaniight 6 there M w
          been jme resifiw d lopuents durir — past decade. Intrds regard, the mostremarkable of
          the d lopuents — been in — area ofthe right to educaffon. The ratio ofgirls attendàg
          p ma iyschool is a]most equal to that ofbo . The literacyrate for women is
          although 31 Fr cent of them are shll illiterate, comrared to 17 Fr cent for men. 1 The most
          sigrdficant pl gress has occuned in ragher etcatiorç where 62 Fr cent ofthe sffidents are
          27. Ho ewr, — Fogress in men's educaffon has not been matched with an increase in
          female emplo mient. Womenare owr-reFesentedam 9 the unemplo d andin2003 they
          cor ffffited ordy 14.2 Fr cent ofthe fonual labour force, concentrated in low-reid,
          sex-stereot 3 edsectors. P refledly, womenare more aciw inthe mban andnjralir&onual
          sector. Women's lowreFesentaffon in — fonual labour force is iid to be as jciated with
          dJscrinünato,andra iarchal legislathte Fo sior . Forexample, athcle 75 ofthe Lathur Act
          bars femalesfrom rkthat is dangerous, difficultorhannful”, includirg militaiysece, and
          anicle 1117 ofthe C & Code grants the husband — iight to fothid — vdfe from accepling a job
          thatis incomratil le vdththe interests of the farnilyorherdigrdty
          28. Women's reFesentaffon in — reitical sphere is a]so exfremelylow. Although men
          canbe elected to the Majlis, ordy 12 ofthe 290 ats, or 4.5 Fr cent in — S nth Majlis
          electedin2004, are heldbyfemale depuffes.” The female depuffes ofthe S thMajli elected
          in2000, were acthe inthebaffle forrefonuinthe coun desrdte theirlowreFesentation.
          According to researchers, flie depuffes challengedthe urunitten riles that had defined the
          genderrelaffor andrelifics inthe Fetous live rarliaments. 2 ° Forexample, some didnotwear
          — chador, but arTeared in a more ir&onual headscaffand coat.
          29. Theya]so pushed for refonu ofdJscthuinatoiylaws and introduced 33 bills most of
          wr hwere rejectedbythe CounciofGuardiar onthe grounds thatthey ere incomratil le
          withthe shaiia. Withthe inteiwnffonofthe ExrediencyCouncil 16 ofthe Foresedbifis
          nffiallybecame law,butordyaflerbeir amendedto lose thefrFogree elements. The
          bil]s, for example, allowed umuanied mento sffidyabroad, rai dthe mirjmum age of
          maniage for gir]s from 9 to 13, granted men custodyiights lbr sor up to the age of7, and
          imFowdthe iights to divorce forwomen. Among thebi]]s thatwere rejectedbythe Council of
          Guardiar are — Fore 1]s to ratifythe Cor ,enffon on the RUmination of All Fonns of
          Disciiminationagair tWomenandto g e the iight ofresidence andnaffonalityto non-Irardan
          sreu sofIrardanciffzer . The femaledepuffesinthecunentMaj]ishave jfarnotbeen
          vdllir to challenge — numerousdi iiirdnatoiylawsonthebooks.
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage I D
          3D. The SrecialRarTefleura]so rece tedir&onuationconcenüngwomenfromminoñty
          grours, suchas — Mei . Baha'i. KurdjshandAhwat, — allegedlyexreñence mulffple fonns
          ofdi thrdnafforç includir intheinightto educationandemplo ment ardwbj are subjectto
          di thrdnatorylaws. Gownmientofficia]s derdedanysuchdJscñnünaffon.
          31. Although men in Iran do not enjoyecjual iights, their intellectual athculatior —
          acthtm have notbeen totallyclear d from public djscourse. On — confrai 3 men have
          conffnuedto make anacthe coithibuffoninmanyfieldsrangir fromafls to srerts,
          demor fratir theirdetenidnaffonto challenge andnegoffate theboundaries of the imresed
          genderorder. A nmtherofwomen's orgardzatior haw engagedinreinteipefing — Koran
          from a women 's rersrecffw. ir tead ofbegimdng vdth creaffon as a narmffw ofoñgir from
          women'sñghts andresTer ilJilities' manyofthese sourcesplace inditdual man . inher
          contemreraiysocial concretenes at — centre oftheir arguments”. 2 ' Focusing on women's
          l ,edrealiffesnot ordyrevesthe nyforthe alteniathe inteipetaffor ofIslamicjuiispndence,
          italso dem fffies luesthatjusfffydichotonües machas Nbjslirnisecular; Iraniar Westeniby
          rewalir — mth,ersal elementsofwomen 'ssubordinaffonind ,erse ra iarchal anangements.
          In t ds regard. tolence agair t women emerges as a corthion reint ofreference for women
          32. Violence agmeninhanisfrnedingenderinquwr hisuplieldand
          reireffiatedbyt factors: (a) ra iarchah lues andatfftudesbasedonnoffor ofmale
          suFemac c and (13) a State-Fomoted ir ffffiffonal sthacthre ba d on gender-biased, hard-line
          inteipetatior oflslamic p ciples. Wrdle — fonueris aurdwrsalandrdstoiicallyrooted
          plienomenorc the latter is rei*ular to Iran and is rooted in gender relifics — reicies
          Fe lentinthe count . Bothfactors, ho ewr, reFe ntamale-donünatedsocietywith
          male-emreweiing laws andFacffces. While — officialideological undeipirwing of the State
          gender djscourse rests on the Femise that women in — Islamic P public have been athibuted
          withhonouranddue digrth c trdswiyithologyhas seiwdto raffonalize ibordinaffng womerç
          discthrdnaffng agath6t them andsubjecling themtotolence. FmThenuore, itis ir nmentalin
          silencing defiance and er&orcing compliance.
          33. Then]àgclergy,intheirreadir ofthe shaiiathatsharesboththeathffidinalaswellas
          the ir ffffitionals ncthres, have tendedtowards cor en ithe, gender-bia dinteipetaffor . 2 2
          Trds — been the source ofdi s ,e debates in — relifical arenabeb een the hardline and —
          refonpjsts. The Sixth Ma l i s s rerefledlya thniing reint for the aniculaffon ofrefonrdst
          relitics ofgender in Iran. Within this Foce. as menifoned above, some posithte change has
          occmied in — laws and — admirdstraffon ofjusffce. Ho ewr, gender-biased Fotsior and
          Faclices that Fompt men's mJnerabthtyto tolence in the rState as well as public spheres
          are sm l the noin.
          A. Manifestafio ' ofvMenceagah tworn
          34. G ,enthe ideological frame rkrefenedto abow,tolence agair twomeninIranis
          rarelyacknowledgedas aseiious Foblembythe authoiiffesandrarelyrerefledbythetcffrns.
