Aadel Collection

Austin Bahais haunted by executions of family, friends in Iran

          Austin American-Statesman
          B6 Sunday, July 10, 1983
          1 istin Bahais haunted 1
          i-Statesmen St
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          xeëutio n s of fain il'y,. friends in iran
          s ‘THESE DAYS, the lesser the news we
          e get from home In Iran, the happier we are,”.
          Itais Ju e of their said Navid Nadiml, 27, of 102B cloud View
          us beliefs, and the man's 32-year-old Drive, nephew of the Hezarls and the slain,
          fe and nine other women were executed brother. “The news is so bad,”
          a days Inter.
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