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Cyrus Elahi case. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

          __________________ FILED
          DARIUSH ELAHI, individuafly and as DEC 202000
          next-of-kin and representative of the u.s. District Court
          Estate of Cyrus Elahi, District of Columbia
          Plaintiff, Civil Action No. 99-2802 (JHG)
          This is an action for wrongful death brought by Dariush Elahi, 1 the brother of
          Cyrus Elahi, a United States national, who, before he was killed on October 23, 1990 in
          Paris, France, was a former university professor and a dissident of the Iranian regime.
          The Islamic Republic of fran and the Iranian Ministry of Information and Security are
          named as defendants for ordering the killing of Cyrus Elahi in an act of state-sponsored
          assassination. Jurisdiction in this case is founded upon those provisions of the Foreign
          Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 (“FSIA”), as amended, 28 U.S.C. § 1602-1611, that
          grant jurisdiction over foreign states and their officials and agents and that create federal
          1 Plaintiff, Dariush Elahi, is a naturalized United states citizen and is the administrator of
          his brother's estate. Dariush Elahi brings this action as administrator of Cyrus Elahi's estate and
          in his own right and on behalf of decedent's two other siblings.
          AA0000 86
          causes of action for personal injury or death to American nationals resulting from state-
          sponsored terrorism.
          Defendants have failed to enter an appearance in this lawsuit, notwithstanding the
          fact that service of process was made upon them in accordance with the statutory
          procedures. See 28 U.S.C. § 1608(a)(4). 2 On August 14, 2000, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §
          1608(e) and Fed. R. civ. . 55(a), the court entered an order of default against the
          defendants. Before the court may enter a judgment by default in a specific monetary
          amount against the defendants, the FSIA provides that the plaintiff “establish [ ] his claim
          or right to relief by evidence that is satisfactory to the court.” 28 u.s.c. § 1608(e). 3
          2 Service of Process was accomplished on February 20, 2000, with the assistance of the
          Swiss Embassy in Tehran, the United States' protecting power in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
          This Court did not receive any response from the defendants, either through counsel's entry of
          appearance, or through a diplomatic note.
          This Court takes judicial notice of the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran is an
          experienced litigant in the Unites States federal court system in general and in this Circuit in
          particular. See, e.g., Foremost-McKeeson v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 905 F.2d 438 (D.C. Cir.
          1990); Berkovitz v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 735 F.2d 329 ( 9 th Cir. 1984); McKeel v. Islamic
          Republic of Iran, 722 F.2d 582 ( 9 th Cir. 1984).
          3 Congress intended this provision to afford the same procedural protections to foreign
          states that Rule 55(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure gives to the United States. See De
          Letelier v. Republic of Chile, 488 F. Supp. 665, 667 n. 2 (D.D.C. 1980); Commercial Bank of
          Kuwait v. Rafidain, 15 F.3d 238, 242 (2nd Cir. 1994). Neither 1608(e) of the FSIA or Rule 55(e)
          “relieves the sovereign from the duty to defend cases and to obey court orders.” Rafidain, 15
          F.3d at 242. However, before judgment can be entered, the plaintiffs must put forth satisfactory
          evidence as to each element of their claim. Compania Interamericana Export-Import v.
          Compania Dominicana De Aviacion, 88 F.3d 948, 951 (11th Cir. 1996).
          Accordingly, on November 8 and 9, 2000, the Court conducted a non-jury trial 4 at which
          the plaintiff presented the testimony of seven witnesses: Kenneth Roger Timmerman,
          Executive Director, Foundation for Democracy; Ladan Boroumand, Ph.D.; Jacques S.
          Boedels, Armand, Boedels & Associates; Dariush Elahi; Jerome S. Paige, Ph.D.; Patrick
          J. Clawson, Ph.D.; and Manouchehr Ganji, Secretary-General, Flag of Freedom
          Organization. Documentary evidence consisting of 106 exhibits also was introduced in
          support of plaintiff's claims. Because Iran has presented no defense, the Court will
          accept as true the plaintiff's uncontroverted evidence. See Higgins v. Islamic Republic of
          Iran, No. 99-377 (D.D.C. Sept. 21, 2000) (Kollar-Kotelly, J.); cf Alejandre v. Republic
          of Cuba, 996 F. Supp. 1239, 1243 (S.D. Fla. 1997) (accepting as true the plaintiff's
          “uncontroverted factual allegations”).
          This Court has engaged in a systematic review of the evidence presented by the
          plaintiff and the legal issues raised by plaintiff's claim for relief. Upon the evidence
          adduced at trial, from which the following facts are found pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P.
          52(a), the Court concludes that, as required by 28 U.S.C. § 1608(e), the plaintiff has
          “establish{edj his claim or right to relief by evidence that is satisfactory to the court.”
          Accordingly, judgment shall be rendered in favor of the plaintiff as more fully set forth
          4 This procedure has been followed in prior actions brought by victims (or the next-of-kin
          of victims) of terrorist acts sponsored by the Islamic Republic of Iran. See Flatow v. Islamic
          Republic of Iran, 999 F. Supp. 1, 6 (D.D.C. 1999); Cicippio v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 18 F.
          Supp.2d 62, 67 (D.D.C. 1998); Anderson v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 90 F. Supp.2d 107 (D.D.C.
          2000); Eisenfeld v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 9545 (D.D.C. July 11,
          2000); Higgins v. Islamic Republic of iran, No. 99-377 (D.D.C. Sept. 21, 2000).
          The defendant, the Islamic Republic of fran (“fran”), is a foreign state that was
          founded in 1979 by Ayatollah Khomeini following the overthrow of the prior
          government of the Shah of Iran. In 1989, after the death of Ayatollah Khomeini,
          All-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani became President and remained in that position
          into the 1990's. The current President of Iran is Mohammed Khatemi.
          2. The United States Department of State has designated Iran as being a leading
          sponsor of terrorism for over a decade. fran's direct support of terrorist activities
          has prompted the United States to suspend diplomatic relations, impose trade
          restrictions, and participate in the international embargo of the country. See, e.g.,
          Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-72, 10th Cong., 2d Sess. (Aug.
          5, 1996), 110 Stat. 1541; 31 C.F.R. § 596.201 (prohibiting exports and sales to
          Iran). President Clinton recently reaffirmed and renewed sanctions against Iran
          when on March 15, 2000, he issued a Notice continuing the “national emergency”
          with respect to Iran “ [ b]ecause the actions and policies of the Government of
          Iran,” including “its support for international terrorism,” continue to “threaten the
          security, foreign policy and economy of the United States.” Exhibit 15.
          3. Iran uses several different organizations to carry out its pattern of terrorist
          activities. One of these organizations is the defendant Ministry of Information
          and Security (“MOIS”), the Iranian intelligence service. 5 With approximately
          30,000 employees, MOIS is the largest intelligence agency in the Middle East and
          has an approximate annual budget of between $100-$400 million. See Anderson,
          90 F. Supp.2d at 112-13 (finding MOIS's approximate annual budget between
          $100-$500 million). The United States Department of State has concluded that
          Iranian intelligence services facilitate and direct terrorist attacks, including attacks
          against regime opponents living abroad. Moreover, this policy is conducted with
          the “approval of the highest levels of the Iranian regime. .“ United States
          Department of State, Patterns of Global Terrorism: 1991, April 1992, at 30;
          Exhibit 3.
