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UN — Economic and Social Council — Commission on Human Rights — 37th session — Provisional Agenda — Note by the Secretary-General

          UNITED NATIONS _____
          .kI i A I Di tr.
          E IY I
          A N D E/CN.4/1414
          7 November 1980
          COI fl'il0SION ON HDN N RIGHTS
          Thirty—seventh session
          2 Febraary—13'Narch 1901
          Note by the Secreta y—Genera1
          1. The thirty—seventh session of the Commission on Human Ri.ghts will be held at the
          United Nations Office at Geneva fro i 2 February to 13 March 1981. The first meeting
          will be con. ened at 11 a.m. on. Monday, 2 February 1981.
          2. The provisional agenda for the thirty—seventh session is reproduced below. It is
          drawn up in accordance with rule 5 of the riles of procedure of the functional
          commissions of the, Eccno;aic and Social Council. Lt, its thirty—sixth session the
          Commission took note j/ of a draft provisional a nda prepared in. accordance with
          Economic and Social Council resolution 1894 (LVII). The provisional agenda reproduced
          below contains the following additional items; new item 12, “Review of ths draft
          medium—term plan. for the period 1934 to 1989” (in accordance with General Assembly
          resolution 35/9 of 3 November 1980), new item 29, “Election. of members of the
          Sub—Commission on. Prevention of Discrimination and Protection oI' Min.orities ”. ‘A its
          thirty—fourth session, the Commission elected 26 members of the Sub—Commission on.
          Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities for a three—year teni. The
          Commission will accordingly.hold a n.e election. of the members of the Sub—Commission at
          the thirty—seventh session.
          3. It will be floted that item S has been reworded in accordance with the decision of
          the Commission as contained in. resolution 6 (Jo xvi).
          4. The thirty—seventh session of the Commission will be preceded by meetings of four
          groups, which will take place from 26 to 30 January l90l
          (a) In connection with item 10 (a), an.d in accordance with Economic and. Social
          Council resolution 1980/32, an open—ended working group will convene to complete the
          work on a draft corjven.tj oi-j against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading
          treatment or punishrnent
          (b) In connection with item 14, and in accordance with Economic and Social
          Council decision 1980/130, an open—ended working group wil] convene to facilitate the
          completion of the work on a draft convention on the rights of the chi1d
          1/ ])ecisiofl 19 (xx ) of 14 March 1900.
          GE .80—1368 4
          t -L LJ __

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