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Iran doctors call strike over colleague’s execution

          F tjp
          • Thc official guide
          to the ”Supréme
          Soviet, page 14
          J/'Iedical staffs challenge revolutionary courts after firing squad ‘murder
          Iran doctors call strike over colleague's exect tion I
          Front Robert flsk Jà%% er eud an appe The t.ia series of purges and executions, fiom provmcia! education de sslnch coriupe our )nhItJi a d
          Tehran, July 1 like many held in Iran eve the lesson has ‘clearly not y,t pan manfl ‘in hP north “Thhthn ruIn them . these devils .
          Iranian doctors ‘cha1leng day. in secreL gone home. ‘.‘ -• ‘ “resjd , this morning, the ‘these corrupt strata , .
          the COuntiy ' religious leaders While anxious to preserve In the past ‘three d vs aTone ‘ ayatollah questioned the moraj everywhere, in universities as
          today by calling a one-day thgir aJ onymity, most -,doctor. a total of 1,637 employees fl' jtw of Government employees. ‘‘svell as other places .
          nati naj strike in hospitals interviewed n Tehr n today C vernment mmistrios univcr ” ' Some flhifliS rje5 are very The Ayatollah's advi e ' h ,
          and clinics to protest at the seemed determined to go ahead SiflOs and regional education bad ‘. ‘he said, “I do' not want been foflowed in sev ; 'i1 st
          sumniaiy ‘execution of a with their strike They will look departme 5 have lost their ilame them but if the rele- instittitions total f'
          colleague in the southern city after emerg nc'v admission5 In a' purge by revolutjona - vant ministers have heard what ‘teachers s udentç and e
          of AhwnL tomorrow but' ii1 otherwise Cotnmirtees, ‘ . said about ‘their mini ries, ‘eers have' os their ob in
          In spire of an omiliotia rn• rcfuse to work. . ‘ . In the last 24 hours,'women they should correct things, days ;“hlle th
          tng from nip F eaJth Ministry /Iedical sra,f in the city of ssorl i, for the Iran an Minis jin15fl -tes should ztt be ‘nistry purg 435
          ‘that doc rs GA s tke will be Shiras are. said to be Suppo ing , t or Defence were aho ordei'e4 Centres of prostitution' Unjver. ran university Eas fired 6
          dismissed “and handed' over to the strike caB whidi,if fuifjil d to wear Ir!aniic clo?hjnz” Should zio be ctntres of rnei ihers of s
          the appropriate legal author tomorrow; will constitute the the Armed F rccs'Rev urta,ia ‘:‘thev' m s be ‘ ) Qt'jn alone 1o
          nes “. methcal s ff at Tchtan S. ‘first or anized opposzti .ii to the Court toda - rorbade' s%cmtii who centres of eds c tjon and train. neople hav lost their' io s
          largest hospi ls were svearmg res'olutjonary courts svh ch have' were dressed “improperly” ‘jflo “ . ‘ ‘ • • ‘ •‘ ‘ he i ii . LA
          b 1 ack aimbanJs An eight ordered the executions of well Item enter ing military bases oc e epartinclit
          point demand that • ‘ those over 1.000 men • and woman ‘ “The limit of Islamic cloth- , a ato 1 a S P O ion n. t ,e u is of
          responsible for the murd 5 r” since the revolution last ‘sear ing the court ‘innounced I C U . ,u a Le'w 01 iS fl W t e D'i,iai air, %SI)ICO is not
          of the dtctor in athssat be T'se photocopied strike call ‘ concirs of a l oser ,ami iar api 'or1 rns learne recogniscu u conc Ittrnon
          brought to justice, i s pinned posted ‘in hnspital gives a :‘Co t with long' sleeves, trouse . flssAo is it C eons •Ism A particularl). unpleasant a
          to doors and noticeboards. warning that if th authorities • and scarf “ ‘ ar. erous t an or pect of the purges, for
          • D Esmacl Nari jsa was put do not meet their demands, Throug o this period,”Aya.tmafl.,, J an.. Ignn arnus who l s choir jobs, is that
          before a firing squad four days doctors 1l1,not he ‘responsible Tollah Khome ini ‘has increased' tae coriup ion s learneA In annie cases, employees also
          go after being declared guilty for what happans afcerwards the volume of his own' demand Ofl 10 tin. , Ut. 1 lose ‘their pefl Dfl rights an4
          Of Conspiring to free pi'isnnej'a anobvjnus warning that a work for further purges in Govern '' ati is corrupt, n corrupt back pay when they are deemed
          end of •.promoting violence sroppage ould be made inde. ment and education j esrabli . , ‘ ‘e W [ 1O e s erL , , toháve been cunerret .o lutioq
          dutin riots at the local uflivcr finite ment and today he went so far Unisersities i the Ayatollab ary Other groups, howeser
          sity in. April. ‘ HGweyer, if . the . doctors' as to' SUggeSt that p sritutes ‘ gain, “mu ‘be purified of rn are allowed to keep t eir ‘pea.
          The revolut'onary court stiike z a warning to the pre worked in some Tehran dividuals who are trying to sions because of “spec
          l?eforg sshich he appeared sent regime chat it ho.uld pio -, , mirni.ti-ies pervert our youth. Our offices need”
          refused Dr Narimisa a defence ceed noiurther wrth ItS raithle Speaking to civil sei-sanU ‘must be cleansed of things Shah's bealth, page
          ‘ ‘-- — ‘ “ ‘. ‘-‘ , , : ‘
          } ‘ “ ‘ ,

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