Aadel Collection

Executions unlikely to end defiance

          Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Jan 16, 1980; Section: None; Page: 5
          Niçhóh s Cuin mhig .Bruce reports from Tabriz on _ the ke n ton Government's attempt. to quell rebeillon
          Executions unlikely to end defiance
          oleuhet in Qom and Tabrlc be- bock room on the lop floor,
          terra suppoettes of Ayatollah htratsed iddlvtdntlt of Indeter-
          5harlatooadari and Ayatollah tomato status sheeted Oh tao
          Khomeini, the party hat been onaitsee and by tense foIst she
          broken by the consIderable nloglo-ttlephano.
          pressures applied is beth Aya- Rang ed against the party
          tettah Shaeiutnnadari end the romp and the cammittees were
          paety is hark awoy 0mm gels'- abs yarolutiamary gta'ar d a,
          framlal 100 with ltse.regtme. scarcely -a picture of C-raaflwe I-
          Ayatollah - thariatwadaat 11am efficiency, hut eelstively
          whose sides complained last welt—orgeslued, - at least par-
          week that he had beam pee- holly traised and- with dear—
          vested tress receiving visitors cut objeelieea.
          by geeelutinoyry guards, han Behind them was the tall
          hers largely - silesi eneept to weight' of official - ste -ct-iso and
          appeal for calm oaf to say Ihat support ee a substantial
          be s.s longer asppsrle the soctise at ttae ‘ruylsiah-spookieit
          Ml'JtP. public. -Under their pateasoge.
          Wilhsat guidance. sf0 with lena ot htinssoeds nO Ayotellih
          rapidly dwl-ndlisg samlsers of ts'homclni'n followers .aasamhled
          altlti.ls, the poety-was otrtpped on the ‘cnnaioias of Tahrlu Usi-
          0 f- almost all power eocept un verelly for the laIty which was
          influence seilh the crowd, later altoctoed by grneps of
          Nor were the - commitlecs Shgriatmadaef suppartees, lead '
          capable of pyocid lag onueh dir- iog to last week's violence nod
          echos ha the oppoailion. A rioting. - .
          back street eamholtle revealed Two. daya latee, a cruwd per- PhofoyropoPen of..hpufolloh SIe.emeadaooudura usood she dohrsu
          lsnphaeord operat:os. Gunmen hops 50.010 strong euoembled 0! the Muotiset People's Rrpabticnoee Party's socked
          muved up through the muddy for Friday- proyom hefero heodquorlnu to Tabmie
          ooeeehs in the gen'oeot direction marchiec asdee the revoiu-
          of cheating, otapping scco- tivuary guards' protection fats son elderly Tsh-rini, voicing e once. Many woopoec are still in
          sions-liy 10 Crc — at targets of the cen lre of the city witheut Err uently heard coivvicl-iea. private hastdu, hot Goveromenc
          which osly they were aware — eneoi oterimg coca vocat sppt- TIre bitterness of sorb ueoti' officials believe they wilt ha
          to the epplautu of lard aperlo- sition. nsomt is only increased us lraa able to eonloin future dislur-
          turs. tf pro-Khomeini forces have epprsartes aosiveesarteo baoees. White the opposition
          to the nurrsw atrectu na one nucceoded io nholleel,er the major chests in the revatalies groupu luck orenotsailee they
          had mach idea of whore the opposition ii Is ' o victory of agaisst the Shah, eventS such muy be eirht. mat the togacy
          fecut tine was, oreasisaLl o and power over no the riots of P'ebruuey 1, oF Ike regim&u lolerseollun its
          The eveae at the local rem- muddle urd west tendotship, tote, Ic Tubria — one of the Aaerbeijau is a smoatderieg me-
          - t Is ad unriern was shvi' not a viclory of ideotoer. ruetiest and largest showu of seolmest shut may erupt at
          iv chaotic Ores a of curi500 “ e hi - - c t ,e detente nealeul the shah. any time. “The Gueeenmeal
          o toioters utoed round the doer ot Is i Soaecns here behovc that hss woe the baette,” nays ese
          of a hale-built house thot rid or dictatorship. hut'we Oat 4 0 1ev sorb as lb cse ore pelen- Tahriai obanrver. ‘But ant lhe
          veered the committee. In a sea have usnthnr,” muttered hal flashpoistu for farther viol- war.
          shot, Peputy Governor 7dishs- remaining committees had sub-
          poael-. concedes: “there Ia 00 asnitted to Government plans
          seed for avery' long trial. 0 tee eedaurevodercd shoir ooup000.
          weston to suggeot that the Time may bear nat the eleim,
          teen were- thieseo.uad ra aisls hOtin uoy eyetnt, It covers anti
          wits prison e°tgordp, - a small part of the mao.
