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Iran 2003 Report

          Reporters sans fronti res - Iran - 2003 Annual report
          Am rkas
          .1iddLe East
          Franca Espa oL Alt the news
          Area : 1,648,00 sq. km.
          Population : 71,369,000
          Language : Persian
          Type of state : Islamic republic
          . Head of state : All Khamenei (Supreme Guide of the Islamic
          Head of government : President Mohammad Khataml
          Iran -2003 Annual report
          Iran remained the biggest prison for journalists in the Middle
          East, with 10 journalists in jail at the end of 2002. Once
          again the year was marked by very many suspensions of
          newspapers, legal summonses, arrests and prison sentences
          for journalists. The regim&s reformist wing protested against
          these attacks on the media but were unable to restrain a
          legal system under the control of hardliners.
          Press freedom was a centrepiece of President Mohammad Khatamis
          reform programme when he was elected in 1997. But every year
          since then, the hardliners who control the judiciary have regarded
          the media as a threat to the foundations of the country's Islamic
          system and therefore dangerous.
          Fewer journalists were arrested in 2002, but 10 were still in prison
          at the end of the year serving sentences of between three and eight
          years. Many others were free but were being prosecuted or had
          already received sentences of up to 11 years in jail.
          The regimes hardliners continued to shut down reformist
          newspapers temporarily or permanently. The eLorts of parliament,
          which is in the hands of the reformers, to amend the April 2000
          press law under which the papers were closed proved fruitless.
          A total of 85 papers, Including 41 dailies, had been closed since the
          law was passed, noted Mehrnoosh Jafari, secretary-general of the
          national press department at the ministry of cultural and Islamic
          guidance, said in August. A total of 18 were shut down in 2002. The
          reformist Iran Press Freedom Association said more than 1,800
          journalists and photographers had lost their jobs over three years
          because of the closures and suspensions.
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          Introduction - 2003 Annu
          4 Israel and the Occup. Ter
          4 Kuwait
          . Libya
          A Morocco
          4 Palestinian Authority
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          4 Saudi Arabia
          4 Sudan
          United Arab Emirates
          4 Yemen
          SEE ALSO
          2003 Africa Annual Repc
          2003 Asia Annual Repor
          2003 Americas Annual R
          4 2003 Europe Annual Re
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          After the shutdown In early May 2002 of two of the best-known
          reformist dailies, Nowrooz and Bonyan, the main reformist party,
          the Iran Participation Front, denounced the iilegaI and unjustified'
          actions of the judiciary which was ‘restricting press freedom and
          breaking pens.” It said political decisions by some judges continue
          to violate the national constitution and Ignore other rules and
          Several journalists, such as Taghi Rahmani, were released from jail
          during the year but this was seen as trying to impress the European
          Union, with whom trade negotiations began in the autumn.
          Many subjects remained taboo for the media, such as dissident
          clerics, sex, religion and the country's relations with the United
          States. In September, a public opinion poll reported by the official
          news agency IRNA scandalised the hardliners because it showed
          74.4 per cent of Iranians favouring a resumption of ties with the US.
          The poll was published the day aifier a fierce anti-American speech
          by the Supreme Guide of the Islamic Republic, All Khamenel.
          Judge Said Mortazavi, head of Court 1410, known as “the press
          court,' summoned severar newspaper publishers and ordered them
          not to write anything about the poll. The heads of the public opinion
          firms that did the poii, who were also journalists, were meanwhile
          arrested and accused of taking money from the US polling firm
          Gallup. At the end of the year, the authorities said US journalists
          coming Iran would be fingerprinted.
          The 1998 murder of a group of intellectuals, three of them
          journalists, remained a hot issue with the arrest of Nasser
          Zarafshan, the lawyer for the victims' families, in August.
          New information on journalists killed before 2002
          The murder in late 1998 of a group of intellectuals and regime
          opponents - among them Daryush and Parvaneh Foroohar, symbolic
          figures of the liberal opposition, Majid Sharif, a columnist with the
          monthly Iran-&Farda and writers and journalists Moha mad Mokhtarl
          and Mohamad Jafar Pouyandeh - deeply shocked Iranians and
          outraged much of the reformist media. The authorities reacted by
          opening an investigation and in January 1999 the Intelligence
          ministry officially admitted some its agents had been involved and
          announced the arrest of dozens of suspects. Pirooz Davani, editor of
          the newspaper Pirooz who disappeared in late August 1998 and
          whose body was never found, was also among the victims,
          according to reformist leaders who added his name to the list In
          2002. In January 2001, three intelligence ministry agents were
          sentenced to death and 12 others to prison terms for murdering the
          Foroohar couple. Three other people were acquitted. The case was
          sent to the supreme court, which had not yet ruled by the end of
          2002. The victims' families complained that those who ordered the
          killing were still free. The families' lawyer, Nasser Zarafshan, was
          arrested on 7 August. A military court had convicted him In March of
          disclosing details of the case flue and sentenced him to five years In
          prison, which was upheld by an appeals court in July. The families
          announced to a rally of 5,000 people on 22 November to mark the
          killings that they would petition the UN Human Rights Commission
          to investigate the murders.
          36 journalists imprisoned
          Ten were still in prison at the end of 2002, but as many as 35 spent
          various lengths of time In jail during the year, oifien without trial.
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          Akbar Ganji, of the daily Sobh- -Emrooz, was arrested on 22 April
          2000 aifier appearing before the press court. He was accused of
          revealing details of the murder of intellectuals and regime
          opponents in iate 1998 and accusing top politicians at the time, such
          as Au Failahian and Hashemi Rafsanjani, of being involved. He was
          also accused of writIng articles in favour of dissident cleric Ayatollah
          Hossein-Ali Montazeri, under house arrest since 1989.
          Ganji was also accused of taking part in a Berlin conference In April
          2000 to discuss reforms In Iran that was considered anti-Islamic by
          the authorities. At one hearing, he said he had been tortured In
          prison. He was sentenced to 10 years in jail on 13 January 2001. In
          May that year It was reduced on appeal to six months, But on 15
          July, the supreme court cancelled the reduction because of
          supposed technical errors and imposed a six-year jail sentence.
          Ganji has been allowed out of prison several times for a few days
          after posting high sums as bail.
          Khaiil Rostamkhani, of the Daily News and Iran Echo, was arrested
          on 8 May 2000 and tried by the Teheran revolutionary court on 9
          November that year. The prosecutor asked for the death penalty,
          accusing him of being a ‘mohareb (fighter against God') and of
          receiving and distributing leaflets and statements by exiled
          opposition groups and of helping to organise the April 2000 BerlIn
          reform conference, which was considered subversive. He was freed
          on bail on 16 November and on 13 January 2001 was sentenced to
          nine years in prison. He remained free until 25 August, when he was
          sentenced on appeal to a reduced sentence of eight years.
          Emadoldin Baghi, of the daily Fath, was arrested on 29 May 2000
          aifier a hearing before the press court. On 17 July that year he was
          sentenced to five years In prison for ‘undermining national security'
          and ‘spreading false news in a September 1999 editorial in the
          daily paper Neshat In which he advocated a modern approach by
          Islam to the death penalty. The Revolutionary Guards (Pasdaran)
          and former intelligence minister Au Fallahian had flied complaints
          against him. His sentence was cut to three years by an appeals
          court on 23 October 2000.
          Hassan Yussef] Eshkevari, a theologian and contributor to the
          monthly Iran- -Farda, was arrested on 5 August 2000 and sent to
          Teheran's Evin prison aifier his home had been searched. He had
          gone to Europe in April to attend the Berlin conference and get
          treatment for his diabetes.
          At his trial, held In secret before the special religious court from 7 to
          15 October that year, he was accused of subverting national
          security, defaming the authorities, undermining the reputation of
          the clergy and of beIng a mohareb (‘fighter against God). On 12
          October 2002, he was called before the court and told he had been
          sentenced to seven years in prison - four years for saying that
          wearing the veil and other Islamic dress codes for women had
          cultural and historic roots in Iran and were not a necessity for Islam,
          one year for attending the Berlin conference and two years for
          “spreading false news.”
          All Failah and Babak Ghani-Pour, of the magazine Arman, published
          at the University of Yazd, were arrested on 25 June 2001 allegedly
          aifier “complaints by several cultural and Islamic associations” at the
          university and sentenced respectively to five and three years in
          Behrooz Gheranpayeh, head of the National Institute of Public
          Opinion and a journalist with the daily Nowrooz, was arrested on 16
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          October 2002 and sent to Evin prison, accused of spying and
          collaborating with the Mujahideen exiled armed opposition.
          Hossein Ghazian, one of the directors of the Ayandeh public opinion
          institute and a journalist with the daily Nowrooz, was arrested on 31
          October and sent to Evin prison.
          Abbas Abdi, another Ayandeh director, ex-editor of the daily Salam
          and former staL member of many reformist newspapers, was
          arrested at his home on 4 November. Press court Judge Said
          Mortazavi accused Ayandeh of receiving money from the US polling
          firm Gallup “or from a foreign embassy.
          The three arrests came after the 22 September publication by the
          official news agency IRNA of a poll by Ayandeh and the National
          InstItute of Public Opinion showing 74.4% of Iranians favouring a
          resumption of ties with the United States. In October, Judge
          Mortazavi summoned severai newspaper publishers and ordered
          them not to write about the poii.
          Ali-Reza Jabarl, a translator and freelance contributor to several
          independent newspapers, inciuding Adineh, was arrested at his
          office In Teheran on 28 December by non-uniformed individuais,
          who took him to his home, searched It and seized videotapes, books
          and his computer hard-drive. The next day, his wife went to Adareh
          Amaken, a city police department considered close to the
          intelligence services and which had summoned many journailsts for
          questioning In previous weeks. She was toid nobody by the name of
          her husband had been arrested. She was given the same answer at
          the centrai police station.
          An interview with Jabarl was published on 25 December in a
          Persian-ianguage newspaper In Canada, Charvand, in which he said
          the country's hardline spiritual leader, Ayatoilah Au Khamenei,
          Supreme Guide of the Islamic Republic, wanted the crisis in Iran to
          get worse. Jabari, a member of the Iranian Writers Association, has
          translated many Iranian works, some of them banned, into Engiish.
          Severai journalists were freed during 2002, some after several
          months In prison and other aifier more than two years.
          Issa Khandan, editor of the social aLairs pages in the daily papers
          Khordad and Fath, were freed on bail on 29 January. He had been
          arrested on 10 November 2001.
          Ezatollah Sahabi, managing editor of the monthiy Ira n- -Farda, was
          freed on bail of two billion riais (about 300,000 euros) on 2 March.
          He had been arrested on 26 June 2000 by order of the Teheran
          revolutionary court after taking part in the Berlin conference. He
          was freed on bail on 21 August but arrested again on 17 December,
          this time accused of making “propaganda against the regime” in a
          speech the previous month at Teheran's Amir-Kabir Technical
          University. He was sentenced to four and half years In prison on 13
          January 2001. In December that year, this was cut to six months
          but he was kept in prison. At the end of 2002, he was waiting for
          the resuit of his appeal.
          Abbas Daivand, editor of the magazine Lorestan, was freed on bail
          on 10 March but in mid-May was given a six-month suspended jail
          sentence and the magazine was banned for a year for pubilshing
          insults and false statements” about several state institutions. He
          had been arrested on 6 January 2002.
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          Hoda Saber, one of the editors of the banned magazine Iran--
          Farda, was freed on bail of 1.3 billion rials (about 195,000 euros) on
          12 March. He had been jailed on 28 January 2001 and tried
          (conducting his own defence) between 4 and 6 March 2002. By the
          end of the year, the verdict had not been announced.
          Heshmatoliah Tabarzadl, editor of Hovlat-&Khish and Peyam--
          Daneshjou and a student leader, was freed on 27 March. He had
          been arrested on 19 January aifier appearing before the
          revolutionary court and had been picked up several times In the
          previous three years.
          Taghi R.ahmani, of the weekly OmId- -Zangan, was freed on 16 April
          after more than a year In prison. He had been arrested on 11 March
          2001 during a raid on the home of Mohammad Bastehnaghar - a
          progressive opposition leader and journalist with Asr- -Azadegan -
          where about 30 people were meeting.
          Fazioiiah Salavati, editor of the Ispahan weekly Navid- -Esfahan,
          was freed on bali on 17 AprIl. He had been arrested on 7 AprIl 2001
          with about 40 other people close to the moderate Islamist party, the
          Movement for the Liberation of Iran, which had been banned a
          month earlier, and accused of collaborating with counter-
          revolutionary groups.
          Ahmad Gabel, of Hayat- -No, was freed on 6 May. He had been
          arrested on 31 December 2001 by order of the religious court. He
          wrote comment articles In many reformist publications and regularly
          gave interviews to foreign radio stations. He was very critical of the
          hardiiners, especiaily of Au Khamenei, Supreme Guide of the Islamic
          Reza Tehrani, editor of the magazine Klan, was freed on ball on 5
          July. He had been arrested on 7 April 2001 with some 40 other
          people close to the moderate Islamist party, the Movement for the
          Liberation of Iran, which had been banned in March, and accused of
          collaborating with counter-revolutionary groups.
          Abdoilah Noon, managing editor of the daily Khordad, was
          amnestied on 4 November. He had been arrested on 27 November
          1999 and sentenced by the religious court to five years In prison and
          fined 15 million rlais (about 2,250 euros) for 15 oLences, Including
          ‘anti-reiigious propaganda, insulting Ayatollah Khomeini,
          ‘undermining public opinion and having links with the United
          States.' The paper was ordered closed.
          Hamid Jafari-Nasrabadi (editor) and Mahmud Mojdayi (reporter) of
          the student magazine Kavir, were freed in early December. They
          had been jailed in Teheran on 9 May 2001 aifier being questioned for
          several hours by a judge of the press court about an article
          considered ‘blasphemous and written in “an indecent style.” The
          paper had been suspended.
          Slamak Pourzand, who was oifien heard on US-based opposition
          radio stations, was freed In early December. He was aiso head of the
          Majmue-ye Farrhangi-ye Honari-ye Tehran cultural centre In
          Teheran where he invited artists, lnteiiectuais and writers. lie had
          been arrested on 24 November 2001. Pourzand, who wrote articles
          very critical of the Isiamist regime, was sentenced to 11 years in
          prison in early May 2002 for ‘undermining state security” and
          having links with monarchists and counter-revoiutionarles.” The
          court said it had taken into account his confession of gulit. lie had
          admitted all the charges and said he did not have to defend himself.
          His family said they were worried that psychoiogicai pressure while
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          in prison had forced him to confess. The daily paper Rissalat
          reported on 18 June that the Teheran appeals court had upheld his
          Four journalists physically attacked
          Three journalists were beaten by Islamic extremists 22 November
          2002 while reporting on a rally of 5,000 people marking the killing
          of a group of intellectuals and regime opponents at the end of 1998.
          Several hundred extremists punched and hit people with sticks
          without police Intervening.
          Latif Safari, managing editor of the banned newspaper Neshat, was
          injured on 10 June during a fight provoked by Islamic extremists
          who attacked a meeting of Islamic reformers in a mosque in the
          western town of Kermanshah. Safari had been due to speak.