          4. At the time of the events at issue in this case, the Iranian Minister of Intelligence
          and head of MOIS was Ayatollah Fallahian. As explained by Dr. Clawsón,
          Minister Fallahian actively participated in the creation of MOIS and was the most
          important decision maker within the organization.
          5 fran also operates in the Middle East through at least three surrogate organizations that
          receive Iranian funding: Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shiite organization; Hamas, or Islamic
          Resistance; and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The Court notes that previous lawsuits brought by
          victims (or the next-of-kin of victims) of Iranian sponsored terrorism have involved terrorist
          actions by these organizations. See, note 4, supra.
          6 Dr. Patrick Clawson, Director of Research at the Washington Institute for Near East
          Policy and an expert on the Near East, testified that when this statement first was issued by the
          Department of State, “there was considerable debate. . . about this judgment. . . .“ However, as a
          result of additional information that has emerged from Iran, Dr. Clawson opined that “this
          statement is now very widely accepted by Iran watchers and is no longer at all controversial.” Tr.
          250 (Clawson).
          5. Individuals implicated in the killing of Cyrus Elahi confirmed, under oath, to
          French authorities that Minister Fallahian was involved in ordering the killings of
          Iranian dissidents in Paris. Exhibit 58, p. 4; Exhibit 59, p. 110. German
          prosecutorial authorities, moreover, have issued a warrant for Minister Fallahian's
          arrest for ordering the 1992 assassination of Iranian Kurdish dissidents in
          Germany. In a 1992 interview on Iranian television, Minister Fallahian discussed
          MOIS' success in eliminating opponents of the regime, stating: “{W]e track them
          abroad too. .. . Last year we succeeded in striking fundamental blows to their top
          members.” Exhibit 74; Tr. 341 (Ganji); Exhibit 45; Exhibit 46.
          6. Following the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a number of
          organizations were formed outside the country in opposition to the clerical
          government. Mr. Timmerman, an expert on the Iranian government's sponsorship
          of terrorism, identified several of these opposition groups: the Flag of Freedom
          Organization, founded by Dr. Manoucher Ganji, the former Minister of Education
          in the Shah's regime, and his assistant, Cyrus Elahi; the Kurdish Democratic Party
          of Iran, which advocates a secular democracy for Kurds living in Northern Iran;
          the National Council of Resistance, which is dominated by the People's
          Mojahedin of Iran, an allegedly Marxist organization, based in Turkey and Iraq;
          the Constitutional Monarchist Organization; and the National Resistance
          Movement, organized by the exiled former Iranian Prime Minister Shahpour
          Bakhtiar, and his deputy Abdolrahman Boroumand, who, according to Kenneth
          Timmerman, were later both assassinated by agents of the Iranian government.
          7. According to Dr. Clawson, the Iranian government sought to eliminate any
          effective opposition to the clerical regime by engaging in the widespread
          assassination of dissidents both within Iran and abroad. Tr. 235 (Clawson). As
          explained by Mr. Timmerman, the Iranian government was concerned that
          Iranians living in exile would coalesce around a single opposition leader and
          become a threat to the regime. Mr. Timmerman described the pattern of terrorism
          and assassination undertaken by the Islamic Republic as being to “decapitate the
          opposition.” Tr. 39 (Timmerman). 7
          8. According to Dr. Clawson, the Iranian government's initial campaign of
          assassinations proved successful and, accordingly, the clerics consolidated their
          power in Iran. A renewed concentration of assassinations began.in 1989
          following the end of the Iran-Iraq war and the death of the Ayatollah Khomeini.
          At that time, Mr. Rafsanjani assumed the presidency of Iran and in order to
          solidify his power, the government “redoubled its activities” to eliminate
          7 As part of his study and investigation of the Iranian government's campaign against
          opponents of the regime, Mr. Timmerman compiled a chronological list of specific Iranian
          terrorist attacks against dissidents. This document, which was submitted into evidence as Exhibit
          29, is persuasive evidence of the pattern of assassinations instituted by the Iranian government to
          silence its critics. Mr. Timmerman testified that in those cases of assassination he had
          investigated, the Iranian government consulate or embassy was directly involved in providing
          safehouses, automobiles, money, passports, and escape routes to the perpetrators of these
          opponents of the regime. Tr. 235 (Clawson). Dr. Clawson explained that based
          upon his research, he determined that “Mr. Rafsanjani devoted a lot of attention, a
          lot of resources” to directing these assassinations and evidence of direct Iranian
          involvement in those assassinations comes “from numerous accounts. . . just how
          much priority Mr. Rafsanjani placed on this campaign.” Tr. 235 (Clawson). Dr.
          Clawson testified that there were a “great many killings” during this campaign,
          and Iran “assassinated some of the top leaders of the major [ opposition]
          organizations.” Tr. 237, 240-4 1 (Clawson).
          9. The scope of the terrorist activities launched against those organizations opposed
          to the current Iranian government and others has been worldwide. The testimony
          and documentary evidence introduced at trial, including reports by the United
          States and foreign governmental authorities, human rights groups, and the world
          press indicate that fran and MOIS have authorized, sponsored, and directed the
          assassination of critics and opponents of the Iranian regime in countries
          throughout the world. Criminal investigations in both France and Germany and
          the decisions of the courts of those countries have found evidence of direct
          involvement by the government of fran, MOIS, and Minister Fallahian in the
          killings of opponents of the Tehran regime. Exhibits 58, 59 (France); Exhibits 18,
          46,47,48 (Germany). The Parliamentary Human Rights Group of the Palace of
          Westminster in Great Britain has documented the Iranian government's “use of
          terrorism as an adjunct to foreign policy.” Exhibit 17, P. 5. Amnesty
          International has issued reports describing Iran's use of torture, terrorism, and
          possible assassination as instruments of state policy. Reports in the world press
          have further documented the actions of the Iranian government in oppressing its
          political opponents.
          10. The Flag of Freedom Organization (‘FF0”) is an opposition group, founded by
          Dr. Manoucher Ganji, a former Professor of International Law at Tehran
          University and Minister of Education under the Shah's regime. The FF0 is a
          democratic movement whose stated aims and purposes are the realization of the
          rights and freedoms of the Iranian people and the establishment of a pluralistic
          and parliamentary democracy in Iran. Through the operation of a radio station in
          Egypt and the distribution of videotapes and printed materials, the FF0 provided
          news and information worldwide about events in Iran and the suppression of
          individual rights and free speech within that country. The FF0 also organized
          resistance networks within Iran and in Turkey, which borders on fran and has a
          large Persian community. The Tehran regime was extremely concerned about the
          FF0' s radio broadcasts into Iran, and sought to stop the transmission.
          11. Dr. Ganji' s key assistant in building the FF0 was Cyrus Elahi, whom Dr. Ganji
          had known for many years. Dr. Elahi was born in Iran in 1943. He came to the•
          United States in 1958 with his mother and three siblings to join his father who
          previously had emigrated to the United States to pursue his medical education. In
          1961, Dr. Elahi and his siblings became naturalized United States citizens. Cyrus
          Elahi attended school in the United States and received his undergraduate degree
          and his Ph.D. from American University in Washington, DC.
          12. In the 1970's, Dr. Elahi returned to Iran. Dr. Elahi became an assistant professor
          of political science at the National University in Tehran and, with Dr. Ganji,
          participated in a “think tank” that submitted reports on Iranian economic, social,
          and political developments to the wife of the Shah “in the hope of improving the
          situation.” Tr. 274-75 (Ganji). When Dr. Ganji was named Minister of
          Education, Dr. Elahi became his close advisor.
