Aadel Collection

Isolated skirmishes reported in Kurdistan on anniversary of Khomeini’s return

          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Feb 2, 1980; Section: None; Page: 7
          Isolated skinnisbes, répotteki in Kurdistan on anniversary of Khomeini's return
          Iran celebrates a year
          ot the Ayatollalfs rule
          © Guardian News and Media Limited
          Front Rester Is Tehran
          S died £ thosesda of
          Joyful J ranoasa yesterday ee 1
          A t I I h 0th mel r t n t
          t 7 a exile
          1anlimn gathered outside a
          nncth Tot an hospital whore
          Ito 79-yoae'eld Ayatsllaln as re'
          nevormg tram a heart ailment.
          they robbed as speakers teals-
          gsled tIle leader
          Then, chanting slogans and
          waviag banners, they marched
          fine miles to the university to
          tube poet in Friday prayers.
          Lena elabara ed dejnonatra n
          oranan Ilea.
          Tehran march recalled
          nsa smaller scale, lbcstceen
          ado year ago when ap to tour
          anlillan people poured into the
          stmttn to welcome show tore.
          Addressing Friday prayers,
          the Spirilaat leader, lgo 1 oea-
          Inaism deyyed A u Xhaoeeee'l,
          described last week's pres lden-
          li d electlono, wan by the
          F S at S S I
          s an g at vs ‘
          lOojatadenlam Xhamenr'i, a
          leader of the Islamic Reaabii-
          can Party, whano rundidato wan
          diaqnallfied Cram the elections
          em a treheicalily, ntroek a eoe •
          dilatory nnte to htr Bani-Sadr
          whoa he said — May thin groat
          vic000a b , asaplolesan to the embassy as cover tar their dc
          P; nt 50 0 sob by Tb eobsarfl I d
          Sal, Sojatsleslain Mehamnnad floe day after sin 115 £mbanay
          Mehaltati, a sh. in a reference officials steel the noustee, pes-
          In the fertheeonieg parliament- Leg as Canadiaoa, C We put
          ary electinna, float it was Aya- op aLgae saying the embassy
          tsllah Kieawebsi'a will ta elect was closed. Whoa people came
          revalolimenry' figures and ‘to. In, I railed It a new national
          veal the platters.” Canadian der — dent ask me
          Mr Baei'Jadr will reportedly what it was.' a anilitar's pelice
          sake his presidential oath sergeant told. ale decliaed to
          before .Ayalullah Khomeini at nay how the emboesy sheltered
          tie hospital art Menday. The she sit Americasa otd gal
          Iranian leader, who was lahee them anal at Iran.
          oeliel nine dayn ago, will o n adds a' ” t nvoshinplnn:
          stay there hr she lime being. Lawyers soy they will oat the
          je ]rae'a accosted liacdiah huprtnte Court to decide if the
          g o l ted k 9 r °r t h the a'ght
          were reported En ro te villages deola asd depeet who
          yeyierday, u hr a sources are in the United Staten Ills-
          sat t 4 gaily.
          were qaseen a ci m coon- On Thoraday, line tiff cIrcuit
          ‘ a I f ca In lsr the Din-
          The rmnsne tar she 5ttOl trirt of Celoombia declined to
          ‘ronlenre boners maine d reetnaitter a ruling hy a three-
          obscure and Intro baa bees Jadge panel uphoalditg Pceni-
          dlnagreeaeeni about casualty dent Carters pregrannohe.
          figures. The athhst Pars news Sate the Preaidept'n order
          ‘ a httb 12 x°° /h went s al effect fl it ad the
          t tIe' d' ‘ ‘“ 5g,t04 Iranian snudeotn who re-
          eeeeral tinn hi her Ported Mttoeltiea dertng a
          sin-week prriod tees (mattel in
          Meaawldle, in Caeada, It was violation, and 55 gels velnatar-
          revealed thai diplomata in ily. Ana lher h,Shl kayo agreed
          Trhran declared as nonched- to depart waloelneity Ia the
          uled notional haiidaa' last Soy- next month, whIle 43 moce
          day, whew they closed their date depertaliors.
          Aoi aeaIan woman weepa outsIde the lonspiinl ‘where Ayatollah Khomeini Ia ceenperating from a heart ailoseat
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
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