          The 1999 H rnkv, fl v Iop nt P port of Iran indicates that domestic tolence, in rathcular, is a
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          r age 11
          rddden jcial r ienomenonv 1üchis notdi ui edorerdy. The rereficoncludesthatno acifon
          hasbeentakento change Fe thng attiffidesorrefonuthe rethnentlawsandregulaffor . 24
          Although the rerUn is ouUated. — SrecialRarTefleur's inteews did not indicate
          fundamental changes. It was rei*ularlyclear in 11am that men feel comrelled to tolerate
          tolence, frdlicted not ordybythefr husbands but a]so byother farnilymembers, for fear of
          shame, ofbefr oshacized. or ofbeing d ,orced and for lack ofalternath,es to — abusive
          er ,iromuent. The Srecial RarTefleur found that Jme ofthe cases ofse]f-inimolaffon in —
          ci i? ale linked to — lack oflegal Fotecifon for womentchms ofviolence, lack ofshelters,
          difficultyinobtairing a d ,orce, crdldcustodyla s thatfavourthe fatherandren sive gen±r
          djscnnunafion tr oughout society. 26
          35. The ]iimmolaffonincithnts are a]so iidtobe related. in Jme ca to honourcñme
          wr h are reiticularlyconuuon in'— — Khou stan Accord]r to staffstcs
          Fotdedbya cor ultant to — governor ofElouzistan in 2003, there have been 45 ca s of
          honour killings ofwomen under — age of2O in one ibe alone. In 2001, a total of565 women
          lostthefrl ,es inhonour-relatedcñmes, ofwr hrerefledl 375 ere stagedas ]iimmolaffon
          ca s ofwomen vtho were forced to t thernseWes on fire.
          36. P reflsa]so indicate that there is a rl3& increase inthe trafficking ofgirlsand
          women. Mostofthe frafficking issaidto occurinthe easternFo t esandmairdyinborder
          tow s vdthPaldstanandAfgharJstanvthere womenare kidnarTed.boughtorenteredinto
          temrerarymaniage in order to be sold into sexual slaveiyin other countnes. 2 B The officials with
          whomthe SrecialRarTefleursreke ir&onuedherthatmeasures werebeir takento corthat
          frafficking. Since 1999 about 28 health hou C have been set upbythe State-mn We]fare
          A ociaffonto Fotde assistance to umuanied gir]s — have mn awayfrom their homes —
          are atiiskofbeir frafficked. These ir tiffitior Fotde temreraiyhouthng, Fofessional
          cour el]ing andskfl]s d lopuentformnawaygir]s. However, rerUns indicate thatgirlsmay
          be trarTed in thus ,e situaffor even in these shelters. For ir tance, in Febmaiy200l, serdor
          State officialswere chargedvdthfrafficking gir]s ]i t at — Jasmine Centre. Ajudge ofthe
          P voluffonaiyComtwas among trose acc ed.”
          37. The Law on Cor affng Human Trafficking, enacted in August 2004, srecifically
          cnnuna]Jzes frafficking in rersor in Iran. The Gjveniment — a]so taken some acffonagair t
          human frafficking, byanesfing, cor ,ictir and executir a number ofrersor for — ciime.
          This maybe an is ae for fmTher explorationbythe Srecial RarTefleur on fraflicldrg in rersor
          esreciallywomen and crdldren.
          38. While the irious fonus oftolence obseived in infimate relaffor and in — conimurdly
          at large are a concenç thebulkofcomplaintsreceivedwithregardtotolence agair t menare
          relatedtoinci ntscondonedbyStateagents. DlringtheSrecialRarTefleur'smissiorcshe
          intenedanmtherofdefendersofwomen'shmuaniight including law rs andjounialists
          who rela dsimilarexreiiences ofbeing anestedvdthoutchargebyplain-clothesagents
          allegedlyfromthe MirJs ofInteuigence andSecurit 3 detainedincommurdcado in cret
          detenifon centres for reiiods ofone month or more, toitred or malfreated under detenifon and
          theirhousebeing archedreiiodicallywithout awanant. The Cor ffffiffonofIranfothids —
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 12
          use of all fonus of toitre for the pmrese of e xfrac ffr c or&ession c accjuith fr&onuaffon”.
          Howewr, human iights orgarJzaffor confinue to rerUn that toitre and other irthuman treatment
          takeplace iintousdetentionfacthffesinlran. 3 ° Intrdsregard.the caseofZtaKazemi an
          Irardan-Canadian pliotojomn&Jst who died in custodyin Iran 01110 July2003, is ofconceni.
          The authoñffes frdtiallyclaJmed that Ms. Kazenii died ofa digesfiw djsorder and then claimed
          that she died ofa shoke, but rerUns indicate that she hadbeen subjected to toflure and
          ill-treatment wtdle indetenifon. It is rerefledthat — Gownmienthasderdedrecjuests from
          Ms. Ka2emi's familyandthe GownmientofCanadato examine — body. There hasbeenno
          comFeher iw public inwstigationinto Nk Ka2enhi's deathandthe rensofthe irdffalincjuiñes
          that Mw been canied out were rerefledlycer red.
          39. Accordir to rerUns, Jme rersor — were detained. ewnaflerbeing released .
          confinue to recS,e Jmmor es to go to the office ofroice intelligence forcjuestiordng.
          Allegedly, intenogaffor seiwd as — pinciral mear to fabiicate ciirninal charges, coerce
          cor&essior and make threats agair t p soners' family, colleagues or ro]itical associates.
          T recent cases concern Ms. Mahbubeh Tha gholizaderc — editor ofFar& 1n h and a
          women's iights — NOD acth,ist, anested at her home on 2 Nowmber 2004and
          Ms. FereshtehGhaziofthe dailyEt m 1dandanordinejoumahst anestedinheroffice
          on 28 October 2004. The stoiyofthe latter is reiticularlytellir ofhowtolaffor are
          0 nmü ftc d.
          C. 1n2001, Ms. Ghañwiote aletterto — hardanauthoiiffesinvdüchshe cliffci2edthe
          tolationofwomen's iights inthe coun andcalledforthe release ofAthinehNoroo . a
          womanvtho hadbeensentencedto death . nowreleased. She abj regularlyv ites about
          women's is es in — dailyEt mad. P rofledly, she was anested on 28 Otober 2004bythe
          Ter anmora]flyscjuad(Edar hAm 1hn) whenshe ar rneda Jmmor to arTearbefore —
          rdnthchar eroftheTer anPro cutorGeneral'soffice. ShewasnotFotdedvdthany
          ir&onuationabout vthyshe was anestedorwhere she wasbeing held. She rerofledthatshe was
          keptinsolitaiycordinementfor38 da Fe uredto cor&ess ontel sionto relaffor rdrs with
          refon Jstrarliamentaiiar andsubjectedtobeaffng re ilffng inabrokennose. Ms. Ghañwas
          hosrdtalizedfollow herrelea onbail inDecerther2004. Since herrelea — s
          smmuonedl5ffmesbyplloneand3hmesiluniffngtoarTearincomt. Shewasirdtially
          charged with actir agair t — State andbeing a mer er ofan anif-State orgarJzaffon. Since
          hercase remair orenshe fearsshe willbe subjectedto cor tant harassment. Nk Gat tookher
          casetothecrdefofthejudiciar cwhotoldhertodisregardfuthre Jmmor es.
