Aadel Collection

Kurds retake city

          Kurda retake city
          The Twa (3837- 1 985); Nov 1, 1979; ProQaeat Historical Newspapers: Baltimore Sara, Tho (1t37-19t6)
          pg. A2
          Kurcis retake city
          Mahabad ' 1 n (Reutefl—About
          1.000 guerrillas loyal to the lCurdisb
          Democratic Party wece back tncontrot
          of this mountain city yesterday. six
          weeks alter being ousted by govern-
          ment forces.
          At the offices of the party's military
          càmnhittee last night ‘armed, officials
          were preparing for today's ‘mass pro .
          jest fiiesigned to show popular backing
          for the rebel cause on the eve of peace
          negotiations with the tehran govern.
          Repradaced with permiaaiaa af the capyright awaer. Farther repradactiaa prohibited withaat permiaaiaa.

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