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European Parliament — Minutes of proceedings of the sitting of Friday, 19 September 1980

          . 1980 — 1981
          Minutes of proceedings
          of the sitting
          L 19 SEPTEMBER 1980
          PV 34 PE 66.785
          on the common fisheries policy
          The European Parliament ,
          - having regard to the complexity of the issues raised by the cr sis in the
          European fishing industry, in which geographical, legal, tè 5 Kni al 1
          economic and social factors are involved,
          — having regard to the scale of the present difficulties,/'the need to adapt
          the management of fishing companies to the requireme/ts of our age and
          the practical situation of a number of fisherme n , , , ,/
          — whereas the crisis in the European fishing indy try has recently given
          rise to industrial unrest in the Member Stat s,
          1. Calls on the Council to inform it of e state of progress on the
          fisheries question following moves) 1 the Member States to encourage
          the Commission to speed up imple 9 itation of the common fisheries
          policy and a review of the org tization of the market in •fisheries
          2. Wishes to be apprised of he likely timetable of meetings.of the 1
          Council of Ministers r/sponsible for fisheries from the present time
          to the end of the ye/ru and of the measures it proposes to take to
          overcome the rig4/positions taken by some Member States on the
          allocation of ti-i/total authorized catch for the six main species of
          PV 34
          Council to fulfil its undertakings given on 30 May 1980
          an agreement by 30 December;
          its President to forward this resolution to the Council
          governments of the Member States.
          — 63 —
          PE 66.785
          Calls on
          19. Persecution of members of the Bahai community in Iran (debate and vote)
          Mr ISRAEL introduced the motion for a resolution that had been
          tabled by Mr LALOR and himself, on behalf of the Group of European
          Progressive Democrats, Mr GLINNE and Mrs VAN DEN HEUVEL, on behalf
          of the Socialist Group, Mr KLEPSCH, Mrs CASSANNAGNAGO CERRETTI,
          Mr VERGEER and others on behalf of the Group of th t ropeat1 People's
          Party (CD GrOup). Mr SCOTT-HOPKINS, Mr PURVIS, Mr PRAG and others, on
          beh lf• of the European Democtatic Group, and Mr EAt E 4ANN and
          Mr BERKHOUWER, on behalf of the Liberal and Democratic Group, on the
          persecution of members of the Bahai community in Iran (Doc. 1—397/80/rev.)
          The following spoke : Mr HABSBURG, on behalf of the Group of the
          European People's Party (CD Group), Mr PURVIS, on behalf of the
          European Democratic Group, Mr HAHN, Mr PROVAN, Mr NATALI, Vice-President
          of the Commission, Mr ROMUALDI and Mrs DEKKER.
          The President declared the debate closed.
          Moving on to the vote on the motion for a resolution, Parliament
          first adopted the preamble and paragraphs 1 to 4.
          After paragraph 4, Mr HORD, Mr HARRIS and Mr TYRRELL had tabled
          amendment No. 1 seeking to insert a new paragraph.
          Amendment No. 1 was adopted.
          Parliament adopted paragraph 5.
          The following gave explanations of vote; Mr PAPAPIETRO, Mr PRAG,
          Mrs KELLETT-BOWMAN and Mr HARRIS.
          Parliament adopted the following resolution
          PV 34 — 64 — PE 66.785
          on the persecution of members of the Bahai community in Iran
          The European Parliament ,
          recalling its unfailing attachment to international protection of human
          recognizing in particular the need to protect the rights of religious
          minorities in all countries,
          concerned at the systematic campaign of persecution directed in Iran
          againét the 300,000 members of the Bahai community (the biggest religious
          minority in Iran) and the accompanying violations of elementary human
          rights, in particular:
          (a) the refusal of any legal protection to the Bahai minority,
          (b) the summary arrest, detention and execution of leaders of the Bahai
          (c) the confiscation or destruction of the resources and means of
          subsistence of the Bahai and the arbitrary dismissals or refusals
          to employ Bahais,
          (d) the threats and acts of violence against the Bahais in an attempt
          to force them to repudiate their faith,
          1. Condemns the violation of the human rights of all religious minorities
          in Iran, more particularly the members of the Bahai faith whose rights
          as a religious minority are not recognized by the Iranian constitution;
          2. Calls upon the Government of Iran to grant the Bahai community the
          legal recognition and protection to which all minorities are entitled
          under the provisions of-the various UN pacts and conventions on
          human rights;
          3. Also condemns the illegal measures taken against Catholic and Anglican
          leaders and the execution of leading members of the Jewish community;
          4. Calls upon the Foreign Ministers of the European Communities meeting
          in political cooperation to make urgent representations to the Iranian
          authorities to put an end to the persecution of the members of the
          Bahai community and to allow them to practiSe their religion freely
          and enjoy all civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights;
          5. Recrnests the Commission and Council to impose an embargo on all sales
          of surplus agricultural products to Iran where subsidies by European
          taxpayers are involved until full human rights are restored to -
          Iranian citizens;
          6. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Foreign
          Ministers meeting in political cooperation, to the Government of Iran,
          to the governments and parliaments of the Member States and to the
          Secretary—General of the United Nations.
          PV 34 - 65 — PE 66.785
          20. Events in Bolivia (debate and vote)
          The next item was the debate and vote on two motions for resolutions
          (Doc. 1—381/80/rev, and 1—385/80).
          Mr PAPAPIETRO introduced the motion for a resolution tabled by
          Mrs LE ROUX, Mrs POIRIER, Mr VERGES, and Mr IPPOLITO on beh ,If of the
          Communist and Allies Group on relations between the EEC and/the new regime
          in Bolivia (Doc. 1-385/80) and requested that the m/tion for a
          resolution be referred to committee.
          Mr FERGUSSON introduced the motion for a resol ion tabled by
          Mr GLINNE, Mrs WIECZOREK-ZEUL and Mr VAN MIERT on /ehalf of the
          Socialist Group, Mr KLEPSCH and Mr BLUMENFELD, o/behalf of the
          Group of the European Peoples Party (CD Group/ by himself on
          behalf of the European Democratic Group and s cARETTONI ROMAGNOLI
          and Mr BERI HOUWER on behalf of the Liberal/nd Democratic Group on
          events in Bolivia (Doc. 1—381/80/rev.).
          The following spoke: Mr BERSANI on behalf of the Group of the
          European People's Party (CD Group) ,, 6 1r ARNDT, on behalf of the
          Socialist Group, Mr ISRAEL, on be41f of the Group of European
          Progressive Democrats and Mr NA71LI. Vice—President of the
          The following gave ex lanations of vote: Mrs CASTELLINA,
          Mr PANNELLA, who also as/ed on behalf of the Group for the Technical
          Coordination and DefenØ of Independent Groups and Members and
          pursuant-to Rule 35 71) that a roll-call vote be taken on the
          motion for a resoli Eion, and Mr KLEPSCH.
          and Mr PANNELLA raised points of order.
          would be
          ;ident decid?d, pursuant to Rule 35 (6) that the vote
          using the electronic voting system. -‘
          vote was taken on motion Doc. 1—381/80/rev., as motion
          Doc. 1-385/80 had been referred to committee.
          Result of the vote:
          / 1
          /Members voting 55
          / Abstentions 2
          For 53
          Against 0
          1 See annex
          Parliament adopted the following resolution
          Mr FERGUS
          PV 34
          — 66 — PE 66.785

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