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Iranian Protester Flees After Telling of Torture

          Irardan Protester Flees After Telling of Torture - NYTirnes corn lttp://www .r tirnes.coni'2OO9/O9/27/world/rniddleeast/27iran1trnl?pag...
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          September 27, 2009
          Iranian Protester Flees After Telling of Torture
          By NAZILA FATHI
          When he eagerly joined the mass street protests that followed Iran's tainted June 12 presidential elections,
          Ibrahim Sharifi, 24, hoped only to add his voice to the hundreds of thousands of demonstrators demanding
          that the government nullify the results. He never imagined that he would eventually have a far greater
          impact, as the only person willing to speak publicly about the brutal treatment he was subjected to in
          prison, including rape and torture.
          Mr. Sharifi, who recounted his ordeal to the opposition leader and former presidential candidate Mehdi
          Karroubi , and then released a video account last month on opposition Web sites, is now in Turkey. He said
          he fled Iran after a stranger stopped him on the street to tell him his family would be killed if he testified
          before a parliamentary committee that was investigating the torture and rape accusations.
          “I felt that I was not safe anymore and I could put my family's life in danger, too,” he said in a series of
          telephone interviews, in which he spoke in detail about the protests, his imprisonment and the
          psychological scars he said the abuse had left.
          Since he was dumped by his captors on the side of a Tehran highway, he said, he has been terrified of being
          alone. First, he had trouble sleeping, fearing that the guard who raped him in prison would attack him
          again. Now he is convinced he is being followed by someone who means to kill him.
          “I was ready to be tortured to death,” he said, his voice trembling. “But not ever to go through what
          happened to me there.”
          Mr. Karroubi and another opposition leader and presidential candidate, Mir Hussein Moussavi , have
          vigorously condemned the vicious tactics the security authorities used against the demonstrators, 72 of
          whom they say were killed. Yet, of all the allegations of brutality and abuse that were lodged, none have
          presented such a threat to the government as those involving rape and sodomy, which are culturally and
          religiously unacceptable in Iran.
          The rape allegations were aired publicly by Mr. Karroubi after the victims began coming to his office to
          report the abuses. The allegations — which appeared to reinvigorate the battered opposition — were
          immediately rejected by the government, which then raided the offices of Mr. Karroubi and Mr. Moussavi
          and seized materials. Subsequently, a judicial investigating committee ruled that documents presented as
          evidence of rapes and other abuse were fabricated.
          But the government has been unable to silence the opposition and human rights groups who dismiss the
          government's claims.
          10/30/2009 3:58 PM
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          fraiñan Protester Flees After Telling of Torture - NYTirnes corn lttp://www.r tirnes ,con i '2OO9/O9/27/world /rniddleeast /27iran1trnl?pag ,..
          Human rights groups say that Mr. Sharifi's account conforms closely with those of other abuse victims.
          Omid Memarian, a researcher with Human Rights Watch , said he had confirmed the credibility of Mr.
          Sharifi's story with people close to Mr. Karroubi.
          “His narrative is consistent,” Mr. Memarian said. “He has no reason to risk making up a story like that,
          especially because he also met with judiciary authorities and demanded a thorough investigation.”
          Mr. Sharifi was one of five brothers raised in north Tehran in a middle class family that was religious but
          not fanatically so. His father, a retired military officer, was a supporter of the 1979 revolution and
          participated in the rallies against the shah. His mother wore the traditional head-to-toe chador.
          At Open University in Tehran, Mr. Sharifi studied computer engineering, and Italian at the Italian
          Consulate, the latter in hopes of studying medicine in Italy.
          Not overtly political, he said he wanted more democracy and freedom, but gradually and peacefully. “I
          always told my father that even the 1979 revolution was a mistake, and that my generation did not want
          one,” he said.
          He says everyone in his family favored the reform movement and were shocked when Mr. Ahmadinejad
          announced that he had won in a landslide victory, an outcome that has been denounced as a fraud.
          Mr. Sharifi was outraged, and the only one in his family who began participating in rallies every day. He
          was on his way back home the afternoon of June 22 when he was grabbed by two men. “I had taken part in
          every single protest, so I saw this coming,” he said.
          He said he was handcuffed, blindfolded and, as he later learned, taken to the notorious Kahrizak detention
          center in southwestern Tehran, where even the government concedes that several detainees were killed.
          He said he remained handcuffed and blindfolded for four days in a cramped cell with about 30 other
          They were beaten senseless the first day, he said, and periodically after that over the next four days. Urine
          and blood covered the floor.
          By the fourth day he was beginning to lose hope of getting out alive. He had trouble closing his mouth and
          he said he began vomiting blood.
          “I told the guard that he should go ahead and just kill me if he wanted to,” he said, breaking into tears.
          “Then he called another guard and said ‘Take this bastard and impregnate him.'”
          They took him out of the cell to another room where they pushed him against a wall that had handcuffs and
          two metal hooks to keep his legs open. The guard pulled down his underwear, he said, and began raping
          “He laughed mockingly as he was doing it and said that I could not even defend myself so how did I think
          that I could stage a revolution.
          “They wanted to horrify and intimidate me,” he said, weeping.
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          Irardan Protester Flees After Telling of Torture - NYTirnes corn lttp://www ,r tirnes.con i '2OO9/O9/27/world /rniddleeast /27iran1trnl?pag...
          At that point, Mr. Sharifi said, he passed out. The next thing he remembered was opening his eyes and
          realizing he was in a hospital with one hand cuffed to his bed. Another young man was screaming
          hysterically on a bed next to him.
          He said he heard a doctor tell someone, “Dump him or you'll have the same problem as the other ones,”
          meaning that he would die in custody. Two days later, he said, they put him in a car, took him to a highway
          in Tehran and left him there, blindfolded.
          He immediately went to a psychiatrist who put him on a heavy dose of anxiety medication. Then he went to
          a police station to file a complaint, but the officers advised him to be thankful that he was alive and to try to
          forget about it.
          In time, he decided to go see Mr. Karroubi, having heard that other victims of rape and torture were doing
          so. At first he spoke only about the torture; the rape was too painful and embarrassing to talk about.
          But Mr. Karroubi pressed him, suspecting that he had been sexually assaulted because he began weeping
          and shaking every time he was asked about his last day in prison. Finally, Mr. Sharifi told him.
          Even after his shattering ordeal, Mr. Sharifi, who hopes eventually to get to the United States, refuses to be
          “I think they are following me to kill me,” he said. “But I will not let them force me into silence.”
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