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Iran considers rebel demands

          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Apr 5, 1979; Section: None; Page: 7
          From Liz Thurgood
          in Gonbnde-Eavous, Iran
          AS IRE iranian Government
          eonsldereM of demands
          for sut000tny pet forward by
          the rebel Turkemano, the
          town of Gonbad.e.Eavous re
          mained tense, hut quiet. yes.
          terday otter the Armed
          Forces took control in what
          many believe to hare been
          an nanecessary show oX
          Net o shot woo flerd last
          night as the.Tnrkemont heat
          o swift, but orderly, retreat
          front their beatify fortified
          positions. Their weapons had
          already been hidden, hat,, the
          rhiet of a local Tnrlromaa
          political committee said “We
          will use them again If we
          has -c to.”
          The Tnrkomaaa ore waiting
          tar the Government to net en
          a five.paint hat of dcmonda
          toe autonomy. Anxious to
          appear a peace'ioving people.
          they have set no cleadiine.
          Among their demands, now
          in the hands of the Interior
          Ibilniotry, Is the redistributIon
          of the rich agricultural hood
          oarronatiing Goobad now tn
          the hands of the Shah's
          fovonrod oiltcore, the eight to
          sot up their own polite and
          geadanneelo forces, and oh'
          cial recognition of Tur lcoman
          ay their reread iangoagc.
          The Torisomses have net
          decided whether to demand a
          roaspirte purge of she Armed
          Farres and Use creation of a
          prep lr's army. This denoantt
          Ions been node repeatedly by
          the Marxist Fedayeesi guer-
          rum group.
          The Turkonsan ennunittees
          eerier Iran's Sht'iie Mssqoe
          of embasSue on a sinr cans
          paign aimed at discrediting
          their alteaspt to end repres-
          sion. Reports that the
          Fodayaea gnaertilas led iho
          Tsirkonsan rebellion, which Ic
          baiievcd to have taken
          several isuneired lives during
          the past ao dape, are denied.
          “The Fedayeoa only sent
          medical trams and lent poli-
          tical snispeet,” said a member
          or one ‘forhaman committee.
          “They are net involved Jo
          the fighting”
          Meanwhile, the village of
          Pimessis was attacked cony
          yesterday by a large group of
          wliliiamcts. Five men were
          taken hostage and nader the
          pretext of searching hoance
          for weapons, gait and money
          was taken. Outside Use small
          viilage the dead body of a
          young man was found, alIas.
          cdly shot orislie seeing tram
          the militiamen.
          (IPX nrida frees Tehrnss:
          The Tnritemant yesterday ee
          leased 13 Government boa.
          tnges, inrisading the poiitn
          chief of Genbaci.e'itavnua.
          But aeae or the Turhoasan
          rebels hold by iocal anthar
          itiea had hera reported
          freed. An naspoeified nambar
          of the iowa's residests vcre
          seized during the lighting.
          Iteroiationsry guards have
          arrestS IX agents of the
          funnier regime. ineIottin the
          fernarr tatormstion Minister,
          aIr Itcaa Ameii-Tehraai,
          seyrmi known torturers, and
          pro-Shsls clergymen. Fear
          Moslem prteoss were disrohad
          in Reudaar, 149 relies North.
          west of Tohmn, or charges
          that they soipparied the
          Shah's regime ,
          ‘the Faralan'iangnago aws-
          paper, Etteiaat, has reportad
          thai a hay general of the
          Shab'a Army was trying to
          raise an army or dissident
          Surda to spark a rogienai cc.
          is usc troubled Kardiab
          pmvinres in Western Inm
          General Paiisbsnbe
          Shah's fornser Governor.
          Genceai in Karmansisahan
          who loan been reported to ho
          working undergeonad since
          the roeoiutten, was recmtting
          trihesnsen to c citt Knads
          from a rival radical gn
          site paper said,
          The paper alsa claimed
          Teisran's former miiiiary
          comatander General Ghelasa
          Aft Oveisi. was hiding near
          the Torhisis and Iraqi
          borders svltls fran,
          archive.guardian.co.uk/.../getFiles.asp?... 1/2
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          Renter adds More than 99
          per cent of Iranians who
          voted in last vo k nd 'a rotor-
          endani approved tbe creation
          of an Islamic Republic to cc-
          place the monarchy, secord
          iiiy to preliminary results
          announced yesterday by the s and Media Limited
          Interior 3IinIstry.
          archive.guardian.co.uk/.../getFiles.asp?... 2/2

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