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Tehran police clashes with families of detainees

          11/5/2009 RadioZamaneh I Radio Zamaneh in En...
          inursuay, Novemter , 2009
          Home> Radio Zan neh in English> Latest News > Tehran police clashes with lànalses ofdetasnees
          Printable version • Publish date: November 05
          Tehran police clashes with families of detainees
          Reports from Tehran tell of clashes between families of
          yesterday's detainees and security forces in Tehran in
          .front of Vozara detention centre
          Radio Zamaneh has been told that over 50 people, all
          families of the detainees who were arrested yesterday in
          the Novemeber 4th ceremonies, had gathered since this
          morning in front of the detention centre to follow up on
          .the situation of their loved ones
          Reportedly some of yesterday's detainees were
          .transferred to this detention centre
          One of the mothers told Radio Zamaneh: “The officers
          beat the families and addressed them using obscenities
          and told some us that for now we shouldn't be after the
          “.release of our children
          An eyewitness report tells of the families impeding a bus
          that was trying to transfer detainees from the centre to
          .Evin prison
          Human Rights Reporters Committee revealed that
          several buses and vans took detainees to Evin prison
          .yesterday evening
          In yesterday's demonstrations numerous election
          protesters were arrested. In the last two days, security
          forces also raided the homes and arrested numbers of
          political, women's and student activists in Tehran as
          .well as other major cities of the country
          Despite repeated warnings from security and armed
          forces, election protesters took to the streets of Tehran,
          Mashad, Shiraz, Esfahan, Tabriz, Ahvaz, Arak, Qazvin,
          Shahrekord and Rasht. The protesters faced baton
          wielding security forces and tear gas bombs. Reportedly
          .many people in Shiraz and Tabriz were also arrested
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