          13. Following the Khomeini revolution in 1979, both Dr. Ganji and Dr. Elahi went
          into hiding. A list of 200 individuals, including Dr. Ganji and Dr. Elahi, deemed
          to be opponents and enemies of the new regime and calling for their arrest, was
          posted in the mosques throughout Iran. According to Dr. Ganji, in addition to the
          posting of this list, a Fatwa (religious edict) has been issued calling for Dr. Ganji's
          death and both Dr. Ganji and Dr. Elahi understood that a similar edict was issued
          for Dr. Elahi's assassination. 8
          8 A Fatwa is an edict of a religious leader, authorizing a faithful Muslim to commit
          murder, in this case, against certain opponents of the Iranian regime. Fatwas are not publicly
          distributed; hence, the fact that one has been issued against a specific person must be gleaned
          indirectly. The Fatwa issued against Dr. Ganji (Exhibit 105), and introduced into evidence at the
          hearing in this case, was obtained by Dr. Ganji from sources within the Iranian government.
          14. After the revolution, Dr. Elahi hid Dr. Ganji in his home and, then, assisted Dr.
          Ganji in fleeing Iran. After aiding Dr. Ganji in his escape, Dr. Elahi and his wife
          fled the country shortly thereafter. Both Dr. Ganji and Dr. Elahi settled in the
          United States. For several years, Dr. Elahi lived in Texas, California, and
          Michigan. At that time, Dr. Elahi's sister was attending the University of
          Michigan, and he became an associate professor of political science at Michigan
          State University, in part, to be close to her. Later, Dr. Elahi left his teaching
          position to join Dr. Ganji, who was hen living in Dallas, Texas, to assist him in
          running an educational and cultural foundation.
          15. In 1985, Dr. Ganji relocated to Paris to work with other Iranian exiles in seeking a
          free and democratic Iran. In mid-1986, Dr. Elahi joined Dr. Ganji in Paris and
          both of them established the Flag of Freedom Organization to actively promote
          the establishment of a pluralistic society in fran.
          16. In October 1990, French authorities informed Dr. Ganji that they had uncovered a
          plan to assassinate him, and, at their suggestion, he left Paris and went to Egypt.
          At the time, Dr. Elahi was in Munich, Germany. However, he returned to Paris
          and on the morning of October 23, 1990, as he was leaving his apartment
          building, Dr. Elahi was shot eight times and killed by an assassin using a gun with
          a silencer. Exhibit 59, p.82. Although Dr. Elahi normally did not leave his
          apartment building unaccompanied, on the morning he was assassinated, he was
          delayed and missed the colleague whom he customarily would meet to accompany
          him to the FF0 offices.
          17. As the attorney for the Elahi family in France, Mr. Boedels reviewed the
          investigatory reports and the evidence compiled by Jean-Louis Bruguiere, Senior
          Examining Magistrate of the District Court of Paris. Exhibits 58, 59. Judge
          Bruguiere opened two files on the Elahi assassination, the first for his murder and
          the second for “association of wrongdoers,” which is equivalent to a charge of
          conspiracy. Tr. 120 (Boedels). Judge Bruguiere's inquiry into Dr. Elahi's death
          implicated two Iranian nationals living in Paris, Mojtaba Mashadi and Hossein
          18. According to the French indictment of Mr. Mashadi, handed down by the
          Appellate Court of Paris, Second Criminal Panel, a gun and a silencer were found
          on the premises of Dr. Elahi's apartment building.
          19. Under interrogation, Mr. Yazdanseta confessed to having been part of a plot to
          assassinate Iranian political dissidents in Paris. Mr. Yazdanseta stated under oath
          to Judge Bruguiere that Mr. Mashadi had stated that he had been entrusted in
          Tebran with the organization of the assassination of Cyrus Elahi. Exhibit 58 at
          11; Exhibit 59 at 96-99. According to Mr. Yazdanseta's sworn statement to Judge
          Bruguiere, he had a conversation with Mr. Mashadi in July or August of 1993 at
          Mr. Mashadi's home. During that conversation, Mr. Mashadi admitted that he
          was the organizer of the operation to assassinate Cyrus Elahi, that a gun and
          silencer had been given to him in Paris by Iranian contacts, and that he had
          enlisted a Mr. Ohorbanifar to assassinate Cyrus Elahi, but that Mr. Ghorbanifar
          had backed out at the last minute. Exhibit 59 at 97-99. According to Mr.
          Yazdanseta's sworn statement, the assassination was then carried out by another
          team of two or three men, but Mr. Mashadi had not given him any more
          information how the assassination was carried out. In referring the indictment of
          Mojtaba Mashadi to the Court of Assize of Paris, the Appellate Court of Paris
          relied on, among other things, the fact that Mr. Yazdanseta stated under oath that
          Mr. Mashadi had confided to him that he had been put in charge of organizing the
          assassination of Cyrus Elahi. Exhibit 59 at 83.
          20. Other witnesses testified that Mr. Mashadi was a MOIS agent in France and that
          he had traveled to Iran to meet with Minister Fallahian and Minister Fallahian had
          given orders to Mashadi to assassinate dissidents. Mr. Boedels testified to this
          Court that Mr. Ghorbanifar had stated under oath to Judge Bruguiere that Mr.
          Mashadi had told him that he had b n to Iran and met with Minister Fallahian.
          According to the record of Mr. Ghorbanifar' s testimony under oath to Judge
          Bruguiere, taken on April 11, 1995, Mr. Mashadi told Mr. Ghorbanifar that he had
          been to Tebran in November 1989 and met with Minister Fallahianand other
          members of MOIS. Mr. Mashadi told Mr. Ghorbanifar that he had been put in
          charge of organizing the assassinati n of Dr. Ganji and several other dissidents
          (but did not mention Dr. Elahi). This conversation took place upon Mr.
          Mashadi's return from Tehran. Accbrding to Mr. Ghorbanifar, Mr. Mashadi told
          him this in an attempt to gain his as istance in carrying out the assassination of Dr.
          Ganji. Instead, Mr. Ghorbanifar re'v ealed the information to the French
          authorities, who alerted Dr. Ganji td the threat.
          21. Mr. Ghorbanifar also testified to Jucjge Bruguiere that in 1989, he accompanied
          Mr. Mashadi to a meeting at the Orl r airport. Also present at this meeting,
          according to Mr. Ghorbanifar, was Au Ahani, the Iranian Ambassador; Mr.
          Anguizi, the manager of Iran Air; a 4 d a man identified as Bagher. Later,
          according to Mr. Ghorbanifar, Mr. I ashadi identified Bagher as an agent of Iran.
          22. Mr. Farhad Ghiasvand, an acquaint4ce of Mr. Mashadi, gave two sworn
          statements to Judge Bruguiere. In tije sworn statement dated June 23, 1994, Mr.
          Ghiasvand stated that he had met Mj . Mashadi in Tehran in 1989, and Mr.
