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Iran: Violent search of women activists’ home and seizure of their property

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          Payvand's Iran News
          02/04/09 C SHARE
          Iran: Violent Search of Women Activists' Home and Seizure of
          Their Property
          Change forEgua//ty , Tehran: February 3, 2009: Security Officials from the Special Security Branch
          of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Revolutionary Courts stormed the home of imprisoned
          Campaign member and Women's rights activist Nafiseh Azad and seized her personal property as
          Well as the property of her housemates. During this search and seizure operation officials violently
          beat Elnaz Ansari, another member of the Campaign and Nafiseh's housemate and beat and
          handcuffed Vahid Maleki (Nafiseh's husband).
          Nafiseh is a graduate student and lives With
          Elnaz Ansari and Aida Saadat, her two
          housemates in Tehran. Her husband has come
          to Tehran from Isfahan to follow the case of his
          wife, who was imprisoned on Friday January
          30, 2009, while collecting signatures in support
          of the Campaign's petition. During this violent
          search and seizure operation, three officials
          from the Revolutionary Courts confiscated
          Nafiseh Azad's personal property as well as
          the lap top of Elnaz Ansari and documents
          belonging to Aida Saadat.
          Elnaz Ansari's objections to the security
          officials with respect to the search of her
          property and seizure of her laptop computer resulted in violence. Security officials lbrcefi.illy took
          these items from Elnaz. Mr. Maleki, who attempted to prevent the beating of Elnaz Ansari by the
          security officials, was beaten as well and then handcuflëd for the remainder of the time, while
          security agents continued with their violent search and seizure of Azad's home.
          It is important to note that the court order allowing for the search of the premises and the seizure of
          property explicitly stated that only property belonging to Naflseh Azad and in relation to the
          Campaign should be searched and seized. The property that was seized in direct violation of this
          court order included a large quantity of films, books, personal notebooks, and work related papers
          of Naflseh's housemates, as well as Elnaz Ansari's laptop computer.
          Elan Ansari explains the events as follows: “When the officials came to our house, I explained that
          Aida and I were housemates with Nafiseh. Because the court order allowed them to only search
          Nafiseh's property, Vahid, Nafiseh's husband, took the officials to Nafiseh's room and identified her
          property. While the search was taking place I got a phone call on my mobile phone, which I
          answered. One of the security officers demanded that I hang up the phone, and when I refused, he
          threatened me, lurched towards me and attacked me. Vahid Maleki intervened to try to prevent the
          security official from beating me. As a result he too was beaten and then handcuffed.”
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          Elnaz continued by explaining that: “the security officials then confiscated my mobile phone by
          force and violence and then my laptop while beating me. Despite my insistence that the laptop
          belonged to me and despite the fact that I showed them that the documents in the laptop were in
          fact in my name, they still confiscated my laptop. I kept insisting that neither my name nor Aida's
          name had been mentioned in the court order. So, I kept asking for a court order for the search of my
          belonging and the seizure of my property. Nafiseh's husband had also gone to great lengths on the
          way over to our home to explain our living situation. In respense the security officials had promised
          him that they would only search Nafiseh's belongings and that they would not seize any property.
          While confiscating my property as well as Aida's the security officials continued beating Nafiseh
          Azad's husband, despite the fact that he had been handcuffed.”
          She explains further: “the security officials ransacked our home, all the while cursing, and insulting
          us. They took DVDs, CDs, handwritten documents which I was typing as part of a project unrelated
          to the Campaign, and they took bags belonging to Nafiseh, Aida and myself. All this occurred
          despite the fact that the court order explicitly stated that they should only take documents related
          to Campaign and belonging to Naflseh Azad.”
          Nafiseh Azad was arrested while collecting signatures in support of the Campaign's petition along
          with two other members of the Campaign, on January 30, 2009. While the other two members were
          released within a day on a third party guarantee, the arrest order far Naflseh Azad was extended.
          She is now in detention in Vozara Detention Center and being interrogated, as the investigation into
          her activities in the Campaign and in defense of women's rights continues.
          Psyvsnd News- 02/04/09
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