          Pressure and obstruction
          Legal officials suspended the film weekly Cinema Jahan on 24
          January 2002 aifier a complaint from Teheran province legal
          authorities. Judge Said Mortazavi, head of Court 1410, known as the
          press court, accused the weekly's editor of publishing lies that stir
          up the public and create tension and insecurity in the media,” and
          violate decorum,! as well as “misusing the image of women.
          Another film publication, the monthly Gozaresh- -Fllm, was
          suspended on 27 January for printing untrue articles and ‘obscene
          photos. A few months earlier, the head of the Teheran judiciary,
          Abassali Alizadeh, publicly accused its publisher, Karim Zargar, of
          being a “counter-revolutionary.” A week before the suspension, Its
          editor, Nushabeh Amiri, received phone threats from Adareh
          Amaken, a Teheran police department dealing with mora1ity !
          offences and close to the intelligence services. The monthly was
          indefinitely suspended in June. Legal officials suspended the film
          monthly Cinema-ta'atre on 29 January for printing articles
          considered untrue and photos considered obscene.
          The suspension of the three film publications was llified on 30
          January aifier they wrote to the judiciary and deputy culture minister
          Mohammad Hassan Pezeshk. A group of liberal intellectuals,
          Including several journalists and lawyers of Imprisoned journalists,
          were summoned In mid-February by the Teheran police department
          Adareh Amaken. Reformist member of parliament AIi-Asghar
          Hadizadeh said they were “interrogated about their past and their
          political and religious views and were insulted.” Among the
          journalists were Firooz Guran, publisher of the magazine Jameh-&
          Salem, Nushabeh Amiri, Hoshang Asadi and Peyam Afsalinejad, of
          Gozaresh-&Fiirn, and Au Dehbashi, publisher of the newspaper Kilk
          and publisher of Bokhara.
          Press court Judge Said Mortazavi suspended the hardline daily
          Siyassat- -Rooz for two months on 24 February. The reason was not
          The Teheran appeals court confirmed on 6 March the closure of the
          reformist weekly Asr-&Ma (which had been suspended in December
          2001) and reduced the prison sentence of its publisher, Mohammad
          Salamati, from 26 to 17 months, He had been convicted of
          spreading a rumour In December 2000 about a bid to sack President
          Mohammad Khatami.
          Said Afzar, of the reformist daily Iran, was summoned by the press
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          court on 16 April in relation to an article considered ‘Insulting to
          religion. He was freed a few hours later.
          Also on 16 April, the court in the northwestern city of Tabriz banned
          the regionai weekly Chams-&Tabriz and sentenced its publisher Au-
          Hamed Iman to seven months in prison and 74 lashes for ‘insuiting
          religion. He remained free however. He was accused of printing
          false news,' trying to stir up inter-ethnic discord” and insuiting
          religion, the ieaders of the regime and the Prophet.
          Ahmad Zeid-Abadi, of the reformist daiiy Hamshahri and the
          monthly Iran- -Farda, was sentenced by the press court on 17 April
          to 23 months in prison and banned from social and public activity
          for five years for propaganda against the Isiamic regime and its
          institutions.' It accused him of making “provocative statements that
          threaten national security.” He had gone against official government
          policy and defended President Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian
          Authority and condemned Paiestlnian suicide bombers. He appealed
          against the verdict and remained free. The film magazine Honar-&
          Haftom was suspended by a committee of the Islamic guidance
          ministry on 22 April for pubiishing articles and photos that did not
          meet with approval.
          Mostafa Kavakebian, managing editor of the reformist daiiy
          Mardornashari, was summoned by legal offlciais on 27 April.
          Jalal Jalaii, of the weekly Sirvan, in the IKurdistan town of Sanandej,
          was summoned by the revoiutionary court on 28 April.