          Mashadi had told him that he was w rking for MOIS, and he had contact with
          Minister Fallahian. Mr. Mashadi imbortuned Mr. Ghiasvand to assist him in
          assassinating a Iranian dissident in P aris. Exhibit 59 at 101. In the sworn
          statement dated January 10, 1994, Mr. Ghiasvand stated that Mr. Mashadi had
          identified Dr Elahi as the target of tl e plot. Mr. Ghiasvand declined to•
          participate. Exhibit 59 at 124. In bdth statements, Mr. Ghiasvand recounted that
          he had a further discussion with Mr Mashadi in mid-1993, in which he reminded
          Mr. Mashadi of the prior conversation. According to Mr. Ghiasvand, Mr.
          Mashadi, threatened to “denounce [ him] to the police” and denied the prior
          conversation. Exhibit 59 at 102, 124.
          23. On December 29, 1993, Mr. Ali Reza Ghanaee Miandoab was questioned by the
          French police. Mr. Miandoab stated that in December 1992, Mojtaba Mashadi,
          whom he had known for about thirty years, had asked him whether he would
          assist in the assassination of an individual named Shafa and Dr. Ganji. Mr.
          Miandoab declined the request. According to Mr. Miandoab, Mr. Mashadi further
          stated that he was acting on behalf of the Iranian intelligence and that he had
          arranged for Mr. Ghorbanifar to kill Cyrus Elahi, but that he had backed out.
          Finally, Mr. Mashadi stated to Mr. Miandoab that Iranian intelligence agents, with
          whom he had contact in Iran, had been sent to Paris to carry out the assassination
          of Cyrus Elahi. Exhibit 59 at 108.
          24. The evidence gathered by Judge Bruguiere strongly indicates that the original plot,
          as conceived by MOIS, was to assassinate a number of individuals opposed to the
          Tehran regime, including Dr. Ganji, Dr. Cyrus Elahi, and others. Tr. 130
          (Boedels). According to Mr. Boedels, who testified to this Court, Mr. Mashadi
          importuned Mr. Yazdanseta and Mn Ghorbanifar to carry out the plot. Mr.
          Mashadi offered Mr. Yazdanseta money to take the photograph of Dr. Ganji or
          Cyrus Elahi and told him that he would be paid an additional sum if he would kill
          the person so identified. Tr. 131 (Boedels). Mr. Mashadi also enlisted the
          asssistance of Mr. Ghorbanifar. However, Mr. Ghorbanifar did not continue with
          the conspiracy. Instead, he contacted the French secret service and provided
          information to the French authorities. Mr. Ghorbanifar's revelations prompted the
          French authorities to warn Dr. Ganji that his assassination was imminent.
          25. In addition to testimony obtained through the interrogation of Messrs. Mashadi,
          Yazdanseta, and Ghorbanifar, Judg Bruguiere also obtained answers to written
          questions of a high ranking Iranian 1efector, who had been detained by German
          authorities. This defector, Mr. Mesbahi, confirmed to Judge Bruguiere that the
          assassination of Dr. Elahi was orga4ized and executed by Iranian government
          officials. Tr. 129 (Boedels); Exhibit 59 at 84.
          26. Messrs. Mashadi and Yazdanseta were tried before the Paris Supreme Criminal
          Court, and, in September 1996, they were convicted of conspiracy to commit
          terrorist acts, including the planned assassinations of Dr. Ganji and Cyrus Elahi.
          Mr. Mashadi was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment and Mr. Yazdanseta to
          three years' imprisonment. Tr. 121 (Boedels). These convictions have been
          upheld by the French appellate courts.
          It stands uncontradicted that the murder of Dr. Elahi was an act of assassination
          undertaken and directed by agents of defendant MOIS at the behest of defendant Islamic
          Republic of Iran.
          In the Antiterrorism and Effective L eath Penalty Act of 1996 (“Antiterrorism
          Act”), Congress lifted the sovereign immu1 ity of foreign states for acts of state
          sponsored terrorism. Pub. L. No. 104-132, Title II, § 221(a) (April 24, 1996), 110 Stat.
          1241 cod fied at 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)(7) (West 1997 Supp.). The Antiterrorism Act
          specifically creates an exception to the immunity of those foreign nations officially
          designated by the Department of State as terrorist states when that nation commits a
          terrorist act, or provides material support and resources to an individual or entity that
          commits such an act, resulting in the death or personal injury of a United States national.
          28 U.S.C. § 1607(a)(7).
          The stated purpose of the Antiterrorism Act is to deter terrorist acts against U.S.
          nationals by foreign sovereigns or their agents and to provide for justice for victims of
          such terrorism. See 110 Stat. 1214 (1996). Thus, by enacting the statute, Congress
          manifested its intent that U.S. nationals who are “victims of terrorist states be given a
          judicial forum in which to seek redress.” Daliberti v. Republic of Iraq, 97 F. Supp.2d 38,
          50-51 (D.D.C. 2000). As explained by Judge Friedman in Daliberti: “Those nations that
          operate in a manner inconsistent with international norms should not expect to be granted
          the privilege of immunity from suit, that is within the prerogative of Congress to grant or
          withold.” Daliberti, 97 F. Supp.2d at 52.
          Because, as discussed below, this m tter comes within the state sponsored
          terrorism exception to foreign sovereign imniunity, this Court has original subject matter
          jurisdiction in this case. Pursuant to § 1 33 (a) of Title 28, the district courts “have
          original jurisdiction without regard to amoilnt in controversy of any nonjury civil action
          against a foreign state. . . as to any claim fd r relief in personam with respect to which the
          foreign state is not entitled to immunity unc er sections 1605-1607 of this title or under
          any applicable international agreement.” 9 U.S.C. § 1330(a). See Argentine Republic v.
          Amerada Hes Shipping Coip., 488 U.S. 4 8, 434 (1989).
          The Antiterrorism Act merely waive the sovereign immunity of state sponsors of
          terrorism. To create a cause of action for vi ctims of terrorism, Congress enacted a
          separate piece of legislation. Civil Liability for Acts of State Sponsored Terrorism, Pub.
          L. No. 104-208, § 589, 110 Stat. 3009 (1996) (codified at 28 U.S.C. § 1605 note). The
          legislation provides a cause of action again t a foreign state and its agents for any act
          which would give a court jurisdiction under 1 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)(7). See Flatow v.
          9 The Court also has in personam jurisdi ion over the defendants. The Foreign Sovereign
          Immunities Act provides that personal jurisdictipn over a defendant will exist where, as here, the
          plaintiff establishes the applicability of an exception to immunity pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1605
          and service of process has been accomplished p irsuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1608. 28 U.S.C. §
          1330(b). Both of those requirements have been met here. See also Foremost-McKesson v.
          Islamic Republic of Iran, 905 F.2d at 442 (“Pers ona1 jurisdiction under FSJA exists so long as
          subject matter jurisdiction exists and service of has been properly made pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §
          1608”). Venue appropriately lies in this district ourt because the federal venue statute provides
          that actions against a foreign state and a state's gent or instrumentality may be brought in the
          United States District Court for the District of Cplumbia. 28 U.S.C. § 139 1(f)(4).
          islamic Republic of iran, 999 F. Supp. 1, 12-13(D.D.C. 1998). This provision is
          commonly referred to as “Flatow Amendment”°
          In order to establish subject matter jurisdiction and state a claim pursuant to the
          FSJA, as amended by the Antiterrorism Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)(7), and the Flatow
          Amendment, 28 U.S.C. § 1605 note, a claim must contain the following elements:
          (1) that personal injury or death resulted from an act of torture, extrajudicial killing,
          aircraft sabotage, or hostage taking; and
          (2) the act was either perpetrated by a f reign state directly or by a non-state actor
          which receives material support or r sources from the foreign state defendant; and
          (3) the act or provision of material support or resources is engaged in by an agent,
          official, or employee of the foreign state while acting within the scope of his or
          her office, agency, or employment; and
          (4) that the foreign state be designated as a state sponsor of terrorism either at the time
          the incident complained of occurred or was later so designated as a result of such
          act; and
          (5) if the incident complained of occurred within the foreign state defendant's
          territory, plaintiff has offered the defendants a reasonable opportunity to arbitrate
          the matter; and
          ‘°Although this provision of the statute has been published as a note to 28 U.S.C. § 1605,
          it has been interpreted as being an “independeni pronouncement of law.” Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at
          12. In addition, section 1605(a)(7) and the Flatow Amendment are interpreted in pan materia.
          See Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 13.
