Aadel Collection

Iranian embassy in Bonn is terror HQ for Europe

          LEVEL 1- 4 OF 44 .STORIES
          Copyright 1996 Deutsche Presse-Agentur
          Deutsche Presse-Agentur
          April 21, 1996, Sunday, BC Cycle
          10:58 Central European Time
          SECTION: International News
          LENGTH: 1174 words AA000 556
          IIEADLINE: Sunday Telegraph: Iranian embassy in Bonn is “terror“ HQ for Europe
          DATELINE: London
          The Sunday Telegraph newspapersaid in London that with Germany‘s “tacit
          approval“, Iran‘s embassy in Bonn had become the headquarters for Iranian
          terrorist Operations ±fl Europe.
          The newspaper, in a front-page story, sourced its story on what it said w
          “srnuggled“ documents from both the office of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl an
          Lrom the anti-espionage authority, the 0ff ice for the Protection of the
          “The documents are conclusive proof that Iran has been allowed to establi
          its European intelligence centre in Bonn with German government connivance, ±
          order to protect Gerrnany‘s lucrative trade ties with Teheran,“ Sunday Telegra
          The newspaper said the documents it used were smuggled out of Germany by
          Iranian resistance group, the “National Council of Resistance of Iran“ (NCRI)
          Sunday Telegraph sa±d western counter-espionage officials had confirmed t
          . ithenticity of the documents.
          The British paper sa±d the Iranian embassy in Bonn “masterminds the murde
          of political opponents, the intimidation of dissidents and the acquisition of
          technology for nuclear and chemical networks“.
          lt said that Iran had “built its terrorist network with the tacit approva
          of German authorities“, the deal for Germany being that Iran confers “special
          trade privileges“ for German companies. The paper pointed out that Germany is
          Iran‘s second-biggest trade partner.
          0W The paper c±ted NCRI member Hussein Abdini as saying, “these documents sh
          categorically that Germany hasturned a blind eye while Iran has built an
          extensive •terrorist.network throughout Europe“.
          Pan The paper also said the information could raise questions anew about the
          Am a± pl ne bom ±ng over Lockerbie in 1988 and whether Bonn had been telling
          e truth about the Lockerbie disaster
          British authoriti s suspect two Libyan agents in the Pan Am bombing, but
          suspicions a out a possible Iranian link to the attack have repeatedly surfac J.
          LEVEL 1 - 5 OF 44 STORIES
          Copyright 1996 Associated Press
          AP WorldStream - German
          April 20, 1996; Saturday 09:15 Eastern Standard Time
          SECTION: National political
          LENGTH: 294 words
          HEADLINE: Deutsche peheimdienste warnen vor Hisbollah—Anschlaegen
          Laut Bericht der ‘‘Bild am Sonntag‘‘
          DATELINE: Bonn
          Der Bundesnachrjchtendienst und das Bundesamt fuer
          Verfassungsschutz w rnen laut einem Bericht der ‘ ‘Bild am Sonntag‘
          ( r Terroranschlaegen der schiitischen Extremistenorganisation
          isbo1lah in Deutschland. Wie die Zeitung am Samstag vorab
          berichtete, stuetzt sich die Warnung auf Funde auf dem iranischen
          Frachter ‘ ‘Iran Kolahdooz‘ ‘, der Mitte Maerz vom belgischen Zoll in
          Antwerpen und spaete 1 r auch in Hamburg kontrolliert worden war.
          Laut ‘ ‘BamS‘ ‘ wurden dabei in einer Kiste, deren Inhalt in den
          Frachtpapieren als G muese fuer einen iranischen Staatsbuerger in
          Muenchen deklariert rar, ein technisch neuartiger Moerser gefunden.
          Dieser koenne zielgenau auf gut 500 Meter Entfernung Panzerglas und
          Schutzwaende durchbr chen. Daraufhin seien saemtliche.
          Sicherheitskonzepte ieberarbeitet und die Vorsichtsmassnahmen
          verschaerft worden, itiert die Zeitung einen ranghohen deutschen
          Sicherheitsexperten. Es sei mit Anschlaegen einer neuen Qualitaet auf
          israelische, amerikanische und deutsche Einrichtungen zu rechnen.
          Auch das Zollkriminalamt in Koeln habe Alarm geschlagen. Sein
          Sprecher Leonhard Bi rl sagte dem Blatt: ‘ ‘Bei der Einfuhr von Waren
          aus sensiblen Laende n wie dem Iran sind die Zollstellen angewiesen,
          C tzt die Ladung besdnders genau nach Waffen und Sprengstoff zu
          LOAD-DATE: April 20, 1996

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