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Iran’s Gluttonous Revolution

          PARIS, 14—
          eats its es t t
          the so-eater tt e wai
          the utto y. !r nn
          the il ri Cc i r .
          As er ci ve ; r r;•:
          •srnce the iesseo re1i f c 2 e
          . rerurn. But ira trava a tne r-
          • to t ci ai r .in ft
          have not eased.
          President ti Sadr, hi seIf -
          .slegod, s aic that jr r a I aif
          years of revrlut v r jr tj e
          try's cm has rser e i in e very
          way. There Is no securjtv, the ecoi
          ortiy is crippled, the war with fraç
          goes on, he a d in a s .a emenz issued.
          f rn his office whiie d rn t3 -s
          e tside caijed fcir his death as they had
          os tce called for the teeth of the Sh it
          eports frz Ttharan c1 a doc
          mont d i -ted by re ar eziles in
          . the United States show that the
          t 'acn is worse than are '. ft ha
          ‘veloped a gory log c that can only
          bring monnting disaster.
          The Ir anian pariiarnem meets in
          charade c -f 1es'aijrr , O ‘rv ac
          cuses the President of tre sc. a .i4 su
          i tha t.
          hostility against t e fttarn (C osne -.
          - ni) and the relip ous leader jp rnea
          hostility aga i nst God,”
          It has to consider a now code, b-
          mitted by the Prime ? tiaister for tinal:
          appr vai, which thchifes a “Bill cf
          Vengeance.” mjr
          firmed as authentic by
          mats in Teheran, osten .y c ie-
          ments ls amic law thottz f ew Mns
          lems elsewhere wotthl accem it. Its
          very detail and precision snake itsncre
          ppa1lin even than the frenzied v .
          lence of chaos.
          Peditated n 'iurder. the bill stiles.
          is sub ect to oo .ssas (ven reance) and
          the parent, unrd ax or n :r 4j tf
          the victim may siay the n rw th
          :the assent of an jrjaj jr se
          repr entatlve. The crime need be es-
          l tablished only ‘by t timony of t'wo
          J .ctU ,
          ,? J ' ‘ ‘ P..
          By FIord Lewis
          male witnesses arid the sCotence is to
          •ecartied out ime iistsly.
          i f a Moslem man has hilled a Mo' .-
          tern woman. her inrni! rnu t nay h un
          heif i'iis hoon-bchs (rkKxl worth) be-
          • ora itjnr him. ut If a omai
          has murtiere man. to oerizftv need
          he paid for taa.tzg revenge.
          - If an kn urv short o death has been
          inflicted, the width, isr th and depth
          of the v eefui wc r . i ; iusa be ecual.
          An es : r n sr zi
          wh her e .asureo in depth.
          u 'ye fairness. c: zent of
          the m ;rQ ‘r.uat o aar r accu-
          E o clcthes aver the sn at must
          he cve or an r stiaved,
          end if the rimn z,al steirta ce may
          cause an inareese to titC carent of tfle
          tao.toi - ' wound, henhe ano feet
          Vor: ance can be a cttad irarnecli-
          sly o :er the cnrae, arid if later tho
          &e. of the iunds. the
          can be II of a
          These ar& nrdv tt -acts •tf the bill.
          • a more ct: J rn '. !n:i zht than
          r riots Into
          the rure life w th ominam
          to - e ir : Ca-
          a t iLS ‘gr -oss o t r. o huruari
          ‘ - r - av
          “T- tnfsz:- - s are is-
          — sr 2xt when me times
          require silence and silence when it is
          time to speak.”
          What can we say that mist make a
          as before the r'evciu.
          tior.. we are now l crested In the
          ssr.tez c ahe mariona! siznificance
          of Iranian vcnts arid little concerned
          with how s'oonte there treitt aci other.
          That led to dis  t for the United
          States before, and so it mioht again.
          nmcai:v, the r':i so far has
          not prevohad the widespread catastro-
          phes eiseeriiere that were feared. With
          the industrial world in recession,
          Iran's oil is not missed. The long,
          stalemated war with Iraq has not
          spread as yet, and patr-iotjc reaction
          Seems to have held off the danger of
          iran's spiirtixu into fragrre that
          wcvujd tempt Ereedy neighbors, eepe-
          cially the Sovict.s,
          Thaucth Communists and pro-Soviet
          agents are evidcnt y active, Moscow
          has remaine ' remarkably cautious in
          tryica any eve t moves, And the vis
          ible failure of the revolutic ,, to im-
          prove anyone's lot seems to have con-
          tained extlosior,s of fundamentalist
          in the rest C! the islamic
          But almost a ‘thinu still can hsr-
          pen, except, it seems, the emer2en
          0? a happ er, more hi.ixnane society
          which rnir,ht provide the Moslem
          model so matw of the ctriciriaj revolu-
          tionaries honest to achieve.
          For the a'iorrisr t, Ath istan arid
          Poland are sr -oinr : oo .Y busy arid
          the United Soates has ori time toplaii
          defense of strategic Western j,nter ' t
          in the rsrittn. Certairt y, there is r.oth-
          irig the U.S. Cover merit can do now to
          relieve the dreadful situation inside
          Iran, though as people we can try to
          sustain the wan hopes of moderates
          with concern and syrnpathy .It will be
          anti-American if we e000urare or even
          are mdirferenz to roores: on.
          The va uet of Icierance anti compas-
          sion nre in shore suppjv in the world.
          That's the buildup everyone needs in
          sc3f-defen e. - -
          THE NEW YOF . K TiME M DAY JUNE 15. 1951

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