Aadel Collection

Islamic Republic in Cross-Fire From East and West (5/29/1983)

          • Islamic Republic In Cross-Fire -
          From Eastand'ëst
          TEHRAN, May 28 (IRNA) — While the propaganda.
          machine of the Soviet Union continues to lash out at Iran
          because of Its having arrested Moscow's veteran spies (Tudeh
          party members), the U.S. administratiOn in a massive Pro-
          paganda tirade called for a halt in prosecution of Zionist spies in
          The U.S. Pressident, Ronald Reagan, supported by the
          Zionists In U.S. on their b ha1f, and in a bid to win the next
          presidential elections, has resorted to a new propaganda gim-
          mick. In an unprecedented manner, he. condemned the arrest
          and punishment of Bahai spies in Iran. Immediately the United
          Press International which has been recently purchased by
          Zionist Bahais relayed the news across the world. Precise
          synchronism and coordination of the u.s. propaganda, with the
          unprecedented propnganda efforts of the Soviets in a bid to
          white-wash Kremlin's spies in Iran, is not just accidental.
          In this connection, the Voice of America (VOA) in a
          broadcastlaSt Wednesday night, voicing the official concernS of
          Washington, tried to make it so understood that Bahais in Iran
          were persecuted because of their belief. The broadcast did not
          even refer to the fact that the nucleus of the Zionist Bahais is in
          occupied Palestine and there Is no doubt about animosity of
          Zionism with Islam.
          The said broadcast did not make the slightest reference that in
          Islamic ban all foreign spies and traitorous agents are subject to
          arrest regardless of their profession of any faith or creed.
          The fact is that Islamic Revolution of Iran motivated by Its
          spiritual concerns, ever since its victory, has countered relent-
          lessly and with stern measures plots of spies of east and west In a
          any form and under any disguise.
          Furthermore, it is clear that western media controlled by the
          Zionists and also any other media dominated by west, would not
          • let people of the world know that these very people whom they
          • were referring to as “innocent”, “freedom loving” and
          “humanitarian”, were In fact spies whose activities were dic-
          tated by their Zionist masters and that activities of these spies
          • paved the way for crimes against humanity and freedom. While,
          no doubt, what superpowers cared for is what they gain from
          these spies and the big powers were not concerned in the least
          with the personal well-being of these people.
          International Zionism has been providing all political, mate-
          rial,. propaganda and guidelines for the anti-Islamic and pro-
          Zionist Bahai sect, the idea behind whose formation was
          undermining Islam.
          It is interesting that the occupied Palestine has now been
          turned into a center for this political sect, and It is in the Zionist
          occupied Palestine that they gather and hatch their conspiracies.
          For Instance, last month, supporters of this Zionist group
          gathered in Haifa, and discussed their present situation and
          future plans. It was in this gathering that It was decided the
          western media, dominated by Zionists, should play a greater
          role in anti-Islamic propaganda, and in an attempt to exonerate
          the arrested spies. •
          B POOO263

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