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Police say Iranian artist missing for 11 days

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          Police say Iranian artist missing for 11 days
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          Associated Press __________
          2010-06-04 09:24 PM _____________
          An exiled Iranian artist and filmmaker has been missing for 11 days and German authorities are
          trying to determine his whereabouts, police said Friday.
          Daryuah Shokof, a 55-year-old Berlin resident, was last seen on May 24 in Cologne, where he
          planned to board a train to Paris.
          “As of now we have no information about his whereabouts and we don't have any evidence that a
          crime took place,” Berlin police spokesman Guido Busch said. “However, we're investigating in all
          directions and are in contact with various exile groups from Iran that are based in Germany.”
          Kazem Moussavi, a friend of Shokofs and self-described regime critic, told The Associated Press
          that Shokof was “a harsh critic of the Iranian government and constantly received threatening
          phone calls.”
          Last month, two new Shokof filrra critical of the Iranian government were shown in Berlin.
          In those two movies, “Iran Zendan” and “Hitler's Grave,” Shokof sharply criticizes the regime's
          ideology and shows scenes of torture and rape at an Iranian prison.
          Moussavi said that he had not been able to reach Shokof by e-mail or on his cell phone since he
          ‘We fear that the Iranian regime is responsible for his disappearance,” Moussavi said.
          Javad Asadian, another friend and writer from Berlin, also said Shokof had received threatening
          phone calls.
          “He especially received these threatening phone calls after parts of his film ‘Iran Zendan' were
          pubhshed on YouTube,” Asadian told the AP.
          Asadian said he also had been trying to reach Shokof on his cell phone for the pest 11 days and
          left many messages asking him to call back, but neither he nor other friends had heard anything
          from Shokof.
          “He was planning to visit Paris for about a weeK but he never showed up at his friends' place
          there,” he added. “I talked to them, they also haven't heard a word from him.”
          The Berlin-based group Stop The Bomb, which is critical of the current Iranian government, also
          said in a statement that it is “concerned for the health and life of Shokof.”
          Iranian Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi told the Persian Service of German broadcaster Deutsche
          Welle that the fact “that a famous filmmaker gets on the train and then it's not known what
          happened to him is the reaponnibility of the German government,” according to Iran Press News,
          an Iranian opposition Web site.
          “I hold the German state responsible for the disappearance of the Iranian artist,” Ebadi was quoted
          as saying.
          The Nobel laureate could not immediately be reached by phone.
          Scheherezade Fararnarzi contributed reporting from Beirut, Lebanon.
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