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Ahmadinejad faces test of strength as fresh protests sweep Iran

          Ahmadinejad faces test of strength as fresh protests sweep Iran- Times... http://www. meson1im.co.u1c'to1/news/wor1d/n'iidd1e_east/artic1e684O...
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          From The Times
          September 19, 2009
          Ahmadinejad faces test of strength as fresh
          protests sweep Iran
          Martin Fletcher
          11 COrvLIENTS RECOMMENE? (27)
          4 IMAGE :1 012 Q
          The lslamio Republic has seldom seen such scenes. President
          Ahmadinejad had to cut short an interview on state-controlled
          television because chants of “Ahmadi! Ahmadil Resignl Resign!”
          could clearly be heard in the background.
          After two quiescent summer months, huge new protests erupted
          across Iran yesterday, wfth popular anger at the alleged theft of
          June's presidential election inflamed by the subsequent killing,
          torture, rape and show trials of opponents of the regime.
          Mir Hossein Mousavi, 68, the former Prime Minister and de facto
          opposition leader, had to abandon plans to join the huge
          anti-government demonstrations in Tehran when hardliners
          attacked him and his car.
          Ayatollah Khatami, 65, a popular former President who supports
          the opposition, was knocked to the ground, had his robe ripped
          and lost his cleric's turban — a black garment signifying that he is
          a sayyid, or descendant of the Prophet.
          Courage in Iran
          Behind the story: reporting
          on Iran protests
          Iran told: talk to us about
          nuclear weapons
          Pictures: Al-Ouds Day
          In Tehran and other cities, tens of
          thousands of demonstrators
          hijacked Iran's annual al-Quds Day
          rallies in support of the Palestinian
          cause and turned them into
          protests against the oppression of
          Iranians. The security forces hit
          back with teargas and baton
          charges. There were violent
          confrontations between
          government and opposition
          supporters in the squares and
          avenues of central Tehran and
          numerous reports of arrests and
          In an address to the Friday prayers gathering in Tehran, Mr
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          Escorted by his bodyguards, the reformist former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, centre, is
          attacked by hard-liners as he attends Ouds Day rally in Tehran
          N V
          TIMES ARCHIVE:
          1 of4
          9/19/2009 7:43 PM
          Ahmadinejad faces test of strength as fresh protests sweep Iran- Times.., http://www, meson1im.co.u1c'to1/news/wor1d/n'iidd1e_east/artic1e684O...
          come down on them.”
          A 69-year-old merchant said: “I came to show solidarity with the
          youth of my country. The regime is destroying Islam and Iran.”
          A young female student said: “The cheating, the raping, the killing
          and the torture drive you mad. I've come to express my hatred for
          Ahmadinejad and his protector, that so-catted Great Leader of the
          The Revolutionary Guards had warned that demonstrations would
          be crushed and the security forces responded with baton
          charges, teargas and pepper gas, but there were reports of
          protesters hurling stones and beating pro-government basiji
          The security forces also cordoned off Tehran University, where
          Mr Ahmadinejad addressed thousands of government supporters
          bussed in for Friday prayers. Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the
          former President, had addressed Friday prayers on al-Quds Day
          for most of the past quarter century, but was barred yesterday
          because of his opposition sympathies.
          Mr Ahmadinejad used the occasion to deliver another verbal
          onslaught on Israel, saying that the Holocaust — the West's
          “pretext” for creating the Zionist state — was “a tie based on an
          unprovable and mythical claim”.
          He said that confronting Israel was a “national and religious duty”
          and warned Israel's supporters: “This regime's days are
          numbered. It is on its way to collapse. It is dying.”
          Mr Ahmadinejad was speaking just days before his scheduled
          address to the UN General Assembly and his words provoked
          outrage abroad. David Miliband, the British Foreign Secretary,
          called his comments abhorrent. The White House issued a
          condemnation. The World Jewish Congress urged UN member
          states to boycott his speech.
