Aadel Collection

The regime and the Kurdistan war – Kurdistan Publication No 97

In this edition:

  •  the unwarranted boasting and bragging of the regime
  •  a message from the Kurdish Democrat Party to the Gulf Conference (conference e khalij)
  •  an announcement from the political office on the subject of the martyrdom of the commander of the Baian forces
  •  an explanation 
  •  an ideal society under the Supreme theological mandate
  •  the way, the democratic way is the true way
  •  two familiar, strangers




The Regime and War of Kurdistan (1)

Reality and Dreams (1)

The Unwarranted Boasting of the Regime and the Kurdistan Situation (2) 

A message from the H.D.K.A (The Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran) to the Gulf Conference (8)

An announcement from the political office: In commemoration of the martyrdom of the commandeer of the Baian forces and his peers (10)

Explanation (12)

The ideal society of the Velayat-e faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists) (14)

The way, the democratic way is the true way (16)

Two familiar strangers (18)


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