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Continued persecution of bahais in mazandaran

          Continued Persecution of Baha'is in Mazandaran
          Written by admini
          Sunday, 06 June 2010 14:53 - Last Updated Monday, 07 June 2010 05:06
          HRANA - The security Bureau of the province of Mazandaran has stepped up prosecution and
          pressure on the Baha'is. Here is some examples in recent days.
          On Wednesday June 26 the security agents of the city of Sari entered and searched the home
          of Mr. Pejman Roshankoohi. They then arrested Mr. Roshankoohi and took him to Martyr
          Kuchui Detention Center. The court order for his arrest indicates
          seventeen days of detention.
          On Monday June 31 the security agents of the city of Qaimshahr entered and searched the
          home of Mr. Fakhruddin Samimi. They arrested Mr. Samimi and took him to Martyr Kuchui
          Detention Center. They also took books, CDs and a computer.
          On Saturday May 29 the Security Bureau of Qaimshahr summoned a Baha'is couple by names
          of Mr. Rambod Rahmanian and Mrs. Saghi Shirvani and interrogated them. Mr. Rahmanian and
          Ms. Shirvani were released after receiving much insults and humiliations.
          A summons dated May 1, 2010 was issued for Mr. Suhail Haqdoost of Qaimshahr. Mr.
          Haqdoost was given three days to report to the Prison Bureau.
          A summons dated June 29, 2010 was issued for Mr. Moshtaq Samandari of Babol. Mr.
          Continued Persecution of Baha'is in Mazandaran
          Written by admini
          Sunday, 06 June 2010 14:53 - Last Updated Monday, 07 June 2010 05:06
          Samandari was given three days to report to the Revolutionary Court of Babol or face a ruling in
          absentia. The summons did not mention charges against Mr. Samandari.
          On June 1 the court in the city of Babol held a session to review the case against Mr. Shahram
          Mavaddat of Babolsar. Mr. Mavaddat spent a part of winter in prison for being a Baha'i. The
          court ruling will be issued later.

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