          41. The deathrenalt c rathcularlybystordng, hasbeenamajorareaofconcern. The Srecial
          RarTofleur receiwd numerous rerUns of men on — death ro sentenced mairdyfor
          sexuallyormorallyoiientedofrences machas adulteiy. Atthe hine ofhertsitthere were
          397 women in Evin F i jrç 200 ofwhom were nterced for moral ciimes”, some awaifing
          execuffon. Tre Srecial RarTQteur sroke to some ofthese women. Their stones reflect gender
          biases inthe attiffidinal andir ffffiffonalsthacthre ofthe counfrywitrdnwrdrhthey, some slill
          crdldrerç havebecome labelledciiminals.
          42. Le da Nhf5. aged 19, s sentenced to death in May2004 on charges ofacts confraiy
          to chasiftyfororerafing abrothel, havir intercour vdthbloodrelathes andgi t biithto
          anifiegitimate crdld. Accordir to — Gownmient Ms. Mafi — cor&essedto these
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          pige 13
          charges, and — fr&onuaffon received indicates that — is to be floggedbefore befr executed.
          Ho ewr, socialworkers woihing onthis ca rereflthatMs. Nhflhas — mentalcaracityof
          an 8-sear old. It is a]so rerefled that Ms. Mafi s forced into Fostiffitionbyher mother —
          thatshegavebiithtoherflrstcrdldwhenshewas9. ShehadbeenFetously ntencedto
          IOU lashesont occasior . Inresror to a conmiunicaffonthe SrecialRarTofleursentto —
          Govenmient 01113 Decer er 2004joinilyvdth — Srecial RarToneur on extrajudicia].
          surthialyor aibitraiyexecuffor conceniing this ca , — rece ,ed a resror indicafing that
          Ms. Mafl'scase was cmientlyunderretew. 11 Sub cjuentto — Govenmient's reply, —
          Srecial RarTofleur received ithbnuaffon that Nk Mafi no longer faced execufforç but that she
          srnlfacedapunis}mientoffloggfr . While the SrecialRarTonemwelcomesthe commutaon
          ofthe death ntence, — SrecialRarToneurremair concernedthatshe maybe subjectedto
          43. Le da's ca ñouslychallenges — moraThasisofthe conditior that sharedherlire as
          well as her cor ,icffon. The confradicffors smioundir — cases ofmany ung men
          sentenced to death on moral gromds wanant a señous re-examination ofsuch Fact ces. Wh ile
          — SrecialRarTofleurwelcomes — dli cth,e of the crdefofthejuthciai 3 is aedin
          Decer er 2002, ordeth a moratoñmu on execuffonbystordng, she is concerned that the legal
          Fo sionforstordng remafr . Fmflenuore,she confinues to recS,e ir&onuaffonthatdesTdte
          this directhe, stordng is sUll handed don as apunis}mientbysome comts, although none were
          canied out.
          B. Theii thutionalbas ofvi* ' eagab stwomen
          I. Discrimimtorylaws
          4. Discthuinatoiylaws inboththe Ci landPeralCodes inlranplaya majorrole in
          emro eth menandaggra ffng men's mJnerabUitytotolence. Inreiticulai
          dJscnnunato,Fo 1slor inthe CMlCode relatfr to the areasofmaniage, crdldcustod ç
          freedomofmovement andirtheiitance mayleadto, reireffiate orlegitimizetolence agafr t
          womenrelrefratedbypi te actors. The Fo sior of the PenalCode relafing to ciimes
          srecifled in — sharia. namely, hudud . qisas and d ah, are ofrathcular rele mnce in tenus of
          (a) The Cfrfl Code
          Marriage am! dfrorce
          45. Earlymaniage is incffonedbylawasgir]s canbe maniedas Jung as 13 andbo as
          Jung as IS. Forgfr]s, — age was ordyrecentlyrai dto 13 fromthe age of9. Nhniagesmay
          sm lbe confracted for children under the ages with the cor ent ofthe rarents. All gir]s and
          women must have the cor ent ofthe father (in — absence other male relathes) in order to enter
          into a maniage confract (an. 1041). Athcle 1105 ofthe CMI Code Fotdes that — husband is
          — head of the farnill'. A huthandis a]so renuiftedto take mulfiple w es, wr hissaidtobe
          asource offiictioninthe famiyand mlnerabUityforwomen. Thug la s di mroweth
          women in the area of maniage legifinte rower imbalances in the maniage relatior rdg make
          women mlnerthle totolence and make it difficult for them to escaretolence.
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 14
          . Athcle ll33oftheCi lCode Fotdesflmtamannydworce rdswife whewNerhe
          wishes. Althoughtecr dcallyacomtmayrequire amanto Foduce ewdencejust]f —
          divorce, t ds is rerefledlyafonuahty For mento obtaina d ,orce, theymust Fove that
          sta & inthe maniage willcause thempl icalandemoffonalhanu(ait. ll C). The Ci lCode
          was recenilyamendedto clarifythe srecific circumstances underwr ha manmay eka
          divorce. These includedincurable dJsea abandomuentoffamilylire, sreusalabu —
          bane iy? 2
          Child c i tody
          47. Crald custodylaws a]so favour men over women. In pinciple, both the pli ical custody
          (h &1nat) and — legal guardiar rdp ( Iayat) ofthe crdldbelong to the father. While, under
          ceflain circumstances, women are granted pl ical custody, legal guardiar rdg vdiich includes
          the authoiityowrdecisior regardir the child's ell-beir , is almostexclus telyg tento —
          father. Follovdng ad ,orce, pli icalcustodywas untilrecenilygrantedto the motherunfil
          age 7 for girls and age 2 forbo . In 2003, the ]aw was changed to allowboth children to remain
          withthe mothertillage7,custody i sthenautomaffcallyfrar fenedtothe father,orifheis
          ab ntorincareble, to anothermale inrds family. ffthe motherremanie the pl ical custody
          then shifts to the father. Women who have been subjected to tolence frecjuenilydo not want to
          iisklosing theircrdldrenand. whenfacedvdth acharesthbtht 3 theyoflenfeeltheyhave no
          hoice but to re mamma re latior hip with a tole nt renner.
