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Iran’s opposition will keep up government protest: Karoubi

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          Iran 's opposition will keep up government
          protest: Karoubi
          Tue Aug 4, 2009 7:49am EDT
          MADRID (Reuters) - Defeated Iranian presidential candidates Mehdi
          Karoubi and Mirhossein Mousavi will keep up protests against the
          government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Karoubi was quoted as
          saying on Tuesday.
          Karoubi, the most liberal of Ahmadinejad's three opponents in the disputed
          June 12 election, has been vocal in his complaints of irregularities in the
          “Neither Mousavi nor I have withdrawn. We will continue to protest and we
          will never collaborate with this government. We will not harm it, but we will
          criticize what it does,” Karoubi said in an interview with the El Pais Spanish
          He attributed recent unrest and street protests in the country squarely on
          the way authorities handled the election.
          “Qufte honestly, if the authorities had acted in a different way, we would
          never have had these problems, because the majority of those protesting
          only did so for that reason,” Karoubi said.
          The Iranian people want a solution to the unrest and stability as soon as
          possible, he said, adding that both he and Mousavi are concerned about the
          killing of street protesters.
          Karoubi is in favor of negotiations with the United States and other Western
          governments to attempt to open up the channels of communication with
          “The most beneficial thing for the Iranians is negotiations. Nobody benefits
          from our ongoing problems with the United States,” he said.
          (Reporting by Judy MacI nnes)
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          1 of 1 8/13/2009 3:40 PM

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