          (6) either the plaintiff or the victim was United States national at the time of the
          incident; and
          (7) similar conduct by United States agents, officials, or employees within the United
          States would be actionable.
          28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)(7) and 28 U.S.C. § 1605 note. Each of these requirements is
          satisfied in this case, as detailed below or in other portions of this opinion. As earlier
          noted, the plaintiff has “established his claim or right to relief by evidence that is
          satisfactory to the Court.” 28 U.S.C. § 1608(e).
          I. Extrajudicial Killing
          The murder of Cyrus Elahi constitutes an extrajudicial killing. The state
          sponsored terrorism exception to immunity expressly adopts the definition of
          extrajudicial killing set forth in the Torture Victim Protection Act of 1991, Pub. L. No.
          102-256, § 3(a), 106 Stat. 73 (1992) (codified at 28 U.S.C. § 1350 note). 28 U.S.C. §
          1605(e)(1). That Act defines an extrajudicial killing as:
          a deliberated killing not authorized by a previous judgment pronounced by a
          regularly constituted court affording all judicial guarantees which are recognized
          as indispensable by civilized peoples Such term, however, does not include any
          such killing that, under international law, is lawfully carried out under the
          authority of a foreign nation.
          Pub. L. No. 102-256, § 3(a). The murder of Cyrus Elahi fits within the definition of
          extrajudicial killing. First, the uncontrovert d evidence introduced at trial demonstrated
          that the assassination of Cyrus Elahi was a deliberate act. Second, Cyrus Elahi was not
          afforded the judicial process contemplated by the statute. Third, as this Court stated over
          twenty years ago, assassination is “clearly contrary to the precepts of humanity as
          recognized in both national and international law.” De Letelier, 488 F. Supp. at 673. See
          also Xuncax v. Gramajo, 886 F. Supp. 162 185 (D. Mass. 1995) (“ [ E]very instrument
          and agreement that has attempted to define the scope of human rights has ‘recognized a
          right to life coupled with a right to due process to protect that right.”) (citation omitted);
          Forti v. Suarez-Mason, 672 F. Supp. 1531,, 1542 (N.D. Cal. 1987) (“The proscription of
          summary execution or murder by the state ppears to be universal, is readily definable,
          and is of course obligatory.”); RESTATEMEI T (THIRD) OF FOREIGN RELATIONS LAW OF
          THE UNITED STATES § 702(c) (1986) (“A s ate violates international law if, as a matter of
          state policy, it practices, encourages, or cor dones . . . the murder or causing the
          disappearance of individuals.”).
          II. Foreign State Actor or Provision of Material Support
          Based on the unconverted evidence Introduced at trial, the Court is satisfied that
          the murder of Cyrus Elahi was perpetrated y agents of MOIS acting at the direction of,
          and in furtherance of the policies of, the Isl imic Republic of Iran. 1 ' As a result, both the
          Islamic Republic of Iran and MOIS may be .held responsible under the FSIA for the
          The definition of “foreign state” in the FSIA includes agencies and instrumentalities of a
          foreign state. 28 U.S.C. § 1603(a), (b). See Fdremost-McKeeson, 905 F.2d at 446. Defendant
          MOIS is an agency of the Iranian government. See Anderson, 90 F. Supp.2d at 112-113.
          Accordingly, MOIS, as well as the Islamic Republic of Iran, is liable under the FSIA.
          consequences of their actions. Indeed, in cases where the involvement of the Iranian
          government in specific terrorist acts was niuch less direct and involved only the
          provision of support and resources to terroi ist groups, liability was found to exist under
          the FSTA. See Flatow, 999 F. Supp at 10 (holding Iran and MOIS liable for terrorist
          bombing by Islamic Jihad, which resulted in the death of an American citizen); Eisenfeld,
          2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 9545 at *1446 (fikiding Iran and MOIS liable for the death of
          American citizen who was killed in terrorist bombing by llamas because Hamas received
          material support from defendants).
          III. State Sponsor of Terrorism
          The Antiterrorism Act requires that he foreign state be designated as a state
          sponsor of terrorism pursuant to Section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act of 1979,
          50 U.S.C. App. § 2405(j). 28 U.S.C. § 16d5 note. The Export Administration Act calls
          upon the Secretary of State to make a deter ination that a foreign state has “repeatedly
          provided support for acts of international t rrorism and to notify the relevant coninittees
          of both Houses of Congress, and to publish the determination in the Federal Register.”
          50 U.S.C. App. § 2405(j).
          The Islamic Republic of Iran has been designated a “state sponsor” of terrorism
          pursuant to these provisions of the Export dministration Act continuously since January
          1984. See Cicippio, 18 F. Supp.2d at 68. ee also 49 Fed. Reg. 47702 (Dec. 6, 1984).
          Iran continues to be designated a state spoi sor of terrorism. 22 C.F.R. § 126.1(d); 31
          C.F.R. § 596.201. See also U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, PATTERNS OF GLOBAL
          TERRORISM, 1999 (April 1, 2000).
          IV. United States National
          The FSIA requires that either the claimant or the victim be a “national of the
          United States,” as the term is defined by the Immigration and Nationality Act, “when the
          act of state sponsored terrorism occurred.” 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)(7)(B)(ii).' 2 In this case,
          Cyrus Elahi was a nationalized United States citizen at the time he was assassinated by
          agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and MOIS. 13 The claimant here, Dariush Elahi,
          also is a naturalized United States citizen. hence, Dariush Elahi, as Cyrus Elahi's next of
          kin and representative of Cyrus Elahi's est te, has properly brought this action under the
          FSIA.' 4
          12 The Immigration and Nationality Act Jefines the term “national of the United States” as
          (a) a citizen of the United States, or (b) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States,
          has permanent allegiance to the United States.” 8 U.S.C. § 1 101(a)(2).
          ‘ 3 Cyrus Elahi became a U.S. citizen in 961. A photocopy of Cyrus Elahi's passport was
          admitted into evidence. Exhibit 53.
          ‘ 4 Because the murder of Cyrus Elahi oc urred in Paris, France — not in Iran — the fifth
          element for coverage under the FSIA, see supra, addressing incidents within the foreign state's
          own territory does not apply. See 28 U.S.C. § 605(a)(7)(B)(i).
