Aadel Collection
Khomeini Asserts Bani-Sadr Can Carry Out Duties
THE NEW YORK TIMES, MONDAY TUNE 15, 1981 A9 .1. ‘ Khomeini As èth Bani Sadr Can Carry Out Duties TEHERAN. Iran. June 16 (R iters) — 1 ia seen as: possible prelude to the for- amid shouts of protest. Broadcas ing of Ayatollah RuhoUah icr ie1r i said today ( r iai & missai ci ir. i aru-Sadr. it was th p eed'iii ar ed the first time ths that - President Aboihassan lsni-SadrI not in uediatt ly clear what Impact tne 1 State ntrC I e i meci:a carried Mr Bani- cot id s Carry c.t r r . ty enj Ma ohah s re- arlts wouid ha' e on the Sadr s mess e r'e Preside'i aistrth-' be ia. eai str't jed ot mast o his mo as in Parii rrent regarding f ut o it thro aices Fro.ay and it was wer , li his rcie as commander j widely beam in Persian-language foreign of the ar e d forces. The P i 'd t issued a statement Fn- radio broadcasts. l of the 4' - . ear-uld Presi- dev saving th. . ‘ s er em e t u begun an The remaric of 81 ear-ola A's atoilah ôent e aowars have already been striptied eftort to remove him tnnzi office arid the supreme reuigous and political lead- from hi-n b' . the c1ersr .dominatea egis- murae'hirn we he called on the iranian er Caine in asi coifress to mu ta-' co'n lative branch of Gvemment. people to resist what he said was a grow- j manders in which he told the officers that The Ayet.c iah's statement came as the ing ictato ._tip. they must avoid involvement in political Spee er ol t ea& ma'ters ia 1 bl a e f an attempt by more than Speaking at the mo&'ue ndxt to his 12( -ciep ties to debate Mr. i nni -Saor's Mr. Bam-Sadr's statement was read in borne in a northern Teheran suburb, the as e icent su f 1 at the opening of Parliament today revolutio'iar leader aeclared 9 em plu ticaflv order the commander that poiltical iss ues must not be raised in the The Ayotollah. in en aparent. refer- -ease to Mr. Br -6a ir s accusations, told the militar ' chiets: Nothing new ties hanfer ed. The Pi-osiderit can carry out his duty as the Pi-t±sident. lt is riet-nec.es- for air. to be the chief oi so-and-so.” Mr. nl -Satir was said by a spokes- man for i• Pre - dein a office to be at his hriir tb ::: ridentiai cornpaund in ade r xrted yester- th .u Lt ‘ iiut i was a. a secret 1c at1en ‘?y r - . bys rror ers. cr h t Paths- r eig u - th s'tsic wa ad-journed it t ?) .-i”i ”w,q. ..: 5 -S Ti . ! Sri I)tlUT Was de— c i. the presidency. iaker •ioshe: ‘,i Rafs : ani, who said yesterday after calling on Ayatollah Kbo- uiemi that It would be better for the i President to stay In his posithm, used a rocedurzl tactic to biock debate on Mr. iani-Sadr a competence to remain in of- fr e. esides the mayor netitian ouestiorun! the President's coir.setence, a er grcrct of 18 deputies tirried a se arate aeciararion . accur .In the Frenc -ecu- ceted Pree &ejt of lm ith riots snd sedi- tion. X ua. the p iiec said the issue of Mr. ahi-Sadfs am'etenee was oi such na- ta -iai that it had to be care- Miv par . d by the Parliament's 12.. member manes eriai board. The Sneaker gave no indication today when the deputies' netition esigat be de- bated. Although the ass mbiv As sched- uled to re ire its work tomorrow, It Is not certain that It will debate the Bani- Sadr issue. Eascuticas Are eported UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., June 14 — Se' en members of iran's Babel rei ious minority wei-e enecited at dawn today in :&maclan. s uthrest c- ' Teheran, a sç okesrmtn br a 2Sahai wren- at the nited Nations said toucy. The spohesman, Geraid Knigiut, whcse has Umecd atioai ac it sior asa nongovernmental canizanicni, said his mntormatim caine s rn souroes inside ‘I be ci-oirges atsirist the saven were not known, ha said, i-Xe said this brought to 42 the number of js known to iawe been executed in Iran sInce October J,i 79, BP0O099 .- - -
THE NEW YORK YJME S M D.4Y JUNE 15. 29 1 A23 - eats its ci1d . L es the p-eater t e uDa 'a e thegtuto nrr . - tree r -t r z.. ':: dictatorsh r . er c ir s e:' : srnce the iHesse reH f r h t : ‘return. t irsi 's trv/ a :? t e zn- teratici d rs an have not eased. President EarJ-Sadr, himself be-- sleged, lies s that in and a half yea!! of revO1ut or arv rtie try's ct 'ndi ion has z rsenec I a every way. There is co securtt- , orny is cripp'ed, the war with Ji a goes on, he a d in a statement -inst ed. from bis office rhile derno rat t once calleDownload Attachments: