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Eerie calm masks Iran tensions

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          Page last updated at 13:16 GMT, Friday, 26 June 2009 14:16 UK
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          Eerie calm masks Iran tensions
          By Jeremy BoWen
          BBC Middle East editor, Tehran
          In the centre of Tehran there are many fewer security forces
          on the streets. A stadium where Basij militia - an arm of the
          Revolutionary Guard - were based is now being used for sport
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          ____ L3Wakh
          Quiet appears to have returned to Tehran. One witness said she felt it was the
          calm of the grave
          1 of 2
          7/17/2009 4:38 PM
          BBC NEWS Middle East Eerie calmmasks frantensiox lttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_eastJ8l2lO6O.sthi
          that this crisis has caused will heal. [ • Aftermath of raids in Iran
          The religious and political elite in Iran have had many internal _________
          disagreements over the 30 years since the Shah was overthrown in
          1979. HAVE YOUR SAY
          But never before have they chosen to take them outside the How big a challenge is sermon to Iran's
          charmed circle at the top of the Islamic Republic in the way that has leader?
          happened since the election. BBC LINKS
          A hint of what was coming was on display in the rancorous debates BBC Persian.com
          between the candidates before the vote. But that was nothing to
          what has followed.
          When you ask Iranians about the way this might go, a phrase keeps SEE ALSO
          cropping up. They say it might seem quiet to an outsider, but there Iranian protest parallels with 1979
          is fire below the ashes. 20 Jun 09 I From Our Own Correspondent
          Difficult moment for Iran - and world
          14 Jun 09 I Middle East
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