          The Flatow Amendment, 28 U.S.C. § 1605 note, adds the requirement that the liability of
          foreign states and their officials and agents be comparable to that of the United States and its
          agents, officials and employees. See supra (se' enth required element of cause of action under
          state sponsored terrorism exception). There ca? be no serious dispute that if officials or agents of
          the United States, while acting in their official ¶apacities arranged for and directed the
          assassination of a critic of the United States go 1 ernment, they would not be immune from civil
          suits for wrongful death. See U.S. Const. Amend. 5; Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of
          Fed. Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971)F
          I. Count I —Wrongful Death
          The FSIA, as amended, establishes a cause of action for wrongful death
          proximately caused by an act of state sponspred terrorism — in this case the extrajudicial
          killing of Cyrus Elahi. The statute provides, inter alia, that money damages, including
          economic damages, solatium, pain and suffering, and punitive damages are available in
          actions brought pursuant to the FSIA. 28 U.S.C. § 1605 note. Compensation may be
          awarded to a decedent's heirs-at-law for both the economic and emotional losses that
          result from the decedent's premature death due to acts of state sponsored terrorism.' 5 See
          Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 27-28; Eisenfeld, 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 9545 at *16; Alejandre
          v. Republic of Cuba, 996 F. Supp. 1239, 1249-50 (S.D. Fla. 1997).
          A. Economic Damages
          The economic losses flowing from a person's untimely death include the loss of
          accretions to his estate. The evidence established that had Cyrus Elahi not been killed,
          he could have continued to pursue his work with the Flag of Freedom Organization, or
          he could have returned to the academic world to pursue a teaching career.
          ‘ 5 Recently enacted amendments to the FSIA allow plaintiffs in specifically designated
          lawsuits against the Iranian government to recover an award of compensatory damages from
          Iranian assets frozen by the United States government. See Pub. L. No. 106-386, § 2002(a)-(c)
          (October 28, 2000). As counsel acknowledged, this lawsuit does not appear to come within the
          provisions of the new legislation.
          Which career path Cyrus Elahi would have chosen is not susceptible to precise
          determination. Accordingly, the p1aintiff' economic expert, Jerome Paige, Ph.D.,
          performed two separate calculations of lost income. The first calculation was based upon
          the assumption that Cyrus Elahi would hav e returned to academia had he not been
          assassinated. The second calculation assumed that Cyrus Elahi would have continued his
          work with the Flag of Freedom Organization. For each of these of these assumptions,
          Dr. Paige used a typical mean earnings approach for a similarly situated 47-year old
          male. According to Dr. Paige's calculations; Cyrus Elahi's lifetime earnings would have
          been $725,359 had he continued working for the Flag of Freedom Organization and
          $967,626 had he returned to the academic world. Tr. 197-198 (Paige); Exhibit 100.
          Although the evidence demonstrated that Cyrus Elahi could have returned to his
          academic career, his true passion, and the one to which he fully devoted the last four
          years of his life, was his work for the Flag of Freedom Organization. Accordingly, for
          purposes of calculating economic losses, theCourt will assUmëthäfDr. Elahi would have
          continued his work with the Flag of Freedom Organization and that the financial loss to
          his estate resulting from his untimely death is $725,359, the lower of Dr. Paige's two
          calculations. An award of this amount, theMfore, will be rendered to Cyrus Elahi's estate
          for lost accretions.
          In addition to these economic losses, Dariush Elahi, as executor of Cyrus Elahi's
          estate, also incurred $14,676 in funeral expenses, which includes the cost of the funeral
          in Paris, the burial plot in Maryland, the gr vestone, and the cost of travel to and from
          Paris. The Court finds that these expenses ere appropriately incurred and should be
          recovered as part of the compensatory damage award in this case.
          B. Solatium
          1. Legal Standards for Awardh g Solatium Damages
          The statutory provision creating the cause of action for state sponsored terrorism
          also permits solatium damages. 28 U.S.C. § 1605 note. A claim for solatium refers to
          the “mental anguish, bereavement and grief resulting from the fact of decedent's
          death [ .]” Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 30. The loss of decedent's society and comfort is also
          encompassed within solatium. Id. at 31. Solatium may include a claim for loss of a
          sibling where the claimant proves a close emotional relationship with the decedent. See
          Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 30.
          The testimony in this case established that Cyrus Elahi was the eldest of four
          children and that he had twó brothers, Dariush (the administrator of his estate) and a
          younger brother, and a sister. Cyrus Elahi's father was born in Iran, but came to the
          United States in 1948 to pursue his medicaleducation. At the time, his wife and children
          remained in Iran. Later, in 1958, the fami1y moved to the United States. In 1961, all of
          the children became naturalized U.S. citizer s. Shortly thereafter, in 1962, Cyrus' mother
          and father divorced.
          Following his parents' divorce, CyruL the eldest, took care of his younger siblings
          and, as described by his brother, Dariush, “assumed the role of friend, advisor,
          confidante, father.” Cyrus Elahi also prov ded monetary support to the rest of the family,
          including his mother and siblings. He helped to pay for the college education of his
          siblings and, while Dariush was attending college at American University in Washington,
          D.C., where Cyrus also taught, Dariush lived with his brother, and Cyrus placed all of his
          money in a joint checking account for Dariush's use.
          Because Dariush and Cyrus were closest in age, a special bond developed between
          them. Prior to going to Paris to join Dr. Ganji, Cyrus Elahi discussed with Dariush the
          anguish that he felt. Cyrus informed his brother that if he joined Dr. Ganji in Paris, this
          would be the end of his marriage. Cyrus gave some of his personal effects to his brother
          for safekeeping. After Cyrus Elahi joined Dr. Ganji in Paris, Cyrus continued to remain
          in contact with his brother and would visit him in the United State at least twice yearly.
          Dariush Elahi testified that his brother “would make it a point to come and visit me”
          because, at the time, Dariush was in the midst of his medical trainIng and c6uld not travel
          to Paris. Later, when his medical training was completed, Dariush visited his brother on
          several occasions in Paris and, shortly before his assassination, in Germany.
          The grief and anguish Dariush experienced as a result of the death of his brother,
          Cyrus, which he relived during the hearing n this matter, was readily apparent during
          his testimony. He stated, “I believe I was cl ser to him than I was to my father at any
          time in my life.” Dariush Elahi also read in1 o the record a statement written by his
          younger brother, who presently lives in California. That statement captures the strong,
          emotional feelings that the members of the Elahi family had for Cyrus Elahi and the
          exceptional loss they have experienced as a result of his death. Cyrus' younger brother
          wrote as follows:
          As our parents were divorced when the children were young, Cyrus being
          the oldest child, adopted many of the father's responsibilities to his siblings. He
          encouraged all of us to be and do better. He financially and emotionally
          supported us. . . . He was always there for us. . . . These actions, combined with
          [ his] optimistic nature, even in the face of sometimes sorry circumstances, carried
          us forward individually and as a family. Given all the strengths and all he did and
          how he loved us. .. . [ one] can onl imagine what a wonderful brother and central
          hub to my family, including my mother, my father, and cousin (all of whom grew
          up together in the same household), Cyrus was to us. My mother.. . . was
          destroyed by Cyrus' assassination.
          Not because he was my brother, but because of who he was, Cyrus was
          very special and inspiring. He left a long trail of people who live — whose life he
          positively touched, and he had so much more to offer....
          Testimony about the mental anguish and grief experienced as a result of the death of a
          loved one is sufficient to sustain a claim for solatium. See Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 30. In
          this case, Dariush Elahi testified about his deep feelings for his brother and the extreme
          sorrow he and the Elahi family felt when they learned of their brother's violent death.