          Freedom of u.vement
          2. The CMI Code a]so res icts men's freedom ofmowment. For example, accordir to
          athcle 1005, as the exclus ,e head ofthe familythe man has the iight to control — wife's
          freedomofmowmentandbehaviourinmanysituaffor . She must sbjwthe v iftenand
          nota±edarFo lofher huthand in orderto obtaina ressTert andtobe allo edto frawl
          abroad. A man's freecbm ofmowment is a]so iiouslycunailedbythe numerous riles
          upholdir sex segregaffoninpub]ic ace. Additionally, anunaccomranied manmustobtaà
          reimJssion from her husband or — local authoiiffes in order to stayat a hotel. To be able to
          leave — house, womenandgirlsmust dressaccording to — mandatoiydress code (h ab).
          Althoughthe DeputyNhrdsterofthe Inteiiorexplainedthat there sno mandatoiydresscode,
          others — Srecial RarTefleursreke to clajmedthe confraiyandarguedthat failir to obeythis
          rile mayresultinpunisrauent oflO da to 2 montr& imp somuentanda —. Suchlegal
          Fosor emrewer men to use force on merç includir diverse fonns oftolence, in order to
          r Jre compliance.
          49. The lawFotdes that menirheiitordyhalfofthe share ofForelt oftheirmale
          counteirafis. Forexample, daugrders iitheiitordyha]fofthe share ofsor . Ifa man i na
          renuanentmaniage dies, herhuthandiitheñts all ofherForeflyifshe — no otherheirs anda
          founhofthe Foreltdfshe hascrdldren. Ifahusbanddie rdswife ordyiitheiits afouithofrds
          Foreltdfsheisrdssole relath,e andaneighthifhehascrdldren. Awomanhasnoiightto
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          pige 15
          iitheñtland. Evenirthere is a nittenvdllcontesffng these njle itis notlegallybinding. The
          lir sbeb eenthe derdalofwomen'sForeltuightsandthe ñskoftolence have beenwell
          docmuented inreiticularbythe SrecialRarTefleuronadequate housing. Infltregard it
          shouldbe notedthatthe SrecialRarTefleuronadequate houthng sitedthe Islamic B public of
          Iranfrom 19 to3OJuly200S andwe exrect that — anal isandrecommendaffor will guide —
          Gownmientinaddressing these Foblerns, reiticularlyintewofcontemreraiyrealiffes
          regard]r women's status.
          (JI) ThePemiCode
          50. The age ofmajoñtyinthe Islamic Th public oflranis 9 forg i rlsand IS forbo . Trds is
          not ordydJscthuinatoi 3 by thng — age lower for gir]s thanbo , but it al j subjects both gir]s
          andbo to the ressibflityofbeing iedas adultsforcthrdnaloffences andisconfraiyto —
          defirdifon ofthe crdld as contained li i CRC. The Committee on the Bights ofthe Crdld
          expie ed concern about this lowage ofcñrninal resrer il iityand in rei*ular about rerUns
          thatjwerdles have been ibjected to the death renaltyand other punishments amounfing to
          toflure — ill-treatment mach as amputafforc floggfr and stordng? 4
          SI. The Penal Code li i Iran ditdes ciimes based on the punisrauent Fescñbed for each t e
          ofoffence. Hudud ciimes refer to ciimes wrdch are cor idered sir and vdiich have mandatoiy
          punisrthlents Fotdedforinthe Koran. ArTJicable punisrauents are: — deathrenalty
          cncif]xion;stordng; amputaffonofthe ñghthandand. forrereatoffences, — lefi ±bot;flogging;
          impisomuent and exile. For example, — follovdng ciimes are punishable bydeath: foniicaffon
          a non-Mus]im man and a Muslim woman (ait 82) and foniicaffonbya single rer Jn
          a fomTh act (ait 90), the three Fetous offences being punishable by IOU lashes ofthe
          wrap (an. I ID); homosexuality(ait 179); and cor umption ofalcohol as a third offence, the
          punisrauent for — earlier offences being 80 lashes ofthe vdiip. Becau — punishments for
          hudud ciimes are Fedetenidned. judges exerci litile djscretion li i deciding on punisrauents in
          the cases. Womenare dJsForethonatelychargedvdthhududcñmes relatedto sexual —
          moralconduct suchas adultei 3 and jffer iious cor ecjuences inthisregard. Aswillbe
          detailedbelo whenwomenare chargedwiththese cñme theyare oflenunable to refute —
          chargebecause ofadthffonaldJscñnünatoiyla s andFocedures gowniing — admirdstraffonof
          52. sas cthues refer to cthues such as murder, mar laughter, as iult or muhlaffon.
          Proceedir s agair 6t a reirefrator ofcñmes agair 6t bodilyintegñtyare subject to — decision of
          — tctimorthetchm'sfarnily. Theymayrecjuest that — reirefratorsufferthe same
          freathient as the tchm or theymayaccept financial comrer iffon asblood money(d ah) li i
          ca s ofmurder or ph ical injmy. The srem ofd$h is a dJscthuinatolyFactice both aga]r t
          — reorandwomen. Forexample, inthe case ofmurder, — familyofthe tctimmaychoose to
          be comrer ated through d vah or seek the death renaltyfor the reirefrator. Iftheycho se —
          ra mlent ofd ah, theycan agree with the reirefrator on a sum to be reid. In the absence of
          agreement — jm is calculated on a Fedetenidned scale, vthere the d ah for a woman is
          asses dathaffthatforaman. The reor,vtholacktherequiredresource maynotbe able to
          buyjusffce — men suffer as their life is lued at halfthat ofa man.
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 16
          is ha]fthat ofa man. Rather, — gender difrerential in d ah is iid to be based on —
          understandir thatwomen 'ssociah ulue - due to thefrlowerl lsofcoithibutior to
          socio-economic and relitical life - is not equal to that ofmen. Fmthenuore, — Fac cc rn its
          irdtialfonu is rooted in the Fe-Islamic ibal nonu oflust rewnge”, vdiich for nomadic tubes in
          the Arabian desefi aimed at Fotectir — group agair 6t tolence from outsiders? 5 Some ofthe
          authoñties — SrecialRarTefleursreke to inthe Islamic P public oflranwere nagreement
          that d vah needs to be retsited in ew oflran 's cmient commitment and women 's erthanced
          staths ineducaffonandthe reliticalandeconornic spheres. P cor iderationofd ah is
          rathcularlyessenffal gb/en — contemreraiyconcepffor ofjustice — law.
          2. Fhws in tI admiuisfrathn ofji &e
          Fakpuiilk frialand — of evide ' e
          54. Discñnünato,Fo sior in the Penal Code coupled with flaws in — admirdstraffon of
          jusfice denywomenefrecthe acce tojustice — — abiityto escare tolence.
          55. First cthrdnalFoceedingsare concenfratedinthe handsofa single rer nsince —
          judge Fosecutes, ir tesffgates and decides — case. As for the choice ofcour lbyreiffc a l
          pisoner t ds is increasir lythfficult o * to the seiious Skofhara ment. Law rs
          ir&onuedthe SrecialRarTefleurthatthere hawbeensiffiatior vthere lav rshawbeen
          Fosecutedorreplmandedbythe judge fordravdng — attenffonofthe comt to — ifi-freathient
          sufreredbytheir clients or ma]functior in — tem ofjusffce. Such Fe ures on cour el vdll
          undenidne due Foce for women and men alike.
