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Iran Sentences Employee of British Embassy

          Iran Seitences Ençloyee of Brifish Embassy - NYTiims ,com 1ttp://www ,r tlmes.coni'2OO9/1O/3O/wor1dJmldd1eeast/3Oiran1tm1?_r—...
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          TilE NEW1tJfIJ(ER
          October 30, 2009
          Iran Sentences Employee of British Embassy
          fomenting violence during the unrest.
          and legitimate duties.”
          entire diplomatic community in Iran.”
          Nazila Fathi reported from Toronto and Alan Cowell from Paris.
          Copyright 2009 The New York Times Company
          thin this week sentenced an Iranian employee of the British Embassy in Tehran, who was arrested after
          protests broke out over the country's disputed elections in June, to four years in prison on charges of
          In a statement, the embassy denounced the sentence of Hossein Rassam, a political analyst at the embassy .
          calling it “deeply concerning” and a sign of “further harassment of embassy staff for going about normal
          The statement added that though the sentence could be appealed, it was considered “an attack against the
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