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Iran takes further step to theocracy; 9 Kurds executed
5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Sep 14, 1979; Section: None; Page: 8 Draft constitution invests supreme powers in Khomeini Iran takes further 1ëjj to theocracy From Liz Thurgood in Tehran iran has taken another step tow rds a Government of theo- logians by investing supreme religious 1 and by implication political, authority in Ayatollah Khomeini., The decision, contained in article five of the country 's draft Constitution, was announced yesterday Of the 65 council memhers present, only eight opposed the move and tour abstained. The article paved the way for legalisiug the position of Ayaioilah Khomeini as inn's Bead of SValt , Should the lion Sa lt vacant, a council of - - - C - - NINE more people were cxc- euted in Jran yesterday, for olfences —Including heroin smuggling and sodomy the executions took place In cen- tral Hamedam Province, the North-eastern town of Gone bad-Kavus, the •Kurdlsh city of Sanandaj, aM L b 1 .. tan of Baneh.—Reuter , )imit on the pDsition has been set. Article five, as stated: “Dur- ing the absence of Imarn Mehcti. the command and ret- gious Leadership of the Islamic republic of Iran ‘will be entrusted to r—lTJst. enligh- tened. courageous. arid wise man who has been recognised and. accepted by the majority of the peopLe. “In cases where one person does not (command) such a majority, a council of qualified jurisprudents fulfilling the above conditions will be formed. The members of the council will be determined by law.” _______ According to an expert of Islamic law: “Article five gives the country's leader supreme religious authority and virtually uncontested sup port in dealing with State m M- ters.” Another dcscrib.ed the position as “unprecedented in the Shi'it.e Moslem religious hierarchy.” clergymen would be authorised to take over. archive.guardian.co.uk/.../getFiles.asp?... 1/2
5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article The announcement supported The new position has drawn recent leaks from the Council little erifteism. Only Mr Rarna- of Experts (Maj1is-e4Chebpe tollah Moghaddam-Maraghaic, gan), that supreme power In one of 18 secular experts has Iran would be invested not in pointed out the possible pit'faHs. a President or Prime Minister, “How can we be sure in the but in a higher body of theolo- future that we will have a glans. National sovereignty was leader like Imam Khomeini? ” also expected to be switched from the people to Allah. dra- matiea].lv lowering the status of the Iranian Parliament as a legislatory body. The new post (Vetayat-e- Fa liih), was seen as an Inte- gral part of the Shi'ite Moslem faith embraced by the majority of Iran 's 35 million people , The original copy of the 151- The Velayat-e-Fagblh is not an articled, draft constitution, re- elected pobitlon — the leader leased In Junc, contained no emerges through a national mention of y e s t e r d a y ‘s network of mosques and theo- announcement. The Imam logical schools — and no time Mehdl, revered as the bidden Imam (leader), disappeared at the age of seven in the early part of the ninth century. It is believed that he will return in the last days of the world as a saviour-like flgure. On paper, the Velayat-e- Faghih gives the country's leader absolute powers, more wide-ranging th*n the Shah's. were. But in practice. much w i n depend on the will of Iranians to make the new system work democratically. archive.guardian.co.uk/.../getFiles.asp?... 2/2