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Governor admits massacre of Kurds

          Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Sep 10, 1979; Section: None; Page: 7
          Governor admits massacre Of Kurds
          © Guardian News and Media Limited
          From L iz Thurgood
          in Tehean
          A senior Inanian Gevernmest
          official has med that 46
          Kurdiah men, women, and
          aMMawn died in a masaacrn
          last week in the province of
          West Acerbaijan.
          The massacre tesk place On
          Tuesday Las the small Kurdish
          village s e Gains, near !gtafl.
          deh, where many hundreds j
          Iranians were believed to have
          t ff 4hting heiween Kurda
          and Turkish-speaking Imx
          In an Interview elao
          local press yesterday, the gas.
          error-general of West Aserbai.
          ian described Pie masascre as
          horrible, and said that those
          people who had lost relations
          wsulal be financially rslmburaed.
          Mr Jansahid Hsglagau anid that
          an lnvestigstian had been
          ordered, but that preliminary were tour women, and seven
          inquiries chewed that the man- children aged between five and
          caere had been committed by 12. Six men were also
          Iraniaise who lived In she pro, beheaded,
          ‘-‘- -‘ The massacre reportedly
          The governor.generai'a var- occurred when the villagers
          elan of the massacre differed ensue out to welcome The lets-
          sharply from the account gIven asic Guardsmen. They were led
          by the Kurdish Democratic by MulIsh ?dahsnoud, who woe
          Party, which—las blamed the carrying a copy at the Ksrsn.
          massacre oss members of Aye' The Mulish, among those
          tollsh Khomeini's Islamic beheaded, was lhe InS Imasn
          Guardsman. Senior ICOP ,bsntoh, or leadec of Friday
          members recently showed prayers; The killings were not
          joumalitlt a bet naming the 46 apparently the work of ,4yatnl.
          who hod died. lab Khalkhali, whsse summary
          The Kurdo believed that the Justice In ICurdlatan has drawn
          maassrs In retaliation for harsh wa..L f. the UN
          she ambush of a Governent Human Rights Subcommlaslan
          Army lorry last Monday at the in Geneva.
          Doeh Pasu, In which 15 Islamic In a statement released last
          Guards died. week, the commiaalen called an
          Among the victims on the lbs iranian Government te
          Gacna killing, tha lOP said, coaae a e4Lately “the ra-
          ported summary executions titularly or food, have caused
          (put at around SO) of a tm- sOniC unhappiness,
          trots Kurds in Iran. “The struggle was waged for
          MesfiWifife, A !tflTlah lOse- blast,” Kbnmeisti insisted, ,,
          mclxii has underlined Irsn'e is inconceivable that any
          growing economic prob,lei a would have sacrificed his son
          an address to millions of for cheaper bread.”
          Iranians whn had assembled
          t houl the country to Meanwhile, yesterday the
          mourn thuse who died a year Government seined the assets
          esrlinr in svhet sves known as of Iran'a two largest pshlishine
          “the massacre of Black Fri. hot , In a move list
          day,” the ,kystollah asid thai observers believed would sUet-
          irasians md stied their blood tivoty ensure a subsen'sent
          Islamic Republic, not press.
          for “e cheaper melon or An official statement astd
          tiasiac.” that the assets at Ectelsat and
          lilt remarks were believed Kayhan had been taken over
          Is be directed at the ceunlays hecause their owners, whs hail
          dwindling corpa of economists both left the country after the
          who have criticised the Pcsssri- February uprising, had husit
          aionsl Government's lack uf their publishing empires with
          ecnnamis planning and loden, ill-gotten wealth, and used
          trial v'isisn. Rising prices, par- their newspapers to support
          the Shah. Nn valise has beet
          put on the assets, which were
          to he handed ever to the M-
          toliah Sooyad-e-Mostazaffsrln
          (Found 5n for the Poor).
          The seizure of Ettels'at and
          Kayhan left Bsindad as the
          osly Tehran newspaper with
          anything spproschtng an on-
          dependent voice. Bamdad,
          which has received several
          Government cautions in rccant
          weeks, was set up four years
          ae° by staff who once worked
          tar Rsststchis, the paper owned
          by the Shah's ceo-party system.
          Last month 27 papers were
          clasod in a move that led to
          viulent rioting between sup-
          porters of Ayatollah Khomeini
          and the secular Centre.Left,
          Fifteen foreign correspondents
          have slsa bees expelled since
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
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