          Yesterday's protests show that the Iranian regime is still far from
          secure and that, with summer over, its problems will mount. The
          football season has begun, meaning large and volatile crowds will
          gather each weekend. At the same time students, who are
          traditionally in the vanguard of Iranian protest movements, are
          pouring back into the capital for the start of the new academic
          year next week.
          There are rumours that the regime may shut down some
          universities for a term. It is said to be purging “suspect” teachers
          and increasing the number of pro-government basiji volunteers in
          schools and colleges. In recent weeks the regime has cancelled
          other public events, including the commemoration of Imam Ali's
          death at the mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini. During August it is
          understood to have moved three big football matches out of
          Tehran or had them played behind closed doors.
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          9/19/2009 7:43 PM
          Abniadinejad faces test of strength as fresh protests sweep Iran- Times.., http://www.finesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east'article684O...
          Andrew Carpenter wrote:
          The worst thing about this horror story seems to be his desire to see
          his whole Country going up in smoke..This will surely happen if he
          continues to goad the USA and Israel.
          The sad thing is that many many rational, even minded folk will get
          caught up in it and die. The minute America says !!go ahead!! to
          Israel, it will firstly be the end of Iran; as a Country and a People.. ItlI
          also be an end to peace as we know it for the next twenty
          generations. ..End of days.
          September 19, 2009 11:13 PM BST
          RECOMMEND? (2)
          esra aksoy wrote:
          Obama did well to call off the shield plans. It is time for hypocritical
          Europeans to face the reality and Middle East problems rather than
          picking the dirt in thier backyards.
          September 19, 2009 9:40 PM BST
          marcus toomster wrote:
          Why is it that we hear nothing from that silent majority!! of moderate
          UK muslims on this brutal repression of democracy in Iran?
          September 19, 2009 8:27 PM BST
          RECOMMEND? (2)
          John Schiuter wrote:
          Wonder why Iran doesnt trust its people? Sad to have a government
          of thugs.
          September 19, 2009 6:42 PM BST
          RECOMMEND? (3)
          Mark Love Iran wrote:
          Obviously, mail is edited and/or deleted before exhibiting...
          September 19, 2009 6:27 PM BST
          Andy B wrote:
          Although lye never had the pleasure of visiting Iran, lye met many
          Iranians, and developed a fondness for the people and for the
          country. From what I know, Iran is ready to be free, and ready to be
          a democracy. Thats what the people want. My heart is with the
          people of Iran. I hope this deep culture and ancient civilisation can
          flower again, free from the crushing, deadening power of the
          September 19, 2009 5:23 PM BST
          RECOMMEND? (6)
          Mike Johnson wrote:
          I wish all the good luck to the people of Iran, to crush tyranny. I hope
          they get the freedom they are fighting for.
          September 19, 2009 1:15 PM BST
          RECOMMEND? (12)
          Cohn Horsman wrote:
          When Mr Ahmadinejad affends a religious rally as part of the
          congregation, he appears, by his body language and facial
          expressions, to be immersed in an agonising spiritual experience
          while listening to the words of the Mullah.
          Does he then go back to his office in this same state of contorted
          mind, and then to make important decisions for the future and
          policies of Iran?
          Or does he return to some sense of, what most people would judge
          as balanced normality, when away from the religious setting.
          If his decisions are influenced by his own and others religious
          emotions, then that seems a most etraordinary way to try and run a
          country. If that is the case then it is unsurprising that the majority of
          sensible Iranians are rising up against him.
          September 19, 2009 11:51 AM BST
          RECOMMEND? (7)
          sara s wrote:
          Ahmadinejad is a danger for all people in the world. He is enemy of
          September 19, 2009 10:49 AM BST
          RECOMMEND? (20)
          Hus Darbari wrote:
          The very events that the regime have initiated to show peoples
          approval of them,are now turning to platforms for their
          opposition.History repeats itselfWhat inspired the mass against the
          Shah is inspiring the Iranian-youth of today. If ever the wealth of a
          nation was decimated by a corrupt regime,it is present day Iran.
          September 19, 2009 10:46 AM BST
          RECOMMEND? (16)
          3 of 4 9/19/2009 7:43 PM

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