          Several muilahs in the hoiy city of Qom called on 29 April for the
          punishment of Abdollah Nasseri Taheri, managing editor of the
          newspaper Iran, the organ of President Khatami's government. They
          urged that the verdict of God be appiied, which could be
          interpreted as the death penaity.
          The court in Qom sentenced Hojat Heydari, of the weekly Payam-e-
          Qom, to four months in prison and a six-month ban on working as a
          journalist on 1 May for aliegedly insulting the ideals of the Isiamlc
          revolution and putting out false news.” The sentence was
          suspended for two years on condition that he was not convicted
          again of such offences during the period. The court said the
          offending articles, about corruption in Qom, intended to promote
          “immorality and corruption” in a city whose inhabitants were
          ‘fervent beiievers well-known for their devotion to religious values.'
          Heydari appeaied against the verdict.
          The independent daily Bonyan was suspended ‘until further notIce
          on 4 May for “many repeated oLences and for using the titie and
          logo of a weekly of the same name. Many banned journalists,
          including Ahmad Zeid-Abadi, had written for the paper, which was
          popular among university students and a piace of discussion for
          reformers because of its criticism of the regimes hardliners.
          Also on 4 May, the daily paper Iran was suspended for insulting the
          sacred values of Islam and “putting out false news in an articie
          about a book by Tuka Maleki about Iranian women musicians, which
          said the Prophet Mohammed used to enjoy listening to music sung
          and played by women. The article outraged the clergy. Its author,
          Banafsheh Samgis, had appeared before a court on 1 May. The day
          aifier the suspension, In response to much criticism, the head of the
          judiciary, Ayatollah Mahmud Sharudi, cancelied it. But the paper
          was still facing prosecution in connection with nearly 100 formal
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          Mohsen Mirdamadi, managing editor of the reformist daily Nowrooz,
          was sentenced by the press court in Teheran on 8 May to six months
          in prison, banned for four years from publishing anything or ‘holding
          a management position in the press” and fined two billion rials
          (about 300,000 euros). Mirdamadi, who is also chairman of
          parliament's national security committee, was convicted on the basis
          of 200 formal complaints that included “insulting senior figures,”
          “publishing lies” and “undermining national security.” He appealed
          against the verdict and remained free. Nowrooz, organ of the
          country's main reformist party, was also suspended for six months
          but appeared normally the next day. The sentences were confirmed
          on 24 July and the paper was then closed.
          Issa Sahakhis, publisher of the monthly Aifiab, was summoned by
          the press court on 23 May.
          On 25 May, legal officials banned publication of articles about
          relations between Iran and the United States aifier Nowrooz said
          informal contacts had been made between top Iranian and US
          offficials in Nicosia or Ankara in previous months. The question of
          relations with the US had split the Iranian regime, against a
          backcloth of the US fight against terrorism in the region, but the
          authorities decreed that simply mentioning the subject was an
          ‘offence” and “against national interests.” Some reformers were
          indignant about the illegality of the ban. Mirdamadi said any talks
          going on between Iran and the US should be held “in the open” and
          not secretly.
          Davud Allah-Verdinik, publisher of the daily paper Ruzdara, in the
          southeastern region of Zahedan, was sentenced on appeal on 6 June
          to three months in prison for libel and the suspension of the paper
          was confirmed, He remained free. Nushabeh Amiri and Hoshang
          Asadi, of Gozaresh- -Film, were interrogated for more than eight
          hours on 26 June, mainly about imprisoned journalist Siamak
          The publishers of Hemat, the local council's magazine In the
          northwestern town of Mashhad, appeared before the local court on 6
          July accused of publishing “untrue articles” and a photo of Reza
          Shah, father of the last Shah.
          The press court suspended the daily Azad on 11 July as it was about
          to print a report about the resignation of Ayatollah )alaleddin Taheri,
          prayer-leader of Ispahan. The move came a day aifier the country's
          Supreme National Security Council had forbidden the media to
          publish anything either favourable or hostile to the ayatollah, hours
          aifier publication in the reformist press of an open letter from him
          which caused uproar amongst conservatives.
