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16 Baha’i men and women executed: American officials ask Reagan’s help

          1 16 Baha'i Men & Women Executed;
          American Officials Ask Reagan's Help
          women and adolescents company officer; han's treatment of the
          whose only crime was a Mr. urosh Haqbin, Btha'is has drawn the
          their refusal to recant 27, an electrical technician protests of the United
          their faith and convert to : a Mr. Abdu'l.Husayn Nations Human Rights
          Islam,” said Dr. Kazem- Azadi, 60, an employee of Commission, the European
          zadeh in the telegram to the health ministry. Parliament, the parliament
          the President. The ten women hanged of Canada, Great Britain,
          The telegram continues: Saturday, June 18 were: Australia and West Ger.
          “Some sixty Baha'is still a Mrs. Nosrat Yaldai, many, and the United
          in jail in Shiraz are also 54, mother of Bahram, States Congress. Amnesty
          threatened with death, hanged June 16; International, the non.poli.
          The world must not per- a Mrs. Izzat Janami tical human rights organi.
          mit the murders to condn- Tshraqi, 50, wife of maya. zation has protested'
          •ue. We hope that the tullah, hanged June 16;
          United States• will be in a Miss. Ruya Ishraqi, Iran s treatment of the
          the forefront of enlighten- early 20's daughter of the Baha'is, saying that “they
          ed nations in preventing above; a being persecuted sole-
          further such barbarities,” . a Mrs. Tahirth Siyavushi .
          During October. and .. . 32, wife . of Jamshid, ly, for . their religious be -j
          November 1982 over 80 hanged June 16; . . liefs.”.
          Bahi'Is were arrested in S Miss Muna Mahmud-
          Shiraz. Authorities later' ñizhad, 18, whose father
          announced that 22 of ‘: was executed March 12;
          them were condemned to a Miss . Zarrin Muqimi, '
          death and would be exe early 20's,
          cuted if they would not * Miss Akhtar Sabet,
          convert to Islam. . Three 9;
          were executed March 12. . ‘ . Miss Simm Sabiri,
          The six Baha'i men early 20's,
          hanged June 16 were: — .. a Miss Mahshid Niru-
          * Dr. . Babram Afnan, .. mand, 18. - ... ..
          48, a physician; ‘.. Since the Islamic regime
          Mr. Bahram. Yaldai, i came to power in Iran.
          2 3-year old student;. ‘ four years ago, the : ‘ ‘ —
          * Mr. Jamshid Siyavu- 300,000.member Baha'i
          shi, 39, a businessm ; : ,. . community there has been
          • r . ‘Inayatullah “ Ish- ‘‘subjected to an official
          raqi, 60, a retired oil campaign of religious per-
          • . - secutlon. More than 150
          BIha'is . have, been execu•
          .1 ,te4; hundreds have been
          imprisoned; Baha'i holy
          places.. and cemeteries
          have. beéñ destroyed;•
          7 thousands •of Baha'is are
          homeless; and, thousands
          are unemployed,' dismissed
          • from their jobs because 1of'
          their ...membership . in thó; :
          .Baha'i Faith - —
          W ILLMI I-rTE In the
          wake of the hangings last-.
          week of 16 more Baha'i
          men and women by Iran-
          ian authorities, American
          Baha'i officials appealed to
          President Reagan to do
          what he can to prevent
          further murders. The ap-
          peal was part of a Sunday
          telegram to the President
          from Dr. Firuz Kazemia-
          deh, secretary of the Na-.
          tional Assembly of the
          Baha'is of the United
          Iran executed the 16
          men and women in spite
          of an appeal for clemency
          by. President.. Reagan one 1
          mOnth . ago; : Hanged' on
          :June.16 .j Shi .wi :
          .six.inen, ranging: in. 1 :age.
          from 23 to 60. . .. . .
          ten •Baha'is hanged
          on Saturday, June 18,
          ;‘Ie r e women, including
          three teenage girls Ac
          cording to Baha'i rej ,orts,
          the ten were subjected to
          a long interrogation afttr
          which they were further
          d to • thcir
          religion and accept' Islam.
          “American Baha'is vehe-.
          inently protest the new
          acts of inhumanity inflict..
          ed iyon Innocent' . men,
          FT. PIERCE, FL
          W. 9,900
          .Wc !°

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