          56. Second . — riles ofetdence di thrdnate agath6t men. For example, the lue ofa
          woman 's teshmonyis flh less than that ofa man. In cthrdnal ofrences such as murder or
          Ulicit sexual relaffor&' ( nin a) the woman's testimonyis woiTh ordyhalfthat ofa man and must
          be conoboratedbythe joint tesfimonyofa man in order to be accepted. A woman a]so faces
          seiious obstacles to Fo * that she has been ibjected to tolence. Where a woman has been
          subjectedtotolence, — canordyFow herclaimbyFesentir s ral m ale witnes s. For
          example ,wrulera reisilleggara rewcfimmust e ntfourmalee vathe esortlueemale
          andb o female witnes sinorderto Fove — ciime. Giwnthatmosttolence agair twomen
          takes place inthe pi te sp} re, it is extremelydifficultforwomento Fotde mach
          e wte estoactsoftolence. Ifthedefendantisacqthfte d .thetcffmnir theiiskofbeir
          charged and cor ,icted for fa]se accusaffon (qa') or Ulicit sexual relaffor (nina). Durir —
          SrecialRarTefleur'stsitto Jrarçshe sir&onuedofacaseofararetcffmwho scharged
          withadulteiydue to these etdentiaryrequirements. She a]so leamedofca s where women
          who hadactedto defendflhem Wes agair tsexual as iult rare andotherfonns oftolence had
          received severe ntences and where the argument ofself-defence was ignored.
          57. FmThenuore, the Sreci a lRarTefleurnotedthatinmanyca sthe punisranents imresed
          were dJsForethonate to — seiiousne ofthe ofrencescornmitted. These aibitm punisrauents
          frequenilydJsciiminate agair twomerc punishing them more hars}ilythan menwho committhe
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          pige 17
          same ciimes. For example, ifa man hil]s her crald she will be punished with — death
          renalty The father or ratenial grandfather comnütffng the same ciime vdll ordybe recjuiredto
          rayth>ah to the crald 's relath,es and re il iya]so be sentenced to impisomuent, floggir or a
          — . Fmthenuore, a husband has — iightto Idll — vdfe if he vdthesses her in an act of
          adulter çbut i favdfe conmiitsthe imecthue,she uldface thedeathrenaltyoralongpison
          58. Addiffonally, — bafls set in corajecifon with release are too oflen out ofForethon to
          lowfamilyincomes. Trds Foblem is rei*ularlygrave conceniing many menwho havebeen
          detainedonthebasisof moral cthues' includir Fosfiffition. These womenrerefledthat they
          could not afford to rayfor cour el andbail.
          59. Womenpisoners are renalizedbythe srem, since theyare generallyfrom — most
          dJsa&tantaged ctors ,buta]sobecau female cthrdnahtyis oflendomesfic innature. The
          m]nerabiityofwomen in pison is all — greater since theyare frecjuentlyimpisoned for
          tolaffng legal nom or social riles that regulate their sexualityor relatior rdrs vdth men on a
          Muli le and parallelhw enlbrcement ,stems
          60. The adirdrdsfration ofjusffce is fmTher hamreredbythe existence ofmultiple ]aw
          er&orcementagencies. The resrer il iityoflawandorderis sharedbeb een wral agencies in
          Iran . some ofvdüchallegedlyorerate vdthoutsureMsionandaccountability. These agencies
          are — lawer&orcement agencies underthe MirJs ofthe Inteiior, — Mrds ofInteffigence
          andSecuiit ç the Islamic P voluffonaiyGuards co lTs (aniilitaiyforce establishedaflerthe
          revoluffon) and a nmther ofcjuasi-official orgar knon as iarallel ir fftuffor&
          nahad- mov zL The latterinclude — raraiuflitaiyvolmiteer force knon as — Sa* and
          grours ofA,sar- Ththollah, who rk as plain-clothes agents under the direct c onfrol of the
          SuFeme Leader. The rarallel ir fftuffor are rerefledlyresrer il le for iious humaniights
          abuses incounteiing reacefulFotes t s andbeaffng, harassing, threaterdng andanestir anumber
          ofhumaniights defenders andotherswho publiclyactedforrefonu. The rarallelir ffffiffor
          allegedlyact inderendentlyofgownmient authoiityand — regular unifonued relice are oflen
          reluctantto directlycordiont these agents ? 6 These are no dot iious allegaffor that should
          be ir tesffgated and coitected iffound to be lid.
          61. Durir — SrecialRarTeflem's sit the creaffonofaheadquaitersto Fewnt jcial
          offences, vdthsocialFotecffonofficer was addre ed. She was ir&onuedthatthisbodywould
          be comresedofrState reople ntcrdng dress code andotheris esintheirneigMourhood.
          Candidateswouldbe Fore dto — judiciai those arFowd Wdbe gwenanidenfitycard
          entiuur themto ceflainrewers to encouragetitie anddJscouragetce. Althoughthe executhe
          branch s rerefledlynot in favour ofthe creation ofthis ir tiffition as it bei d it wouldbe
          too orento subjecthtit 3 — judiciaiywas rerefled ly rTeflTe of the itha. The Srecial
          RarTefleurcor Te dherconcenIs to the Gownmientthatsuchanirdffaffw is iitherenily
          thus ,e andcanresultintolaffor ofhmuaniightsandfundamentalfreedorns. The Srecial
          RarTefleurwas ir&onuedthat this entitywas notestablished.
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage I X
          62. Theparameters ofwomen'sstatusinthelslamk Repuiilk oflranarehuiuntely
          lined to tI bask prblc Ies underlyh the Ibrunfionof the State whkh aiu d to delfrer
          womenfromcorri tionam! restorethekdipilt)c Thishas led to aparado,±alsitmtion
          whereby, ontheonehan&women'sparfic athninpithlk lifeise ' ouraged to legitijuhe
          the State gem!er polky and ontl otl rth doneundersfrktlyobseive.! rules ii osed
          onwome C usequeutly, compared to otherde ,ehpb gam! nethoirb gcoimfr s,
          Iranianwomenhaveaccess to hea* educationand to me extentemplo)mlentand
          polftkalpartk ath 't However, thegTourl! lbrthek ainomousself-e,Qression
          pr&arioi . Womenarepra ed smothrsbuttl ymaymtexerc eauthorftyin
          dec ious regardb gtheircfldren; tl ymaybecomejudgesbutnotpresi!eoveralegal
          case;tl ymayvoteandbeedtoofflcebi nothoMleadersh posithu etc. Th
          p!o,Jcalsftuathn asourceofteusionasweflas abarriertowomen's enjo)mlentof
          theirrights as fuflpersou incbidb gtl khtto freedomfromv i ole '
          63. Ithasb narb 'thepreseiurc ortthatv ' eagab stworninIranis
          iugTained bgenderiiuali whkhisi heldandpeipetiatedbytwo frctors:
          (a)pafriarchalvaluesam! attitudesbased onmalesi remacy; andØi) State-promoted
          iustitutioml sfructurebased on gender-biased, hard-Th'e hueipretafio ' oflslamk
          princ le flflethelbrmer aimfrersalandhistoricaflyrootedphemu mu, thelatter
          isparficularto coutemporarylranam! rooted ingenderpolhics am!polk s. Both
          factors, l.wever, represent a male-dominant socWywfth male-empowerh laws and
          p rac tke ‘ak f t difficuli lbr women to e sca p ep uJ,lk and prfrate violence.
