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Plea to end persecution – Canberra Times

          P. ..,'
          GENEVA, Thursday (AAP-Reu-
          ter). — A United Nations human-
          rights panel asked the UN Secre-
          tary-Gcneral. Dr Wa!dhcirn, yester-
          day to make efforts to stop “system-
          atic pcrsecution” of Baha'is in Iran.
          A resolution from an expert subcom.
          mission said attacks on Iran's estimated
          300,000 Baha'is were “motivated by
          religious intoicrance and a desire to
          climate the Baha 'i faith r m the land
          of its birth”.
          The experts had heard sttements
          ‘clearly aemonstrating the systematic
          pcrsccution of the Baha'is in Iran, in-
          cluding summary arrests, torture, beat-
          ings. executions, murders, kidnappings.
          disappc irar 1 ccs, abductions and many
          other forms of harassment”.
          BP00 03 S
          TH CANMUA flMES, tDA SEPTEM3E! fl I9 l —
          Plea to end pe secuflon
          I ,

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