Aadel Collection

Iran’s Constitution to Bar Local Power; Iranian Officials Announce Truce in Kurdish Conflict

          March23, 1979 THE W4SHTNGTON POST
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          Iran s Constitution to Bar Local Power
          y Ronald Koven
          Wfl$hifl tOfl Pogt POre n Service
          March 2 fran s Revolu-
          tianary Council has drafted a eonstitu
          tion providing a strong American
          style president elected by universal
          suffrage but excluding the Mud of
          federal statehood sought by regional
          autonomists such as the rebellious
          This first description of how lran s
          Islamic republic will be organized
          emerged from separate interviews
          with the two officials considered to be
          the closest to Khomeini, There is
          every reason to believe that bath U S-
          educated figures are members of the
          Revolutionary Council, whose mem
          bership is still secret
          In wide ranging interviews, Radio
          Television Director Sadegh Ghotbza
          deh and Deputy Prime Minister Ibra
          hun Yazth, Khomeini's two principal
          aides during his months of exile in
          France, said that the draft will be
          published before popular elections for
          a constituent assexnbly The assembly,
          which will vote on the. proposed con
          stitution, is expected to be elected
          about two months after the March 30
          national referendum on forming an ls
          lamic republic in Iran
          Both men expressed confidence that
          Iranians would approve the formation
          of the ls1a nie republic by more than
          90 pexcent.
          The voters will be given the choice
          of yes or no to the Islamic republic,
          ignoring appeals that they also be al
          lowed to vote to restore the monarchy
          or to establish a secular republic.
          The exact weigbt Moslem religious
          leaders would have in tbe government
          was not c ear Ghotbzadeh said that
          they would have the right to name
          one third of the nine to 15 judges of
          the Supreme Constitutional Court
          The president and the legislature
          would also each name a third, he said
          The coni t would rule on the constitu
          tionality of laws and lower court rul
          ings, he said
          The bond with Moslem religious
          leaders vill make for a “unique” form
          of government, said Yazdi, but he
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          would not elaborate except to reject
          the idea a theocracy
          As bas done consistently in and
          ou e le Ghotbzadeb spoke reas
          suriii 1y of the shared democratic val
          ues of the West and of Islam. Yasdi
          also stressed democracy but took a
          more noticea j Islamic line, speaking
          of such Mosl *i legal concepts as “the
          creation of corruption on earth ”
          Such nuances between the two lea&
          ers seem to indicate that disagree
          xnents still exist at least an the form
          if not the substance of society under
          the Islamic republic.
          “Islam has . its own conception Is
          lam is an ideology of its own,” Ghot
          bzadeh said. He laughingly dismissed
          as impractical such ideas as soldiers
          electing their own officers
          The Islamic movement is deter
          mined, he stressed, to better the lot of
          the poor. He said he understood that
          this emphasis had aroused middle
          class fears because it has a radical
          sound. He insisted, however, that the
          Islamic movement is not out to pre
          vent comfortable existences, but sim
          ply intends to raise the mass of the
          people up to a comparable middle-
          class level. Nevertheless, “unchecked
          profits” and “exti 1 eme luxury” can no
          longer be tolerated, he said.
          The revolution was in part against
          such abuses and also against what the
          great mass of Iramans consider to be
          loose morals and false values, he said
          There is no reason, be said for sec
          ularized people to feel uncomfortable
          in the new Iran as long as they re
          speot sensitivities of the bulk of the
          population. Female television an-
          nouncers will not be allowed to wear
          as much makeup as before, and “they
          won't have the decolletage,” but they
          will not have to wear veils or scarves
          to hide their hair, he said.
          This was a modification of an ear-
          her stand he took that they would
          have to wear scarves, if not full-length
          An unsettled point seems to be the
          future of the Re olutionary Council.
          The .council numbers more than 10
          and fewer than 20 and the majority
          are not clerics, Gliotbzadeh said, He
          did not d y a suggestion that he is
          a meiuber.
          What happens to the coi nciI will
          probably determine the real powers of
          the elected government, As Ghotbza-
          deb explained, the provisional govern
          meat headed by Bazargan under the
          control of the council, which phys b h
          a legislative role by is ig ts truc
          tions to Bazargan and an executive role
          by judging and correcting h the
          directives are carried ouL
          The Bazargan government Is to stay
          In place until the first constitutional
          government is established, Ghotbza-
          deb said He said it is doubthil Bazar-
          gail, 71, would run for president be-
          cause he is “tfred.” Ghotbzadeh, 41,
          hinted broadly last week that he
          might be interested in running for
          president, if it would be the key exec-
          utive position. Today he spoke wist
          fully of taking a long vacation.
          Ghotbzadeh said that all parties
          would be free to r n ndidates and
          that he thought that, at the very least
          there would be a Marxist fielded
          against the Islamic revolutionary
          movement's choice
          Ghotbzadeh depiefted Khomeini as
          being determined to play less of a di
          rest political role and to become once
          again more ef a symbolic moral guide.
          He said Khomeini had been forced to
          intervene recently because there wa
          no one else who could enforce major
          orientatisns like halting summary ex-
          Both Yandi and G iotbzadeh were
          adamant that there would be no au-
          tonomy statute for Kurdistan. There
          is no way for it or other regions to be
          specially represented in the legisla-
          ture, which is to have a single house,
          they said Ghotbzadeh said that it
          might be possible to amend the text,
          after it is published, to provide for a
          regional house But Yazdi said he
          could not cenceive of anything resem
          bling a federal system.
          They both said that the centraL gov-
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          ernment would move to meet the le-
          gitimate grievances of Kurdista and
          other ethnic regions by financing crc
          ation of bilingual schools, hospital
          roads and other facilities and by ap-
          pointing local people in top police and
          provincial administration jobs, mclud
          lug governors general, the chief pro-
          vincial representatives of Iran
          While Ghotbzadeh said the Kurds
          and other groups would “get nothing
          spectacular,” he said the Khomeini
          movement is determined to decentral
          ize and reduce Tehran's role fostered
          by the shah, as a center that sucked
          the region's vitality.
          Religious minorities would continue
          to be represented in the legislature,
          he said, The present tradition of three
          deputies for the meman and Assy-
          nan Christians, one f the Jews Wand
          one for the Zoroastrians would be co-
          dified, he said, Both officials there
          would be no representation for the
          Babais, the most hated sect in the
          country. They both insisted that it is
          not so much a religion as a political
          Iranian Officials Annoiuzce
          Tritce in, KurdIsh Conflict
          Las Angeles Timee
          SAN DAJ, Iran, March 22 An
          uneasy truce broken by sporadic
          gunfire—settled over this capital of
          Iranian Kurdiotan today. Embattled
          Iranian army troops remained in de-
          fensive positions in their garrison
          post while Kurdish insurgents man-
          ned rifles behind sandbags.
          A government delegation, headed
          by Ayatallah Mohmoud Taleghani,
          met with Kurdish groups here in an
          effort to dampen the anger of Kurd-
          ish nationalists and to forge a cease-
          Interior Minister Sagerhadge Sa-
          vadi said bath sides agreed to a cease-
          fire and that Kurds held prisoner in
          the army post would be released.
          Taleghani said even though the
          Kurds were entitled to their own eul-
          tore and language “you are Iranian.”
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          Reproduced wfth perm ss on of the copyright owner Further reproduction proh bfted wfthout perm ss on

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