          64. Inr&entyears the Covermmenthastakensomestc sto add essv ' eagab st
          wome For exaiupk infts FourthDevelopmentPhnthe Covenunentoftl Islamic
          RthkofIrand e voteds&fionGofar& l ellltoaddr e ssbgv i o l e ' eagab stwou m It
          has a o reportedlyseti spedalfemalepolke cenfresand made efibrtsto eu&oyfemale
          polkeofflcersinorderto address tl sueofviolenceagaii twome. Itisalso rc orted
          thattheWelfrre Organizafionl s establ hed l althl.uses am! cr inteiveufioncenfres
          to respond to the needs ofwomenvictbi s ofviole ' WhIt regard to frafflckb the
          edalRapporteur mtesthatabfflto combatfrafflcldughasbeenapprovedbythe
          leg hture.
          65. Thesestc s,whi]esfgnifica* havenotbeenenoughto Mlyaddre s thewMe
          sp&frumofviolence sufferedbywomeu. IftheIraiilanregTh sincere aboutrestorb g
          women's dipilty tlnit mist euthark on a re-inteipretation oHs fimdamenm nonn
          incbidb ghhmk prbtc les inThtewhhthecurrentneedsand socWalconfri,utiousof
          womenasweflaswhhuthversalhumanr htsstandards. Somer&entamendmentsto the
          law conceruii clilM custodyandthemiuimumageofunrriage aswellas tl moratorium
          onstongareknfficantstc,s inth dir&tionam! sli,w thatficanbedom. Ifis
          iiwortatto aclmowHgethatthemajori t yofthefemalepopulationinIran you ' and
          wefleducated. Thecurrentpractkes do notaflow tl mto reachthek fufipotentialam!
          a sp kation
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          pIge 19
          66. The edalR porteurwas happyto le ar; durb ghervMt tlntmanymembersof
          thejudiciaryr&ogithe tl med lbrrelbrmas apr i ori su Thosesl poketo a u d
          thataji.Ikialrthrmisunderwayto amendsomeofthed crbitatoryprovMo ' of the
          hwwfthavfrw to e 'tha ' b gtl prot&tionofwomen's klits. Forexaiuple they
          mentioned thattl ywe theprocessofde ,ehpb gabifllbr tl prot&tionof the
          defendant abilito amend l milylaw; — abiflonjuvenile courtswlilchincoipontes the
          legalbanonunder-agecapftalpun lne 't Themeuthersofthejudkiaryalso stated that
          there l sbeenanincrease b'ther&ruthnentofwomenb'thejudicialsector, 33percentof
          whkh curreutlycomposed ofwome. Theya o reported tlntofflces lbrtheprotection
          offrmalevktbi 'khSwerecreatedandflnttherewasaphntoestabl hp&hlcoirS
          lb r w 0 me
          67. 1n2003 adhediveenthled “Rep&tlbrtheleg bnate freedoms andprotectionof
          therights ofcitize ' ”wasalso adopted. Itco'ts ofl5poiuts related to safeguardb g
          hinanthgnhyb'theadmb ' frathnofjusfic More r&eutly, tl ch fofthejudkiary
          was quoted as saft thatpolke ari!pros&utors sl.uM notputsuçeds under
          p rcl.logkalorphysicalpressureto obtab 'confessio ' .
          68. Thesebuportantjudicialb'ffia*es
          women'sr l b'd protecthna stvioe wfflrequke acompreheusfrerevfrw
          ofd crimb 'atoryhws andproceduresaswellasareorientathninthema'mer inwlilch
          rel ioi laws are inteipreted.
          69. Thenationalmaclterylbrwomeu, tl Ceutrelbr Women's Partk ation(CWPil'
          sponson mfiomlresearchonv ' eagab stwomenand l s developedanationalplanof
          actionto address tl problem. Inth regard, hhas couun siomdresearchb 'to domestic
          violenceand highsukiAle ntes amougwou m 1n2002, CWPdeci!ed to setup awomen's
          b 'lbrmafiond seutathn ceutr whkh abi s to rake awareness ofwomen's legal am! civil
          rights, undertal research, establ hahotline nfl and adatabau]ç — conduct frab 'b
          While tl se inhiatives to addressviolenceagaiustwomenam! siportthentiflcafionof
          the Coireufionon the Elimbiathn ofAfiFor m s ofD crbitathn agab st Wounare
          counem!abk CWslackspower tobe eff&tfrein ate afliks. Furtheru .re the”lackof
          defined mednn ms b 'govermmentalbod s to organheandphnlbrnathnalcaiupaigi
          to couthatv i olenceagah twomenb 'tl couutrf' anobstacle to t*elyaddressb g
          violence agah twomen in Iram
          70. Byand hrge desphesomeposhfre developments, tl genderpolkyiniranis
          haiuperedbyserious obstacles am! selbacks Tlthshuationhasd illusio ' d many bathan
          womenwho siportedthelslamk Revolufiom Theycouunoulyfeelflntwhilethenew
          regimebroughtto tl puJilic arenacategor sofwomenwl. had mtbeentouchedbytl
          monarchy's modernizationproject hhas frlledto delfrer onprouthesofequalchizeush
          towome. Women's ithtiatfresto resM encroaclneut on theft klits reu insfrougFy
          71. Inview of tl above chafle ge; the edalRapporturwoiildl&eto male me
          recoumiendatiousto the Covenunentofthe lamk Rc ithlic of Ira.
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 20
          72. Withaview to tI adoptionand observathnofintemationalhumanr hts
          standardsthe edalRapporteurr&ouam!s thatte Govermuent:
          (a) Iu IemeuttheprovMoi oftheD&larationontI Elimimtionof Violence
          agah t Women;
          ii) Ratifythe Co 'wentionontI EliminationofAflForms of D crimb 'athn
          agah tWomenwfthoutreseivafio ' as soonasposdile, am!brb gnathnalhws into
          coufonnftywhh 'tI Co'wesiou
          (C) E ' urefi 'flresp&tlbr aflhumanr hts, as gmrauteed ininternational
          hunr htsfreat sratffiedbyIrau. bicli b gtI Intermtioml Covenaut on Cfrflam!