          In the letter, he announced his resignation in protest against what
          he called the “chaotic situation” in Iran, marked by “disappointment,
          unemployment, inflation, daily price rises, a terrible gap between
          rich and poor, a sick economy, corrupt bureaucracy, bribery,
          embezzlement, growing drug use, official incompetence and weak
          political structures.”
          Deputy culture minister Shahan Shahidi-Moadab called on other
          publications to obey the censorship order. However, several
          conservative papers that commented on Taheri's resignation were
          not suspended. The 12 July issue of Nowruz, which had intended to
          comment on the letter, published censored articles. Mashallah
          Shamsolvaezin, spokesman for Iran's Press Freedom Association,
          said the announcements of the Supreme National Security Council's
          secretariat were “Illegal.”
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          In mid-July, Alireza Farahmand, of Neshat and Toos, Iraj Jamshidi,
          editor of Eghtesad- -Asla, Esmali Jamshidl, publisher of the
          magazine Gardon, Nushabeh Amiri and Hoshang Asadi, of Gozaresh-
          &Fiim, were interrogated by the Adareh Amaken police section
          about their supposed ties with what the regime called ‘the
          subversive cultural front' that Imprisoned journalist Slamak
          Pourzand was accused of belonging to.
          Mah-Jabin Abutorabi, publisher of the weekly Aref, decided on 4
          August to close aifier receiving warnings from officials not to write
          any more about the suspension of Nowrooz. I closed down to avoid
          going to prison,” she said, adding that she feared prosecution.
          Legal officials Issued an arrest warrant on 5 August for pro-reform
          journalist Massood Behnood, a contributor to Adineh, Neshat and
          Asr- -Azadegan, who had been imprisoned between August and
          December 2000 for undermining national security,' ‘helping foreign
          media” and ‘insulting the supreme Guide,' Ayatollah Au Khamenei.
          On 10 September 2001, the appeals court upheld his sentence of 19
          months in prIson. Behnood was in exile abroad.
          The Teheran revolutionary court filed a complaint on 7 August
          against the official news agency IRNA for illegally” publishing a
          statement by the opposition Movement for the Liberation of Iran
          which it said should never have been printed because the sentences
          passed on the party and its members were not definitive. The court
          had banned the party at the end of )uly and sentenced 33 of its
          members to prison terms. On 3 August, the party called the
          convictions ‘unexpected and extraordinary.”
          The press court suspended the reformist daily Ayineh-&Jonub on 8
          August, a week aifier It had first appeared. Its publisher, Mohammad
          Dadfar, had just been sentenced to three months in prison for
          making “propaganda against the regime.” Also on 8 August, legal
          officials ordered the suspension of the reformist daily Rooz- -No
          because It had a similar name to Nowrooz, which had been closed
          the previous month. However the paper had obtained permission to
          publish and was about to do so the following week. Press court
          president Judge Said Mortazavi said publication could not be allowed
          until the six-month suspension of Nowrooz had ended.
          Legal oLlcials shut down the reformist daily Bamdad-4-No (which
          had been suspended in April 2000) indefinitely on 15 August.
          The weekly Hadis- -Gazvin was suspended on 21 August aifier a
          complaint filed by the prosecutor in the northern province of Gazvin.
          Publisher Naghi Afshari had been arrested and jailed In January
          2001 for “criticising the judiciary” and publishing an “insulting”
          cartoon about It.
          The reformist daily Gozarech-&Rooz (suspended in April 2000) was
          closed indefinitely on 26 August and publisher Mohammed Mahdavi
          was sentenced to 25 months in prison, though he remained free.
          The provincial weekly Nameh Gazvin was suspended by the Gazvln
          court on 28 August for publishing Insults and false statements.”
          Leila Farhatpour, head of the literary and arts section of the
          publications Toos and Asr-&-Azadegan, was summoned on 2 and 5
          September by the Adareh Amaken police department.
