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Khomeini orders in troops against the Kurds

          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Aug 20,1979; Section: Front page; Page: 1
          orders in
          the Kurds
          From Router
          In Tehran
          Iranian Goverrnnent forces
          on the Kurdistan
          capital of Sanandaj j a1cad,. :
          after Ayatollah Khomeini
          ordered a general mobitisation
          to crush what he called a
          Kurdish rebellion.
          sue 79-year-old unofficial
          Head of State said, in a mes-
          sage over the State radio, that
          the arsenal of the twentieth in.
          fantry division was about to
          fall into the bands of the
          Kurt, who had surrounded
          tr*snandaj garrison. He de-
          manded that troops be flown to
          Sanandaj, and to other parts of
          Kurdistan , immediately, to re-
          aivision .
          But the governor-general of
          Kurdistan strongly denied that
          t h u Lr.udaj garrison was st ir-
          rounded, or that there had
          been any lighting in the city.
          Mr Mohanunad Rashid Shakiba
          said on the telephone from the
          city: “I don't know who told
          Ayatollah Khomeini this. It is
          a total lie. There is no unrest
          Roth the town and the bar-
          racks are peaceful, and the
          local commander has not asked
          for any reinforcements.”
          The Kurdish society in
          Tebran z sId thousands of
          townspeople had begun a pea-
          ceful sit-in in front of the
          Sanandaj barracks, following
          Ayatollah Khomeini's mobilts-
          ation order. A spokesman for
          the society said the people of
          Sanandaj wanted to prevent
          the Army from taking any
          arms out of the garrison.
          Thousands of Kurds staged
          demonstrations yesterday in
          nine main Kurdish towns, to
          support theL dual leader,
          Sheikh Ersedin Ilosseint, who
          has been branded a “corrupt”
          element by Ayatollah Kho-
          meini according to the spokes '
          The Voice of the Islamic Re-
          publ4c radio broadcast reported
          that troops and Revotutsonary
          Guards were on the outskirts
          of Sanandaj, ready to attack
          th city whenever Ayatollah
          Khomeini ordered it.
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          Article - Untitled Article
          The official Pars news agency
          said a number of unidentified
          courtier-revolutionaries, who
          were said to be Leftists and
          fl I a? tin' ilow-h2njfld
          and captured rocket•launthers.
          tontimieti irufti page one
          series of fiery speeches since
          last Frida )- has demanded
          vigorous action to crush his
          opponents, yesterday gave the
          armed forces 30 minutes in
          which to mobilise. and ordered
          them io put down the insur-
          gents violently.
          The Kurdistan governur-
          general -ld tl re had only
          been one small incident in
          Sanandaj yesterday.- when
          some of the townspeople dis-
          armed a truckload ni Revolu-
          lionary Guards. Ayatollah
          jtheinei i issued his orders
          without even consulting me
          bout what was going on,” he
          Eleven Kurds captured when
          Governm forces retook
          Paveb were executed at dawn
          yesterday in The nearby town
          of Kerrnanshah. for waging
          war on “God and his represen-
          The radio said that Ayatol-
          lah Sadegh Khalkhali, who as a
          former head of Iran 's Revolu-
          tionary Tribuna iins to
          have sentenced hundreds to
          death since the February revo-
          lutlon, had been ordered to
          Kerutansliab by Ayatollah Kho-
          meini to deal with counter-
          z-evnlut ionary cases.
          In a stalemeni broaden-cl on
          the radio last night. Ayatollah
          Khomeini said he had been in-
          formed that th& armed forces
          had taken emergency measures
          to deal with the situation in
          Epilki , the Ayatollah
          carried out his threat to ban
          the KDP. which lie blamed for
          the violence in Paveh. The
          election nf lOP seerelary-
          general Abdul Rahaman Qas-
          semloo earlier this month was
          declared null
          lrans Council
          Itli' Qassemloo had already
          decided to boycott yesterdays
          inauguration of Iran's Council
          of Constitutio r Esperts,
          dominated by clergymen loyal
          10 Ayatollah Khomeini.
          In a statement issued in the
          Kurdish town of Mahabad yes-
          teitlay , Mr Qasseniloo sai d
          Ayatollah K ii o in e i n I burl
          -started an inquisition, and was
          gradually restoring iran to a
          religious dictatorsIi
          © Guardian News and Media Limited
          orders in troops against Kurds
          and void by
          of the Ilevolu-
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