          PoffiicaflUghts am! theluternationalCovenantonEcommk, cialand CiilturaflUgls
          whfl — a guarantee tI khtto nowd crbitathnbased onsex;
          (d) Rati! , the Protocol to Prevent press and Pi hTrafflckb gb'Persous ,
          EspedaflyWounand Chfldreu, sipIementb gtheUthted Natio ' Co 'wenthnagab st
          Tra ' nathnalOrgaitha! C am!prot&twomenvktiu of fraffkkb eusure
          accouutabflftyofthefrafflckers andprovMecompeusationto thevictiu ;
          (e) FiillybupIementtI r&oum 'endatio ' ofthe Couunfttee onthelUghts ofthe
          Chfld(CRCCI5IAdd.254)andofthe edalRapporteur onadequatehoi b contained
          inthe rc ortonh missionto Iran(EICN.41200614l1Add.2);
          (0 hupIemeuttheprovMoi oftheDedarationonHumanlUghts &fenders in
          orderto eusurethatwounlum'annghtsdefendersareableto carryoutthekworktth
          fiillautommyandwifl .utbeb gsiiij&ted to retaliationbytI ate orotheractors.
          73. In order to ethance women's access to justice through a frausparent legal am!
          judkiaryrelbm'hisr&oum'em!e.! that tl Coverineut:
          Preveut early and lbrced marriages;
 obstacles towomen's rights whIt regard chifi custody, dfrorce
          ir trhance and freedomofimvement;
          Rake the age of majorhy lbr gt am! boys to 10 bi conlbrmitytth tI Coiwention
          on the Rights of tI Child;
          ElbltateallobsfrlrthntojusficeonthegTounds of seç class andreligion
          emamthflomtI practkeofd rnh;
          Prohiihbyhw cnelcoiporalpun IneSs suchas stouiugand thggi g;
          Eiurethattherightto alIirfriath fuflyrespected andthataflwomendetahtes
          arebrought to dm4 withaccess to a lawyer and kgalaidwhere n&essary, whhout
          undue delay;
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          Eusure flntpuuislmients do not d criuilnate gab stwome' that they are
          proportionateto theoffe ' e andthattheyare determhbyacourtoflawin
          accordai ewhhitl prbic les ofeqmlifyandnon-discrimbiafion;
          I ' tifuteproper bwest athnprocedures lbr npe cas and eI ure that npe
          vktbi s arenotsthj&ttoprosecuthni eradulieryprov iouswhere tl yare
          umble to prove npe;
          Abol hrequkeu Ss thatwornpreseuteyewifnessesinordertoprovethatthey
          havebeensiiij&ted toviole ' eand allowwountoproveviole ' ethroughmedical
          orpolicerc orts am! othercredh,le evMence;
          Estahprocedureswl rthycustodyrightsare determhtdbyajudkialprocess in
          accorda ' ewhhitl prbic leofthebestinterests of tl diM;
          Rev wallcases ofwomencurre 'mybeb gdetabied lbrcrbnes related to senaland
          moral conductwho did not have a Ilk dial or enjoy guarante s ofdue proc s tth
          a v w to r ed)q thee a or re k s b g the ace ed w 0 maTh
          74. Topriorhizetheelbitafionofviolence agab stwomenas apuiilk polkyissueand
          topreveuz iiwestigateandpun hallacts ofvMenceagah twounwhetherperpedated
          byprfrateor ate actors, hisr&oumiem!ed thattl Covermut:
          ProvMeeffecti,eprot&tiontowomenwl. havee eredv ebyeusurb g
          thattl yareable to approachthepolice to s&urealiernati,ehoush and to acce
          med kale are;
          Establ hand si portmoresheliers Ibrwornwho havebeensithj&ted bvioe
          andto e ' urethatwomenareableto acce inlbruntionaboutthese sl liers
          throughthepolke judkialperso 'utland u dicalstaffasweflaswomen's
          now gov e rmnental 0 rganizatio us;
          Com!uct research onviole ' e agab stwou naM to colkt data concernb g its
          p 1w alenc e;
          Com!uctafi'fluiwestigathninto suicMes ofyoimgwomenam! — relatioush to
          dfrerse Ibrms ofv le ' eagab stwome; to d& npreveufiveandprotec*e
          measun to sthesesukiAle; — topre,entthedevelopmeutofprejiikein
          piiilic opin nflntwouM re,ictbithesurvfrors of sukide attempts andlortheir
          Eusure fint allb sthuthus and indfrMua eug ed in Liw enIbrcement tfrhies
          are accountableto the Covermmentam! thattheyrep&taflhumanr htsand
          fundamentalfreMoms as laM out in international human r hts h thiments;
          V orousbrenIbrcetheprohiiif i onontorture to bwest atefiiflyam!pithliclyall
          aflegatious of torture h ludii thecase ofzalwaKazeu4 to hoMpe'pedators
          accoimtableand to eusure flntvictbi s oftorture r&Secompeusationam!
          rel b flifation;
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 22
          I 'west atepithlklyaflalkgafio ' ofarbifrarydetentionand to eusurethatvictbi s
          of aibifrary deteufionr&efre compe ' athn;
          Sfre ' thenthecapacityofthe CenfrelbrWomen's Partk afion(financiaflyand
          polifk*)to develop polk sandproj&ts to addressvio egab stwome ' to
          si portresearchon the caus e s am! cousqlrI es ofviole ' e agab stwome;
          inchdb gsukMes, am! to effectfrelyum!ertal ifs buportantadvisoq rolein
          dir&tiug atepolicyand acthnconcernb gviolence agab stwome.
          75. Inordertoprou.te am! si pofltheeu owerrntofwomeninallspheresof life, if
          is r&oumlem!e.! that tl Covermut:
          Promote women's partk ation in the brmal bli our market by eus irb g equality of
          oppor ande tatb gd crimb 'atoryhws am!practices related to women's
          w or I c
          lusfitut pedalmeasuresto incre sewomen'spoffiicalpathc athnandappob 't
          morewomento gklevelgover'm'entpositious;
          ProvMeMprogTa1mneslbrwomenfrommblorifygrol swl. suffermuli le
          forms ofd crbitathn;
          Eusurethatwounhaveequalr htsto euterhuo marriageand duri ' the
          marriage relatioush , as well as at its d solufiou
          E'thatwoune ' oyfiulfreedomand rights tobecomeequalpartmrs in
          d i on-malth intl atworkand insocietyatlarge;
          S p ort r cli on the liu]cages b etween d criminat i on am! v i olence agah t
          women and frmily and societalwelFbeb g;
          Listento thevoices ofwome.
          For example, — cases ofjomna]ists — women 's iights acthtt v,k were athifrarily
          anested. detained — misheated; a nmther ofdeath rowcases; — the death in custodyof
          Ms. lta Kazemi. — Canathan-Irardanjomna]iston IOJWy2003, were among the main
          CO nc e n .