          The reformist daily Goiestan- -Iran was suspended on 15
          September for publishing articles that were “false and opposed to
          http:J/www.rsf.or.g/articie .php3?id_ rtic!e=6688 6/23/2004
          Reporters sans fronti res - Iran - 2003 Annual report Page 10 of 11
          the Islamic regime” and the reformist weekly Vagat was suspended
          for publishing depraved pictures and “morally offensivel articles.
          Absali Aiizadeh, the head of the judiciary In Teheran, had filed a
          complaint against Vagat.
          Fatemeh Govaral, of Omld- -Zangan and Peyam Ajar, was
          summoned on 29 September by sectIon 26 of the revolutionary
          court for “undermInIng national securIty.”
          Abdoliah Nasserl, head of the official news agency IRNA, was
          summoned by legal officials on 30 September aifier the agency
          published the results of a public opinion poll showing strong support
          for a resumption of talks between Iran and the US, The poll
          outraged regime hardllners.
          On 8 October, CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour was refused a
          visa to enter the country while accompanying British foreign
          secretary Jack Straw on a tour of the region. On her last visit to Iran
          In February 2000, she had done a report about Iranian youth which
          had displeased the regime, which sometimes refuses visas to foreign
          journalists on such grounds. CNN is received In Iran by satellite
          dishes. Issa Khandan, editor of the social affairs pages on the daily
          papers Khordad and Fath, was summoned by the revolutionary court
          on 10 October for questioning about subversive activities.”
          Fatemeh Kamali, publisher of the weekly Jamee- -No and wife of
          journalist Emadoldin Baghi (imprisoned since May 2000), was
          interrogated on 21 October by the press court, along with Ezatoilah
          Sahabi, publisher of the newspaper Ira n- -Farda.
          Also on 21 October, Reza Aiijani, editor of the monthly Iran-&-Farda
          and winner of the 2001 Reporters Without Borders - Fondation de
          France Prize, was summoned by the Teheran revolutionary court,
          the first time he had been questioned since being released from
          prison on bail on 16 December 2001. He had been arrested by
          security agents on 24 February 2001. His trial for “collaborating with
          counter-revolutionaries from abroad” ended on 2 November 2002,
          but by the end of the year, the verdict had not been announced.
          The twice-weekly paper Veiayat- -Gazvin was suspended on 27
          Narghues Mohamadi, of Peyam Ajar, was summoned by the Teheran
          revolutionary court on 4 November accused of “disturbing public
          The minister of culture and Islamic guidance banned the media on 6
          November from publishing any advertisements for American
          Mohammad Hosssein Khoshvaght, head of the press and foreign
          journalists department at the ministry of culture and Islamic
          guidance, said on 11 November that US journalists would henceforth
          be fingerprinted when they entered the country, in reprisal for
          “American ill-treatment of Iranian citizens,”
          Legal officials in Gazvin suspended the weekly Nameh Gazvin for
          three months on 21 November “for inciting young people to
          Immorality and indecency.” It was also found guilty of “undermining
          revolutionary spirit” and fined three million rials (about 450 euros).
          Amin Bozorgian, editor of Goiestan-&Iran, was kidnapped by
          strangers on 26 November. He was freed on 1 December.
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          Reporters sans fronti res - Iran - 2003 Annual report Page 11 of 11
          The weekly Hadis-&Gazvin was banned for f9ve months at the end
          of November (though It had not appeared for a year) and fined 7
          million rials (about 1,050 euros).
          Legai oLicials conflrrned on 24 December the suspension of the
          reformist daily Aftab- -Emrooz (suspended In April 2000). The
          reformist weekly Shams- -Tabriz, In the northwestern city of Tabrlz,
          was shut down indefinitely and Its publisher, Ali-Hamed Iman, given
          on appeal a suspended two-year prison sentence and ordered to
          receive 74 lashes. He remained free.
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