          0cc of-'tttni'erceptiems-'*as The iohabitoals of the Aeor-
          soppuspd.-le.iheve'heen an air baijom province, gabled hy
          force- isasalne - (-so arc-a-nt Ayatollah Shoriatmif art. hod
          officer) Who hod nlapptldd tho dresSy ehaiteeged Iran's new
          par5y -eeI4tc'sdpapoes.- ' ceostitatinro snot jrmd
          Whoteecr the recaret of these justification it - procifes far
          asses—ft C some ways Irrelevant Ayutnlluh Khe:eeioi's te facto
          siere *oaey-.Tabrieis consider power, But there. iu .a vaknle
          sheen eeaeueite nnoemhard of the raege of less precisely octitvt'
          party—the erteeatieeg -were cvi- lated grievances rurging from
          denhiypael- of a eeleulated hid dia.sotiafoclior with centrally-
          to stemp,00t Sources of u hit' appointed afficiats to resent-
          i cr resistance to the Content mont at the crass propaganda
          GoveraslsOehh which three days put out toy effieial raedla..—
          earlior had erupted lain bloody Aaerbaijan rnotnim all the
          eunfroetat lnna between neat ingredienis for whol should he
          followers of eyatetlaho Mba- Ihe aamt damgeeohes pmviacial
          mcmi and Shoeiatsnudari. oppnsttioo yet oecnnetorcd by
          According to Mr Nishaptuel the revolutiooeey retinae. One
          the paligy may have p hd sif f thnoe Ia the ‘Iaetislr-npealc-
          In a chy of rooghty one rcd' flog popuhatsun of come tO mtl-
          lion people; Tabric so us at are loon people, ahsul a quarter of
          time sold ho have no less that 47 tron 5 cohol popatatonO-
          revolutloniay commitceen spec' s some juslare lasat sC-
          aling as geeemnt puriacee super clots stress that the disluc-
          visors sf local affairs Among heocco - have - uo far been
          them were sereral em -Stsariat- confined te Tabr ln, hat the
          madari committees that me' moatampiususly low turoanol fur
          s ondedool to the orders of
          leer flishapdorl asid it had dsriiy wilh be regime. to
          bren a tong-standing otsjeriise practice the threat may not he
          to amalgamate these m b a £0 greut.
          singly operotine after veiling At its best, the MPRP soon
          ohe nemloern ha l t loc orhroon weak Is Irems of orgamsatsen
          hod feundered as the resin- and never eflectivc Is pressing
          torea of the re-Stseniatmodari Its deooueda for poore teeat
          cnmmitleea, Within 24 hours of contest of pmevtrsciot goaeev-
          the ececutleos, he claims, tire moot. bince Dccc m b e
          eceeetlos& hy' flemnp
          pquad ie the vsarlWwedtero' flip
          of Tahrle hove heoisgbt home
          On ion eitlaens the harsh realt
          tim of defying s i recelatihepet
          regime. Moot Toheinia,. to judge
          from the turooot do? oppost-
          han ratliso is sloe city lest
          eooonih, had already loot hheie
          love for the present direritee
          of the revolution, - -
          For them, lhe executions
          wilt simply Ioccohse another
          Item in their titony of one
          vavees. Whoa: has new to be
          acer in whether everrotions mlii
          hreah cc shiifce the oppnsitien.
          The It tacgelu of revnlu'
          tinnory justice were uuppoetert
          of Ihe Muslim People's Repub-
          lican Party gMPRP), the main
          schictc of Tahriui nppoeitiera
          awnsg napporters of leant
          second steal Important r
          mon. Ayatollah ltoccm Sharias-
          an 000ri. They seere seie.ed a ltec
          o nigh l attack, lastigf ceverol
          hours, hr hoe regime's revolu-
          st050ry guaedv 00 the heed'
          cusrlers cc iltc otreody ballot'
          oruered party headnuartem.
          In svhne was largely.a shone
          of clresglb alonilar ha Ihose
          preciously laid en - for the
          kesefia of Kurdislo and Arab
          mionrities, i re toten to
          1 1 w cily pcisos and nummartts'
          ohnt. -
          Lomt serials insist tloere
          was a anal, hot ahoy olsa
          nocilty euncede thah the point
          is namewhat ocudemic.. When
          faced oilh a ehorfe such as
          suhveesive sets wish cons.”
          lire chprgo foe ssloich they were
          © Guardian News and Media Limited
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