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RSF: Repression goes on in Iran

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          r nIDec tlbera 2W1
          Reza Aillani receives the 10th RSF - Fondation de France Prize
          as the repression goes on in Iran
          At the same time as Reporters sans frontl res (RSF - Reporters Without
          Borders) and the Fondation de France awarded its 10th Prize last Wednesday,
          in the Assemhl e Naticutale, to Iranian journalist Reza Alijani, the Iranian
          authorities are continuing their censorship of the media. The newspaper Me//at
          was suspended on 29 November. The reason given by the autho.rities is to
          prevent ‘ offensive measures aimed at creating tension and insecurity in the
          climate of the country's press Distribution was previotasly suspended on 23
          May 2001, the day after the ffisrt issue was published.
          On 27 November, the fhnancial daily Akhbar 4 Eghtessadi was banned from
          publishing. The press court, presided by the Judge Said Mortazi, noted that,
          according to the Law, the newspaper, published in 1997 and 1998 under the names of Akhhar and the.n
          Akhbar II Eg/itessad/, had already been banned by the court and could not be published again. The daily
          was suspended in 2000 during the political: repression by the courts which ended in the closure of about
          twenty dailies and many reformist newspaper
          The unjustified arrests of journalists goes on. Sia'mak Pourrand, 70 years! old, a diabetic with a weak
          heart, has been missing since 24 Novern her , He colPa berated in recent weeks with radio stations of the
          Iranian opposition based in the United States. According to Amnesty rnternational, the disappearance of
          the journalist is connected with the fact that he is the manager of the Majm:ue-ye Farrhangi-ye Honari-ye
          Tehran!, the coltural center of Tehran where he receives artists, intellectuals and writers. The journalist
          was pa:rt iculau ' famous for his articles against the Islamic regime. Siamak Pourza.nd is the husband of
          human rights Lawer Mehrangiz Kar, who is now Living in the United] States Is a Khandan, head of the
          social service of two da:iiies, Khordad and Fath, was arrested on 10 November by the clergy court. His
          wif stated that she does not know the reason of his arrest.
          Consult the Press Release : 10th Reporters Sans Fronti&es - Fondation de France Prize P
          CorrtactIIe No Mic,T /Mddk2-Eastciesk
          EVtkI5 ENEMIES 0F lilt IflTEPP(Ej AMllks PEPOJI PRACEL CAL V$LOt.
          http :I/www.rsf.fr/uklhtmllmo/cplpo 1/epO 1/031201 .htrnl

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