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Iran’s leadership guilty of crimes against humanity

          5/31/2011 Iran's leadership guilty of crimes against...
          Iran's leadership guilty of crimes against humanity
          June 8, 2010
          Other recent newsletters
          Iran: In Suooort of the International
          Campaign Against the Death Penalty
          February 22, 2011
          says report by UN jurist
          Iran Uses the Holidays to Announce the
          Imminent Execution of a Student
          Iran 's Supreme Leader, Au Khamenei, former December 24, 2010
          President A u Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, recent Iran Cannot Hide the Truth Behind
          presidential candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi, and a Sakineh
          number of sifting and retired judges and officials, December 10, 2010
          including former head of the Supreme Court,
          Abdolkarim Mousavi Ardebili, are all liable to arrest Iran: A Reflection on the Death Penalty
          under international law for complicity in the murder of and a Failed Anti-Narcotic Campaign
          thousands of political prisoners at the end of the October 31, 2010
          Iran/Iraq War. This is the conctusion of a 145-page
          report by Geoffrey Robertson QC, who urges the Iran's Interrupted Lives
          Security Council to set up a special court, along the October 1, 2010
          lines of the International Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Three Iranian human rights activists
          Rwanda, to try these men “for one of the worst single receive the Lech Walesa Prize
          human rights atrocities since the Second World War”. September 29, 2009
          The report concludes that the leaders were guilty of Terror in Buenos Aires : The Islamic
          implementing a fatvka issued by Ayatollah Khomeini in Republic's Foraotten Crime Against
          July 1988, which sentenced thousands of political Humanity
          prisoners to death without a trial. At Tehran's notorious July 18, 2009
          Evin Prison and twenty other prisons throughout Iran,
          dissidents who had previously been sentenced to Authorization Denied: The high cost of
          various prison terms and had refused to recant their the public expression of dissent in Iran
          religious beliefs were blindfolded and paraded before July 9, 2009
          judges who directed thousands to the gallows. “They
          were hung from cranes, four at a time, or in groups of Neither Free Nor Fair, Elections in the
          six from ropes hanging from the stage of the prison Islamic Republic of Iran
          assembly hall. Their bodies were doused with June 12, 2009
          disinfectant, packed in refrigerated trucks, and buried Thirty Years A o in Iran
          by night in mass graves, the locations of which are still February 11, 2009
          withheld from their families.”
          >> And more.. .
          Mr Robertson concludes that the leaders of Iran
          planned for this “final solution” when it became clear
          that they would have to accept a truce with Iraq. Death Visit the Human Rights and
          committees (a religious judge, a prosecutor and an Democracy Library
          intelligence official) were sent to prisons to arrange the
          extermination of steadfast sympathizers of Mojahedin International Human Rights
          Khalq Organization. Then came the turn of the Organizations' Reports on Human Rights
          Marxists and atheists who were born in Muslim Abuses in Iran
          families and were declared apostates. The men were Testimonies of Victims and Perpetrators
          hanged and the women were tortured until they of Human Rights Abuses in Iran
          iran rights.org/engl ish/newsletter-14.ph p 1/3
          5/31/2011 Iran's leadership guilty of crimes against...
          repented. Iran's Pro-democracy Voices
          The evidence set out in the report shows that the >> And more.. .
          victims were killed because of their beliefs about
          religion — because they were atheists or because they
          were Muslims who opposed the Ayatollah's version of
          Islam (the “Guardianship of the Jurist”) that had been
          adopted by the theocratic state. Mr Robertson points
          out that the crime of genocide includes the destruction
          of groups because of their religious beliefs or non-
          beliefs and that those who implemented the fatvka,
          which directed the extermination of prisoners because
          of their different religious beliefs, were committing
          genocide. The significance of this finding is that it
          would give the international community a legal basis
          for arresting many of the present leadership of Iran.
          The report uncovers official statements justifying the
          slaughter and identifies those present leaders who are
          suspected of participating in its implementation and
          cover-up. The best known are the current Supreme
          Leader, Ayatollah A u Khamenei, and Hojatoleslam AJi
          Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Commander of the Armed
          Forces at the time, who would have dispatched the
          killing squads. The report uncovers hitherto unknown
          statements by Mir Hossein Moussavi justifying the
          action, the then Prime Minister and now one of the
          leaders of the reform movement. Mr Robertson says
          “he has not given any account of his role at the time, or
          his reaction to it today, although he is frequently asked.
          His statements at the time were part of the cover-up”.
          Mr. Robertson names other currently powerful judges
          as being complicit in the killings. He says that the
          scale and cold-bloodedness of these killings, and the
          fact that they were carefully planned, makes them of
          greater infamy that the slaughter at Srebrenica and the
          allied prisoner death marches by Japan at the end of
          World War II.
          The report accuses Tehran of continuing to deny
          relatives of the victims their right to know where their
          loved ones are buried. Some months after they were
          killed, the families were given plastic bags containing
          their belongings, but were refused all information about
          their burial places. The location of mass graves has
          been established in Tehran's cemetery area, but
          attempts by families to gather there to mourn on
          anniversaries of the massacre have been dispersed
          by the authorities.
          The situation in Iran today, the report argues, illustrates
          the consequences of impunity for crimes against
          humanity that have never been properly investigated or
          acknowledged. Some of the leaders who engaged in
          iran rights.org/engl ish/newsletter-14.ph p 2/3
          5/31/2011 Iran's leadership guilty of crimes against...
          such a level of lawlessness and barbarity against their
          own people and their acolytes remain in powerful
          positions in the judiciary and the state, whose
          Supreme Leader AJi Khamenei has in the past year
          called upon the Revolutionary Guards to use violence
          against peaceful protests. “Those staged television
          show trials of the 1980s, with televised ‘confessions'
          by leftist prisoners wracked by torture and fear for their
          families, writes Geoffrey Robertson, re-emerged in
          2009, this time featuring ‘Green Movement' reformists
          confessing to participation in an international
          conspiracy. Once again, dissidents are being
          prosecuted for being moharebs (“warriors against
          God”) and some are being sentenced to death”.
          Mr Robertson argues that the Security Council has the
          power and the duty to set up a special court to
          prosecute those responsible for the massacre
          “because there is no statute of limitations on crimes
          against humanity”.
          The inquiry was conducted for the Washington-based
          Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation, an NGO
          concerned with human rights and democracy in Iran.
          Copyright © 2011, Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation t Back to top
          iran rights.org/engl ish/newsletter-14.ph p 3/3

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