          Moreover, as noted by Judge Lamberth in Flatow, the depth of a person's
          suffering may not be totally manifested on the stand. As noted in Flatow, “in the long
          term, the sudden death of a loved one may i nanifest itself as ‘a deep inner feeling of pain
          and anguish often borne in silence.” Flatoi , 999 F. Supp. at 31 (quoting Connell v.
          Steel Haulers, Inc., 455 F.2d 688 (8th Cir. 1972).
          Individuals can react very differently even under similar circumstances; while
          some sink into clinical depression ahd bitterness, others attempt to salvage
          something constructive from their p rsonal tragedy. Such constructive behavior
          should not be considered as mitigating solatium, but rather as an equally
          compensable reaction, one in which ' courage to face their own mental anguish
          prevails in Order to survive, and in sbme circumstances, to benefit another.
          In this case, the deep loss experienc d by the brother of Cyrus Elahi may linger for
          an extensive period of time because of the ircumstances of their brother's death. “When
          death results from terrorism, the fact of death and the cause of death can become
          inextricably intertwined, thus interfering with the prospects for anguish to diminish over
          time.” Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 31. As stat d by the court in Higgins v. The Islamic
          Republic of Iran, No. 99-377, slip. op. at 1 (D.D.C. Sept. 21, 2000), “death as a result of
          terrorism, with its attendant horrific sunoui iding circumstances, prevents the anguish
          [ felt by a relative of the deceased] from su1 siding.”
          B. Court's Award of So1atium Darnages
          Unlike a claim for lost wages, the amount to be awarded for the loss of solatium
          “cannot be defined through models and variables.” Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 32. Nor can
          solatium damages be reduced to present value. As explained by Judge Lamberth,
          “ [ wJhile economic losses can be reduced to present valUe with simple equations to
          establish the amount of an annuity establisI d today which would have matched the
          decedent's ostensible income stream, the sc pe and uncertainty of human emotion
          renders such a calculation wholly inappropi 1 iate.” Id. (citing Drews v. Gobel Freight
          Lines, Inc., 144 Ill.2d 84, 578 N.E.2d 970 (1991); United States v. Hayashi, 282 F.2d
          599, 606 (9th Cir. 1960)).
          The awards in cases similar to the one at bar provide the Court with some
          guidance as to the appropriate amount to award to a decedent's relatives for a death
          caused by terrorist acts. In Flatow, the court awarded $5,000,000 to each of the parents
          and $2,500,000 to each sister and brother of Alisa Flatow. 999 F. Supp at 32. In
          Eisenfeld, 2000 U.S. Dist LEXIS 9545 at 18, the court, similarly, awarded $5,000,000 to
          each of the parents of Matthew Eisenfeld and to the mother of Arline Duker, who was
          also killed in the terrorist bombing. In addition, the court awarded $2,500,000 to the
          sister of Mr. Eisenfeld and thesame amount to the two sisters of Ms. Duker. Id.
          In this case, the uncontroverted testimony establishes that Cyrus Elahi not only
          was a dearly beloved brother to his two younger brothers, but he also fulfilled the role of
          the head of the family and his loss may be said to be that of a brother and a father.' 6
          Notwithstanding the inherent uncertainty of calculating an award of solatium, this Court
          concludes that an award in the amount of $5,000,000 to each of the two brothers of
          ‘ 6 Although there was significant testimony regarding the mental anguish and loss of
          society and comfort experienced by Cyrus Elahi's brothers, the Court finds that there was an
          absence of specific testimony regarding mental anguish and loss of society and comfort
          experienced by his sister. In addition, while in his younger years, after the divorce of his parents
          and 21 years prior to his death, Cyrus was a father figure to all his siblings, there was insufficient
          evidence about the state of Cyrus Elahi's relationship with his sister at the time of his death. See
          Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 30 (requiring proof of close emotional relationship before awarding
          damages to siblings). Therefore, there will be no award of damages for anguish or loss of society
          and comfort suffered by Cyrus Elahi's sister. No award was requested on behalf of any other
          family member.
          Cyrus Elahi would be appropriate for the profound emotional loss they have experienced
          and undoubtedly will continue to experience in the future. Therefore, the Court awards
          $5,000,000 to Dariush Elahi, on behalf of himself and $5,000,000 to Cyrus Elahi's
          younger brother, Elham Elahi. See Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 32 (awarding the plaintiff
          $20,000,000 for solatium on behalf of decedent's heirs-in-law, including decedent's
          II. Count II— Action for Survival Dab ages
          The courts have recognized that an ction may be pursued under the FSIA for
          survival damages for the emotional distress and the pain and suffering resulting from acts
          of state sponsored terrorism. See Flatow, 99 F. Supp. at 28; Eisenfeld, 2000 U.S. Dist
          LEXIS 9545 at *16.47. Thus, a cause of aètion that could have been brought by Dr.
          Elahi but for his death, may be asserted in this lawsuit for the benefit of the estate. In
          Count II of the Complaint, Dariush Elahi asserts such a claim on behalf of the estate.
          The plaintiff requests damages for the years f fear that Cyrus Elahi endured
          before his assassination. According to the plaintiff, this “pre-impact emotional distress,”
          which occurred well before the actual incident that resulted in death, is compensable in
          an action for survival damages. The cases cited by the plaintiff, however, do not support
          such a notion. See, e.g., Beynon v. Montgomery Cablevision Limited Partnership, 351
          Md. 460, 718 A.2d 1161(1997) (affirming award of damages for pre-impact fear
          suffered by decedent as he became aware that auto crash was imminent); Yowell v. Piper
          Aircraft Corp., 703 S.W.2d 630, 634 (Tex. 1986) (affirming award of damages for
          “mental anguish the decedents suffered fro n the time of the plane's breakup until it hit
          the ground”). The general rule in survival actions is that damages are limited to those
          suffered during the period between injury nd death. See HARPER, JAMES & GRAY, 4
          THE LAW OF TORTS § 24.6, p. 474 (2d ed. r986). The cases cited by the plaintiff
          similarly stand for the unremarkable proposition that mental anguish flowing from
          wrongful conduct of the defendant is comp nsable. In this case, the wrongful conduct of
          the defendant was the “extrajudicial killing” of Cyrus Elahi. The”pre-impact emotional
          distress,” while perhaps real, was not a result of the specific incident of wrongful conduct
          complained of by the plaintiff. The distress felt by Cyrus Elahi was the result of the pre-
          existing threat to his life, and existed independent of the ultimate act of assassination.
          Therefore, no damages for such pre-impact distress are available.
          The plaintiff also claims damages fo the pain and suffering Cyrus Elahi
          experienced while he was being atjacked arid killed in his apartment building. As
          discussed above, this type of pain and suffefing is compensable. See HARPER, supra, §
          25.16, at 612-6 13 (stating that decedent's 4in and suffering prior to death is
          compensable under many survival statutes, but “ [ i}f death was instantaneous there can be
          no recovery under such a statute for pain and suffering).
          Several of the witnesses at the trial ii this Court testified that the French
          authorities found pieces of flesh and blood bnder Cyrus Elahi's fingernails. They also
          testified that a witness reported seeing a man fleeing the scene with blood on his jacket.
