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Iran's Outrageous Baha'i Persecution


Viewpoint Issues of the Day As Others See Them Iran’s Outrageous Persecution Bàha’i An organizer of members of the Baba’i Faith in Vacaville and Fairfield for more than 17 years, the author of today’s View- point reports on the atrocities reported in Iran. A native of the Fiji Islands, she con-. verted to the faith in her early . Now 65 and the mother of four daughtere she is a retired school teacher —Editor. BYZA INABKHAN .me Baha’i Faith was born in Persia in 1844 b Rhha’u’Uah, Glory of God. He claims to be the messenger of God for today, the prince of peace and the promised of all ages. The Baha’i Faith is anindepen- dent worldwide religion that is represented in more than 100,000 localities in over 340 countries and territories.

A growing number of Baha’is meet regu- larly at my Vacaville home. The Faith teaches the unity of mankind, unity of religions, equality of all races, equality of men and women, universal edu- cation, worldwide peace and harmony of science and religion.

The June28 airing of “20/20,” ABC’s news magazine,, exposed to millions of Ameri- cans a tragic spectacle of religious persecu- tion and outright murder against a peace- ful, law-abiding people in Iran — the Baha’is.

In turn for adherence to their beliefs, the Baha’is in Iran have been the victims of out- rages the civilized world is at a loss to un- derstand.

On June 18 the Islamic Republic of Iran hanged 10 women, three of them teenage girls. Their “crime” was a refusal to recant their faith. The judge who condemned the women to death and recently sent seven Baha’i men to the gallows warned: “The Is- laxnic nation will, God willing, fulfill the prayer mentioned in the Koran, ‘Lord, leave not one single family’ of infidels on July 1 witnessed another outrage Over 130 Baha’i men, women and children from. the village of Ival were held captive for three days in a walled-in field without food or water.

After pressures to disavow their faith and accept Islam failed, they were allowed to return home. Later that same night, they were attacked by villagers and forced to hide in a nearby forest. Their fate remains unknown.

These violations represent but a tiny frac- tion of what Iran’s largest religious minori- ty has endured. Since the 1979 revolution in Iran, moi’e than 150 Baha’is have been exe- cuted. Children have been kidnapped from their parents. Many homes have been con- fiscated, looted and. destroyed. Pensions have been revoked.

Children have been expelled from school, sacred Baha’i properties and holy places have been destroyed, business and trade II- censes have been refused, businesses have been shut down, vandalized and destroyed, and farmers have had their crops burned, and their animals killed or stolen,. or de- creed public property and sold at auctions. This list could go on endlessly. They are promised reprieve if ‘they will turn away from the Baha’i Faith and adopt Islamism. This they will not do. ‘In turn for adherence to their beliefs, the .Baha’is in Iran have been the victims of outrages the civilized world is at.’ a. loss to understand.’ tionoftheBaha’isinlran.”

The fate of the Baha’is in Iran has not gone unnoticed. The governments of Caña- ReP.. Fazio has also promised to see to it da, Australia, Great Britain West Ger- that oil unrorts from •Iran are cut. He notes many, Switzerland, Luxumbourg and the that we have alternative sources of oil of the Congress of the United States of America same grade or better. have issued protests. Also the United Na- On May 22, President Reagan said, “the ton’s Commission of Human Rights has world is increasingly alarmed and dis- also joined the cause. mayed at the persecution and severe re- We recently received some support from press on of the Baha’is in fran” and that Rep. Vic Fazio, Solano County’s represents- they• are not gwlty of any political offense tive in Congress. orcrune. . He said, ‘I have recently agreed to co- The Baha’i Faith :tea es the need for sponsor a bill House Resolution 2778 which . world peace and tranquility. How long be- will show our serious commitment to thls fore they can realize this m Iran? cause. The bill states that no article which We invite everyone to join us every Tues- is the growth or product of Iran may. be im- day at 8 p.m. for informal discussions and ported into the U.S. until the president de- questions and answer sessions. We meet in termines and satisfies the Congress that the Vacaville and we can give yOu more infor- government of Iran has ceased its persecu- mation simply by calling 448-0354. BP000530 ZainabKhan leader of local faithful

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