          2 See details in FJCN.40006I6lIAdd.l.
          Mshar,Haleh. l989. WomenandP FoducffoninIraninN.Ywal-DsandF.Anthias
          (Eds. ). eman-Nton-3 1at , Londorç The NhcmfflanPie Ltd., x 110-125.
          See Karahel]. 1,char ç iran andHmuan Pights ' in D.P. Fors The (Ed.). Human F5ghts and
          Gnnpara v Foreign Policy, Tok , Urdted Natior UrdwrsityPress, 2000, x 206-223.
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          pige 23
          ToMdi Na reh. tender and Islamic Fundamentalism: Femirjst Polifics in ban”. In
          Mohant ç Russo, Tones (Ens.). Third World Wo n and th Politks of F mn,ism.
          Bloomfr ton: Indiana UrdwrsityPress 1991, x 251-267.
          6 Quoted in Karabel]. p. 2 l 2 .
          QuotedinNajmabadi. Afsanerç Feniirdsm than Islamic P public' Y.Y. Haddad.
          J.L. Esresito (Eds.). Islam , C*nd r and Socia l C ang . Oxford . 1998. Oxford Urdwrsity
          Pres p. 6 0 .
          Paidar, Pant. tncountersbeb eenFemirjsnb DemocracyandP fonuisminContemreraw
          Iran”, Mjl meux andRazwi (Eds.). Gender, Justice, r wlopuentandPights. Oxford
          UrthtersityF e. 2002, p x 239-273.
          Iran was gowniedbya morarchyfor cenbnies. For abñefreñod li i — early l9 Js,
          cor ffffiffonal r ile Fe iled. vdiich li i 1953, with — surTefl ofoutside rewers, s ended —
          — monarchyrestored.
          The A emblyis comrcsedof8ó cleiics electedbyun tersal iffrage ewiyeight pars. The
          candidates ±brthe A emblyare arFowdbythe CounciofGuardiar .
          12 The CouncilofGuardiar diqualifledthousands ofcandidatesfrom nrwir forthe
          S nth Nhjlis. Trds created much public djsfress — inteniaffonal ciiffcism.
          The CER n Committee, li i cor ideth ban's rerUn in 2003, noted that tre staths ofthe
          Cor ,ention i s unclearandencjuiredifit hasbeenendor dbythe CounciofGuardiar
          14 Shofilybefore the Srecial Raprefleur's sit on 20 Januaiy200 s, — CRC Conmiittee
          cor ideredIran's secondreiiodic rerefl(CRCICIISIAdd.254). Manyofthe is aesraised .
          reiticularlyvdth regard to defirdifon of the crald. maniage and ciiniinal resrer ilJiit3 are of
          direct rele mnce to — objecthes ofthis rerUn.
          Kim, U., H. Sindii , S. Ebadi (Eds.), Undated. fl m,cracy , Hu k 1n Rights and Islam in
          Moãrn Iran, Bergerc FagbolSorlaget, p. 3 8 6 .
          16 See examples inEICN.40006IAdd.l.
          UNICEF, UteracyStaffstics ( v w.unicef.onIir&obwounfr iran stahsffcs.hthil) .
          CWP. 2005. Beijing+ I D National R efl: 71. The rereflindicatesa decrease
          from 16.2 rercent li i 1998.
          See Inter-ParliamentaryUrdorc Stafistics on Women li i Parliaments
          ( v w . im . 0 fl I v n-c Ic lass if. hthi) .
          EICN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          rage 24
          20 Mr-Hossefrd. WatemehHacjicja oo — — S thMajlis: A WomaninHeronBJghI'.
          MiddI Eaj P ports (MERIF , Winter, 2004, No. 233, p x 34-39.
          21 Najmabadi. p. 6 8 .
          22 It is as amedhere that Islamic lawis orento inteipetationwr hisrathcularlyasa]ient
          asTectofthe Srdaschool oflslam.
          23 Ziba Nhr-Hosseine, 2004.
          24 1999 HmuanD lopuent Th reflofthe Islamic Th public oflrarç p. 97 .
          25 Accordir to ir&onuaffonFotdedbylocalauthoñties the cases are onthe increase. For
          example, in 2002 there were 357 rerefled cases ofwr h 163 were merç in 2003 it increased
          to 279 men out of42l cases and in 2004 rerefled cases totalled 282 men out of 20.
          26 aherfactors achastheliuractoftheeight earsofwarvathIraqandtheraghra t e of
          unemplo ment in 11am have exacethated — situaffon underl ng — self-immolation
          no me non.
          27 B refledbySartenaz Vafa. frV Siffiaffonanal ths of meninIran 10 Years
          Aflerthe Beijing Cor&erence”, Jnderendent B searchers onWomen'slssues
          ( a ,. . isiswo m en.onIt eI oreteflonbl0IIn .
          Siffiationofhmuanñghts inthe Islamic Th public oflmrç rerUn to — General Asser ly,
          submittedin200l byMauñce Cordthonie, Srecial B Fesentathe ofthe Commission
          on Human Bights on — siffiation ofhuman iights in — Islamic Th public oflran (A1561278),
          p. 6 .
          See Human Bights Watch (HRW), 2005 World B refl; a]so Anmestylnteniational
          (Al), 2005 World B refl. JnresTer e to increasir Fessure mairdyfrom outside, a drafi
          anff-toitre bill hadbeen drafled. but it was first rejectedbythe Council ofGuardiar in
          June 2002 and then again in Januaiy2003 even afler — bill hadbeen re sed and arFcwedby
          the legislature (in Decer er 2002). It has al j been rerefled that in Apil 2004, ajudicial
          directhe was issued Fordbiffng toitre.
          See communicaffor rerUn EJCN.41200616l1Add.l.
          32 The Gownimentrerefledthatathcle 1133 isamendedandthat d ,orce maybe grantedto a
          woman uren her request.
          See EJCN.412005143.
          The Gowniment ir&onued the Srecial RarTofleur in r cem er 2005 that there is a
          moratoñum on execution ofrninors and that in 2005, 110 ntences ere put on hold.
          FJCN.4t2006 16l 1Add.3
          pige 25
          See Earn et al.
          36 See LWWorIdP relt2OO4 ppJ l- 2.
          CWP was founded in 1997 under — Presith nt s Crnce to plan. coordinate, sureMse and
          mordtor acth,iffes ofthe execufiw branch in — field of rnen 's affairs. As acrç it is
          resrer il le fori ntif & — challenges facedby rnenandfindir soluffor to address them.
          See Beijing +10 rereflofCommunicaffonNeb orkofWomen 'sNGC ofthe Isla mic
          P pubIic of han: 58 (cifing estimates fromjoint Fojectsbeb een the CWP and the Social
          Dereitment ofthe Mirdstiyofthe Inteñor in collaboration with the Mipjs ofScience).

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