          Mr. Boedels testified that Cyrus Elahi was shot seven times. Dr. Ganji testified that a
          neighbor reported seeing two men struggli ig. Finally, Dariush Elahi testified that his
          “memory [ from speaking with French police] is that it could have been for a period of as
          much as three or four minutes that [ Cyrus Elahi and his assassin] were struggling before
          he was hit in the head twice.” Tr. 226. Thi uncontroverted evidence demonstrates, at a
          minimum, that Cyrus Elahi was aware of hat was happening to him for long enough to
          grab hold and scratch his assailant. From thiS, the Court can infer that Cyrus Elahi
          suffered a period of pain and suffering. But, although it is possible that the struggle
          “could have been for a period of as much a' three or four minutes,” the evidence does not
          demonstrate that the struggle actually did 1 st for any significant length of time. At trial,
          the Court asked Mr. Boedels (who had the nost extensive access to the French
          investigation) the following:
          The Court: Was there anything indipated in the police report, in the autopsy
          report, or from any other soui ce that you knOw of, sir, that indicated how
          long it was from the time tha any one or all of these seven bullets struck
          him to the time that he actua1 y died? What was the interval? Are we
          talking hours? Are we talkin seconds? Are we talking minutes? If so,
          how long? Anything that tell: us that?
          Mr. Boedels: No, there is no eviden e, Your Honor, there is no evidence. But I
          must say that it would have t en, let us say, at least something like 30
          seconds, to my opinion. And]30 seconds with people who are willing to
          kill you, it's a very long delay.
          Tr. 139. Notwithstanding Mr. Boedel's (arid other witnesses') speculation, there was no
          significant evidence offered at trial from w ich the Court could find that Cyrus Elahi
          suffered for more than a very short period f time. The Court must take this into account
          in determining damages for pain and suffering.
          In sum, the Court holds that distress:endured prior to the assassination is not
          compensable damage. In addition, the CoUrt can only find that Cyrus Elahi's pain and
          suffering lasted a very brief period of time. Consequently, the Court will award a sum
          for pain and suffering which is far below the amount requested by the plaintiff. The
          Court concludes that the appropriate amount of compensation for pain and suffering of
          the decedent is $1,000,000.
          III. Count Ill — Punitive Damages
          One of the main purposes of the Antiterrorism Act is to provide victims of state
          sponsored terrorism (or, as in this case, the next-of-kin and personal representative) “an
          important economic and financial weapon against these outlaw states.” H.R. Rep. 104-
          383, at 182-183. In order to achieve this purpose, the stàtu ea1lo s for the imposition of
          punitive damages for any action brought pursuant to the Flatow Amendment. 28 U.S.C.
          § 1605 note.
          Because the plaintiff has established: subject matter jurisdiction under section
          1605(a)(7), punitive damages may be awarded against MOIS, which has been found to
          be an “agency or instrumentality of a foreign state,” i.e., the Islamic Republic of Iran. 28
          U.S.C. § 1606. See also Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 26; Anderson, 90 F. Supp.2d at 113.
          4 -
          Punitive damages may not, however, be awarded against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
          The FSIA exempts a foreign state from liability for punitive damages.' 7 See Victims of
          Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, P.L. No. 106-3 86, § 2002(0(2)
          (October 28, 2000) (repealing recently enacted amendment to 28 U.S.C. § 1606
          permitting punitive damages against a foreign state for actions under sections 1605(a)(7)
          and 1610(0). See Anderson, 90 F. Supp.2 4 at 114; Cicippio, 18 F. Supp.2d at 69.
          The purpose of punitive damages is “to punish [ a defendant] for his outrageous
          conduct and to deter him and others like him from similar conduct in the future.”
          RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 9 O 8 ( ) (1997). Courts faced with gross violations
          of international human rights have employçd the tool of punitive damages to achieve
          these dual purposes. By granting sizeable awards, courts have recognized the
          condemnation of the community of nationsof human rights abuses. See Alejandre 996
          F. Supp. at 1250. Punitive damages are said to help reinforce “the consensus of the
          community of humankind.” Filartiga v. Pena-Irala, 577 F. Supp. 860, 86. (FJ).N.Y.
          ‘ 7 The plaintiff seeks punitive damages against Iran under two theories: First, the plaintiff
          argues that punitive damages may be awarded against Iran vicariously based on a theory of
          respondeat superior. The Flatow court accepted this argument. See Flatow, 999 F. Supp. at 25-
          27. Second, the plaintiff argues that Iran can be held jointly and severally liable for punitive
          damages with MOIS based on Count N of the complaint — a conspiracy claim. The Court rejects
          both of these arguments. Congress recently repealed legislation that would have permitted
          punitive damages against a foreign state is cases, such as this one, brought under 28 U.S.C.
          1605(a)(7). See P.L. No. 106-386, § 2002(0(2). In so doing, Congress returned the law to its
          pre-1998 state, when it provided that a “foreign state except for an agency or instrumentality
          thereof shall not be liable for punitive damages. . . .“ 28 U.S.C. § 1606. Congress' intention is
          clear. Punitive damages are not available against a foreign state.
          1984). And, as stated in Anderson v. Islamic Republic of Iran, “ [ t]he victim to whom the
          award is made. . . stands as a surrogate foi civilized society in general; the victim is
          made more than whole in order that others may be spared a similar injury.” 90 F.
          Supp.2d at 114.
          The assassination of Cyrus Elahi by agents of MOIS for his outspoken criticism of
          the Iranian regime was intentional, premeditated, malicious, and cruel. Such an act
          violates fundamental precepts of international law that are binding on all members of the
          world community. This is reason enough justify the substantial punitive damages
          awarded on this date against the defendant MOIS. Another reason one could award
          punitive damages in this case is to recognize society's interest in the free expression of
          political ideas. Cf Anderson, 90 F. Supp.2d at 114 (justifying award of punitive
          damages on basis of “vindicat [ ing] the int rest of society at-large in the collection and
          dissemination of complete and accurate inilormation about world conflicts).
          Dr. Patrick Clawson testimony reg4ding Iran's expenditures on terrorism was
          illuminating. Dr. Clawson estimated that the MOIS expended between $50 million to
          $200 million on eliminating political oppo ients of the regime. As he has in previous
          cases, Dr. Clawson testified that Iran is aw ire of the recent court judgments. He also
          testified that it would be consistent with Jr in's prior behavior for Iran to alter its behavior
          so as not to target Americans. To achieve hese goals, the Court finds it appropriate and
          necessary to award $300,000,000.00 agaiiiL the defendant MOIS.
          The plaintiff has established to the Court's satisfaction, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §
          1608(e), that the defendants, the Islamic Republic of fran and the Iranian Ministry of
          Information and Security, engaged in an a 4 t of extrajudicial killing of a United States
          national by ordering, directing and arrang4g for the assassination of Cyrus Elahi.
          Accordingly, for the reasons more fully set forth above, the defendants are judged liable
          for the assassination or Dr. Elahi under the provisions of the FSIA. Except for punitive
          damages, the defendants are jointly and severally liable for all damages flowing from that
          unlawful act as awarded by this Court in the following amounts:
          Monetary Damages for Wrongful Death
          Loss of Accretion to the Estate of Cyrus Elahi $725,359
          Funeral Expenses to the Estate of Cyrus Elahi $14,676
          Solatium — Dariush Elahi $5,000,000
          Solatium — Etham Elahi $5,000,000
          Survival Damages (Pain and suffering of decedent) $1,000,000
          Punitive Damages $300,000,000
          The Clerk of the Court shall enter judgment accordingly. An Order accompanies
          thesô Findings of Fact and ConclusiOns of Law.
          IT IS SO ORDERED.
          Dated: December 20, 2000
          I '
          1 United States District Judge

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